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Switch to English sign up. Support Questions My Questions 1. Popular Topics The question is too broad. Please ask a more specific question. Showing results for the search. Your search for returned no matches. I forgot my password There are few ways to solve this problem: If your page is linked to a valid mobile phone number, you can easily change your password here: If you have enabled 2-step verification, you need to use this link: If you access your page automatically, the browser you use keeps your password. Try you luck here: My page has been blocked! When your account is blocked you are able to log in and see the reason and the duration of the ban. You can also see the instructions on restoring access to your page. Please read them carefully. Regaining access to your page is always free. If you are offered to pay or send an SMS to any phone number, it may be fraud. In this case we advise you to scan your computer for viruses, you can use https: If you cannot follow this link, download it from https: How do I delete my profile without having access to? The profile you want to block must have your real name and photos with your face. The page you are contacting us from should also have your real name and surname. Please write us and do not forget to add the link to your page and attach two images: Photo of your document e. Photo of your face in front of your request i. We need it to be sure that you are the real owner of the profile. If you send irrelevant photos, the request review time. If you want to delete the page you are contacting us from, there is no need for our help. You can do that in 'Settings'. After days the page will be deleted forever. There is no way to delete it immediately and forever. One of the site sections is empty. What should I do? Unfortunately, it happens sometimes. Our developers are always aware of these cases and fix them immediately. We kindly ask you to be patient. It will be solved soon. If the problem is still present in 15 minutes, please write us about it. Do not forget to add related links and describe the problem in detail. VK Team has worked on the new design for months and, since this April, first users started helping us with it. More information about our redesign you can find in the official VK Team blog: For frequently asked questions, search here: Updated Music section We have updated our audio section on The old design is gone forever but the new and cool one is here to stay. You can read about this update in more detail here: Old audio albums have automatically been transformed into playlists. To edit a playlist put your cursor on its cover and tap on the pencil icon. Upload a cover, change the name, edit the description, add or delete songs. Once you update your original playlist, all its copies will be updated as well. Now you can find even more great new songs. This section allows you to easily reach the playlists of your friends and communities, listen to new songs, popular tracks and also find your recently listened songs. It is currently under development. We will try to make it even more comfortable and sensitive to the preferences of every single user. How can I restore deleted messages? There is no way to restore deleted messages. However deleting messages works just on one side — your friend still has those messages, unless he has deleted them as well. You can ask your friend to forward them to you. You can forward up to messages at once. Be careful — extensions, apps and sites that promise you to restore your deleted messages are dangerous. There is nothing behind these empty promises but malware that aims to steal your passwords. By using them you risk losing money and access to your page. Please check if other apps are working. If they are up and running — then probably the developers of your app are currently working on it or maybe they have decided to close it completely. You should send all your questions and concerns to this group. My number is occupied by someone else. How can I link it to my page? Please, contact our Support team. Every number can be link a limited number of times. It is very important that the phone attached to your account is current and accessible: If your phone is attached to a different page, please send us the link to this page and tell us how this happened. This will also help us solve the problem much faster. My number is attached to two pages. Once you link your phone to a new page, it gets unlinked from your other page, because it is technically not possible to attach a phone to two pages simultaneously. Please, remember, that linking a number to a page is a very important procedure because it is a way of securing your page. This is why it is crucial not to play around with linking and unlinking the number without a serious reason. Change the password on your current profile and try to log into your old profile. My profile was hacked! First of all try regaining access to your page here: To avoid such problems in the future make sure that a current phone number is linked to your profile and regularly check your computer with this scanner: How can I create a game or an app? Information about creating an app for VK is available here: Keep in mind that you will need at least basic programming skills in order to create an app. Your search for returned no results. Try using other keywords, e. If you trouble finding the right article, contact us. Popular Topics I forgot my password There are few ways to solve this problem: Check your request for misprints.

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