Your Wife Showing

Your Wife Showing


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Whether you’ve been with your wife for just a few months or many, many, years, there will be times when you wonder if she still loves you as much as she did when you first met. It is a scary thought but a valid one.
At some point, you will question the status of your marriage, and it’s important you figure out sooner than later whether she still loves you.
Just be careful you don’t jump the gun too soon when it comes to figuring out whether the love is still there, or all is lost.
This means you can’t just assume you know how she is feeling.
Just because the two of you are married doesn’t mean you know how she feels. You can’t read her mind, and that means you don’t really know what she’s thinking or feeling, unless she shows or tells you.
You’re going to have to observe and connect the dots for some of it.
Try not to be too judgmental. Just because she doesn’t make you breakfast one day or she forgets to feed the dog does not mean she’s fallen out of love with you. Take your time to find out exactly what to look for if you think your marriage is coming to an end.
One of the toughest indicators that your relationships falling apart is when your wife decides to stop sharing with you. If she decides she doesn’t want to buy new furniture for the house or purchase a new pet, you’ve got a reason to be concerned.
You see, those examples are dual commitments, which means they connect you, and you both have a responsibility to them. Worse yet, if you see your wife is suddenly putting bills in just your name, it’s safe to say she might not be in love with you anymore.
There will be days when you really don’t feel like talking. However, if she starts becoming obviously silent around you when she was normally quite chatty, you’re going to have to consider the fact she might be thinking of a split.
In general, girls are more talkative than guys. Women always seem to have something to talk about, and it’s healthy for you to listen.
If your wife suddenly changes her tune and stops the chatty talk, you’ve got a great reason to be worried that she might have fallen out of love with you.
This is a telltale sign she’s not in love with you anymore. Normally, when you love someone, you aren’t negative towards them. Instead, you look to liven them up and make them smile. Even when you do something that drives her batty, she finds a way to look past it and keep smiling.
When the sound of you chewing or just breathing bugs her, it’s safe to say she really doesn’t want to be around you.
Does she suddenly hate the way you laugh or how you eat your dinner in a specific order?
If these are things your wife is now obviously irritated with, you better be careful because it looks like she doesn’t love you like she used to.
In a healthy marriage, you try hard to listen to what each other has to say. So, if one partner decides they don’t want to listen anymore, it’s a good sign the relationship feelings have changed for the worse.
There’s no question a wife should always be there to listen to what her man has to say and try to help him get through it. When she suddenly decides she doesn’t want to listen anymore, it’s a strong indicator she doesn’t love you anymore.
Communication is everything in a healthy relationship, and it’s got to work both ways. Your connection will crumble fast if she’s decided she’s not listening to what you have to say anymore.
Studies show that being intimate in a marriage is the glue that holds it all together. This is where that internal connection is solidified and nourished. Humans need a physical connection, and whether it’s just handholding or sex, it’s critical in any healthy relationship.
If you didn’t have that intimate physical connection, you would just be friends.
When you have children, it seems to stifle the intimate stuff for a while, but normally, it comes right back in time.
If your wife turns off the intimate stuff or pushes you away, it’s a clear indication the love is long gone.
There’s no doubt you want your wife to focus on herself and her career. Yes, you’re in the partnership of marriage, but you are still two individuals that need to keep your identities separate.
However, if you notice that your wife is doing only for herself, it’s not usually a good thing.
In a healthy marriage, the focus should be balanced on both of you. This includes being there for your man when he needs you, cheering him on if need be. If your wife falls out of love, she disconnects and stops focusing on you.
The reason she is focusing on herself and not you is because she knows, soon enough, all her focus will be completely on her. This point marries closely with selfishness. If you feel like your wife is becoming selfish, it’s a bad sign she doesn’t love you anymore.
It’s normal for the spark to die some after your marriage moves along. In time, your communication will become less consistent, but it should never cease completely. If you really care about someone, you will check in with them during the day to see how things are going.
If suddenly you aren’t getting any more text messages during the day, it’s good reason to be concerned your wife might be falling out of love with you.
Maybe she knew you had an important presentation today and didn’t bother checking in to see how it went.
Space is perfectly fine in a relationship, but there’s a difference between having a little space and not bothering to see what’s going on at all.
This is an obvious clue that your wife isn’t in love with you anymore. When she cheats on you, she is telling you that she really doesn’t respect or love you. If she did, she wouldn’t cheat in the first place!
Anyone that has powerful feelings for someone isn’t going to kiss or hop into bed with another person. If your wife is a cheater, you need to kick her to the curb, fast.
Give and take is what a healthy union is all about. If you start to realize your wife is taking a heck of a lot more than she’s giving, you need to be wary. A healthy relationship is all about equality, with each partner doing their part to make the other person happy.
When your wife stops doing her part and tries to take advantage of you, it’s clear she doesn’t love you anymore. When she’s stressing you out and making your life hard, she doesn’t deserve to be married to you anymore.
An amazing aspect of marriage is that you get to spend so much time with your lover and best friend. This is why, when your partner stops making time for you, it’s such a strong indicator she doesn’t want you anymore.
It’s perfectly fine to be a little stressed if, suddenly, her friends become a priority over you. This just means she’s trying to avoid you, and that’s never good.
In a healthy relationship, it’s okay to have separate lives, but when you are not included in hers, it’s all bad.
When a woman falls out of love with a man, she’s not likely to want to try to fix whatever is broken. She’s probably thinking there is really nothing worth saving because your wife has already checked out of the marriage, whether you know it or not.
