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See videos too. For more photos see: Flat list of event graphics and photos. Alphabetical order by city. There are many more images there than are shown below. Click Full site for images below. Universal healthcare versus drug war. Canadian single-payer healthcare and Portuguese drug decriminalization. May 16, No one has been arrested for simple possession under the limits since drug decriminalization started in Portugal in There were around , US drug overdose deaths in the year ending April 30, Only around 30 to 50 per year in Portugal. Vote out most Republicans! Ballotpedia issues: marijuana and minimum wage. It is not socialist. It is Common Sense. See: List of minimum wages by country. And: Medicare-for-all, like Canada, is not socialist either. A record. Republican state governments in 28 states passed laws to prevent cities from raising the minimum wage. Far-right talk radio helps Republicans do this. Republicans block cheap municipal broadband in 26 states. GMM Facebook. US Republicans. Their cannabis war! Ballotpedia: marijuana and minimum wage. Tax the rich! End drug war! However, with Republicans holding a supermajority in both chambers, Schmuhl admitted chances are slim. Minimum wage needs to be raised in Republican states where it is low. See US map. Click states for rates by state. See tables in Wikipedia: Minimum wage in the United States. Article: The letter cites the Democratic primary debate in November , during which Biden laid out his views on marijuana reform. Mathias Cormann calls for fossil fuel subsidies to be abolished. And: Inequality chart. Ongoing investigation into more cops. Prison terms already served by some cops. Racist prosecutors delayed releasing footage. Cop had done this before. Calls for prosecuting the cop. Why is the illicit market still thriving? With all traditionally blue states out of the way, red states are now weighing their options. See Wikipedia: TikTok. Sales taxes on cannabis are regressive taxes that hurt the poor the most, and force people to the illegal market. Vote them all down. Progressive income taxes are much fairer taxes. Rich Republican leaders hate them. Repeal the Trump tax cuts for the rich. Support minimum wage increases. Death for 2 pounds. These fascist countries with the death penalty. AND around , overdose deaths a year from its Republican -led drug war. Versus Portugal with around 50 deaths a year via decrim since Four small bottles of vape oil and a vape pen. This Philly neighborhood is purportedly the largest open-air narcotics market for heroin on the East Coast. And: Melissa Etheridge on using marijuana instead of prescription drugs. See: study on cannabis vs opioids. The many photos and hundreds of rallies across the nation are great. Makes me miss having hundreds of global cannabis marches. Taliban Republicans may be crushed in the midterm elections due to this. That would be great for cannabis reform, too. Newsom approves sweeping reforms to law enforcement in California. Last year, Jackie Lacey Democrat , then the district attorney, dismissed 66, convictions. Lobbying to federally deschedule cannabis. Wikipedia: Cannabis in Italy. Nurse shortage at crisis level. Wikipedia: List of countries by total health expenditure per capita. See: Canadian single-payer healthcare and Portuguese drug decriminalization. Single-payer healthcare costs less and gets better results :. Sentenced to death on Sep 3, for grams of cannabis. Filippo Blengino arrested for posting a video about growing cannabis. Processed Illegal Marijuana. Article, photos. Here are 49 scientific studies that explain why they do. Adults Have Tried Marijuana. Wikipedia: United States drug overdose death rates and totals over time. US drug overdose numbers: Over 99, died in 12 month period ending Mar 31, Contrast with Portugal at around 30 to 50 deaths per year. Portugal decriminalized all drugs in Further study needed to see if this helps relieve depression. See: Actual study. He deserves recognition. Cannabis is safer than the alcohol craziness at the Olympics. Debt in America: An Interactive Map. See the map there, and above. See the astonishing percentages of adults with debt in collection. By county. Especially in the South. The South has been greatly impoverished by low Republican minimum wages, lack of expanded Medicaid, unfair bankruptcy laws , massive evictions past and upcoming. The cannabis party makes the leap into national politics. Legalized recreational marijuana could return to ballot. Senate seeking public comment on cannabis legalization. Wikipedia: Universal health care. And: List of countries with universal health care. Supreme court strikes down laws that ban use of recreational marijuana. Drug users Republican kids too put up against a wall and shot. And for-profit GOP healthcare likes the business. CannaParade and Marche Mondiale du Cannabis. World Cannabis March. Wealth inequality at levels not seen since