Yuri Gagarin's Victory Day Congratulation Speech May 9th 2022

Yuri Gagarin's Victory Day Congratulation Speech May 9th 2022

Dear descendants! Dear users of Telegram / Habr / Pikabu!

My dear friends! Close and distant ones! Comrades! People of all countries and continents! I would like to address you all during this most important day of the year - the 9th of May.

During my flight I saw how beautiful our planet is. The Earth is so magnificent! The sky is very black! Everything is crystal clear. People, please let's cherish and conserve this beauty.

Our people through its genius and heroic labor have brought many great creations into existence. Our people have won in a unparalleled battle against nature. Can we really dream of more?

But we also should not forget why and by virtue of which sacrifices our people have endured so many brutal hardships. After that I thought about the colossal responsibility that my and your shoulders bear, my descendants!

The most important human quality is perseverance!

From the bottom of my heart I would like to support our scientists, ordinary laborers, soldiers, teachers, engineers, technicians and all of my comrades during this ordeal.

Being a plain soviet citizen I cannot observe the current events without sorrow. Nevertheless I would like to devote this speech to the people of communism, a society all peoples of Earth will inevitably become a part of in future.

I say to you, my friends, goodbye, as people always say when they embark on a long journey. I so would like to give all of you a hug, my friends.

Also, to become capable of flight, first you need to grow a desire to fly.

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