You're The Worst Sex Scene

You're The Worst Sex Scene


You're The Worst Sex Scene
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In this week’s episode of You’re The Worst , things got a little, um, stabbier than some viewers may have been expecting.
In a violent, cliffhanger-ish conclusion to the third season premiere, Lindsay — now officially back together with her husband, Paul, a yawn in human form — gets so freaked out by the prospect of the mundane married life ahead of her that she turns to her spouse and shoves a knife into his side. This is not an accidental knifing; she doesn’t trip while chopping the mushrooms for the salad that’s supposed to accompany the hominy and poblano-pepper pozole Paul ordered from Red Napkin, the You’re the Worst version of Blue Apron. No, she shanks him, hard, in a spot that presumably shares real estate with some important organs.
As I said in my review of the third season , even though the characters on the FXX show have engaged in some despicable behavior in the past, this particular choice feels like … well, the worst thing someone’s ever done on this show. Gretchen, Jimmy, and Lindsay, as well as Lindsay’s sister, Becca, and her dude-bro husband, Vernon, have definitely offended and hurt other people before. But unless I’m forgetting the very special murder episode, so far none of them have attempted to commit homicide, and certainly not to their romantic partner. I wasn’t sure how to feel about that at first. But after further consideration, it became clear to me that this scene is actually a perfect illustration of You’re the Worst living up to its script-flipping mission statement.
My initial response to the Shocking Paul Knifing of 2016 was that it pushed things too far, so much so that it wasn’t clear whether Lindsay actually did something this horrific or if we merely saw her play out a fantasy of stabbing Paul. (Spoiler alert: It was real.) The things that happen on this show are often dark and heightened for our twisted amusement. But even within that context, Lindsay’s action seemed extreme.
In her defense, there’s no question that Paul is the spousal equivalent of Baymax from Big Hero Six , in that he’s a cuddly, blob-like entity whose conversational abilities are deeply lacking. (Who cares how many rows are in an ear of corn, Paul??) But like Baymax, he’s also comforting, considerate, and extremely loyal. (Do you think Baymax likes listening to birding podcasts? I bet he does.)
Paul, played by Allan McLeod with a thermostat set permanently and appropriately on milquetoast, has forgiven Lindsay for every sin she’s committed against him. He has stayed with her and is committed to being a partner and parent with her. As terrifying as it is to Lindsay when he says, “I’m so happy I get to do this with you, forever wife,” it’s also very sweet and admirable, in addition to being, obviously, ridiculously naïve. My point is: He may be super-boring, but Paul definitely does not deserve a knife to the gut.
I mean, imagine if the gender roles had been reversed and the stabber had been a man and the victim had been a woman. Would we be able to accept this behavior, even as a moment of black comedy, to the degree that we can maybe kinda sorta accept it from Lindsay?
That was the thought that made me look more closely at that scene and change my mind about it.
What happens in this episode-closing moment is a total subversion of stereotypical gender roles. In the situation that plays out between Paul and Lindsay, and in keeping with the dynamic of their marriage, Paul engages in what society has trained us to think of as wife behavior: He cooks, he sips wine, and he tries to connect with his spouse by having a pleasant, gentle evening at home. Lindsay, on the other hand, feels the way a conventional man — again, based on stereotypical gender norms — might in this situation. She would clearly rather be at that club, helping Sam, Shitstain, and Honey Nutz do a blistering version of “New Phone Who Dis?” Instead, she’s stuck in that supposedly blissful kitchen, where the atmosphere of fancy fixed-meal preparation feels absolutely stifling. Just before this scene begins, Sam wonders onstage where that “white bitch” is; the answer, the show implies, is that a lot of white (and non-white) bitches are stuck in oppressively “normal” kitchens like the one Lindsay and Paul are occupying.
Wendey Stanzler, who directed this episode as well as a handful of season-two installments, does a brilliant job of visually capturing the details that push Lindsay over the edge (the close-ups of that gray-haired birding couple are like the grim reapers of dull marriage), while Kether Donohue’s eye twitches and facial ticks telegraph how much Paul is killing her, and not softly, with his song. After wanting so much to get Paul back — partly because he was out of her reach, and therefore more alluring, but also because some part of her still believes she’s supposed to play the role of happy, privileged wife — Lindsay realizes she doesn’t want this life at all. It’s not that she wants to stab Paul so much as she wants to shove a sharp implement into the whole notion of what she’s been trained to desire from marriage and adulthood. We don’t necessarily expect a woman to lash out so aggressively, and that refusal to do the usual is precisely what’s so You’re the Worst– ish about that moment.
The guiding principle of You’re the Worst is its insistence on contradicting the expectations regarding romance and human behavior that have been ingrained in us by pop culture. Movies and TV shows have previously taught us that women are never commitment-phobic, but here are Gretchen and Lindsay testifying that, hell yes, they certainly can be. Soldiers who suffer from PTSD are supposed to be addled and maybe a little scary, not gentle, gifted preparers of breakfast foods the way Edgar is. Romantic comedies are supposed to have happy endings and present likable characters with unsullied souls who, once in love, can’t stop themselves from pursuing it with the unfettered enthusiasm of that kid from Love Actually dashing through an airport. While You’re the Worst continues to uncover elements of warmth in its characters and, especially, in the relationship between Gretchen and Jimmy, it still continues to flip the bird at Hollywood romanticism while refusing to take down, by even a notch, the level of reprehensible behavior of which its principal figures are capable.
