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К такому пакету иногда прикрепляется магнит — с его помощью пакет можно крепить к любым металлоконструкциям. Также место наркотика фотографируется и снабжается подробным описанием. Наркотики могут прятать в метро, парке, дереве, крепить к водосточным трубам. Иногда прячут около памятников или в общественных туалетах. Не удивляйтесь, если выйдете на балкон ночью и обнаружите копающего что-то человека у дерева — это наркоман пришел за своим наркотиком. Во дворе могут оставлять даже несколько закладок сразу. В зимнее время наркотики прячут в горшках с цветами в подъезде , под периллами, в электрощитках и откосах подоконников. Наркодилер не хочет подставляться и мелькать в разных местах — он нанимает малолетних девочек и мальчиков, которые рады легким деньгам. Продавец-закладчик-покупатель очень рискуют попасться, поэтому можно легко представить их страх перед проезжающими мимо них полицейскими. Зависит от вида наркотика. Средняя цена — , рублей — по России. Самые дорогие наркотики — героиновые и кокаиновые. Норма одного дня — 20, 25 закладок или же 50 г. В месяц получается , тысяч рублей. Попавшийся закладчик с 50 г вещества или героином будет сидеть лет Рискует не наркодилер, а закладчик — поэтому выходит такая немаленькая сумма — за риск. Закладчик сядет в тюрьму, а наркодилер продолжит свой бизнес и наймет нового работника. Поиск работника происходит через интернет — наркодилер размещает вакансию, кандидаты оставляют свое резюме. На площадках Даркнета часто сидят сами наркоманы — такие работники ненадежные. Поэтому предпочтение отдается трезвенникам. Даже легальный интернет кишит вакансиями — на том же Авито. За тысяч, нанятый на работу сотрудник, должен раскладывать в определенном районе закладки — по часа в день. С закладчика требуется залог — 5 тысяч рублей или паспорт. Связаться с работодателем можно только одним путем — через мессенджеры. Ни в коем случае не открывайте дверь незнакомым людям и предупредите соседей, если вы поняли, что ваш дом закладывают. Обязательно сообщите в полицию, если увидели, как перед деревом что-то закапывают или в подъезде находятся подозрительные лица. Лучше всего если есть возможность действие подозрительного человека сфотографировать или снять на видео. Иногда наркоман может даже не обращать внимания на окружающих людей — он будет выкапывать наркотик, несмотря на то, что мимо проходят люди или кто-то стоит на балконе. Человек может и получит большие деньги за работу закладчиком, но что они ему принесут, если его жизнь будет в постоянном страхе? Неужели так сильно желание купить новый айфон или другие навороченные игрушки, из-за которых придется расплачиваться лишением свободы в 20 лет? Будьте бдительны. Не оставляйте своих подростковых детей без присмотра. Буквально на днях завершил свою работу й Международный антинаркотический лагерь. Алкоголизм — истинная причина смерти Всего несколько дней назад всю страну потрясло известие…. Как к Вам обратиться. Номер телефона. Нажимая кнопку 'перезвоните мне! Как к Вам обратиться? Как с Вами связаться? Напишите Ваш вопрос:. Нажимая кнопку 'Отправить', Вы принимаете соглашение о персональных данных Please leave this field empty. Горячая линия профилактического центра: 8 Заказать звонок Написать. Где наркоманы прячут наркотики. Сколько получает закладчик: деньги и годы тюрьмы Деньги Зависит от вида наркотика. Годы тюрьмы Попавшийся закладчик с 50 г вещества или героином будет сидеть лет Как происходит выбор закладчика Поиск работника происходит через интернет — наркодилер размещает вакансию, кандидаты оставляют свое резюме. Как сделать свой дом безопасным местом Ни в коем случае не открывайте дверь незнакомым людям и предупредите соседей, если вы поняли, что ваш дом закладывают. VKontakte Facebook. Полезная информация 26 Янв Награждение Кокарева Владимира Сергеевича в международном антинаркотическом лагере Буквально на днях завершил свою работу й Международный антинаркотический лагерь. Белгород Самара Ярославль Воронеж Казань. Детокс амфетамин. Сопровождение, трансфер. Амбулаторное лечение. Консультация Психолога в центре.

