Yuri Katsuki

Yuri Katsuki


Yuri Katsuki
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Katsudon / Pork Cutlet Bowl (by Yuri)
Yuuri Katsuki (Japanese: 勝生 勇利, Katsuki Yuuri) is a competitive figure skater and one of the main characters of Yuri!!! on Ice.
Yuri was born in Hasetsu, Saga Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan, where his family owns and operates the last bathhouse inn remaining in town.
Yuri started figure skating as a child at Ice Castle with his childhood friends Yuuko and Takeshi. His ballet teacher Minako was the one who had recommended him to learn figure skating.
Currently, Yuri is a top figure skater certified by JSF (Japan Skating Federation).
When he was 18, Yuri moved to Detroit to train under Coach Celestino Cialdini, and ended up staying there for five years. While there, he became friends with his roommate, Phichit Chulanont.
Yuri has short, messy black hair and brown eyes. Yuri wears half-rimmed blue glasses, but while he is skating he removes them. He combs his hair backwards when performing his programs before a crowd.
Yuri wore layers of clothing to hide his weight gain from binge eating. His warm-up outfit is usually a jacket and black pants with a stripe down the side. He wears gloves while skating and uses skates with standard blades.
Yuri gains weight easily, but when he is in top form, he also has slight muscle due to his exercise and ice skating. Nonetheless, his body, especially his face, maintains a soft appearance, regardless of physical form.
Following Yuri engagement to Viktor in Spain, he wears a golden engagement ring on the ring finger of his right hand. Viktor has a matching ring worn on the same hand and same finger.
Katsudon / Pork Cutlet Bowl (by Yuri)
Yuuri Katsuki (Japanese: 勝生 勇利, Katsuki Yuuri) is a competitive figure skater and one of the main characters of Yuri!!! on Ice.
Yuuri was born in Hasetsu, Saga Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan, where his family owns and operates the last bathhouse inn remaining in town.
Yuuri started figure skating as a child at Ice Castle with his childhood friends Yuuko and Takeshi. His ballet teacher Minako was the one who had recommended him to learn figure skating.[1]
Currently, Yuuri is a top figure skater certified by JSF (Japan Skating Federation).[2]
When he was 18, Yuuri moved to Detroit to train under Coach Celestino Cialdini, and ended up staying there for five years. While there, he became friends with his roommate, Phichit Chulanont.
Yuuri has short, messy black hair and brown eyes. Yuuri wears half-rimmed blue glasses, but while he is skating he removes them. He combs his hair backwards when performing his programs before a crowd.
Yuuri wore layers of clothing to hide his weight gain from binge eating. His warm-up outfit is usually a jacket and black pants with a stripe down the side. He wears gloves while skating and uses skates with standard blades.
Yuuri gains weight easily, but when he is in top form, he also has slight muscle due to his exercise and ice skating. Nonetheless, his body, especially his face, maintains a soft appearance, regardless of physical form.
Following Yuuri's engagement to Viktor in Spain, he wears a golden engagement ring on the ring finger of his right hand. Viktor has a matching ring worn on the same hand and same finger.
Yuri is known to be "the figure skater with the world's biggest glass heart." He is soft hearted and easily devastated in the face of failureーso much so that he can slip into a depression for months at a time. He is quiet, kind and easily embarrassed, but is also shown to be stubborn and extremely competitive.
After being taken under Viktor's wing as a student, Yuri begins to steadily develop more confidence in himself. He becomes determined to chase his dreams, and even brushes off most of Yuri Plisetsky's attempts to insult or humiliate him.However , he still becomes easily discouraged and anxious, and doesn't know how to deal with being the person to beat.
During competitions, he tends to be a bit colder and more self-centered due to his anxiety and competitive nature, but is learning to pay more attention to those around him thanks to Viktor.
Yuri has a very well-developed, unique step technique that has been fine-tuned due to the amount of time he spends on the ice. He is also known for his spin sequence more than his jumps, which both Minako and Yuri acknowledge. It was only his performance in Skate China where his technical score eclipsed that of his presentation score.
