Zabawy na Omegle

Zabawy na Omegle


Zabawy na Omegle
Stosuje zalecane metody w zakresie korzystania z rozszerzeń do Chrome. Więcej informacji
Anty-spam, auto-łączenie, tryb ciemny, wiadomość powitalna oraz inne opcje, aby mieć więcej zabawy na Omegle!
Zmęczony botami, które ciągle proszą Cię o wejście na dziwną stronę, czyjegoś snapchata lub wysłanie jakiegoś SMS-a? Koniec z tym!
Twoje oczy cierpią przez białe kolory Omegle? Nie ma sprawy, po prostu włącz Tryb Ciemny w ustawieniach i ciesz się czarnymi kolorami.

To rozszerzenie nie tylko pozwoli Ci na filtrowanie takich czatów, ale także da Ci możliwość auto-łączenia i rozpoczynania nowego czatu od razu po jakimkolwiek rozłączeniu. Możesz także ustawić swoją wiadomość powitalną.

Anty-Spam sprawdza kilka zachowań, włącznie z ilością wiadomości w krótkim czasie, treść wiadomości w poszukiwaniu kluczowych słów, a także Twoich własnych słów do filtrowania, które możesz dodać w ustawieniach. Czaty oznaczone jako spam będą natychmiast rozłączane, a - jeśli włączone - nowy czat rozpocznie się automatycznie. Moduł Anty-Spamu działa przez czas określony w sekundach, który wraz z innymi opcjami możesz zmienić w ustawieniach. Po tym czasie, w przypadku braku oznak spamu, czat zostanie oznaczony jako wiarygodny.

Ustawienia są zapisywane w chmurze, możesz się do nich dostać poprzez kliknięcie na ikonkę rozszerzenia na pasku Twojej przeglądarki.

Kliknięcie przycisku anty-spamu, kiedy jest on włączony, tymczasowo wyłączy moduł dla aktualnej rozmowy.

Twoja konwersacja nigdy nie jest zapisywana, udostępniana lub wysyłana na jakikolwiek serwer, bez obaw!

Jeśli masz jakieś pomysły na usprawnienie dodatku, zapraszam do kontaktu na podany email!

*** AKTUALIZACJA 3.0.4 ***
- opcja wyrażenia regularnego (regex) do filtrowania
- poprawki

*** AKTUALIZACJA 3.0.3 ***
- poprawiono błąd: czat był automatycznie rozpoczynany ponownie mimo opcji pomijania auto-łączenia przy dłuższych czatach

*** AKTUALIZACJA 3.0.2 ***
- poprawiono błąd: funkcjonalności anty-spamu działały nawet po wyłączeniu
- poprawiono błąd: dodatek łączył się mimo, że czat już się rozpoczął
- poprawiono błąd: auto-łączenie powodowało zapętlanie
- poprawiono błąd: wiadomości powitalne były źle oddzielane
- powiadomienią są teraz pokazywane tylko dla wiadomości nie uznanych jako spam

*** AKTUALIZACJA 3.0.0 ***
- przerobiono logikę dodatku, aby działał lepiej i szybciej
- dodano pokazywanie historii czatów z tym samym obcym (podczas sesji przeglądarki)
- dodano opcję pokazywania czasów wiadomości
- dodano opcję pokazywania powiadomień w przeglądarce o nowych wiadomościach
- dodano opcję zapisania całego czatu do pliku tekstowego
- dodano funkcjonalność zapobiegającą wyłączaniu się ekranu telefonu podczas czatu

*** AKTUALIZACJA 2.3.0 ***
- dodano opcję blokowania obcych po identyfikatorze (podczas sesji przeglądarki)
- poprawiono funkcję auto-łączenia na urządzeniach mobilnych
- poprawiono czas czatu odliczający dalej po wejściu na stronę główną i rozpoczęciu nowego czatu
- przeniesiono przycisk anty-spamu do okienka chatu
Ten wydawca nie określił, że jest przedsiębiorcą. Pamiętaj, że prawa konsumentów mogą nie obowiązywać w przypadku umów zawartych między tym wydawcą a konsumentami z Unii Europejskiej.
Chromegle - Omegle IP Puller & Dark Mode
Chromegle - Omegle IP Puller & Dark Mode
oioi! Então, não estou conseguindo abrir as configurações, vi em um comentário um pouco antigo que vc disse que tinha que clicar 2 vezes no "anti-spam", porem fiz isto e n aconteceu nada. Gostaria de saber se mudou o jeito de abrir as configurações e como eu faço para abrir.
I dont understand how to get the cookeis
Works nicely, BUT the welcome message cuts itself short automatically and it's not very long