just before the Great Depression. Republican tax cuts for the rich. Record low inflation-adjusted US federal minimum wage. Time magazine. Republicans block universal healthcare. See section. Cannabis Parade and Rally. As well as other dignitaries. Now What? By Colin Moynihan. About Dana Beal. From New York Times. Got vaxxed — get grass; Free joints in Union Square for proof of jabs. Many photos. It was strange — I mean, after spending almost 23 years in prison for cannabis, and now all of a sudden I can go into the store right here? The state will also launch a legal, regulated market'. No Republicans supported the measure. New York City. Looks like we legalized marijuana just in time:. Republicans oppose social and economic justice issues. See also: Wikipedia: Gerrymandering. The bill was previously passed by the Senate in November \\\\\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\\\\], but it will have to be voted on again following changes made in the lower chamber. The drug war has left an enormous human death toll, with more than , homicides since it began in Not a single Republican \\\\\\\\\\\\\[dumbasses! Vote for cannabis. Medicare spends less than 2 percent on bureaucracy. See chart. We need Medicare for All. Nearly a third of our health care dollars go for something other than health care. Health insurance companies, for example. See also:. The state of the nation. See: More News. And: Cannabis is safer. Vote out most US Republicans and their cannabis war. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Real democracy is ranked-choice voting instant-runoff. And: Remove Presidential veto power. Event links: talk. This news feed may have long lapses. To Top or End. Return to top. See Global Marijuana March and map. And: event lists. Wikipedia: Cannabis by country. Search for: marijuana march videos. And more. Find GMM graphics and other event graphics. And: Google site search. GMM years signed up. Google site search no longer works well. It does not find all the yearly city lists containing a city name. Special:Search works well. Click: 'Global Marijuana March maps'. This is an advanced search of main pages and templates. This will pull up all yearly maps in which the city is listed. Except for , , , due to various problems. Putting quotes around multi-word city names helps focus the search: 'New York City'. Yearly maps. See: and Global Cannabis March event lists by year. See: GMM links. Yearly event links in many cases will no longer be added to city pages due to the amount of work involved. Such links are found in the yearly city lists and maps. Graphics and crowd photos will also no longer be added to city pages in many cases. Graphics and photos can be found in this alphabetical flat list. See Global Marijuana March map. See article: Cannabis is safer. And: Holy War on Drugs, Conservative-led global incarceration. Share link: Obama. See longer article: Cannabis is safer. Above quote is from Sanjay Gupta interview of Obama on April 15, Interview aired on CNN on April 19, Register and vote for cannabis. See: Race, ethnicity, and drug war. See: more info. How to win the war on drugs. Quote: 'The Nixon campaign in , and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did. The Republican Party has used its Drug War as a 50 year distraction. All to serve the rich. See Wikipedia: War on drugs. See Race, ethnicity, and drug war. See Wikipedia: Southern Strategy - Keeping poor whites and blacks fighting against each other, instead of the real enemy, the Republican low-tax-paying rich. A GOP playbook that has never ended, and played out yet again by billionaire Trump until he was dumped in See: Happy alternatives to Republican-led poverty, mass incarceration, food insecurity, debt, ill health, intense concentration of wealth, endless wars. See Wikipedia: Filibuster. Republicans have disenfranchised black, brown, and poor white people via 'The New Jim Crow' ; the drug war and mass incarceration. See: Holy War on Drugs, Conservative-led global incarceration. The forever war on the poor. Republican filibuster says to Americans: 'Heads we win, tails you lose. What democracy? When Democrats have the majority, the Republican minority uses the filibuster to block higher taxes on the rich, and to block lower taxes on the middle class and poor. When Republicans have the majority they use budget reconciliation to use their simple majority to lower taxes on the rich, and increase user fees, sales taxes, and other regressive taxation to increase taxes on the poor and middle class. Minimum wage workers crushed while serving the Republican low-tax-paying rich:. Chart below. Yellow is for an average increase in cost for people in those groups. Higher costs hitting more people each year. See: More inequality charts. Median wealth is exactly in the middle. Wealth is all assets money, stocks, property, etc. Low federal minimum wage. Plus predatory mortgage loans and foreclosure. And predatory unforgivable