Initially, Yuri was only able to land a quad toe-loop in competitions. Under the tutelage of Viktor, he has become a more well-rounded skater. Yuri repertoire of quads eventually increases, first learning to successfully land a quad Salchow thanks to Yuri's brief stay in Japan, and was eventually able land a quad Flip, which is Viktor's signature move.[7]
Yuri has a lot of stamina, which is especially useful for the free skate, and for planning jumps in the second half of the program, and netting the 1.1x point bonus that comes with them.
Yuri has been taking ballet lessons for even longer than he's been a figure skater. In addition, he has also been shown to be skilled in other dance disciplines, like break-dancing, interpretive and ballroom dance, and pole dancing, although it is unknown where he had learnt them.
Yuuri was a huge fan of Viktor's ever since he was a child, and it has greatly inspired him to skate. An early wish of Yuuri's is to be able to meet Viktor on the ice at a similar level, and to one day surpass the Russian. Yuuri's admiration of Viktor led him to get a poodle, similar to the one Viktor owned, and named it after him as well.
Viktor walks into Yuri life after watching Yuri perfectly replicate his free skate, Stay Close to Me.As a coach, Viktor initially only trained Yuri physically, but noticing that Yuri emotion tended to affect Yuuri's skating, Viktor made an effort to get to know Yuri on a more personal level. Yuri was first rather afraid and distant from Viktor, but as the days went on, he became closer with the Russian. Yuri free skate, and eventually short program as well, are dedicated to Viktor.
Yuri grows close to Viktor to the point where he becomes afraid that his actions would have consequences on Viktor. He also becomes afraid that Viktor would leave him, begging Viktor to always remain by his side. Yuri also spontaneously changes the final jump of his free skate into Viktor's signature jump in a bid to surprise Viktor. In response, Viktor knocks Yuri onto the ice with a kiss after the program was over, saying it was the only way Viktor could surprise Yuuri more.
In Barcelona, before the Grand Prix Final, Yuuri presents Viktor with a gold ring as a birthday/Christmas present for the Russian. Viktor also places a gold ring on Yuri finger, and later confirms the pair rings to be engagement rings, stating that they would get married when Yuuri won gold at the GPF.
Viktor's first true personal encounter of Yuri was during the previous year's GPF, where they had danced together. Yuri had also begged Viktor to come to the family hot spring and to be Yuri coach. Yuri , having being drunk at the time, has no memory of this first encounter.[3]
After the Barcelona Grand Prix Final, Yuri moves to Saint Petersburg, Russia, to be with Viktor.
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"I tried to ignore a lot of things by focusing on skating. I wonder what I need so I can keep skating on my own..."
Accent Slip-Up : He usually speaks standard Japanese, but he slips back into his native Saga dialect when he gets drunk. He also talks to his mother in his native dialect over the phone in the first episode. The Ace : Although not to the same extent as Victor, he's still seen as this by both his fellow Japanese skaters and skating fans. He's even recognized as the "ace of Japan" or "Japan's ace" — whichever you prefer. Achilles' Heel : Downplayed. Yuri excels in presentation, though he tends to fall short when it comes to getting a high technical score. As indicated in the official character databook, Yuri has a perfect score in both skating and step sequences, and a nearly-perfect score in his spins as well... though the score given for his jumps could be considered slightly above average at best. This is backed up by the fact that the only quads he knows are the quadruple toe loop and Salchow (the latter quad being a hit-and-miss move for him)... at least at first . Affectionate Nickname : Somewhat; in Yurio's nicer moments, he calls Yuri "pork cutlet bowl" instead of the usual insults . To a lesser extent, Victor calls Yuri a piglet or "little piggy" a few times, but he drops it once Yuri loses weight. Ambiguous Disorder : His anxiety disorder is ambiguous only in that the creators have yet to definitively label it. Ambiguous Situation : In-universe, people are always wondering what kind of relationship he and Victor actually have. After the events of Episode 10 however, their situation is made pretty clear to the rest of the finalists, Yuri's ballet teacher and sister, and a crowd of restaurant patrons when Victor declares that they're engaged . Ascended Fanboy : After looking up to Victor all his life, the man himself comes and offers to be his coach. Soon enough, they enter in a romantic relationship, and get engaged in Episode 10 . Audience Surrogate : One of the things that easily endears him to the viewer is how relatable he is in almost every aspect, especially to those who are dealing with anxiety in real life. Beware the Nice Ones : Despite his gentle personality, Yuri is not to be messed with; if pushed far enough, his outbursts can give even Victor pause... and that was when he was upset . Now imagine what would happen if he was angry instead, and we mean well and truly angry . Big Beautiful Man : Granted, during the off-season he's not really that fat, but in the stage drama, Victor finds Yuri's chubby self to be adorable, and gushes about how squishy he is while playing with his baby fat. The Big Damn Kiss : With Victor, in Episode 7 . Bishōnen : He's more cute than outright handsome by default, but he easily becomes this with a bit of grooming. Blind Without 'Em : Downplayed; he seems to be able to skate just fine without his glasses, but in Episode 6 he has to squint to see his scores on the leaderboard at the China Cup. Word of God stated that he's practically half-blind without his glasses. Blue Is Heroic : In case you haven't noticed yet, his Color Motif is blue and he's the main protagonist of the story. Break the Cutie : His comfort-eating after his dog's death by and large ruined his chances for winning a medal at the Grand Prix Final. Combined with a poor track record at previous competitions, his five-year-long career became a list of failures that ended unceremoniously with him terminating his contract with his coach, Celestino Cialdini, and going back to his hometown to figure out what to do with the rest of his life. You can imagine exactly how much all of this contributed to the depression and extremely low self-esteem we see at the beginning of the series. Broken Ace : Yuri is a highly talented skater, but he deals with a lot of emotional baggage alongside his skating career, the latter being something he looks at with both pride and shame . Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl : A same-gender example; Yuri's anxiety and shyness is a contrast to Victor's confidence and sunny attitude. But Now I Must Go : Tries to invoke this by telling Victor that he'll be retiring after the Final. It backfires horribly . Celebrity Crush : His admiration for Victor is treated like one, though it develops beyond that as he and Victor become closer and eventually become a couple . Character Development : He gradually becomes more confident and self-assured after Victor enters his life, and even manages to land a spot in the Grand Prix Final in Episode 9 despite Victor's absence. Character Title : Besides his name appearing on the title , one of the central themes of the series is his comeback as a figure skater and the Character Development that comes with said comeback. Childhood Friends : He's been friends with Yuko and Takeshi since they were all children, though Takeshi initially bullied him. Classical Anti-Hero : The closest thing to an antagonist in the series is Yuri's self-doubt and anxiety, and Yuri is an anti-hero in the sense that he is a contrast to most other main characters in works related to sports (see Foil below). Covert Pervert : Michele accuses him of being this. One may think it's because of Sara's warm reaction to him, but it may also be that Michele was there to see Yuri's drunken antics at the Grand Prix banquet last year . Cowardly Lion : His low self-esteem doesn't change the fact that he's a world-class figure skater, and Japan's leading skater at that. Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass : Not really "moron" so much as "anxiety-riddled man whose nerves hold him back big time". He claims to be only an average or even less-than-average skater, and you might believe him at first; but official data shows that in terms of overall skill, Yuri is only behind Victor and Christophe , and that is before Victor started coaching him. Cry Cute : Only if he's crying Tears of Joy . Cuddle Bug : He's mostly on the receiving end of this trope from Victor, but he does become one when Victor isn’t around , if his hugging spree in Episode 9 is any indication. The end of the episode confirms this is because of his longing to hug Victor , indicating he may be this offscreen when they're alone. Dark Is Evil : Played with in his eros program. He's not enacting a villain, although he plays as a Femme Fatale who pursues men and immediately casts them aside as soon as they are seduced, and there's his outfit for the program being all black. Deadpan Snarker : Not as often as you would think, but he can be witty if he wants to. Determinator : He learns to be one over the course of the series, despite his "glass heart" reputation. Once he finds something he's willing to fight for (namely, Victor) , he'll take on hostile audiences, anxiety attacks, angry young Russian skaters and personal crises