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Закладки каннабиса Вена

Закладки каннабиса Вена

Закладки каннабиса Вена



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Закладки каннабиса Вена

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Закладки каннабиса Вена

В Германии легализуют марихуану

Закладки каннабиса Вена

Cannabis is pretty easily available in Vienna, as long as you have a good guide. Just like with most of the other big European cities, the train and subway stations are crawling with dealers who are walking around selling weed and other drugs. The same rules apply as with the stations. Depending on your age and clothes, you will get offered to buy some weed if you just pass by, the dealers are usually Arab or black. The way weed dealers in Vienna work is, they will give you a nod and if you nod back at them, they will approach you and sell you. Often times, the dealer that approaches you is not actually carrying any weed on them. Instead, they will lead you to a guy around the corner or a spot where the weed is hidden. When it comes to the quality of cannabis in Vienna, it can depend a lot, especially from street dealers. Most of the times, the dealers will sell you low-quality, brown weed that is not very good but will get you high. The hash in Vienna is usually of better quality, probably because the majority of the dealers are Arabs and have good sources. It is common for the dealers to give you 0. You can expect to pay 10 euros, but sometimes you might get asked for more if that is the case negotiate down. Despite the wide availability, cannabis is illegal in Austria. Medicinal marijuana, on the other hand, is legal. The laws and the police will focus on the producers and sellers, rather than the common users, so things are not too bad, but not legal either. Generally, when the police catch you, they will determine if the weed on you is for personal use or for selling. For small quantities, the maximum penalty is 6 months in prison. However, you will most likely not get the maximum, especially as a tourist you might get away with a warning. You can usually expect a fine or enrollment in a rehabilitation program as a local. Hey, this helped a lot. I got off the metro at Westbahnhof and there were Arab guys practically begging me to buy some hash. But it is a very shady araa, surprisingly considering how close it is in the center. I got about 1 gram I think I got a bit less, not sure for 10 euros. The quality is mediocre, but it worked. You must be logged in to post a comment. Vienna is easily the most beautiful city in the whole of Europe and it is also a very weed-friendly one. Read on for more details on the marijuana situation in Vienna. Where to get weed in Vienna:. Log in to Reply. Leave a Comment Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment.

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Getty Images. В Германии планируют легализовать марихуану. На документ ссылается издание Handelsblatt. Партии намерены четыре года наблюдать за тем, как будет работать нововведение, а затем дать ему оценку. В качестве аргумента за введение такой инициативы ее авторы приводят тот факт, что нелегальная продажа грозит повсеместным распространением некачественного продукта. По их мнению, легализация позволит 'осушить' черный рынок. По данным СМИ, ежегодный оборот нелегального рынка каннабиса в Германии оценивается в 2 миллиарда евро. Марихуана легализована для личного использования в лечебных целях в ряде американских штатов, в Канаде, частично легализована в Нидерландах и ряде других стран. Новости smi2. Вы можете получать оповещения от vesti. Подписаться Отменить подписку.

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