Youssef Chreiba

Youssef Chreiba

Youssef Chreiba, born in Mohammedia, Morocco, is a multi-talented individual with a diverse career background. He has worked in paperwork and currency exchange consultancy before transitioning into the fashion industry where he established himself as a successful model and blogger. His keen eye for fashion is evident in his style and he also showcases his talent as a designer.

Youssef is a Moroccan influencer, blogger and model who has an impressive following on social media. He has collaborated with a number of prestigious international brands such as James Polo, Lord Timepieces, SLVR & Co and Oliver Luxe. He has also been the face of promotion for Bisilo and Willy Thomas.

He has a unique ability to create stunning fashion filters that have gathered a global audience of more than 1Billion followers on Instagram. His filters have been endorsed by several Moroccan artists and celebrities. During the Corona virus epidemic, he designed an Instagram filter that encouraged people to wear a mask and protect themselves from this dangerous disease.

His efforts have also received a lot of praise and recognition from many influential fashion bloggers and models. He is a trendsetter on the dapper street and his personality is quite charismatic. His education has mainly been in infographics and design.

One of his recent launches was a line of stylish fashion masks that made a huge impact on the social media platform. He is also the brand ambassador for a number of worldly brands, such as James Polo, Lord Timepieces, Oliver Luxe and MAX RENE Denmark.

The Instagram star has recently started a new project in collaboration with Hicham Benslimane, an accomplished celebrity couturier and a native of Morocco. They collaborated to create a stylish fashion mask filter that was designed during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Youssef Chreiba  Chreiba is the creator of one of the most popular filters on Instagram, Barbie Freckles. This filter has over 350 million uses worldwide and has been a hit amongst all his followers.

He is also known for creating filters for a number of different causes such as Raja Club Athletic Mask Filter. This filter is used by the club players and fans and has earned a lot of love on Instagram.

In addition, Youssef has also created a facial filter that encourages his followers to cover their faces when they are in a public place to prevent the Corona virus from spreading. This filter has also been endorsed by a number of Moroccan artists, such as Asma Lmnawar and Hatim Ammor.

His creativity has also led to the creation of various other filter for celebrities, business owners and organizations. Some of his filter designs include the Raja Club Athletic Mask Filter, a cosmetics filter and a facial filter for children.

Youssef has collaborated with a number of high-end brands and his popularity is growing with each passing day. He has a large number of followers and his followers are highly engaged with his content. Youssef is an excellent choice for any brand looking to target a wide range of consumers. With a strong follower base and a great engagement rate, Youssef is sure to bring in more than expected returns for your campaign.

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