Yu Gi Oh Yami Yugi

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The other me
(Nameless) Pharaoh
The Pharaoh
3000+ (Japanese/FUNimation dub)
5000+ (4Kids dub)
Atem (progenitor)
Aknamkanon (father; deceased)
Seto (first cousin)
Aknadin (paternal uncle; deceased; sent to the Shadow Realm in the dub)
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Toei) episode 1: "The Violent Battle - A Game of Darkness"
Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 1: "The Heart of the Cards" (second series anime)
Dan Green (4Kids dub)
Chuck Powers (Singapore)
Jeff Bennett (Kids WB Saturday Morning Promo)
Mário Bomba (S1-S4) (Portugal)
Marcelo Campos (Brazil)
Irwin Daayán (LATAM); Pablo Sevilla (Spain)
For the manga version of this character, see Dark Yugi (manga).
Yami Yugi, known as Dark Yugi in the manga and Japanese versions, and also referred to as the Nameless Pharaoh, is the spirit of Pharaoh Atem that has been sealed in the Millennium Puzzle. He is the main protagonist of the original and second series, along with Yugi Muto.
Together with Yugi he holds the title "King of Games" (King of Duelists in Japanese version), by winning in the Duelist Kingdom, Battle City, Grand Championship and Battle City V2 (in GX anime) tournaments.
After Yugi Muto solved the Millennium Puzzle, Yami Yugi resided in Yugi's body and would take possession of it when Yugi or his friends were in danger. After Yugi became fully aware of Yami's existence, Yugi could voluntarily give control of his body to the Pharaoh; occasionally before one would give control to the other, they would, as souls in the mind of the one controlling Yugi's body, converse with each other, usually about their options of what to do when in difficult situations.
As he exists in Yugi's body, his appearance is largely the same as Yugi's, although many alterations are made when Yami takes control, such as his eyes. However, Yami Yugi has a more mature appearance, being taller in stature and having a deeper voice in the dub. In the Japanese version, though, very little change can be detected in Yugi and Yami Yugi's voice. His eyes are also narrower with a more intense, determined gaze. He also appears more muscular.
Yami Yugi's hair features multiple layers including long blond crocked, pointy locks for his fringe. Unlike Yugi, some of the blond locks jut upwards. The rest of his hair features five large spikes colored black with red (with a hint of magenta) rims all along the edges. The spikes were loose and free flowing at the beginning of the manga, but over time became stiffer.
In many illustrations Yami Yugi is depicted having purple eyes like Yugi. But in some of the cover pictures of the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, he is depicted having aqua green colored eyes.
At the beginning of the series, his outfit consists of the standard male Domino High uniform complete with a closed buckled collar and a large set of Ankh cufflinks on his sleeves, which weren't present when Yugi was in control. Underneath the male Domino High uniform he wears a dark blue or purple leather jacket with gold-studded buttons, replaced by a simple dark grey singlet during Battle City Tournament story arc. It is also noted that his uniform becomes a darker shade of blue when Yami Yugi assumes control. Also, during Duelist Kingdom, Yugi's blue and white sneakers would turn into solid blue boot-like shoes when Yami takes control. The Ankhs were later removed. Unlike Yugi, Yami Yugi sometimes wears the jacket as a cape, which could be because of actually wearing one when he was Pharaoh.
He wears the Millennium Puzzle on a brown leather rope around his neck. The leather rope is later replaced with a chain.
In Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, Yami wears a different attire of a violet jacket and jeans. He also wears the Capsule Shooter on his left arm. In episode 4, he gains Duel armor that allows him to become one with one of his capsule monsters.
In the early manga, Dark Yugi starts out as an merciless vigilante. He emerges to deal justice to people who trespass the souls of Yugi and his friends. Although his acts are righteous, he lives up to his namesake of Dark; his Penalty Game punishments are usually very brutal. Later, while living inside Yugi's body, he seems to become more of a caring, nice and friendly disposition, even though he always had that in him, and the friendship of Yugi's friends had helped it be revealed to others. Yami is a strong, powerful and skilled Pharaoh. He attempts to balance darkness and evil in his use of the Shadow Magic from his Millennium Item. Unlike Yami Bakura and Yami Marik, he never uses it for personal gain, instead preferring to help others in need, and to inflict punishment only on people who have severely wronged innocents.
He is slightly reserved, as he doesn't reveal his existence to Yugi or his friends. At first Yugi feared Yami Yugi, but after Yugi admits to thinking "another Yugi" exists inside him, his friends become aware of his existence and accepted him as a friend. Even before, Yami is extremely protective of Yugi.