Obviously it’s shocking and wrong for anyone, man or woman, to do something so violent to a spouse. But by putting the knife in Lindsay’s hand and Paul’s abdomen, You’re the Worst invites us to consider the same truth it’s constantly conveying: that all of us, regardless of gender or societal conditioning, must face the fact that we are capable of doing things that are ugly and awful. In this case, Lindsay might be the worst. But at some point, you, FXX viewer, could be the worst, too.
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September 2, 2022, 11:38 AM · 6 min read
Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Courtesy HBO, Netflix, MGM, Warner Bros., Disney
Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/MGM
Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Disney
Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Warner Bros.
Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/HBO
Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Netflix
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As fall arrives and we’re left wondering what to do with our lingering, pent-up summer energy, The Daily Beast has decided to embrace what we are cheekily calling Sextember . All month, you’ll be able to read sex-related coverage from across all the beats that we cover here.
On the pop-culture side, we kicked things off by asking our entertainment team to write about the worst sex scenes they’ve ever seen. Some might think we’re in a Golden Age of hot sex in TV shows and movies. (One of Netflix’s most popular film franchises is essentially soft-core porn .) Others might argue that Hollywood has gotten frustratingly prudish. (How was that Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas movie not even remotely sex y?)
While not all sex scenes are memorable, there are certainly ones that implant in your memory for all the wrong reasons. Here’s our picks of the bad sex scenes that have stayed with us over the years.
Lady Gaga and Adam Driver in House of Gucci
The sex scene between Lady Gaga and Adam Driver occurs less than 30 minutes into this two-and-a-half-hour film , but it was all I could think about until the credits rolled. In the scene, Maurizio Gucci (Driver) takes a job at Patrizia Reggiani’s (Gaga) father’s trucking company, and Patrizia calls her fiancé into the accounting office where she works. After making sure no one else is present, they begin ravenously kissing, knocking everything out of their way and ramming into walls at comically hard speeds. Then, in Ridley Scott’s dramatic fashion, opera music starts to play as Maurizio lays Patrizia down onto a desk and proceeds to bang the living daylights out of her. I genuinely thought Lady Gaga was the best, most watchable part of House of Gucci , but in this scene, she screams like a feral boar being put out of its misery. To be fair, that’s the embarrassing nature of sex, but watching this gloriously absurd scene with my in-laws in theaters over Thanksgiving weekend sucked the air of the room. And her moans didn’t even have an Italian accent. Shouldn’t it be: Ooooh-a?
This is a real Sophie’s Choice of deeply upsetting, unpleasant, unsexy, and occasionally week-ruining scenes to choose from here. ( Black Mirror …the pig…I need to run and vomit again.) But there is something just so absurd about the most shocking revelation in Avatar : The Na’vi have sex with their ponytails. I guess technically it’s some sort of tentacle-y appendage, but it doesn’t make it any stranger to watch. Everything about Avatar was so insufferably held up by James Cameron to be profound. It’s hilarious to me that, along that line of thinking, he was like, “ And then they’ll have sex using their hair, and that’ll really blow everyone away …” I remember uncontrollably giggling the first time I watched it—on IMAX!—in a theater. Not exactly the response someone should want from a love scene.
Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Ann Moss in The Matrix Reloaded
The Wachowskis’ heavily anticipated 2003 sequel The Matrix Reloaded didn’t lack for ambition, nor for pretension, and that climaxes (pun intended) with its sex scene between Keanu Reeves’ Neo and Carrie-Anne Moss’ Trinity in the human outpost Zion, a subterranean realm where everything—the torch lighting, the dark clothes—demands to be called “earthy.” Neo and Trinity get it on in a womb-like bedchamber while their Zion compatriots dance oh-so-sweatily to electro-tribal music at an orgiastic rave. The way in which the Wachowskis shoot these erotically undulating bodies in seductive slow motion, their hands all over each other and their dreadlocks spraying water everywhere, is overcooked to the point of absurdity. So too are the exaggerated movements and expressions of Neo and Trinity, which strain so hard for breathy passion that they elicit only eye-rolls. That Neo has a vision of Trinity’s demise at the moment that they jointly finish is undoubtedly meant to speak to the intrinsic relationship between life and death. Mostly, it just makes me wish they’d put their clothes back on and resume kung-fuing.
Adam Driver and Shiri Appleby in Girls
Season 2, Episode 9 of Girls (“On All Fours”) has an overall terrible vibe. Hannah is broke, late on her ebook deadline, and more mentally ill than ever. Marnie tries to get her ex’s attention by singing a treacly, over-enunciated cover of Kanye West’s “Stronger.” Meanwhile, Natalia—a very nice, normal girl who would probably rather die than hang out with either of them—visits Adam’s apartment for the first time. It’s disgusting, but that doesn’t stop Adam, still reeling from an earlier run-in with Hannah, from testing out his dom-sub kink on his new girlfriend without warning. He makes her crawl on the floor, which is littered with sawdust and nails from some shit he’s building. She’s not sure where he’s headed with this, but she goes along with it, figuring he’s just trying to have fun. He then picks her up, ignores everything she says, uses her for an undignified 18 seconds of doggystyle, and ejaculates on her chest after she repeatedly asks him not to. It’s not very fun, nor consensual, and it has the added discomfort of suggesting that Natalia may not be as adventurous and down-for-anything as Hannah is.
Rory Kinnear and a pig in Black Mirror ’s “The National Anthem”
Everybody’s hyped for new episodes of Black Mirror , but let’s not forget the wild way the show began. Talk about a beginning with a bang—no pun intended. The dystopian saga kicked off its episodes with Britain’s prime minister being blackmailed into sleeping with a pig. The pig was plump. The prime minister was petrified. I watched through my fingers as the poor guy (or rather, perhaps it was deserved) made his decision. Sleep with the pig, and
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