Your Worship

Your Worship


Your Worship
What does the title "your worship" mean in law? I was in traffic court and everyone referred to the judge as such. (This is in Canada) I might honour someone, but I worship nothing and nobody, this seems like an obscene title.
Printbroker, financial printer, ex-lawyer · Author has 33K answers and 84.1M answer views · Updated Jan 9 ·
Would I be in trouble for not calling the judge "your honor"?
Do judges care about being called "your honour"?
Why are judges addressed as "Your Honour"?
Is it legally required to address a judge by the phrase "your honor" while in court?
What does honor mean to a judge, who is often referred to as "Your Honor?"
Former Canadian Army Officer and HR Manager · Author has 18.2K answers and 9.4M answer views · 3 y ·
Would I be in trouble for not calling the judge "your honor"?
Do judges care about being called "your honour"?
Why are judges addressed as "Your Honour"?
Is it legally required to address a judge by the phrase "your honor" while in court?
What does honor mean to a judge, who is often referred to as "Your Honor?"
How should I address the judge in his courtroom?
Who gets the title honourable in Canada?
Do lawyers in Canadian courts use the phrase “Your Honour” when they address judges?
Why are judges in court called "Your honor"? Do others not have honor as nobody else is addressed that way?
In the US, we refer to a judge as "Your Honor". How would you reply to a judge in the UK?
What would happen if I addressed a judge as "Your Majesty" instead of "Your Honor"?
How much of a gaffe would it be if you accidentally referred to a judge as “sir”?
Should a judge still be referred to as "Your Honor" even outside of a court setting?
What does it mean to graduate with honors in Canada?
What are the consequences of disrespecting a judge in a court?
Would I be in trouble for not calling the judge "your honor"?
Do judges care about being called "your honour"?
Why are judges addressed as "Your Honour"?
Is it legally required to address a judge by the phrase "your honor" while in court?
What does honor mean to a judge, who is often referred to as "Your Honor?"
How should I address the judge in his courtroom?
Who gets the title honourable in Canada?
Do lawyers in Canadian courts use the phrase “Your Honour” when they address judges?
Why are judges in court called "Your honor"? Do others not have honor as nobody else is addressed that way?
In the US, we refer to a judge as "Your Honor". How would you reply to a judge in the UK?
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Avoid taking things too literally, or people will laugh at you.
The “worship” doesn’t mean religious worship. It means reverence because of respectful esteem.
Read the below if still interested.
Thanks for the A2A for this most worshipful question.
Avoid taking things too literally, or people will laugh at you.
The “worship” doesn’t mean religious worship. It means reverence because of respectful esteem.
Read the below if still interested.
Thanks for the A2A for this most worshipful question.
In court sessions, it is the required decorum — the expected ‘table’ or ‘bedside’ manners there — even if you have no personal respect, reverence, etc, for the judge or his personnel.
“Your/His/Her Worship” is merely a traditional honorific style of address for mayors, magistrates and justices of the peace — especially in many present and ex-Commonwealth countries.
In the UK, the magistrates are normally addressed “Sir/Madam” or “Your Worship” in court. Magistrates are collectively “your/their worships.”
It’s in the same boat of honorific titles such as “ The Honourable ” ( The Hon. ) and “ The Right Honourable ” ( The Rt. Hon. ) for certain types or classes of people and public officials — both of which make no actual representation of the real or imagine honourableness of the person.
The origin of using “worship” is mistraced (or manipulated by the early Christian Church) as being the original style of address for members of the priesthood — and making ‘selective’ interpretations using The Psalms of the Old Testament (particularly Psalms 96:4, 96:8 and 99:99).
(This is the part that answers your question.)
The word “ worthship ” was the father of the words “worship” and “worshipful” in the secular sense insofar as the English language is concerned.
We can see this in “ Votre Révérence ,” which is the French equivalent of “your worship.”
The true origins date much further back to ancient times.
During the Roman republic and empire , tribunes (especially the tribuni plebis : tribunes of the plebs ) were addressed as “ venerandi ” (“your worth shipful”) as a mark of special respect and deference — entirely secular in connotation. Meanwhile, the Latin words for ‘worship’ in the religious sense were cultum, adoratio and idolorum .
That secular usage is borne out in even more Biblical passages, such as Malachi 1:11, 1 Kings 18:29, 1 Timothy 2:8 and Psalms 148:12–13 among others.
The words don’t mean the literal sense of religious worship, but rather, placing high esteem or special worth to something (as in “he worships money ”).
For instance, in the Marriage Service (1662) of the Book of Common Prayer (1549, etc), the prospective husband’s promise is:—
“With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship , and with all my worldly goods I thee endow: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen .”
That is nothing related to religious worship. Instead it means an utter loyalty and devotion to his bride, who is worthy of this special loyalty in his eyes.
It’s an old usage of the word “Worship” meaning, in effect, “Your Honour.”
It by no means suggests the person should be worshipped like a God.
In fact, I think it’s the official form of address for a Mayor as well.
But, unofficially, it is rapidly being replaced with “Your Honour” in courts and elsewhere— as is the addressing of senior judges as “M’Lord” (even though we’ve never had lords in Canada, it still stuck).