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The legality of cannabis for medical and recreational use varies by country, in terms of its possession, distribution, and cultivation, and in regards to medical how it can be consumed and what medical conditions it can be used for. The use of cannabis for recreational purposes is prohibited in most countries; however, many have adopted a policy of decriminalization to make simple possession a non-criminal offense often similar to a minor traffic violation. Others have much more severe penalties such as some Asian and Middle Eastern countries where possession of even small amounts is punished by imprisonment for several years. In addition, eleven states and the District of Columbia in the United States and the Australian Capital Territory in Australia have legalized recreational cannabis. Legality varies in these countries and subnational jurisdictions when it comes to commercial sale. A policy of limited enforcement has also been adopted in many countries, in particular Spain and the Netherlands where the sale of cannabis is tolerated at licensed establishments. Others have more restrictive laws that only allow the use of certain cannabis-derived pharmaceutical drugs, such as Sativex , Marinol , or Epidiolex. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Where cannabis is and is not legal. Illegal but decriminalized. Illegal but often unenforced. Legal as authorized by a physician. Legal for any use. Main article: Cannabis in Afghanistan. Main article: Cannabis in Albania. Main article: Cannabis in Algeria. Main article: Cannabis in Andorra. Main article: Cannabis in Angola. Main article: Cannabis in Antigua and Barbuda. Main article: Cannabis in Argentina. Main article: Cannabis in Armenia. Main article: Cannabis in Australia. Main article: Cannabis in Austria. Main article: Cannabis in Azerbaijan. Main article: Cannabis in the Bahamas. Main article: Cannabis in Bahrain. Main article: Cannabis in Bangladesh. Main article: Cannabis in Barbados. Main article: Cannabis in Belarus. Main article: Cannabis in Belgium. Main article: Cannabis in Belize. Main article: Cannabis in Benin. Main article: Cannabis in Bermuda. Main article: Cannabis in Bhutan. Main article: Cannabis in Bolivia. Main article: Cannabis in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Main article: Cannabis in Botswana. Main article: Cannabis in Brazil. Main article: Cannabis in Brunei. Main article: Cannabis in Bulgaria. Main article: Cannabis in Burkina Faso. Main article: Cannabis in Burundi. Main article: Cannabis in Cambodia. Main article: Cannabis in Cameroon. Main articles: Cannabis in Canada and Cannabis laws of Canada by province or territory. Main article: Cannabis in Cape Verde. Main article: Cannabis in the Central African Republic. Main article: Cannabis in Chad. Main article: Cannabis in Chile. Main article: Cannabis in China. Main article: Cannabis in Colombia. Main article: Cannabis in Comoros. Main article: Cannabis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Main article: Cannabis in the Republic of the Congo. Main article: Cannabis in Costa Rica. Main article: Cannabis in Croatia. Main article: Cannabis in Cuba. Main article: Cannabis in Cyprus. Main article: Cannabis in the Czech Republic. Main article: Cannabis in Denmark. Main article: Cannabis in Djibouti. Main article: Cannabis in Dominica. Main article: Cannabis in the Dominican Republic. Main article: Cannabis in East Timor. Main article: Cannabis in Ecuador. Main article: Cannabis in Egypt. Main article: Cannabis in El Salvador. Main article: Cannabis in Equatorial Guinea. Main article: Cannabis in Eritrea. Main article: Cannabis in Estonia. Main article: Cannabis in Eswatini. Main article: Cannabis in Ethiopia. Main article: Cannabis in Fiji. Main article: Cannabis in Finland. Main article: Cannabis in France. Main article: Cannabis in Gabon. Main article: Cannabis in the Gambia. Main article: Cannabis in Georgia country. Main article: Cannabis in Germany. Main article: Cannabis in Ghana. Main article: Cannabis in Greece. Main article: Cannabis in Greenland. Main article: Cannabis in Grenada. Main article: Cannabis in Guatemala. Main article: Cannabis in Guinea. Main article: Cannabis in Guinea-Bissau. Main article: Cannabis in Guyana. Main article: Cannabis in Haiti. Main article: Cannabis in Honduras. Main article: Cannabis in Hong Kong. Main article: Cannabis in Hungary. Main article: Cannabis in Iceland. Main article: Cannabis in India. Main article: Cannabis in Indonesia. Main article: Cannabis in Iran. Main article: Cannabis in Iraq. Main article: Cannabis in Ireland. Main article: Cannabis in Israel. Main article: Cannabis in Italy. Main article: Cannabis in Ivory Coast. Main article: Cannabis in Jamaica. Main article: Cannabis in Japan. Main article: Cannabis in Jordan. Main article: Cannabis in Kazakhstan. Main article: Cannabis in Kenya. Main article: Cannabis in Kiribati. Main article: Cannabis in North Korea. Main article: Cannabis in South Korea. Main article: Cannabis in Kosovo. Main