student loans. Google News search: student debt. Instead of paying higher wages, and higher minimum wages. As Canada does. US middle-class wealth has collapsed. See chart below. Timeline below of real inflation-adjusted average US household income by quintile and top 5 percent in dollars. Real wages are not just flat, they are falling. Jeff Stein and Andrew Van Dam. Washington Post. By Bryce Covert. But the rich are doing great. They captured more than half of all the income growth in the country. See: Alternatives to US Republican-led poverty, mass incarceration, food insecurity, debt, ill health, intense concentration of wealth, endless wars. Germany has a much lower murder rate than the USA. Also, Germany has better health indicators, and its healthcare cost per person is half US cost all costs, public and private. See Wikipedia: Household debt. US household debt at all time high. Chart below is from the PDF. Total household debt. From 1st quarter through recent times. Total Household Debt by Type:. See: Canadian single-payer universal healthcare versus US healthcare. By Venessa Wong. BuzzFeed News. One way to lower education costs is to start college earlier. Various countries are granting adult rights at earlier ages: See: Wikipedia: Age of majority by country. Wikipedia: Voting age. When capital gains are included. Paul Buchheit. Common Dreams. For most U. By Drew DeSilver. Pew Research Center. Chart below is from the article. Bottom of chart says: 'Data for wages of production and non-supervisory employees on private non-farm payrolls. It is flat: Bottom of chart below says: 'Data for wages of production and non-supervisory employees on private non-farm payrolls. Medicaid , Medicare , Social Security all came from Democrats. You pay the taxes while healthier. Republicans prefer you die. Google search: 26, Americans die each year from not having health insurance. Based on single-payer, universal healthcare. Eisenhower was not a socialist. He did not support state ownership of industries and businesses. He participated in one of the greatest eras of economic prosperity-for-more in the US in the s. That era had lower overall taxes on the middle class. See: Highest US marginal income tax rates over time. Timeline of top US federal marginal tax rate. Republican president Abraham Lincoln did not believe in state ownership of industries and businesses. So he was not a 'socialist'. Socialism was not well known at that time. See Wikipedia: Socialism. From a message to the U. Congress, 3 December Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration. More sources: \\\\\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. The full speech. See: Facebook image. Thomas Paine statue below in Thetford, England. See: Paine Wikiquotes. Search for 'poor' within those quotes. For example:. When it shall be said in any country in the world, my poor are happy; neither ignorance nor distress is to be found among them; my jails are empty of prisoners, my streets of beggars; the aged are not in want, the taxes are not oppressive; the rational world is my friend, because I am a friend of its happiness: When these things can be said, then may the country boast of its constitution and its government. Overpopulation equals more global warming via less greenspace removing carbon dioxide. Many clueless Republican leaders deny it all. They also block free birth control and universal healthcare. See Wikipedia: Single payer healthcare. It costs less per person and gets better results. As countries prosper, implement economic justice via increasing median wealth, and add universal healthcare; their population stabilizes. See median wealth:. And politicians need to incentivize more hempcrete construction , so that carbon dioxide levels go down. Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. More information. To Top. Or Table top. Or News. Or Home. Canada and Portugal. Vs USA. There were over 99, US drug overdose deaths in the year ending March 31, See: Canadian single-payer healthcare vs US healthcare. And: Canada has far fewer handguns per household. See: Chart. Country Median wealth per adult. US dollars Healthcare cost per person. US dollars PPP. Nations with better and healthier quality of life: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Colin Powell lied. Minimum wage by US state and territory. For the other colors the federal rate applies. Except for 'special minimum wage' that applies to 2 island territories. See source for more info. Mostly in U. Republican states. Percent of adults with overdue debt in collections. See source. Disabled people in the US do not yet have marriage equality , due to the lack of universal healthcare , and due to the disabled marriage penalty. Site navigation \\\\\\\\\\\\\[ edit \\\\\\\\\\\\\] Return to top. See home page. Cannabis is safer. Intentional Homicide Rate by U. Map is for sentenced state prisoners only. No Federal or local jail inmates. News: Americans want universal