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Yuffie ( Final Fantasy VII party member)

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Despite being an optional character, she is a date option during a scene in Gold Saucer , and there is a lengthy sidequest involving her in Wutai .

As a party member, Yuffie wields giant shuriken that functions like a boomerang. Her weapons are long range and thus do full damage from the back row . Her victory pose is to jump twice while holding her weapon above her head, then quickly spin around on one leg. Her victory pose loops.

While she is below average on the main stats , she has high Dexterity and has the best Luck .

Yuffie's starting level is decided by Cloud's level; the lowest she can start is 17 and the highest is 42.

Conformer, Yuffie's ultimate weapon.
Yuffie's default weapon is the 4-point Shuriken , which has three Materia slots, two of which are linked. Yuffie's weapons are long range, meaning she can be placed in the back row. Many of her weapons fill various niches well, and her ultimate weapon can be extremely powerful against enemies in the later portion of the game.

The Rising Sun has the highest attack of any double Materia growth weapon. The Oritsuru has 90 attack strength with eight Materia slots and normal growth, and is the strongest weapon with eight Materia slots, excluding those with no Materia growth.

Yuffie's ultimate weapon, the Conformer , does more damage the higher the level of the enemy, does normal damage when using Morph , and when used against allies it deals 1 HP damage (but there is no attack sound and no damage numbers are displayed). This weapon is consistently powerful against most higher-level enemies, and excellent for farming stat boost items in the Gelnika .

Yuffie's Limit Breaks have fair power, some have unique properties, and most of them hit multiple enemies. She learns her Limit Breaks slightly quicker than other party members. Her Clear Tranquil ability is one of the two healing Limit Breaks not learned by Aeris ; the other one is Cait Sith's Moogle Dance. All of Yuffie's Limit Breaks, besides Clear Tranquil, rely on Yuffie's physical strength. Yuffie is the only person to have a Limit Break that is strictly a ground attack, as Landscaper misses flying opponents.

Yuffie's ultimate Limit, All Creation , is initially very powerful as it hits all targets for eight times her normal damage, meaning it can easily deal 9,999 damage on all enemies. However, late in the game this Limit is weak against single targets, as it only performs a single attack, compared to other Limits that perform multiple attacks. Therefore, she can instead use Doom of the Living to perform multiple hits at just over half her normal damage; this can potentially deal 15 hits of 9999 damage.

Yuffie joins the party with the Throw Materia equipped. Her stats do not push her in any one particular direction, meaning the player can equip Materia for her that fills any role that is needed. With her ultimate weapon she can deal considerable damage to enemies with physical attacks, meaning she can benefit greatly from Command Materia that takes advantage of this, such as Slash-All or Double Cut . Her ultimate weapon is especially good with Morph as it ignores the damage penalty.

Encountering Mystery Ninja (Yuffie).
Yuffie is an optional character, and once recruited, is a permanent member of the party. To recruit her, the player must fight the Mystery Ninja who randomly appears in forests on the world map : the Junon Area , the Gongaga Area , the Nibel Area , the Rocket Launch Pad Area , the Woodlands Area , the Mideel Area , on Goblin Island , and on Round Island . Mystery Ninja's level, stats and abilities depend on the player's level, not where she is fought.

The encounter with the Mystery Ninja is available up until Yuffie is recruited. There are times when the Mystery Ninja battle is otherwise unavailable: After resting in the Grandmother's House in Under Junon , but before crossing to Costa del Sol , and after entering Cosmo Canyon , but before completing the Cave of the Gi .

After winning against the Mystery Ninja, a defeated Yuffie lies on the ground. There is a save point on the field, but if the player uses it, Yuffie will disappear and steal something from the party. The same thing happens if the player enters the menu at any point during the scene.

If the player goes up to her, a series of dialogue initiates.

An incorrect answer causes her to steal something and flee. The exceptions are incorrectly answering the first and last questions, in which case she will move into another battle with the party, or simply run off without stealing anything, respectively. After choosing all the correct answers, the player names the character. Choosing a correct answer boosts Yuffie's score in the date mechanics (see below). She will also return anything she stole during previous failed encounters with her.