John Piper is founder and teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is author of more than 50 books , including Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist and most recently What Is Saving Faith?

John Piper is founder and teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is author of more than 50 books , including Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist and most recently What Is Saving Faith?

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Questions and answers with John Piper
Interactive Bible study with John Piper
Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. We’re on a mission to change that. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ.
We end the week with a simple question — and often the best ones are. Pamela Khan, a listener to the podcast, asks simply, “Pastor John, what is worship?”
Let’s start with the inner essence of worship and then work out to the more public expressions of worship services or daily acts of love, which Paul calls our “spiritual worship” ( Romans 12:1 ).
The reason I make the distinction between the inner essence of worship and the external expression of it is because I think Jesus did in Matthew 15:8–9 : “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me.”
For Jesus, this worship amounts to zero. That is what “vain” means. “In vain do they worship me.” Zero. It is not worship. This is a zero worship. It is zero if there is no heart dimension to it. So, you can do as many deeds as you want and go to as many church services as you want and never be worshiping if it is all external and nothing is happening in your heart toward God. All true worship is in essence a matter of the heart. It is more, but it is not less.
Then the question becomes: What is this inner, authentic, godward experience of the heart that we call the essence of worship? Jesus pointed us toward an answer in John 4:23–24 when he said, “The hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” Notice that worshiping in spirit is not contrasted with worshiping in the body or with the body. Instead, it is put alongside worshiping in truth.
So what would that mean, that we are to be spirit-worshipers, worshiping from the spirit, and truth, driven by truth? I think the point is that when we worship — right worship, good worship, pleasing worship — depends on a right mental grasp of the way God really is, truth.
If we worship an idol of our own creation, we are not really worshiping God.
Secondly, worship depends on a right spiritual or emotional or affectional heart-grasp of God’s supreme value. So true worship is based on a right understanding of God’s nature, and it is a right valuing of God’s worth.
Of course, his worth is infinite. Thus, true worship is a valuing or a treasuring of God above all things. That would be the closest I am going to give to a definition, I suppose. True worship is a valuing or a treasuring of God above all things.
The inner essence of worship is the response of the heart to the knowledge of the mind when the mind is rightly understanding God and the heart is rightly valuing God.
Or you could use words like treasuring or prizing God or delighting in God or reverencing God or being satisfied with God. All of these inner responses to God reflect his infinite worth and beauty. That is what worship was designed to do: put the supreme worth of God on display.
In fact, the English word “worship” comes from worth ship . That is, worship is showing, displaying the worth of God.
We worship God authentically when we know him truly and treasure him duly. Then the word “worship” refers to that valuing, that inner valuing, becoming visible in the world in two basic ways in the New Testament.
One is acts of the mouth: acts of praise and repentance in worship services or small group gatherings.
The other is acts of love with the body and the hands and the feet: acts of love that show the supreme value of God by what we are willing to sacrifice for the good of others.
I get those two things from Hebrews 13:15–16 . Listen to this amazing summary. It says, “Through him, then,” — through Christ — “let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”
Those two verses begin and end with the term “sacrifice.” Of course, the sacrifice is an echo from the Old Testament sacrifices which were at the center of the worship and were to display the value of God as we gave up a bull or a goat and showed that God is precious to us.
We value his redemption that comes to us through the sacrifice and now through the sacrifice of Christ. So through Christ two things become worshipful sacrifices in our life: the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name; that is, worship services in singing and praying and repenting and confessing, and secondly, the fruit of deeds.
Don’t neglect to do good. Share what you have. Such sacrifices are pleasing to God. Both of those are acts of worship.
You see it again in Romans 12:1 : “I appeal to you, therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, which is your spiritual service of worship.” So all of our bodily life done in love for other and in reliance upon God display the worth of God above all things and make us worshipers in our daily life.
So, here is my summary: The inner essence of worship is to know God truly and then respond from the heart to that knowledge by valuing God, treasuring God, prizing God, enjoying God, being satisfied with God above all earthly things. And then that deep, restful, joyful satisfaction in God overflows in demonstrable acts of praise from the lips and demonstrable acts of love in serving others for the sake of Christ.

Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Qualifier: (e.g. literally, formally, slang)
Script code : (e.g. Cyrl for Cyrillic, Latn for Latin)
Nesting: (e.g. Serbo-Croatian/Cyrillic)

Mandarin: 閣下 (zh) , 阁下 (zh) ( géxià )

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| \ ˈwər-shəp

also ˈwȯr- \

worshipped also worshiped ; worshipping also worshiping


: to honor or show reverence for as a divine being or supernatural power


: to regard with great or extravagant respect, honor, or devotion

a celebrity worshipped by her fans

: to perform or take part in worship or an act of worship


: reverence offered a divine being or supernatural power


: an act of expressing such reverence


: a form of religious practice with its creed and ritual


: extravagant respect or admiration for or devotion to an object of esteem

worship of the dollar

chiefly British

: a person of importance

— used as a title for various officials (such as magistrates and some mayors)


or less commonly worshiper noun


worship of gods and goddesses

Worship services are held daily.

the media's worship of celebrities

Attendees will use the event — as their predecessors have nearly every three years since 1785 — to socialize, worship as a group, and chart the denomination’s course for the coming few years.

Jonathan M. Pitts, Baltimore Sun , 7 July 2022

From providing a location for preschools or alcohol and addiction anonymous meetings, to collection drives for local food pantries or shelters for people experiencing homelessness, church impact extends beyond those who attend Sunday worship .

Alison Cross, Hartford Courant , 27 June 2022

The service, which lasted until 6 p.m., ran like a traditional service within a Black church, with a praise and worship performance from Aaron Moses, who is a part of the Maverick City gospel collective.

Mankaprr Conteh, Rolling Stone , 20 June 2022

In 1906, Ernst Otto Haenisch, calling himself Otoman Zar-Adusht Hanish, visited here from Chicago to lecture about his sun worship faith, Mazdaznan.

Patt Morrisoncolumnist, Los Angeles Times , 14 June 2022

We've been forced to craft new ways to continue day-to-day routines of work, school, worship and play.

George Negron, Forbes , 3 June 2022

Recent Examples on the Web: Noun
Like other houses of worship , the Jehovah’s Witnesses shut down their Kingdom Halls in March 2020 at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Salt Lake Tribune , 23 Aug. 2022

Beneath the shops and houses that snaked through the city was a vast network of underground caves, hewn into soft chalk and serving a variety of possible purposes, from sites of worship to grain stores to clandestine hideouts.

Brigit Katz, Smithsonian Magazine , 23 Aug. 2022

The council established no new dogmas but attempted to update spiritual disciplines, aesthetics and styles of worship for the modern, globalized church.

Fox News , 23 Aug. 2022

The Neighborhood Scholars program offers tours of local places of worship , the Cleveland Public Library and The Keithley Collection at the Cleveland Museum of Art.

Joan Rusek, cleveland , 22 Aug. 2022

But this time corruption involved places of worship ...

Abbas Al Lawati And Adam Pourahmadi, CNN , 22 Aug. 2022

Most people’s schools, their place of worship might not be.

Fortune Editors, Fortune , 17 Aug. 2022

Anba Angaelos, the archbishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in London, blamed restrictions on church construction that have forced Christians to convert residential buildings into places of worship .

Samy Magdy, ajc , 15 Aug. 2022

No therapy or sense of worship can fix my heart !!!

Los Angeles Times , 11 Aug. 2022

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