Yami's pride is his greatest strength and weakness. Initially he refuses to lose games, without considering the consequences. This has caused him to almost kill Seto Kaiba by attacking his monster while he stood on a ledge and the shockwaves could cause him to fall if Yugi chose to win the Duel (in the Japanese version, Kaiba threatened to commit suicide should he lose). Yugi holds him back from such acts at times, but he is not always successful. Yugi becomes afraid to let Yami out for a while, because of the harm he could cause. During his Duel with Rafael, Yami, albeit with great hesitation, eventually ignored Yugi's objections and used the Seal of Orichalcos rather than lose. Ironically, it was this action and Yami's subsequent corrupt actions during the Duel would lead to one of his few defeats and the capture of Yugi's soul by Dartz. Yami expressed great grief and guilt following the battle due to Yugi's willingly suffering, which were because of Yami's actions. However, he was able to conquer and purge the darkness within himself; which also eradicating the malignant influence of the Orichalcos that remains within him. Learning how to lose became an essential aspect of Yami's journey, which he is tested in the Ceremonial Battle.
Yami is also wise and intelligent. He knows all the rules and details of how the game is played, as well as those of all games. He also knows several special game techniques, such as the Double Hit dice roll technique, which, when two dice are used and the one with the weak spin stops first, lets him make the dice that's already spinning hit the one that isn't, allowing him to change its number, which is done by bumping the field with a body part, e.g the elbow.
Despite being an ancient Pharaoh, Yami is very quick to learning and utilizing modern technology. He, despite initial shock, was able to quickly grasp the concept of holographic technology, how Dueling Arenas and field Power Bonuses worked, was able to use the Dungeon Dice Monsters Help computer to quickly formulate strategies, and was able to use Duel Disks flawlessly on the first try. Yami is also capable of translating the hieroglyphics of the Egyptians, figuring out the riddles or clues and what they mean.
Through Yugi and his friends, Yami Yugi learns the values and powers of friendship and unity. After seeing Yugi overcome Marik in his Duel with Joey, who has been possessed, Yami thinks to himself, he learned something from Yugi; that in kindness lies the greatest strength of all; one day Yugi will surpass him in every way.[1]
In the Japanese anime, Yami often refers to Yugi as "Aibou" (Partner) although there have been instances where he also refers to Yugi as Other Me, although being more prideful than Yugi he uses "ore" as such he would call Yugi "Mou hitori no ore".
Pharaoh Atem defeated Zorc Necrophades, sacrificing his life in the process. He used his name as part of a spell that sealed Zorc's soul and his soul into the Millennium Puzzle. The puzzle was shattered by Priest Seto and laid to rest in the Pharaoh's tomb.
3,000 years later (5,000 in the dub), the Puzzle was found by Solomon Muto. Solomon's guide attempted to kill him to take the Pharaoh's treasure for himself. After the guide met his fate at the hands of a monster, Solomon was saved by the apparent spirit of Atem. When he returned home, he brought the Puzzle back with him. His grandson, Yugi Muto, solved the Puzzle, which caused the Pharaoh's spirit to inhabit Yugi's body. The Pharaoh's soul, which comes to be known as "the other Yugi" or "Yami Yugi", was now missing the vast majority of his memories.
In the dub, Yami knows by the start of the Battle City arc that he at least comes from ancient Egypt, although he doesn't know he was once a pharaoh until visiting the Egyptian exhibit in the museum. In the Japanese version, however, he has no idea of any memories at the arc's beginning and has a conversation with Yugi about it in an episode before his museum visit, including being unknown of where he came from.
With his eyes set on the Millennium Puzzle (in the dub), Maximillion Pegasus sends Yugi a videotape and invitation to Duelist Kingdom. When the video is played, Pegasus appears on the screen and requests a Duel with Yugi. Using his Millennium Eye, Pegasus takes Yugi into The Shadow Realm, while Yugi's friends and Grandpa are frozen. Yami Yugi emerges and Duels Pegasus. Pegasus reads Yami's mind, using his Millennium Eye and learns his strategies. Yami ultimately loses due to the time limit on the Duel. Pegasus then steals Grandpa's soul, using his Millennium Eye to blackmail Yugi into entering the Duelist Kingdom tournament.
At the tournament, Yami defeats Weevil Underwood and Mako Tsunami and supports Joey in his Duel against Mai.