Yuffie can be recruited at any point, meaning either Cloud , Tifa , or Cid can be party leader. The only differences are a few slight differences in responses, and a different insult from Yuffie aimed at the party leader.

Recruiting Yuffie in the PC version re-release earns the " Yuffie " achievement. Recruiting Yuffie in the PlayStation 4 version earns the " Shuriken Join Us " trophy.

There also exists a PHS glitch concerning the event, where the player can access PHS when not intended to be possible.

If she has been recruited, Yuffie joins the party led by Barret during the Sapphire Weapon event in Junon . She will temporarily exit the party for the duration of the stolen Materia sidequest, but must be in the party to start the Pagoda sidequest, in which she faces a series of solo battles.

The player can reach the island of Wutai after acquiring the Tiny Bronco , but the sidequest can be completed any time before returning to Midgar at the end of Part II, even with Tifa or Cid as party leader. If Yuffie is in the party when the player acquires the plane, she will suggest going that way. After Yuffie has been obtained as a playable character (see above), she will come up and steal the party's Materia when they enter the island.

During this event the party is ambushed by Shinra soldiers, and during the ruckus Yuffie escapes with the Materia. The player cannot leave the island before having recovered their lost Materia; the party leader simply refuses to board the Tiny Bronco or Highwind . Yuffie can carry 48 Materia at most, so if the player has more they won't lose all of their Materia, however, Yuffie prioritizes stealing high level and rare Materia.

Looking for Yuffie in Godo's house.
Once the party enters the village they must locate Yuffie, and none of the shops agree to sell to the player before she has been found. She can be found hiding in the Materia Shop, stealing the Materia the player takes from the chest , but the chest is blocked by a girl until the player talks to the Turks at the bar. Yuffie can next be found in the room with the old man and a girl hiding behind the screen. Finally, Yuffie hides in the pot outside Turtle's Paradise bar, where the player can get her.

Yuffie leads the player to a base of a house where she promises to return their Materia. Instead, she traps the party under a cage and escapes. North of the village the player can enter a big house where the village elder, Godo Kisaragi , resides, to witness a scene. After leaving the house the player can play the gong opposite of the house to open a secret passage way, where they find Don Corneo has kidnapped both Yuffie and Elena , a member of the Turks who was on holiday at Wutai. Don Corneo escapes with his hostages and the player must team up with the Turks Reno and Rude to search the Da-chao mountains .

On the mountains the player finds Don Corneo with his hostages, but he is not willing to give them up, and instead sends Rapps at the party. After defeating it the Turks intervene and dispose of Corneo. Yuffie is so grateful of having been rescued she returns the party's Materia, plus the MP Absorb Materia she stole earlier.

After the quest the player can buy stock from the village shops, visit the "Cat House" to obtain a Materia piece, and visit the Pagoda with Yuffie in the party to do another sidequest.

If the player completes the sidequest they get an option not to fight the Turks in the winding tunnel in Midgar near the end of Part II. After the Raid on Midgar events, the Wutai sidequest is no longer available .

Doing this sidequest is needed to gain access to Yuffie's house, where the player can read a Turtle's Paradis flier as part of another sidequest .

Yuffie must be in the party to start this sidequest, which means the player must have completed the stolen Materia quest, or held off long enough for it to become unavailable (Part 3). The quest entails battling five bosses one-on-one with Yuffieβ€”one on each floor. After completing the quest the player earns the Leviathan Summon Materia . Godo will drop the All Creation item, the final Limit Break for Yuffie.

Dying in these battles does not constitute a Game Over as long as at least one other party member is alive. Depending on how early the player attempts these battles, they can be difficult, but there is a resting place near the tower where the party can stay for free. All bosses are susceptible to Poison . A suggested low level strategy is to have Yuffie afflicted with Sadness , which halves all damage, and have have Big Guard , a healing ability, and to poison the enemy.

