Yuri Spanking

Yuri Spanking


Yuri Spanking
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I’ll always remember the last spanking I got while living at home – it was exactly three days before I left home for college!
A couple of weeks earlier, my mom had told me to go through my closet and box up all the old clothes I wasn’t taking with me. She reminded me about this several times over a couple of weeks but I kept putting it off.
Three days before I was leaving, Mom said she wanted the task done by the time she got home from work that day. I started sorting my clothes as requested – but then a friend called and asked me if I wanted to go to the pool. No prizes for guessing what I chose.
Mom was already home by the time I got back, and she was not happy at all. To cut long story short, we got into a huge argument, I smarted off and told her to get off my back. Then I stormed off to my room.
As I was changing out of my wet swim clothes, Mom came in with the family paddle in her hand. I started arguing again, but Mom said I was acting like a child and needed a spanking.
I suppose I could have resisted more, but in the end I thought it best to just bend over and take my licks. Mom usually didn’t spank me naked but since I was already undressed, she did.
I think she knew that this would be the last time she spanked me, so she put a little extra oomph into every spank and gave me significantly more swats than she usually did during my childhood.
In fact, she walloped me so well, I actually cried – something I never usually did during a spanking, even when I was a little boy.
All Maman stories are copyright, unauthorised reproduction may lead to legal action.
Maman is an adult website containing recollections of corporal punishment experienced during the contributors' childhoods. By proceeding, you are asserting that you are over the age of majority for the country in which you reside, and you further agree to the use of cookies on this website. Note that although this website contains only legal content, Maman is nevertheless a fetish site and should be considered Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Maman does not advocate corporal punishment for today's children. If you are a minor or likely to be upset by the subject matter, please do not proceed any further. 

12) Do You Think Someone Like You Could Defeat the Demon Lord?

9) I Married My Best friend To Shut My Parents Up / I Decided to Fake A marriage With My Junior

