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We act on impulse rather than with clarity and sound judgement. I believe we need to make time to stop and think, and evaluate what we are doing, how we are doing, and how it can be improved. We all have room for improvement. We all have bad habits that we could learn to drop. Notice I said we could learn? You have to be willing to admit you have a bad habit, and be willing to change it though. I found some really amazing quotes that I want to share, and they did make me stop and ponder. I hope they do the same for you too, and cause you to make necessary changes in your own lives. This is a fantastic statement. If you choose to stay angry at someone, it will only eat at you, and tear you apart. When you forgive, you release yourself from being a victim. Forgiveness is what you need to do, in order to be free from pain that was inflicted by someone else. Oh boy. I have to admit in all honesty that I am guilty of this. I have been slowly training myself just to listen. My mom was a great listener. Whenever I went to talk with her, she would put down whatever she was holding, or stop whatever she was doing, and would direct us to sit at the table, or the couch, wherever there was somewhere to sit down. She would fold her hands, and keep direct eye contact with me, lean forward, and just listen. She never interrupted. I always felt so comforted talking with my mom. Most people are not looking for advice, they just want to be heard. Be the listening ear. Offer silence instead of advice. I have so many regrets. I have so many cringe-worthy memories of opening my big fat mouth and saying things that were not appropriate or right. I shudder to think of it. I have said things that I deeply regret. I am a firm believer in making things right though, and I have made amends to those I have hurt. Some have forgiven me, some have not. I have to live with the consequences. I wrote about this in another article. There is no such thing as not having enough time, or being too busy to read a book. Yes there is. It IS a matter of what our priorities are. If you like being fit, then you are probably someone who gets up at the crack of dawn to go jogging, or visit a fitness centre. People who work out and are in shape have worked hard to get there. They find time, and sacrifice time that could be spent staying in bed, or watching TV. There are so many examples I could list. But yet she had time to watch two hours of television. Uh huh. Our lives are certainly different at stages in life. When we are growing up, we are busy with school, and homework, and extra-curricular activities. There are only so many hours in a day. But all the rest of it is our time, and we need to learn how to manage it. Once we graduate and start working, we have work all day. Again, set hours. But what we do before and after work is our call. Once we get married and have kids, the kids seem to take up all our time. But guess what? Learn to find moments to yourself. Plan get-a-way times for yourself, and maybe for you and your spouse. Make what you want and need your priority. Change your mind about it, and decide you ARE a morning person, and just do it. Trust me, it will change your life. Our brains are pretty powerful things. What we say about ourselves is what we will do, and how we behave. Start giving yourself some positive verbal commands, and see how much you can do because you just affirmed that you CAN. If you want to learn more about your brain, and positive affirmations, have a visit here: www. I love this. A good reminder that we need to be content with who we are. Each one of us is unique. There might be others out there that may have similar looks or qualities, but each one of us is entirely different. Even identical twins are different. You just need to be yourself. Every person is different, every family unit is different, and we are all going to have a completely different life than everyone else. Who cares if you are skinny or fat. Tall or short. Loud or quiet. Blonde or brunette. Green eyed or brown eyed. Be yourself, and enjoy it! This is a good one. I had to think about it, and re-read through it slowly so that it actually sunk in. Sometimes we need to take a break, and sit outside in the sunshine with our feet up, perhaps drinking a wine smoothie with a book in hand. Oh wait that would be me wasting time, ha ha. I really enjoy playing candy crush. I love it! I find it relaxing, and enjoyable. What a fantastic quote. Perfect actually. One day I asked him about something, and he had a funny look on his face. I then asked him if he was lying. He looked at me, and then vigorously shook his head yes. You are never in any danger of getting caught. You will live guilt free. What a great way to live, right? Life becomes so much easier if you keep this rule. That is a loaded statement. No thanks! If we continually compare ourselves to a friend who is more beautiful, is skinnier, has nicer clothes, then we will be green with jealousy and envy, making us again bitter twisted, angry individuals. No thanks to that either! We need to focus on our own happiness instead, and try to live out the life we have. If you are fat, find a diet and start exercising. If you are in an unhappy relationship, seek counselling and change it. If you are in a job you hate, start looking for a new one. Only you can make the change, no-one else is going to do it for you. Stop focusing on past hurts, and learn how to forgive. Focus your attention on what is before you, and live each life to the fullest. Have love pour out of your heart for others, and be kind to everyone you meet. That is what we should all strive for! If you have love in your heart, it will come out. If you are bitter and angry — drop it off, let it go, and see the impact it has on your health. You can do it! Try forgiveness today, and STOP dwelling on painful memories. Home What the Blog? Things to Ponder Donna Lovett, March 23,

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