The party member who takes Cloud Strife on a date during the party's second plot-related visit to Gold Saucer is decided by a hidden value in the game determined by the player's dialogue and party member choices. Cloud may go on a date with Aeris, Tifa, Yuffie, or even Barret . Yuffie starts with 10 points compared to Aeris's 50 and Tifa's 30, meaning the player must deliberately lower the latters' and boost the former's to get the date with Yuffie.

Yuffie cannot be recruited before passing through the Mythril Mine . However, she has party member dialogue during the scene in the Marshes at its entrance. It is possible to bypass this scene with a glitch and view it later when she is in the party.

In Under Junon , when the party unanimously votes Cloud to be the one to follow Priscilla to use her dolphin , Yuffie can be seen going off to talk to Red XIII if she has been recruited by this time. If she has not been, then Red XIII will simply go off by himself.

While the party is aboard the Cargo Ship , if Yuffie has been recruited, Cloud can talk to her (Yuffie is disguised as a Shinra sailor) and, upon being asked, offer her a Tranquilizer to ease her seasickness. Giving her the Tranquilizer raises her affection value toward Cloud. During this time, she stands in the way of an All Materia. The Materia can be obtained later, but the room will be filled with random encounters at that time.

When the party first enters Costa del Sol , Yuffie β€” if she is not in the party β€” works part-time at the Materia shop. Cloud can interact with her and buy Materia from her rather than the shopkeeper. After the party rests for the night and departs the next morning, it is revealed that Yuffie stole the Materia from the shop overnight.

When the party is at the Ropeway Station near North Corel and hears Barret 's story about his past with the Shinra and the destruction of his hometown, the party is unanimously sympathetic to him if Yuffie has not been recruited by then. If Yuffie has been recruited, and the player chooses to have Cloud board the train immediately, she will be the sole dissenting voice, unabashedly stating that she has no sympathy for Barret since he never should have trusted Shinra in the first place. If the player does not have Cloud board immediately, then Yuffie will board in an impatient huff while the rest will remain unanimously sympathetic to Barret's story.

In Cosmo Canyon , if Yuffie is in the party with either Barret or Cait Sith when the player visits Bugenhagen 's Planetarium, she will both comment on the apparatus and have the shooting star fly around her. If Tifa or Aeris is in the party with her, then one of them will do so instead.

If Yuffie is in the party after their escape from Rocket Town , she will suggest heading west, but not give a reason, hinting at her plan to steal the party's Materia. When starting the stolen Materia sidequest with Yuffie in the party, she leaves, and thus, the player's party has an empty slot where she used to be. After the battle with Shinra soldiers, a third party member will automatically join: Barret or Red XIII (the latter if the former is already in the party). They have unique dialogue when they enter.

After the party obtains the Keystone at the Gold Saucer and, as a whole, meets at the Ghost Square inn to discuss their next plan of action, Aerith will end her part of the meeting by excusing herself to bed. Cait Sith will remark on this, and Yuffie, out of her usual impatience, will forcibly excuse herself to bed, as well, if she has been recruited by this time.

After the date with Cloud at the Gold Saucer, whoever he is dating will join him in chasing and confronting Cait Sith over his betrayal when he steals the Keystone. When Cait Sith puts Cloud and his date on the phone with Marlene , thus revealing his kidnapping of her and Elmyra , Cloud's date will recognize her voice and respond to it, unless the date is Yuffie, who will not recognize the voice (as she has not met Marlene by this time), meaning that Cloud will respond to hearing her instead.

If Yuffie is in the party when Aerith is murdered , she will cry uncontrollably and be hugged by Cloud.

During Barret and Cait Sith's escape from Junon , Yuffie will disguise as a reporter and pretend to try to interview Barret. Irritated by this, he will verbally explode on her, forcing her to reveal her cover before joining him and Cait Sith in heading for the Highwind .

When onboard the Highwind after Cloud has rejoined as party leader after the events in his subconscious , Cloud can find Yuffie suffering from motion sickness and give her tips on how to handle it.

In any junction in the Northern Cave (the final dungeon
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