on top of his already demanding training regimen. On a totally athletic level, his two greatest assets are pure physical stamina and willingness to work hard. Minako outright states that he wasn't the most talented skater at the local rink, but rose to the top of Japanese (and international) skating because he was the one who put in the most practice. Dissonant Serenity : In probably the most unsettling scene in the show, when Victor bursts into tears after Yuri proclaims he's retiring during the Grand Prix Final , Yuri's reaction is to calmly reach out and pull back Victor's hair so he can watch him cry more closely, and basically say with with little tone or inflection, "I'm surprised to see you cry." Don't Think, Feel : With Victor coaching him, Yuri eventually learns to not over-analyze his performance and to skate purely on his emotions, focusing on how he skates and not how he will score. Don't You Dare Pity Me! : In spite of his anxiety, he tends to keep his troubles to himself and doesn't like it when others attempt to coddle him. Drowning My Sorrows : A possible reason for him getting wasted in the previous Grand Prix banquet, besides the fact that he couldn't talk to anyone. After all, he wasn't having the best day: he lost his dog, gave an awful performance, and had no one to confide in about his turmoils. As he's aware of what could happen if he does, he ought to know better than to drink, but no one can blame him for choosing to down glass after glass of champagne. Even the Guys Want Him : Quite a few other male characters show some form of attraction to him, with Victor being the most prominent — an attraction Yuri eventually comes to reciprocate . There's also Christophe and Minami . Even his friend Takeshi , who's married , admits that he can be sexy. One of the commentators in episode 6 stutters after seeing Yuri lick his lips seductively at Victor's direction: "N-Nippon no Katsuki Yuri -" note "K-Katsuki Yuri from Japan -" Experienced Protagonist : He learned how to skate at a young age, and he participated in the Juniors with Christophe at least ten years ago. Extreme Doormat : It's easy to think of him as this since he never calls Yurio out on his actions, let alone fight back, whenever the latter would be unreasonably cruel to him; though this is only because he simply doesn't care enough to argue and is only amused or indifferent to the other's tantrums. Face Your Fears : Part of his Character Development . He suffers from Performance Anxiety and has difficulty moving on from his failures, and a portion of the plot is dedicated to him learning to conquer his stage fright and confidently perform at his best. Family Theme Naming : The "ri" character (利) in his name comes from his father Toshiya's name (利也), and is also found in his sister Mari's name (真利). Fanboy : To Victor, whom he's admired since he was young. The walls of his room are covered with posters and photos of Victor (before he takes them down so Victor can't see them) and he even got a poodle because Victor himself has one, and then named the dog after him . Fatal Flaw : Although he's a skilled ice skater, he can't handle pressure or get himself back together after a loss. He has a lot of insidious secondary flaws that appear to originate from his anxiety and tendency to devalue himself : self-centeredness, callousness , a Lack of Empathy , unstable/erratic moods and unwillingness to communicate , etc. Combined with Victor's emotional detachment and tendency to hide his feelings , this leads to some very rocky moments for their relationship throughout the show. Pride. He's not arrogant, but he sets nothing less than high standards for himself when it comes to skating ... which is why he doesn't take it very well every time he doesn't meet said standards , where his Performance Anxiety then comes into play and turns things From Bad to Worse . Foil : To Phichit. Yuri is introverted, has trouble making friends, over-analyzes his performances and gets frustrated over any slip-ups in said performances, whereas Phichit is outgoing, extremely sociable, performs with the sole intention to entertain the audience, and isn't bothered if he makes a few mistakes. According to Tadashi Hiramatsu, the lead character designer , Phichit was deliberately made to contrast with Yuri in personality. To most other sports anime protagonists. Said protagonists are usually Unskilled, but Strong , Weak, but Skilled , have zero experience in the sport but hold limitless potential, or are talented in the sport but have zero motivation . Yuri, however, is someone who's talented in ice skating, continuously improves by practicing, and competes for both personal and competitive purposes. His challenge in the story comes not from his actual lack of skill or difficulties rising to the
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