Yami faced the Mimic of Doom, who initially disguised himself as Kaiba. The Mimic insisted that Kaiba was dead and he was his ghost seeking revenge. In the dub, he claimed to be Kaiba's evil half that Yami had sent to the Shadow Realm. In all cases Yami's opponent used Kaiba's Deck. Yugi is able to defeat one of the "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" cards on his own, and then the real Seto Kaiba hacked into Pegasus computer system and installed a virus in the second "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" Summoned by Yami's opponent, inspiring Yugi to defeat the final Dragon by using "Monster Reborn" to bring back the first Blue-Eyes on his side and transfer the attack power of "Mystical Elf" to his Dragon. In the Japanese anime, he used the Millennium Puzzle to put the Mimic in a coma. In the dub, he drove all evil from the Mimic.
Yami then faces PaniK, to win back Mai's Star Chips that she lost to him. Yami believes he knows what kind of man PaniK was—a cowardly bully hiding behind defenses. Yami defeats him, but PaniK doesn't give up and uses flame injectors to try to kill the spirit of the Millennium Puzzle. Yami protects himself with the power of the Millennium Puzzle, and inflicts a Mind Crush on PaniK.
Yami Tag Duels with Joey as they take on the Paradox Brothers together. The game being a Labyrinth Duel, puts it strongly in the Paradox brothers favor, but Yami Yugi and Joey are able to beat them through teamwork. To leave the Labyrinth, there are two paths out of the arena: one leads out of the caves, while another leads to an endless maze. As a way of helping the two, the Brothers claim that one of them will speak only lies, while the other will speak only the truth, and furthermore allow both Yami Yugi and Joey to ask one question each to find out which path is correct. However, Yami deduces that both brothers are lying and they have the power to change which path leads where. By using a two-headed coin to trick the Brothers into admitting this, Yugi and his friends escape the caves. After this win, Yami Yugi and Joey have enough Star Chips to enter the finals.
Yugi manages to regain a spot in the finals as Mai gives him her excessive Star Chips, in thanks for winning hers back off PaniK. Yami Yugi faces Mai in the first round of the finals, but patronizes her and only thinks of facing Pegasus. This leads to a lot of bad plays on Yugi's behalf. (In the dub, Yugi refuses to let Yami Duel, in fear that he may harm his opponent, like he was willing to harm Kaiba. Yami tries to talk Yugi into letting him Duel, as Yugi puts up a weak fight. After talking with Mai about facing fears, Yugi lets Yami take control.) Having faith in his friends and everyone depending on him, Yami Summons the "Black Luster Soldier" and uses it to defeat Mai.
Yami proceeds to face Pegasus in the finals. His souls is at stake as he battles for the release of Grandpa and the Kaiba brother's souls. Pegasus dominates the Duel at an early stage, with his Toon monsters and using his Millennium Eye to read Yami's mind. Yami talks with Yugi, who gets the idea to continually switch control of his body. This way after Yugi makes a move, he switches to Yami, whose mind Pegasus then reads. This causes Pegasus to not see what cards are played face-down and where Yugi hides "Dark Magician" under "Magical Hats". Pegasus uses "Magical Neutralizing Force" to remove the hats, but Yami uses a cards Yugi Set, "Living Arrow", which copies "Magical Neutralizing Force", which destroys "Toon World", and "Mirror Force" destroys Pegasus' Toons. Pegasus then takes the Duel to the Shadow Realm and uses his eye-themed monsters. Yugi, unable to cope with the Shadow Realm passes out after a few turns, setting a card as he does so.
Mokuba Kaiba requests the help of Yugi and his friends after Seto Kaiba gets trapped in a virtual reality game by the Big Five. Yugi, along with Joey, Mai and Mokuba save Kaiba. Yami and Kaiba together Summon "Dragon Master Knight" and use it to defeat the final boss, the "Mythic Dragon".
