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Закладки MDMA в Мыске



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Закладки MDMA в Мыске

Закладки MDMA в Мыске

МДМА, экстази

Закладки MDMA в Мыске

Экстази и MDMA: все о эффектах и последствиях

Закладки MDMA в Мыске

The concept of microdosing is usually associated to LSD, and it usually involves taking a very small amount that would produce some desired effects in the mind like increased creativity, heightened awareness, better appreciation of small things, etc. It also involves doing this repeatedly and people usually take small doses once every few days. In order to take some stigma away from the word, I would also mention that perhaps the habit of drinking a cup of coffee every day in order to gain some desired effects increased awakeness, energy, clarity , could certainly be considered microdosing of caffeine. MDMA is a very different drug from the two I mentioned before. Its effects at regular doses around mg are intense and many people appreciate them, particularly the increased sociability and feelings of empathy and closeness to others. At smaller doses, the effects can still be felt at milder levels, and the drug in general does not affect the ability of self control in the intense way in which other drugs like alcohol do. This makes you wonder: is it possible to use the drug at very small doses, on a regular basis, in order to slightly change your attitude and become more sociable, more empathetic, and develop closer relationships? There are several reasons which would make this unwise. The way MDMA acts on the brain: it inhibits the reuptake of serotonin into the presynapse, and also causes serotonin to be released from the presynapse into the synaptic cleft, so that serotonin levels believed to be responsible for feelings of trust, happiness, and empathy increase drastically for the duration of the experience. However, the brain needs some time to regenerate the serotonin which is released, which means that taking it repeatedly would:. In addition, smaller doses of MDMA can still have some of the side-effects like jaw-clenching, which could be bad for the teeth and tense the muscles. Instead, MDMA has been used in medical trials treating patients with post traumatic stress disorders, administered only very few times but at significant doses similar to the doses used recreationally , at long psychotherapy sessions. This suggests that perhaps a smarter approach on using the drug as a tool for increased sociability would be to use it very sparingly at least three months in between but at reasonable doses, with people of trust, in a right setting, and try to appreciate each experience, try to learn from them, and use its effects to try to get closer to people you know or want to know better, or perhaps even try to talk more clearly about the problems which might be affecting your socializing capabilities. These are the effects, as listed by Wikipedia:. Euphoria — a sense of general well-being and happiness. Increased sociability and feelings of communication being easy or simple. Entactogenic effects — increased empathy or feelings of closeness with others. Mild hallucination e. Certainly, there would be no harm in it. Because if you use that, you will be addicted, the amount you use will be increased. The more you take mdma you will be weirder than weird. Its ok to be introvert. Instead I recommend you to use Acid to open your heart. It will make you wiser and also extrovert, but you can control yourself. These opinion is all from my experience. Its all about death of molly. As several answer above, mircrodosing usually associate with LSD.. There are conflicting reports on this issue. While some people say that microdosing MDMA has helped them a lot, others say otherwise. With this in mind, you should know that more you release it, the less you will have for later. MDMA - Wikipedia. Sign In. Quora uses cookies to improve your experience. Read more. How useful is microdosing MDMA for socializing? Update Cancel. This is possible because: LSD is a very potent drug, and even really small doses measured in micrograms, i. Continue Reading. The side effects of taking LSD repeatedly and often are not particularly harmful. LSD is not physically addictive, which allows the person to decide when to stop the microdosing habit. However, the brain needs some time to regenerate the serotonin which is released, which means that taking it repeatedly would: Generate tolerance: taking a dose shortly after another would not produce as much effects, as the brain might not have generated enough serotonin. Affect the serotonin storage, which can be bad when the brain needs it, for example, to regulate your mood. For that reason, frequent MDMA use can lead to worse 'hungovers' after ingestion and stronger mood alterations. What is the first dose of MDMA? What profound insights did you have during an MDMA experience? Does a large amount of MDMA cause a longer comedown? How could my friend avoid the effects of MDMA? These are the effects, as listed by Wikipedia: Euphoria — a sense of general well-being and happiness Increased sociability and feelings of communication being easy or simple Entactogenic effects — increased empathy or feelings of closeness with others A sense of inner peace Mild hallucination e. Answered Jun 4, Answered Sep 9, Do you mean for social anxiety? Honestly I do not see how any of the effects of ecstasy would be desirable in a social setting, even in small doses. That is unless the social context involves those who are themselves inebriated, which I am assuming is not the case. I would say it would be most useful as an antidepressant but even then there is more effective prescription medication on the market. If you feel that you need to take something to assist you maybe try your GP. What is it like to know somebody who has taken so much MDMA over the years that they are permanently changed for the worse? Is making MDMA possible at home? Lastly, have a good rolling session! Answered Nov 25, View more. How important is it to have someone to supervise you during a MDMA trip? Should you try MDMA at home or a club? Many people say that MDMA is the most euphoric drug. Should I microdose 4 days in a row? What are their similarities?

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