article: Cannabis in Kuwait. Main article: Cannabis in Kyrgyzstan. Main article: Cannabis in Laos. Main article: Cannabis in Latvia. Main article: Cannabis in Lebanon. Main article: Cannabis in Lesotho. Main article: Cannabis in Liberia. Main article: Cannabis in Libya. Main article: Cannabis in Liechtenstein. Main article: Cannabis in Lithuania. Main article: Cannabis in Luxembourg. Main article: Cannabis in Macau. Main article: Cannabis in Madagascar. Main article: Cannabis in Malawi. Main article: Cannabis in Malaysia. Main article: Cannabis in the Maldives. Main article: Cannabis in Mali. Main article: Cannabis in Malta. Main article: Cannabis in the Marshall Islands. Main article: Cannabis in Mauritania. Main article: Cannabis in Mauritius. Main article: Cannabis in Mexico. Main article: Cannabis in Micronesia. Main article: Cannabis in Moldova. Main article: Cannabis in Monaco. Main article: Cannabis in Mongolia. Main article: Cannabis in Montenegro. Main article: Cannabis in Morocco. Main article: Cannabis in Mozambique. Main article: Cannabis in Myanmar. Main article: Cannabis in Namibia. Main article: Cannabis in Nepal. Main article: Cannabis in the Netherlands. See also: Cannabis in New Zealand. Main article: Cannabis in Nicaragua. Main article: Cannabis in Niger. Main article: Cannabis in Nigeria. Main article: Cannabis in North Macedonia. Main article: Cannabis in Norway. Main article: Cannabis in Oman. Main article: Cannabis in Pakistan. Main article: Cannabis in Palau. Main article: Cannabis in Panama. Main article: Cannabis in Papua New Guinea. Main article: Cannabis in Paraguay. Main article: Cannabis in Peru. Main article: Cannabis in the Philippines. Main article: Cannabis in Poland. Main article: Cannabis in Portugal. Main article: Cannabis in Qatar. Main article: Cannabis in Romania. Main article: Cannabis in Russia. Main article: Cannabis in Rwanda. Main article: Cannabis in Saint Kitts and Nevis. Main article: Cannabis in Saint Lucia. Main article: Cannabis in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Main article: Cannabis in Samoa. Main article: Cannabis in San Marino. Main article: Cannabis in Saudi Arabia. Main article: Cannabis in Senegal. Main article: Cannabis in Serbia. Main article: Cannabis in Seychelles. Main article: Cannabis in Sierra Leone. Main article: Cannabis in Singapore. Main article: Cannabis in Slovakia. Main article: Cannabis in Slovenia. Main article: Cannabis in the Solomon Islands. Main article: Cannabis in Somalia. Main article: Cannabis in South Africa. Main article: Cannabis in South Sudan. Main article: Cannabis in Spain. Main article: Cannabis in Sri Lanka. Main article: Cannabis in Sudan. Main article: Cannabis in Suriname. Main article: Cannabis in Sweden. Main article: Cannabis in Switzerland. Main article: Cannabis in Syria. Main article: Cannabis in Taiwan. Main article: Cannabis in Tajikistan. Main article: Cannabis in Tanzania. Main article: Cannabis in Thailand. Main article: Cannabis in Togo. Main article: Cannabis in Tonga. Main article: Cannabis in Trinidad and Tobago. Main article: Cannabis in Tunisia. Main article: Cannabis in Turkey. Main article: Cannabis in Turkmenistan. Main article: Cannabis in Tuvalu. Main article: Cannabis in Uganda. Main article: Cannabis in Ukraine. Main article: Cannabis in the United Arab Emirates. Main article: Cannabis in the United Kingdom. See also: Decriminalization of non-medical cannabis in the United States. See also: Medical cannabis in the United States. Main article: Cannabis in Uruguay. Main article: Cannabis in Uzbekistan. Main article: Cannabis in Vanuatu. Main article: Cannabis in Venezuela. Main article: Cannabis in Vietnam. Main article: Cannabis in Yemen. Main article: Cannabis in Zambia. Main article: Cannabis in Zimbabwe. Cannabis portal. Annual cannabis use by country Adult lifetime cannabis use by country Cannabis Social Club Drug liberalization Illegal drug trade International Narcotics Control Board Latin American drug legalization Minors and the legality of cannabis Timeline of cannabis law War on drugs. March Ottawa Law Review. Retrieved 22 July High Times. Retrieved 21 July Merry Jane. Retrieved 23 August The Telegraph. Retrieved 17 October National Conference of State Legislatures. Retrieved 26 March Cannabis: A History. Retrieved 25 February Retrieved 5 August Archived from the original on 6 August ABC News. Retrieved 11 December Retrieved 16 July Archived from the original on 15 November Retrieved 15 November Archived from the original PDF on 16 September Retrieved 11 November Retrieved 5 