healthcare and progressive taxation. Median wealth per adult. Credit Suisse. Country links are to Wikipedia articles. Click red column headers to sort. Categories : Cities Global Marijuana March. Namespaces Page Discussion. Views Read Edit View history. More Report a problem. Navigation Home. State of the nation GCM nations. Suggest links. Try editing sandbox Ibogaine heals. Many links All cities. Many events US states International links -- by country -- by region. State of the nation Vote for cannabis Vote out Republicans Wars on demand. Help and tools Admins. Flat list Upload file Upload log. Thumbs Upload multiple files. Return to top Return to top. This page was last edited on 22 April , at Stop Republican wars on cannabis, voting rights, abortion rights, universal healthcare, and living wages:. Minimum wage by country. Mexico City. May 4, See: Source. Cape Town, South Africa. May 5, See source , with more photos. Sao Paulo, Brazil. May 26, Part of ' Green May ' many cities \\\\\\\\\\\\\[2\\\\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\\\\[3\\\\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\\\\[4\\\\\\\\\\\\\] in Brazil. See another photo. See video showing massive crowd from 1 minute on, especially the time lapse video. May 6, May 7, Athens, Greece. May 9, See source , and more photos. Medellin, Colombia. May 3, See more photos: May 4. Also: May 7. Buenos Aires, Argentina. See also: May 5 photo. See street-level crowd shot. See more photos: a, b, c. May 19, Toronto, Canada. May 2, May 8, in Madrid, Spain. For more info and photos: \\\\\\\\\\\\\[8\\\\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\\\\[9\\\\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\\\\[10\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. May 4, in Paris, France in front of the Hotel de Ville. See a source. Nearly a third of our health care dollars go to something other than health care. And: Short-term health plans not Obamacare leave consumers on the hook for massive medical costs, investigation finds. And: MedicareForAll. Source and comments. Proposed bill to produce and export medical cannabis. Liya Milushkina and Artyom Milushkin. How officials used dubious evidence to imprison two Russian activists for a combined See: Russia. Cannabis-related links. Texas polls show that Texans do not agree with Taliban Republican views. Texans, unlike Texas GOP leaders, support abortion rights, cannabis legalization, and a better power grid. Over 99, in the year ending March 31, Between and , he had a true tax rate of 3. The age of mass killings, and authoritarians or Republican wannabes! US Drug War. Putin and Assad : Syrian War. Bush: Iraq War. Hundreds of thousands dead. Tens of thousands killed. Sound familiar? Wikipedia: Crimes against humanity. And vote out Republicans to end the cannabis war. Italy will likely hold a referendum on decriminalizing cannabis next year. Cannabis referendum, , signatures in 48 hours. It also recently declared again that marijuana prohibition is unconstitutional, and possession and cultivation legal. Vaccines and mask mandates work. We deserve better. From another article: 'More than 80 percent of global opium and heroin come from Afghanistan. Packed, maskless rallies and marches are Covid super-spreader events. Though less young people are dying, they still spread Covid to others. More spread equals more deaths. See table and map of world vaccination rates by country click tabs below chart. Fully vaccinated people can still catch and spread the virus, even though they are much less likely to be hospitalized, or die. See article. From article: More than 40 percent of Americans now live in states that have embraced full legalization. The parade of \\\\\\\\\\\\\[Republican \\\\\\\\\\\\\] horribles never came about, and people got more \\\\\\\\\\\\\[Democratic \\\\\\\\\\\\\] freedom. Andrew Cuomo signed a bill Wednesday \\\\\\\\\\\\\[March 31, \\\\\\\\\\\\\] The legislation automatically clears the records of those with past marijuana-related convictions State lawmakers passed the legislation mainly along party lines late Tuesday, \\\\\\\\\\\\\[clueless Republicans opposed it\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. The loss of memory for example. Obama helped turn around the Reagan-Bush War on Pot , mandatory minimums , mass incarceration. See: US incarceration peaked in Republican tax bill hurts the poor more than originally thought, Congressional Budget Office finds. Hong Kong. New Zealand. United Kingdom. South Korea. United States. In other words, the income for a typical worker today buys them less than it did in There was a higher average effective tax rate on the top 1 percent of US households in the s. In it was In the United States, the first progressive federal income tax was established by the Revenue Act of The act was signed into law by Lincoln. It replaced a flat tax. See Wikipedia: Progressive tax.

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