Edit: Left a review about two years ago, didn't use the extension much back then simply because I found another extension which was a little more reliable. However, in my time away from this one, a lot more features have been added and it's been updated. I've been using it pretty steadily for the past several weeks now. Even though there are a couple small issues (the timer is a little wonky, and on occasion it seems to get confused with the message times and messes up the colors/fonts) the overall utility of the extension is enough for me to edit my review from three to five stars. I love the notification feature, and the dark theme on its own is worth a download. Nice job, dev.
Hey, thanks for the review, I will be happy if you check if it still happens with version 3.0.2 when it becomes released tomorrow.
EDIT: with the newer update, it works perfectly. The addition of the timecodes on messages is also great, so I've changed my review from 3 to 5 stars.
Hey, thanks for the review! The logic behind the extension was changed recently and with version 3.0.2 which should be available tomorrow, it should be more stable than in the past. If this (or any other issue) still happens, I will be glad to investigate it further if you contact me at my email: with more details.
I want to like this extension. However, on fandom text RPs/chats, messages tend to be longer and the timer can cover the message if a full paragraph is sent. An option to make the timer transparent or to turn it off completely if not using the anti-spam filter would be great so those messages aren't lost.
Blocking seems not to work properly, after disconnect, it immediately reconnects in an endless cycle.
Hey, thanks for the review! The latest version unfortuantely brought some bugs, which should be fixed in ver. 3.0.2 which is already pending Google's approval, please look out for it soon. About blocking feature, remember it only works per current browser session and that includes both you and the stranger. That means, that if either of you restarts the browser, they would receive a new ID and you could get connected to the same person again. I don't think there is currently a way to do it differently unless you know one maybe - then please share it to my contact email.
Works very well. Thx. But I think the Blocking is not working.
Thank you for the review! Blocking feature works only per current browser session and that includes both you and the stranger. That means, that if either of you restarts the browser, they would receive a new ID and you could get connected to the same person again. I don't think there is currently a way to do it differently unless you know one maybe - then please share it to my contact email.
Hey, it was working really well until the last update auto reconnecting is not working properly anymore for some reason, please fix it soon!.. otherwise i loved it... thank you!.
Hey, yes I am aware of these issues and they should be fixed with version 3.0.2 which is awaiting Google's approval since yesterday so it can appear anytime soon (I think tomorrow latest). Apologies for the issues!
A functional add-on for browsers, the author has always fixed the issues
dark theme is good but actual filter didnt work whatsoever
Hello, thank you for your feedback. Could you please contact me through my email and provide more information on what exactly is not working with the filter? Do you mean the predefined filters or custom filters? Also, please try it with the newest version when it becomes available, that is 3.0.2, as it should work a little differently than before.
that one star for i got banned from text channel for no reason.anyone suggest a good reliable VPN for Chrome i can edit the ratings to its best,5 stars.
Thanks for the review! I assume the ban was due to some too fast reconnects or using the same message with a short delay. The newest version brings two improvements to that, one is to delay the welcome message by extra random value independent on your setting, and second one is that you can now use more than one welcome message separating them with semicolons, therefore, with every chat you start, one random message will be used from your list. Hopefully that solves the issue at least a bit.
Feature Suggestion: "Auto-reconnect delay (sec)" feature.
That's something this great extension is missing! Waiting for the update. Cheers.
Thanks a lot for the feedback! If you have any suggestions or issues, please contact me through my contact email as I check it more often than feedbacks here, but I will check them more often now too.
Hey, Hey, The update is finally here in v2.2.0! Yay🙌
its great. Don't know if its taking my personal information and giving it to Facebook or anything but it does the job that it intends to do and i am liking it. its a nice extension to have if ur using omagle a lot.
Hey, appreciate your review! Not sure what you mean with taking personal information to Facebook, the extension itself does not collect or send any data.
Hello, please provide me with details on what exactly is not working to my contact email and I will try to help you.
This extension would be a lot better if you could escape commmas, like including commas if "its in, quotes" since all bots I see use commas as their indicator. And the spam filter rarely detects it as spam, it might not be detecting all capitalization but still not detecting custom filters.
Thanks for the review. Weirdly, I haven't yet spotted a bot that would use commas in a weird way in their message. However, with the newest version, the custom filters you provide in settings are separated with semicolons (instead of commas like before), so you can provide a comma as a custom filter and it should filter out such chats now. If there are any issues with that or I understood you wrongly, please contact my email and we will figure it out!
Okay it took some time to figure out but its good now. One suggestion - idk if possible - captcha skipper
Hey, thanks for the review, it should be much more easier to set up the extension's work now thanks to the settings panel in popup menu. It also has many more features than in the past. Sadly, captcha skipper would be rather impossible to do due to so many different alrghoritms that recaptcha uses. You can however try using more than 1 welcome message and set a higher delay to prevent captcha from appearing hopefully.
Thanks a lot for the review! Hope you enjoy the newest version even more.
Updated review for the end of 2020!