December Cannabis Wire. Retrieved 19 January Marijuana Business Daily. Retrieved 14 January Retrieved 17 February Retrieved 2 January Retrieved 30 November The Royal Gazette. Retrieved 27 October September Archived from the original on 24 September Government of Botswana. Archived from the original PDF on 6 October Retrieved 3 October Sunday Standard. Archived from the original on 7 October Retrieved 8 December Yahoo News. Retrieved 13 October Council for the Development of Cambodia. Phnom Penh Post. Police in Siem Reap City on Tuesday arrested 18 people, including 14 foreign nationals, during raids on two establishments, where they confiscated a stash of marijuana and an as-yet-unidentified powder, police said. Move To Cambodia. Foreigners are rarely prosecuted for small amounts of marijuana, but expect to pay a few bribes if you do get caught. Government of Canada. Archived from the original on 25 February Retrieved 11 July BBC News. Retrieved 23 November Retrieved 22 December Ministry of Health and Social Protection Colombia. Transition 73 : — Retrieved 1 July Balkan Insight. Retrieved 27 July Financial Mirror. Retrieved 3 March Retrieved 26 July Archived from the original on 20 June Retrieved 23 June Retrieved 17 May Retrieved 6 December The Connexion. Retrieved 28 February Retrieved 15 December The Local. Retrieved 9 August Retrieved 7 September Deutsche Welle. Retrieved 11 September Sensi Seeds. Retrieved 2 December Die Welt. Retrieved 20 January Stabroek News. Retrieved 10 December Iceland Magazine. Retrieved 16 January The Wall Street Journal. Slone Masalai Press. BNN RI. Archived from the original PDF on 21 July Retrieved 3 May Dublin: Citizens Information Board. Retrieved 14 July The Irish Times. Official publications. Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. June Ireland: Department of Health. Irish Statute Book. Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees proceedings. The Times of Israel. Retrieved 5 April Retrieved 4 January Retrieved 15 July The Guardian. Retrieved 10 June The Korea Herald. Retrieved 7 March Financial Times. Retrieved 29 November Red Eye Press. Spectacle du monde. May Lowinson Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook. Retrieved 20 April Retrieved 26 November Rolling Stone. The New York Times. Retrieved 4 April Retrieved 5 November Not Exactly'. Atlantic Wire. Einde huurcontract! En meer uitwassen van de strijd tegen wiet'. Retrieved 12 January New York Times. Eurasia Review. The Norwegian Medicines Agency. The Office of the Prime Minister. Instituto de Defensa Legal — Seguridad Ciudadana. Archived from the original on 15 October Archived from the original on 20 November The Philippine Star. Retrieved 28 December Retrieved 26 April Retrieved 14 October Hill; Arthur Kleinman 1 May Indiana University Press. Medicinal and poisonous plants. Backhuys Publishers. Singapore Government. The Economist. London: Economist Newspaper. Retrieved 25 June Retrieved 12 September Uradni List. Marijuana Games. Retrieved 27 August I Wanna Grow. Retrieved 20 November La Marihuana. Retrieved 28 July El Huffington Post. The Independent. Colombo Telegraph. Retrieved 6 October University Press of Florida. Retrieved 16 November Archived from the original on 8 October Retrieved 17 December Royal Thai Government Gazette. Zed Books. Trinidad Express. Retrieved 20 December Commission on Narcotic Drugs Archived from the original on 19 December Retrieved 16 October Archived from the original on 11 August Retrieved 6 January UK Home Office. BBC news. Retrieved 1 November Retrieved 6 May Drugs and Popular Culture. United Kingdom Home Office. Retrieved 9 March The national database of legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Retrieved 2 August Cannabis plant. Outline of cannabis Recreational and medical applications Industrial applications. Autoflowering cannabis Cannabis indica ruderalis sativa Difference between C. Medical cannabis Cannabis product testing History Medical cannabis research Timeline Religious and spiritual use Chalice. Adult lifetime use by country Annual use by country. Cannabis political parties List of British politicians who have acknowledged cannabis use List of American politicians who have acknowledged cannabis use. Ker v. California Leary v. United States Gonzales v. Raich Kyllo v. Cannabis portal Category. Recreational drug use. Calea zacatechichi Silene capensis. Coffee break Coffeehouse Latte art Tea house. Abuse Date rape drug Impaired driving Drug harmfulness Effects of cannabis Addiction Dependence Prevention Opioid replacement therapy Rehabilitation