At school, they met the new student, Duke Devlin, the owner of the Black Clown. Joey was jealous of Duke's popularity and challenged him to a game of Duel Monsters. Yugi objected to the condition that Joey and Duke both use Decks from packs they open on the spot. Joey lost the televised Duel and in keeping his end of the bargain had to do whatever Duke said. Yugi became disgusted after Duke forced Joey to wear a dog suit and behave like a dog, so he switched to Yami who challenged Duke to a Duel. Duke accepted if they play Dungeon Dice Monsters instead of Duel Monsters and should Yugi lose he must relinquish his title of "King of Games" and give-up playing Duel Monsters.[2]
Unfamiliar with the rules, Yami got off to a rough start. His chances did not improve as Duke revealed that he designed Dungeon Dice Monsters with Pegasus' aid. Duke blamed Yami Yugi for Pegasus' disappearance after Duelist Kingdom.[3] Yami used his innate gaming skills to turn the tables on Duke. Yami succeeded in calling "Dark Magician", which Pegasus had added to the game, and used it to defeat Duke.[4]
After the game, Duke, Yugi and Yugi's friends went to Duke's office. Duke lamented that his dream has been crushed as nobody would want to play Dungeon Dice Monsters now. However Yugi assured him that it was a great game and his friends agreed. Duke apologized for how he had treated them, and they agreed to be friends.[4]
Later on, Yugi asked Téa if she could go out with Yami, a request Yami was completely unaware of. Yugi believed that spending time with Téa would help Yami cheer up from his apparent gloom of not knowing anything about his past. The next day when Yugi meets Téa at the meeting site, he switched to Yami. At first, Yami showed a confident face as he often did, but became confused when noticing that there was no one to Duel. Yami began to yell down at the Millennium Puzzle, but was cut short when he noticed Téa standing before him and showed a rare but funny and peculiar expression of embarrassment. After visiting many shops and attractions, they enter an arcade. Inside, Yami observes with interest the many games he has never heard nor seen before. Téa is later challenged by and squares off against Johnny Steps in a dance game. Not taking his loss too well, Johnny later catches up with Yami Yugi and Téa and challenges Téa to rematch, claiming that his leg had cramped up. If she loses she must become his girlfriend. Yami, not wanting to place Téa's dignity at stake, instead challenges Johnny to a game of Duel Monsters. If he wins, Johnny must leave Téa alone. If Johnny wins, Téa must go on a date with him (an event which Yami felt confident he could prevent). Yami reveals himself to be Yugi Muto during the Duel, causing Johnny to surrender and run. Téa stops him, tells him how quitting isn't going to get him far, and that he must keep trying to achieve his goals. Afterwards Téa and Yami go to an Ancient Egyptian exhibition to find clues to Yami's past. Here they meet Ishizu Ishtar, who shows Yami some information about his past as a pharaoh and tells him he must enter the Battle City tournament to learn more, as well as warning him of a coming danger.
Yugi is invited to the Battle City tournament. Yami faces the Rare Hunter, Seeker, in the preliminaries, winning back Joey's "Red Eyes Black Dragon" and learning that his enemy is a man named Marik Ishtar. After trying to return "Red-Eyes" to Joey, Joey insists that Yugi should keep it and he'll take it back when he becomes a better Duelist.
Yami next faces Arkana, whose signature card is also a "Dark Magician". The Duel is set up, so two saw-blades draw closer to the player's feet, as their Life Points lower. Yami wins the Duel and rescues Arkana from the blades.
Yami Yugi faces an Egyptian God for the first time, as Marik Duels him, through his puppet Strings. Strings Summons "Slifer the Sky Dragon" and creates a massive hand of cards. Yami manages to turn Marik's strategy against him, ultimately forcing his opponent to Deck Out, and takes "Slifer the Sky Dragon" after winning.
Kaiba challenges Yami Yugi to a Duel after his victory against Strings. Yami however postpones the Duel, as he must check his friends' safety, as Marik is just after threatening to turn them into Mind Slaves. Kaiba assists Yugi in his search. Along the way, they Tag Duel a pair of Rare Hunters, who Kaiba quickly disposes with "Obelisk the Tormentor". Marik then sends the same pair of Rare Hunters Umbra and Lumis to Tag Duel Yugi and Kaiba. Umbra and Lumis Decks are designed to combat the Summoning of the God cards, but Yami and Kaiba manage to work together and get around their lock, Summoning Obelisk once again to win the Duel. Yugi acquires enough Locator Cards to proceed to the finals after this Duel.
At Domino Pier, Yami locates Joey, only to discover that his friend is possessed by Marik. Both players are chained to an anchor and forced to Duel. Defeating their opponent would release a key to save themselves. After a timer hits zero, the anchor would drag one of the two players chained to it into the water to drown. Marik doesn't allow Yugi to u
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Yami Yugi Character Profile : Official Yu-Gi-Oh! Site
Yami Yugi - Yugipedia - Yu-Gi-Oh! wiki
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Yami Yugi (Legacy of the Duelist) | Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki | Fandom
Yami Yugi (World Championship) | Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki | Fandom
Yami Yugi (Duel Links) | Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki | Fandom
Yu Gi Oh Yami Yugi