To my big surprise, this extension has actually been updated and many of the problems I've listed before have been fixed, I didn't think people would care so much about an Omegle extension, but improvement is always welcomed and appreciated!

The extension is now far more stable than ever before, the dark mode is definitely a welcomed addition, however the color of the people in chat could've been customizable or differentiated, making them both blue can be a bit confusing as opposed to regular Omegle, where its color coded.

I absolutely love the new menu, allowing you to set up your settings without having to start a new chat, the UI on it is very pleasant as well, definitely an upgrade from the old version.

The spam filter with a custom timer is working great as always, however the fact that the default filter built into it that scans for messages sent in quick succession and links, can sometimes cause disconnects to occur from people who were a legitimate good chat and just made a typo or happen to send "hello" and "how are you" in a quick succession.

The developer seems to be active within the community, however I'm still waiting for an email back on a feature suggestion I had made in regards to the default parameters on the spam filter to be turned off to avoid the bad disconnections, it would've been nice to get a response even if just to disagree to the idea or to confirm that it did get to them.

With all of that said however, Omegle Anti-Spam w/ Dark Mode is definitely the best free Omegle extension with the most support poured into it, and even does some things better than paid extensions available on the same platform, I'd definitely recommend it giving it a try and taking your time to configure it, it can save you time, headaches and can make Omegle a legitimately better experience.
Thank you for the review and for very nice suggestions you provided on my email, where most of them if not all were already implemented. Enjoy!
It really does an amazing job.
Is there a "manual" reconnect mode? I believe it's reconnected once a stranger had disconnected - a few times, actually - even if the auto-reconnect options are turned off and/or the module turned off for that tab. I've lost some contact details to this. :/
But maybe I've been doing something wrong, I don't know (hence the 5-star rating - gotta be fair).