Responsible use Drug-related crime Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder Long-term effects of cannabis Neurotoxicity Overdose Passive smoking of tobacco or other substances. Alcohol legality Alcohol consumption Anabolic steroid legality Cannabis legality Annual use Lifetime use Cigarette consumption Cocaine legality Cocaine use Methamphetamine legality Opiates use Psilocybin mushrooms legality Salvia legality. Lists of countries by laws and law enforcement rankings. Legality of euthanasia Homicide by decade Law enforcement killings Legality of suicide Legality of assisted suicide. Deaths Ownership Laws. Censorship by country Book censorship by country Film censorship by country Internet censorship by country Cartographic censorship Political censorship Video gaming censorship by country. Corporate Corporate liability Competition Mergers and acquisitions Monopoly Legality of bitcoin by country or territory. List of international rankings List of top international rankings by country Lists by country. Categories : Cannabis Cannabis by country Cannabis law Drug control law. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikiversity. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Main article: Cannabis in Albania Prohibited but plants highly available throughout the country and law often unenforced. Antigua and Barbuda. Main article: Cannabis in Argentina Decriminalized for small amounts and private consumption, as ruled by the Supreme Court in Decriminalized in Northern Territory and South Australia. Legal at federal level and in all states. Main article: Cannabis in Australia In September , the Australian Capital Territory became the first state or territory of Australia to legalize recreational use of cannabis. Federal law will also remain enforceable. Possession for personal use decriminalized as of January Cannabis-derived drugs. Main article: Cannabis in Bangladesh Sale banned in , \\\\\\\\\\[19\\\\\\\\\\] but laws are rarely enforced and cannabis is openly sold in many parts of the country. Legal for spiritual use by registered Rastafarians \\\\\\\\\\[22\\\\\\\\\\]. Legal \\\\\\\\\\[23\\\\\\\\\\]. Cannabis-derived drugs \\\\\\\\\\[24\\\\\\\\\\]. Main article: Cannabis in Belize Possession prohibited, but use is common and largely tolerated. Main article: Cannabis in Bermuda In November , the Supreme Court of Bermuda ruled in favor of allowing the medical use of cannabis. Main article: Cannabis in Bhutan Illegal, but plants grow prolifically and have multiple traditional uses, such as feeding pigs and producing textiles. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Main article: Cannabis in Bosnia and Herzegovina In , the Ministry of Civil Affairs formed a task force to explore the legalization of cannabis and cannabinoids for medicinal purposes. Main article: Cannabis in Botswana Cannabis or dagga is illegal. Illegal educational measures for small amounts and private use. Legal for terminally ill patients or those who have exhausted other treatment options. Main article: Cannabis in Brazil Possession of any illegal drug entails a warning, community service , and education on the effects of drug use. Possession of large amounts, as well as sale, transportation, and cultivation, are considered drug trafficking. Until , a loosely defined 'personal dose' existed. Burkina Faso. Main article: Cannabis in Cambodia Illegal, \\\\\\\\\\[39\\\\\\\\\\] but this prohibition is lax and enforced opportunistically. Main articles: Cannabis in Canada and Cannabis laws of Canada by province or territory Legal for medicinal purposes since and for recreational purposes since October 17, Age and regulations of consumption vary by province. Cape Verde. Central African Republic. Decriminalized for possession and cultivation. Main article: Cannabis in Chile Private personal use \\\\\\\\\\[45\\\\\\\\\\] and recreational cultivation \\\\\\\\\\[46\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[47\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[48\\\\\\\\\\] decriminalized. Medicinal cultivation legal with the authorization of The Chilean Agriculture Service SAG \\\\\\\\\\[49\\\\\\\\\\] and sale of medication allowed on prescription in pharmacies. Individuals carrying greater amounts, or cultivating up to 20 plants, cannot be prosecuted if the drug is for personal use. Main article: Cannabis in Comoros Cannabis was legal during the Comorian historical period between January and May , when president Ali Soilih legalized cannabis consumption among other measures. Democratic Republic of the Congo. Republic of