So, if you can see that your wife isn’t willing to try to fix what’s wrong in your marriage, you can rest assured something is wrong. Perhaps you need to accept the fact it’s likely over and figure out a way to move on.
No matter what, when you love someone, you put everything you have into making your bond stronger. If something isn’t working, you do what you can to fix it.
When your wife loves you, she’s just not going to give up on you.
In general, women are emotional creatures. Guys can be too, but women seem to take the cake with this trait. So, when your wife doesn’t want to open up to you about what she’s thinking and feeling, it’s a critical signal she might be out of love with you.
Has she suddenly stopped talking about what she wants to do in the near future? Does she skip around what’s really bugging her? Has she created an emotional wall between the two of you?
These are all strong indicators that she just doesn’t want to be with you anymore.
If she happens to forget to do a favor for you, that’s one thing, but if she skips an important event or makes sure she’s conveniently busy, it’s a whole different can of worms.
When your wife stops trying to remember the dates of important functions for you, it’s a clear sign she is totally out of love.
You normally really shouldn’t have very high expectations with regards to your partner. When you got married, you made vows to each other to accept and love one another forever, no matter what.
If suddenly, she isn’t happy with something about your union or with you specifically, it’s just not a good thing.
When you are suddenly hearing a lot about “Jonny from work,” or “Billy at the gym,” it’s not a good thing. If other guys are being brought up routinely, you better be careful. When your wife is putting the focus on someone else, she’s definitely not thinking about you. This means she is thinking about these other people and obviously really doesn’t care what you think.
If she did, she wouldn’t be saying anything at all.
Chances are, she is also forming new relationships with other people because she knows she is going to need them soon because she’s not going to be with you.
This doesn’t mean she can’t have any male friends. But there’s a way to do this, and how she is proceeding is not the right way.
Be careful with this one because jealousy may get in the way of your logic. This is only a bad sign if she is doing this knowingly and all the time. If she is, there’s a seriously good chance she is done with your marriage.
Sometimes, when your wife doesn’t love you, it gets worse. Often, she could also be cheating on you.
Has the thought crossed your mind that your wife might be sleeping around on you?
The rates of cheating start to rise among women in their 30s but only after they’ve been hitched for 7 years plus.
The truth is, working women are more likely to cheat on their husband than stay at home moms. To add to that, they’re most likely to sneak around with a co-worker. Part of this is just opportunity. We naturally love the people we are with.
This factor also digs into the stresses in life today, where women may think it’s safe to relieve their stresses safely with a co-worker. I think of that as a fantasy escaping from reality, because, when all is said and done, the wife has to go back to her partner and her reality.
When a woman is making lots of money, it opens doors of opportunity. Studies show that women making more than $75,000 per year are more likely to cheat. That’s a bit of a scary stat, with exceptions to the rule of course. Bottom line is you better take it seriously.
There’s no doubt that a woman that has been married before is more likely to cheat than a woman that just got married for the first time. That makes sense because the door of opportunity has been opened, and the vows have already been somewhat breached.
There is something to say about the experiences children have with their parents. When a child has been brought up in a household where a parent or two has cheated, they are much more likely to cheat. So, if your wife has a parent that has cheated, you better keep both eyes open.
When a girl says she’s not happy with her marriage, she’s much more likely to have an affair. The weird fact is that, when a woman isn’t happy in her marriage, often she can justify cheating without the guilt. When she is trying to keep it together for the kid’s sake, she’s even more likely to sleep around.
For some reason, wives report a decline in their marriage satisfaction when they have a child around one year of age. So, if this is the case for you and you suspect your wife is cheating, you better push this investigation a little further to see if it’s true.
Women that don’t attend religious services are more than 2.5 times more likely to cheat on their partner. Guess a little united faith goes a long way in keeping a marriage alive.
When couples go to therapy after they’ve experienced an affair, most report they’ve been spending less and less quality time together. Guys seem to think that, once they’ve tied the knot, they have nothing to worry about.
Stupid of them because without the effort, the wife is eventually going to wander off to find someone that makes them feel loved and adored.
One of the sad benefits of an affair is a boost in self-esteem for the woman. It’s a thrill for a girl to get an ego boost with an affair, despite what it’s costing her in the long-term.
If your wife has a weak ego, you might need to consider she could be having an affair.
In general, studies show that women with narcissistic tendencies, who crave enhanced sex, are more likely to jump into a relationship outside their marriage. Add to that, women that are friendly and extroverted and that get approached the most are even more likely to act on their immediate impulses and have an affair without thinking of the future consequences.
This is a tough one. When your wife is certified HOT, she’s always going to have men ogling over her. If you aren’t fulfilling all her wants and needs, it’s easy for her to accept one of the propositions. I’m not saying the grass is greener on the other side, but she will try if you are giving her reason to do so.
Is your wife working out like crazy? Is she buying new clothes and getting her hair done? If your wife is constantly making herself look hotter and hotter, it’s a clear indication she’s cheating on you.
If your wife is suddenly introducing you to new toys and wants you to wear a new device, that’s a strong signal that she’s been learning and that she’s been sleeping around.
Now, if she’s been researching this and told you about it or she’s been reading up on this, that’s a different story altogether.
It is tough to accept the fact your wife might not love you anymore. You need to remember that the only person you control is you. There might be a time when you really do need to throw in the towel and move on.
Pay attention to these signs that your wife doesn’t love you and these signals she might be cheating on you. Follow your gut and connect the dots until you figure out exactly what’s going on.
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