7) Even If it was Just Once, I regret it
Hey guys! Welcome back to Quotetheanime . Can you guess today’s topic? Okay, so, GL Lovers, get ready because you’re going to read about your favorite 25+ GL Manga . Isn’t that awesome?
I bet you must be looking for some engaging and top-class lesbian manga, right? Then, don’t you worry! Because we are going to give you the best GL manga recommendations ! Here, you’re going to find all the lovers that love each other but don’t marry. 
Wonder why? That’s because love is blind, and they know marriage is an eye-opener ! Well, well, I know that you can’t wait to read, so here we go!
Genre: Drama, Romance, School Life, Seinen, Shoujo Ai, Slice of Life
This is another school life manga that involves GL. The story revolves around Fujishiro Nanaki and her obsession with being the cutest girl. Fujishiro is a typical girl who is obsessed with beauty. In short, she always wants to be the only princess in the world!
Hence, she can’t stand anyone else beautiful than her. This is what makes her life hard! Well, guys, this manga focuses on the daily life challenges and light GL romance. So, if you want to kill your time entertainingly then this is the best choice! 
Who doesn’t like school romance manga? And if it’s a GL manga , then it’s a double bonus! The story is about two gorgeous school girls and their cute romance. The way the girls comfort each other is phenomenal.
Well, their understanding, friendship , and of course, romance is crazy. To talk about the other aspects then, it has a great plot, art, and design. So, I can bet you would enjoy reading this cute manga! One more thing, both the girls are really gorgeous, trust me!
Let’s see how they change their ships! Come on mate, of course, from friendship to a relationship!
What are your thoughts about historical and suspense love stories? Aren’t they the best? This manga engages the reader right from the beginning because of the suspense. The story revolves around Alice and her maid named Hanako.
Hanako is an ambitious girl who tries her best to fulfill her dreams. And in the process, she encounters Alice, who promised her to achieve her goals , but can you guess at what cost? Alice asks for her death. Yeah, you got that right!
 Well, Well, Alice is always in her own wonderland and keeps making other wonders!
We all know this is the twist, and to find out what happens, we have to read it. Oh yeah, let me give you your answer! Guys, Of course, they both get romantically close afterward! Having goosebumps? Well, mate, you are not alone. I can feel you!
Genre: Comedy, Romance, School life, Shoujo ai, Slice of life
This manga follows a sweet love . The fact that makes it cuter is Yui Yamada . This innocent girl falls for an athletic girl. Whoa, a perfect combo! Well, we all know life isn’t so easy, so of course, both the girls face a lot!
Never mind, the love is just crazy ! If you’re looking for a manga that has friendship, bond, and emotions, then this is the one! And yes, what if it is a school life romance? Well, you can thank me!
Genre: Romance, Shoujo ai, Girls Love,
Guys, this manga has a very unique story. Like seriously, you can’t imagine this one! The story revolves around a girl (Uta) who falls for her sister-in-law. Oh My God! Can you believe it? Let me add more to your emotions; Uta had a massive crush on her right from her childhood.
Of course, she realized that late. Can you imagine seeing your love with someone else? Well, above all, in the same house? But don’t you worry, guys, true love always finds its way. Yes, you got it right; both the girls do fall in love! To know-how, you got to read it for yourself!
I was wondering if she was the sister that broke the law! Oops!
Genre: Seinen, Shoujo Ai, School life
Hey, what are your thoughts about nerds who are shy types? They are cute, right? The same goes for Mari who is a typical topper! Well, imagine such girls transforming into entirely different people. Yes, the same happens to her.
The other protagonist, Akiko , who is a fashionista , helps her change her looks. Of course, it is pretty natural for Mari to catch feelings for her because not everyone is that helpful. And then, step by step, their friendship changes to love.
Well, to know more about their cute love story, you got to read it yourself!
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Seinen, Slice of life
Okay, guys, this isn’t your typical Yuri manga that only revolves around romance. But this involves an intriguing plot and a struggling story of Flame, the main lead. She has a power called “inversion” and apart from that, she is nil in everything!
However, her strong will is a huge motivation for the readers worldwide. As I said, this isn’t typical, so you will see a lot of action, scary fights, and the bond between the leads!
We have heard about a rock star guy falling in love with an innocent girl, right? But we never heard about a rock star girl falling for another girl. This manga follows somewhat the same story. A clear and cute girl expresses her feelings for the rock star but guess what?
The famous rock star knew the feelings weren’t straight, but she decided to be with her even then! This manga is one of the best Yuri manga recommendations. Not only because of the romance but, of course, due to the characters as well!
You’re just going to love the simplicity and feelings it creates! No wonder everyone feels like they are falling for girls after reading it.
Well, guys, this manga has a unique concept. And the best part about it is its suspense. Have you heard two lovers wanting to kill each other? That’s a bit hard to believe , right? Well, this manga is full of unexpected twists and turns!
The reason why they want to kill each other is that they love each other so much. Pretty strange because it’s a perfect example of being Mad in LOVE ! To know more about the story, let’s read it. Well, I bet you’ll enjoy this because it’s a complete package! 
Okay, guys, this manga involves a perfect demonstration of reality. The story is about an office lady (Machi) and her challenging life. She is of her marriage age and of course, here comes the society and above all, the parents for pressurizing!