the Congo. Costa Rica. Decriminalized \\\\\\\\\\[57\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[58\\\\\\\\\\]. Main article: Cannabis in Costa Rica Decriminalization de facto implemented since police officers do not detain people carrying enough for only personal consumption, yet no amount has been defined as a minimum for possession. Use of cannabis is widespread throughout the country. Decriminalized \\\\\\\\\\[59\\\\\\\\\\]. Legal \\\\\\\\\\[60\\\\\\\\\\]. Main article: Cannabis in Croatia Possession of small amounts considered a misdemeanor which leads to fine. Medicinal cannabis legal for patients with illnesses such as cancer, multiple sclerosis , or AIDS. Legal \\\\\\\\\\[61\\\\\\\\\\]. Main article: Cannabis in Cyprus Class B substance — life imprisonment is possible for use and maximum 8 years for possession at the maximum 2 years for the first offense for under year-olds. Czech Republic. Popular destination for smokers. Legal 4-year pilot program beginning in January \\\\\\\\\\[68\\\\\\\\\\]. Main article: Cannabis in Denmark As with all drugs, cannabis-related offenses are punishable by a fine or imprisonment for up to 2 years. Main article: Cannabis in Dominica Class B drug to cultivate, sell, or possess. Dominican Republic. East Timor. Main article: Cannabis in Ecuador Possession of small amounts decriminalized. Main article: Cannabis in Egypt Illegal since \\\\\\\\\\[76\\\\\\\\\\] but use is widespread. Convictions for personal use are rare. El Salvador. Equatorial Guinea. With a special permit \\\\\\\\\\[78\\\\\\\\\\]. Main article: Cannabis in Estonia Up to 7. Large amounts and distribution are criminal offenses punishable with a custodial sentence of up to 5 years. Eswatini Swaziland. Main article: Cannabis in Ethiopia Despite being the spiritual homeland of the Rastafari movement , possession of cannabis can result in up to six months imprisonment. Illegal but sometimes not enforced. Legal under license. Main article: Cannabis in Finland Personal use is generally not prosecuted in court but subject to summary fine. Medicinal cannabis possible under a special license since ; in , licenses were issued. Some cannabis-derived drugs. Legal for possession and consumption but not for sale, per a July ruling by the Constitutional Court of Georgia. Use is legal, but no system for the dispensing of cannabis exists. Illegal, but occasionally tolerated. Under federal law, prosecution is optional for possession of 'small amounts'. Main article: Cannabis in Germany Recreational possession illegal, but criminal charges are sometimes dropped. Since early , medicinal use is legal for seriously ill patients who have consulted with a doctor and have absolutely no therapeutic alternative. Greenland Kalaallit Nunaat. Main article: Cannabis in Guatemala In a constitutional commission rejected proposals to legalize medicinal or recreational use of cannabis. Main article: Cannabis in Honduras The possession, sale, transportation, and cultivation of cannabis is illegal in Honduras. Hong Kong. Main article: Cannabis in Hungary There is no distinction in Hungarian law between illicit drugs according to dangers. Heroin use has the same legal consequences as cannabis use. Main article: Cannabis in Iceland Banned in Illegal, but exception is made for the use of bhang. Main article: Cannabis in India Albeit illegal, usage is prevalent and some government-owned shops sell cannabis in the form of bhang. States have their own laws regarding cannabis, locally known as ganja. Main article: Cannabis in Indonesia Banned in Rehabilitation or maximum sentence of 4 years if caught in possession alone. Illegal, but not strictly enforced. Illegal \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Legal as part of 5-year pilot program enacted in June \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Main article: Cannabis in Israel As of April , public possession of small amounts is a non-criminal offense punished by escalating fines. A third offense can result in criminal charges, however. Possession decriminalized; home cultivation legal in small amounts for personal use. Sale is punishable by imprisonment, even if in small amounts. Licensed cultivation for medicinal and industrial use strictly regulated. Ivory Coast. Legal for Rastafari. Main article: Cannabis in Jamaica Decriminalized since , and in the first medical cannabis dispensary opened. Main article: Cannabis in Japan Restricted in Cultivation, sale, and transport are punishable by 7—10 years imprisonment and a fine. Multiple reports from defectors and tourists claim there is