Also, how can I add a line break in the Welcome Message? Copying from a text and pasting doesn't work...
Hey, thanks for the review. Could you check the welcome message with the newest version? It should accept multiple messages in a text area now (you can use semicolon to separate messages to send a random message on every chat).
About manual reconnect mode I am not sure what you meant exactly, but the extension's changed a lot since 2020 so you should definitely check out the latest version, however, please wait a little for 3.0.2 to appear as it fixes some big issues.
it is a pretty nice tool, but can you add a new function that can auto disconnect if nobody have talked for a while?
Thanks for the review and suggestion, this feature is now implemented, enjoy!
I got it to work and it skips all the bots the auto reconnect is sometimes annoying
Appreciate your review, please make sure to try the latest version which brings many more features than in 2020. If autoreconnect is annoying, you can also turn it off completely or set it to work in certain conditions.
Hello, could you provide any reason or describe the problem you have?
It didn't do anything, it didn't even have the options screen from the screen shots
The options screen is available after DOUBLE CLICKING the Anti Spam button (the button to the right of the chat input field).
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I would like a custom extension made for me
I am in need of this same tool but with some extra features. For example, I want it to be able to skip someone even if they have said something, so for example, let's say I say my welcome message, it waits like 5 seconds and auto skips. I would also like the option to send multiple welcome messages. For example, I send one message in 1 second, then it waits and sends the other in 3 seconds. I am willing to pay for this. Please contact me back.
The "disconnect if stranger.." feature is great, but my problem is that the timer very frequently doesn't reset like it should. It seems to have trouble if I or the stranger disconnects manually, and just continues counting, even when I'm in my reconnecting phase still. The only way to reset it is to disconnect multiple times in a row very quickly (spamming the 'stop' button, which can lead to banning) or refreshing the page entirely. It leads to the timer showing an hour when I've just connected to a chat, and the disconnecting feature doesn't work because of that.
Hello! Since the new version I'm once again not able to send longer welcome messages, it'd be great if this issue could be helped! Thank you!
Udpate setting | Include automatico interrupt chat
Hi, you wanted to ask yourself if you could insert a setting where you can stop the chat automatically by inserting the seconds, because it would be a perfect bot! Your long time chat break mode doesn't work and it would be great to add chat break in seconds the user decides
You should make it so that we don't just get a notification from chrome saying we got a new message, but so that we get a notification of the message so we can read it without switching tabs, that'd be cool
And also make is so if we click on the stop once the extension will no longer skip the current person after a said number of seconds and maybe add some key shortcuts for skipping and blocking people, also getting a notification only for the first message not every time the other persons types something. I know that's a lot i'm just giving ideas of upgrades to come GREAT job so far though.
Hello! I usually use an opening message to start off my chats which are quite long. It worked perfectly fine, but since the last update it won't send the message anymore. It only send one line or a couple of words of the whole message. I tried turning setting on and off, refreshed the page and restart my browser but nothing is helping the problem. Any ideas of how to fix it? :(
Hey, 3.0.2 should be finally out, I hope it fixes all issues for you. If something still happens, let me know through my developer contact email on extension page.
Posted by Użytkownik Google - 10 sty
Hey, thanks for report, I am already working on fixing these issues. Look out for version 3.0.2 soon.
Posted by Użytkownik Google - 8 sty
When ever I begin to use the plugin and connect to chat with strangers, the chat automatically is marked as spam when the stranger sends the message and the session reconnects. I even had the spam option disabled and it still did that. The update has several glitches that need fixing such as auto reconnect which auto reconnects so fast it does not let you into a chat session and you get marked by captcha.
Hey, 3.0.2 should be finally out, I hope it fixes all issues for you. If something still happens, let me know through my developer contact email on extension page.
Posted by Użytkownik Google - 10 sty
Hey, thanks for report, I am already working on fixing these issues. Look out for version 3.0.2 soon.
Posted by Użytkownik Google - 8 sty
reconnecting loop and other problems
getting a weird bug where occasionally when it auto reconnects after another user leaves, it with will begin a disconnect and reconnect loop until I manually break it. Additionally getting some issues with the anti-spam not connecting.
Hey, 3.0.2 should be finally out, I hope it fixes all issues for you. If something still happens, let me know through my developer contact email on extension page.
Posted by Użytkownik Google - 10 sty
Hey, thanks for report, I am already working on fixing these issues. Look out for version 3.0.2 soon.
Posted by Użytkownik Google - 8 sty
also some issues with the welcome message when including commas
The Block Stanger button does not appear when I use the extension in Chrome.
The button does appear when the extension is used in Opera.
If something still happens, let me know through my developer contact email on extension page.
Posted by Użytkownik Google - 10 sty
Thank you for your effort. 👍
I will wait with interest for the new version.
Thanks for the report. I am making a newer version and hopefully it will be fixed. I will kindly ask you to check when I release a new version, I will inform you.
Posted by Użytkownik Google - 30 gru
You should add a pop up notification every time someone messages me, like omegaskipper had, and it should work on multiple tabs
Posted by FireTheHoker - 3 wrz 2021
Hey, version 3.0.2 should include browser notifications support if you have notification permission enabled for and the option enabled in settings, then you will see notifications of new messages (if you are not on the tab with chat).
Posted by Użytkownik Google - 10 sty
It will be added in version 3.0.0, should be available after new year eve.
Posted by Użytkownik Google - 30 gru
thank you for the suggestion, I will try to implement it in next version if i find some more time.
Posted by Użytkownik Google - 19 gru
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Chromegle - Omegle IP Puller & Dark Mode
Anty-spam, auto-łącze
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Napalona biznesmenka uprawia ostry seks
Młoda i piękna dziewczyna wyruchana w filmie POV

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