Закладки каннабиса Мальта

Закладки каннабиса Мальта

Закладки каннабиса Мальта

Закладки каннабиса Мальта



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Закладки каннабиса Мальта

Закладки каннабиса Мальта

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Закладки каннабиса Мальта

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Закладки каннабиса Мальта

In , real GDP growth increased by 5. The amendments to the Drug Dependence Act were enacted on 23rd March by Maltese parliament after its third and final reading. The law permits doctors to prescribe cannabis to patients suffering from chronic pain, spasticity in multiple sclerosis and side effects of chemotherapy. Products must be consistently produced and controlled in accordance with the quality standards appropriate to their intended use and in line with the current good manufacturing practice guidelines published by the European Union Commission. Whether local or overseas, cultivation of cannabis to be subsequently manufactured in Malta, must be in accordance with Good Agricultural and Collection Practices GACP , backed by a documented quality system. The issuing of a licence is subject to the submission, by the applicant, of documentation, including that for due diligence, required by the Medicines Authority to ensure fulfillment of licencing requirements as well as the compliance with, and attainment of, any other conditions, licences and authorization required under the relevant legislation. Moreover, a letter of intent will be required from Malta Enterprise. Malta can include among its medical cannabis partners companies from a diverse range of countries, including Australia, Canada, Israel and more:. Such facilities will also be subject to an additional fee per footprint allocated for cultivation purposes. Cannabis Legalization in Malta. License and Letter of Intent The issuing of a licence is subject to the submission, by the applicant, of documentation, including that for due diligence, required by the Medicines Authority to ensure fulfillment of licencing requirements as well as the compliance with, and attainment of, any other conditions, licences and authorization required under the relevant legislation. Tags: cannabis Europe cannabis legalization Malta. Previous Next. Pin It on Pinterest. Please Share Our Post!

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