no law regarding the possession of cannabis as a result, it is not classified as a drug in North Korea or if there is, it is mostly unenforced. However, other reports claim that cannabis is illegal. Korea, South. Legal, but access limited to Epidiolex , Marinol and Sativex as of now due to the policy implemented by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. The plant itself, however, remains unavailable due to the policy made by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. Larger quantities can be punished with up to 15 years in prison. Main article: Cannabis in Lebanon Hashish banned in ; \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] cannabis cultivation banned in However, large amounts are grown within the country and personal use, as long as not in public, is not a major issue. Illegal but tolerated. Main article: Cannabis in Lesotho Licensed cultivation allowed for export to other countries. Also widely grown for illicit purposes. Main article: Cannabis in Lithuania A bill to legalize medical use of cannabis was passed by the Seimas on 11 October Main article: Cannabis in Luxembourg Transportation and consumption are illegal. Macau , SAR of China. Main article: Cannabis in Malawi Illegal but widely used and cultivated; Malawian cannabis is famed internationally for its quality. Decriminalized up to 3. Main article: Cannabis in Malta As of , simple possession is decriminalized, but remains an arrestable offense for the police purpose of collecting intelligence about drug trafficking. Cultivation for personal use will no longer be punishable by a mandatory prison sentence or suspended sentence. Marshall Islands. De facto legal for personal use, regarding both possession and cultivation. Main article: Cannabis in Morocco All drugs banned since , but cannabis is partially tolerated. Main article: Cannabis in Namibia Cannabis is illegal; in the government proposed but declined a year jail sentence for any drug possession. Illegal legal during Maha Shivaratri. Main article: Cannabis in Nepal All cannabis licenses canceled in Consumption and sale are tolerated in licensed coffeeshops. Cultivation of up to 5 plants is unenforced for non-commercial use unless grown in a professional setup. Main article: Cannabis in the Netherlands Personal possession decriminalized and sale allowed only in certain licensed coffeeshops in the continental Netherlands. New Zealand. Illegal Legalization referendum to be held in See also: Cannabis in New Zealand Banned in Medical use was legalized in December , \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] and a referendum on recreational use is to be held during the general election. North Macedonia. Main article: Cannabis in North Macedonia If one possesses large amounts, a jail sentence of anywhere from 3 months to 5 years may be given. Illegal, but government has declared intention to decriminalize. Legal \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Illegal, but often unenforced particularly in some tribal regions. Main article: Cannabis in Pakistan Prohibited, but the smoking of hashish in Peshawar and the northern parts of Pakistan tends to be tolerated. One may be sent to jail for up to six months if found with charas in other parts of the country. Papua New Guinea. Legal \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Illegal but may be allowed with special permit. Main article: Cannabis in the Philippines Medical use of cannabis is possible with a special permit from the Food and Drugs Authority for use by individuals with serious or terminal illness. Illegal, but sometimes not enforced for small amounts, legal below 0. Main article: Cannabis in Poland Since , prosecutors can choose not to prosecute possession of small quantities of cannabis for personal use if it is a first offense or if the person is drug dependent. Main article: Cannabis in Portugal In , Portugal became the first country in the world to decriminalize the use of all drugs. Cannabis-derived drugs less than 0. Main article: Cannabis in Romania Small quantities punishable by a large fine for first offenders or 6 months to 2 years in prison if the person has been convicted before. Possession of large amounts or trafficking is punishable by 2—7 years of jail time. Possession of larger amounts is a criminal offense. Foreign nationals and stateless individuals who violate the law are subject to deportation regardless of the amount. Saint Kitts and Nevis. Saint Lucia. