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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. This book 'Songs and entertainment of the NEP epoch ' presents to the reader the world of the entertainment and music culture that existed in Russia during NEP years in the early-to middles. Lenin and the Bolshevik Party leaders perceived the market-oriented economic policy as a form of state capitalism that was deemed necessary for the restoration of the economy ruined by World War I and the Russian Civil War. This new policy allowed private individuals to own small businesses, while the state maintained control over banks, large industrial enterprises and foreign trade. Numerous restaurants, night clubs, cabarets and theaters had opened their doors to the public and attracted performers, musicians and poets who enjoyed the opportunity to express themselves in the atmosphere that yet lacked government control and censorship. Their repertoire consisted of a mix of gypsy songs, frivolous and sometimes obscene verses, intimate romances, and songs of criminal underground and street urchins. There were music and songs available for all types of audience and for all tastes. In the cabarets the ladies wearing pump shoes were dancing to the apaches and foxtrots. Jazz music could be heard from many parks and movie theaters. Unfortunately, a colorful and rich cultural life that flourished during NEP did not last very long. Cabarets and theaters were closed. Gradually the total censorship had been restored and by mid-thirties the street, criminal and gypsy songs were completely outlawed. Most of those who were lucky to escape imprisonment had to leave the stage permanently. There were also few exceptions. Some performers, like Leonid Utyosov, were allowed to remain on stage but had to completely change their repertoire. Despite of the atmosphere of fear and censorship that existed in the country for several decades, the NEP songs did not vanish completely. Из истории еврейской музыки в России. Alexander Frenkel. For many years, Yiddish concerts of small performing groups formed under the roof of different Soviet state agencies became the most significant, widespread, and accessible form of Jewish culture in the country. In spite of ideological pressure, hard censorship, and difficult material conditions, Soviet Jewish performing arts in the s and s represented an important cultural and social phenomenon. Dissertationes philologiae slavicae universitatis Tartuensis. Тарту, Rehn Grebovskii. Rustam Fakhretdinov. Songs on the fronts of the Russian Civil War: features of functioning. The analysis of principal song practices and situations among different belligerent camps of the Russian Civil War This work is focused not on the songs texts but on the context of performing songs. The study is preceded by a history of research of songs of the Russian Civil War. В работе проанализированы основные песенные практики и ситуации функционирования песен в разных воюющих лагерях Гражданской войны в России гг. Работа сфокусирована на контексте бытования песен, а не на текстах. Исследование предваряется экскурсом в историю изучения песен Гражданской войны. Fedorov , Alexander Fedorov. Федоров А. Школа и вуз в зеркале советского и российского кинематографа. Тематика данного исследования представляется актуальной в силу следующих причин: кинематограф — эффективное средство влияния на аудиторию, особенно — школьную и молодежную в силу возрастных особенностей и высокой степени медийных контактов этой части населения ; в последние десятилетия отечественные школы и вузы подверглись значительным изменениям и реформам и продолжают быть в центре острых дискуссий; следовательно, анализ трансформации тематики школы и вуза в зеркале советского и российского кинематографа сегодня весьма актуален — как в культурологическом, киноведческом, так и медиаобразовательном аспектах. Материал нашего исследования — фильмы на тему школы и вуза. В монографии дается сравнительный герменевтический анализ фильмов, касающихся данной тематики включая: анализ стереотипов, идеологический анализ, идентификационный анализ, иконографический анализ, сюжетный анализ, анализ характеров персонажей и др. Для исследователей в области киноведения, педагогики, культурологии, медиакультуры, социологии, политологии, преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов вузов гуманитарных специальностей. Тема проекта: «Школа и вуз в зеркале советских, российских и западных аудиовизуальных медиатекстов». Руководитель проекта — профессор А. Ирина Романенко. Lance M Leslie. Bud Meyers. Olympe Chazara. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Песни и развлечения эпохи НЭПа -часть 1. Maksim E Kravchinskii. Related Papers. Волков С История культуры. Диссертация на степень магистра. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics Variability of tropical cyclones over the southwest Pacific Ocean using a high-resolution climate model. BMC Proceedings Different immune responses to three different vaccines following H6N1 low pathogenic avian influenza virus challenge in Taiwanese local chicken breeds.

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