Guess what? Machi does something legendary to close the topic; she agrees to marry! LOL, but with her girl best friend who is a lesbian . As we all know, company affects! So, the romance between would be evident!
I hope you’ll enjoy reading this one! Have fun!
Genre: Drama, Romance, School life, Shoujo ai, Girls Love
Well, well, this is the story that you might read multiple times. This follows the intriguing story of Ayaka and Sora. I can bet we all enjoy the stories where the one is dominant, and the other isn’t. Ayaka is a girl who is quite good at studies and easily gets tensed for them. On the other hand, Sora is a bit of a desperate kind of a girl. Isn’t this just perfect?
Okay, so, typically, we struggle to pass the test to get admission. But what if you have to do a much tougher task than that? I think you can guess what I mean. Yes, the task to be romantically close! That’s what Ayaka has to do.
This is the story of Kaduka who’s living a hard life and struggling to live. Well, this poor girl is just so sick of her daily life that she wishes to escape . And guess what? Her life becomes a lot harder when her landlord asks to have a relationship with her!
So, what would you do in that kind of situation? Well, Kudaka has no other choice. But to know what she does, you have to water your curiosity yourself! Kudaka had no solution so; she thought to admire the problem! WOW!
Genre: School Life, Shoujo Ai, Shounen
Imagine you’re fangirling over a school idol. And guess what? Someday that idol starts following you. Whoa! It would be a dream come true! Well, not only that, your icon keeps following you until you respond. Mate, I am dead! 
Wonder why your crush would follow you? Well, that’s because you’re unique in some ways and can heal hearts. So, if you want a sparkling romance involving the same story, then you’re in the right place! And yes, if you’re looking for comedy in this manga then, please don’t! As I hope you know that vampires aren’t funny because they suck! 
Genre: Drama, Slice of Life, Romance, Girls Love
This manga follows a bit of an embarrassing story of the two friends. They used to spend time and have fun with each other. But one day, something horrendous happens. Can you guess what happens?
Well, after having alcohol, they had a bit of an incident . Oh boy, I am dead now! I can bet we can all feel them, right? So that’s how their friendship takes 360 degrees turns. Pretty intriguing! The story engages the reader right from the beginning. Above all, the art and girls are exceptionally gorgeous!
You would feel like you have achieved your dream after reading this one, so cheers!
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Seinen, Shoujo Ai, Supernatural, Girls Love
We have a love story of a guy vampire falling in love with a human, right? But imagine a girl vampire falling in love with an ordinary girl. I know you have goosebumps because it’s the same pinch!
It is a female version of twilight , we can say! And I hope we know that vampires are beautiful to another level. We simply can’t question their beauty. So, it’s a GL between a vampire and a human. Awesome!
I can bet you’ll fall for romance , vampire, bond, and art. Then, what are you waiting for?
Guys, this story is about Emi and Kei. The idea that makes it worth reading is the concept of “the opposites attract.” Yes, both the girls are the exact opposite of each other. One is a gorgeous DJ, and the other has no interest in music and clubs at all!
Well, I hope we all know music is the best communicator of emotions, right? So, now we will see how the love would spark between them both! I can bet you’re going to fall for this one. Though the art isn’t that great comparatively, the story is just on point!
Genre: Romance, School life, Shoujo ai, Slice of life
This is the best school GL romance manga you will find on the list. If you really like reading school life manga then, this is it! The friendship, fun, bond, and then love is phenomenal. The way Adachi and Shimamura play ping pong is way too much to handle!
I believe you will feel nostalgic after reading this manga. That is because it involves almost everything that high schoolers experience in life!
This is another excellent story about the two office ladies. Well, both the ladies are unbeatable when it comes to their professional or personal life. We can simply say; they are just the best in every field.
To your surprise, nobody would have guessed that they both were romantically involved. Intriguing! Well, that’s what is going to make the story worth reading . So, guys, the plot, twists, art, and the gorgeousness level of the ladies are just way too much to handle.
So, before reading this one, get a hold of your heart first!
PS: I wonder if it’s only me who interprets the title as the reality of love after marriage !
Okay, guys, the above were all the best GL Manga Recommendations . I have listed the better of innocent and soft college love, mature love , one-sided love, fantasy, and drama, as well. 
This list is for all those who love to see beautiful girls and them expressing their emotions. Each and everything that you can imagine about a Yuri, you are going to find in the list. I can bet you will love all of them. So, have fun reading!
We hope you enjoyed reading the blog and hopefully have found your best manga to kill time. Let us know what are your thoughts about all of these mangas? We would love to know your preferences!
I’ve read a lot of these, and they’re all great representations of the genre. You’ve also given me a new view on a few of passed up previously, so you have my thanks.. of these I think Girl Friends is one of the very best GL manga I’ve read.
In saying that my favorite would have to be This love that won’t reach… so much raw emotion, a truly unique and beautiful story…. I highly recommend it ♡
I have personally read all of those and I have to recommend Can’t defy lonely Girl over the rest! But if you want one that is not on the list, check out “The Universe’s Most Jealous Goddess”. Won’t disappoint and has gorgeous art!
Solo una observación, es dificil leer la descripción del manga con ese fondo 😁
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