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Decriminalized up to 2 oz \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. Legal \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\[\\\\\\\\\\]. San Marino. Saudi Arabia. Main article: Cannabis in Saudi Arabia Use and possession for personal use of any kind of recreational drugs is punishable by imprisonment if caught. Imprisonment for personal use can entail jail time of six months or more. Dealing and smuggling high amounts of drugs usually result in harsher prison time or even execution, although recently executions have been rare. Foreigners who use drugs might be deported. Main article: Cannabis in Serbia Possession punishable by fine or imprisonment of up to 3 years. Sale and transportation punishable by imprisonment of 3—12 years. Cultivation punishable by imprisonment from 6 months to 5 years. Higher penalties for organized crime. Sierra Leone. Main article: Cannabis in Sierra Leone Cannabis banned in Main article: Cannabis in Singapore Banned in Those who are caught with g of cannabis or more are considered drug traffickers and are punished with a possible death penalty. Main article: Cannabis in Slovakia Possession of small amounts punishable by up to 8 years in prison. Cannabis-based drugs. Main article: Cannabis in Slovenia Cannabis-based drugs are legal for medicinal use, but not cannabis itself. Solomon Islands. South Africa. Legal for possession and cultivation but not for sale. Use is legal, but no system for the dispensing of medicinal cannabis exists. Main article: Cannabis in South Africa Private use and cultivation decriminalized since South Sudan. Use and possession in private areas allowed. Limited cannabis-derived pharmaceuticals. Main article: Cannabis in Spain Sale and importation punishable by jail time. Sri Lanka. Legalized by amendment made in colonial law by s and through the Ayurveda Act. Main article: Cannabis in Sri Lanka The sale of cannabis is decriminalized for traditional medicine vendors and it is commonly used in Ayurvedic traditional medicines. Main article: Cannabis in Suriname Cannabis was banned in Suriname in the early 20th century, having been popularized there by Asian immigrants. Main article: Cannabis in Sweden All cannabis-related activity illegal. The national police runs a 'disturb and annoy' program aimed at users supported by the national 'zero tolerance' policy. Legal below 1. As a result of civil war , people living in areas controlled by Kurdish separatists have begun growing cannabis as a way of making money to fight poverty. Main article: Cannabis in Taiwan Cannabis is a schedule 2 narcotic in the ROC, and possession can result in up to 3 years imprisonment. Main article: Cannabis in Thailand Criminalized in Trinidad and Tobago. Main article: Cannabis in Trinidad and Tobago Banned in Main article: Cannabis in Tunisia Banned in Cannabis-derived pharmaceuticals. Main article: Cannabis in Turkey Medical cultivation legal in nineteen provinces. Possessing, purchasing, or receiving any illegal drug is punishable by 1—2 years of prison, treatment, or probation. United Arab Emirates. Main article: Cannabis in the United Arab Emirates Even the smallest amounts of the drug can lead to a mandatory 4-year prison sentence. United Kingdom. Illegal, but a cannabis warning or an on-the-spot fine 'Penalty Notice for Disorder' may be issued for simple possession instead of prosecution. Legal for cases of severe epilepsy , vomiting or nausea caused by chemotherapy, or multiple sclerosis when prescribed by a registered specialist doctor. United States. Legalized in 11 states, 2 territories , and the District of Columbia — but illegal at federal level. Decriminalized in another 15 states and 1 territory. Legalized in 33 states, 4 territories, and the District of Columbia — but illegal at federal level. The Rohrabacher—Farr amendment prevents federal enforcement in states that have legalized medical, however. No such protections exist regarding recreational, but the federal government has so far generally not intervened. Recognized Indian reservations are allowed to legalize for either use under a policy announced in Legal, but buying prohibited for foreigners. Cultivation allowed up to six plants. Legal for all uses. Main article: Cannabis in Uruguay Legal since late Authorities grow the cannabis that can be sold legally. Main article: Cannabis in Uzbekistan Opiates, cannabis and other plants containing psychotropic substances are illegal. Vatican City. If deemed to be for personal consumption, the user is subject to security measures involving rehabilitation and detoxification procedures.

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