Your Submissive

Your Submissive


Your Submissive

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10 Questions

By Pavitra | Last updated: May 25, 2022

| Total Attempts: 2995

Do you face difficulty in expressing disagreement with other? 
Do you get ready to perform unpleasant tasks to obtain care and support? 
Do you consider yourself incompetent or inferior?
Do you find it difficult to start a new task and working independently? 
Do you need excessive advice and reassurance from others to make even small decisions? 
Are you able to take care of yourself always? 
Do you feel an excessive fear of abandonment? 
Are you capable of tolerating poor and abusive treatment? 
Are you good at manipulating people? 
What sort of a person do you think you are? 

Have you ever wondered what kind of person are you? This alpha, beta, or gamma male quiz is exactly what you need. Maybe you are an alpha – a leader, someone who dominates. Or, a beta – someone who tends to...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 272564  |  Last updated: Aug 5, 2022

No, but some of my friends have gotten really, really mad at me, and I said sorry and that seemed to do the trick!

Play this amazing "What Cryptid Are You Most Like? Quiz!" A cryptid is a creature that may be thought by some people to exist but is not recognized by the scientific community. Through this quiz, you are going to get to...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 248891  |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2022

Do you think that you have all the qualities that define a genius? If yes, then the
Impossible test below is perfect for you. The test is so impossible that getting all of them right may be a myth. If you believe in...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 221751  |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2022

Have you ever wondered what's your personality type? Try playing this 'Am I submissive' quiz and find out if you are a submissive person or not. All you have to do is answer a few simple questions on this quiz and we'll reveal your personality type. Just make sure that your answers are honest and accurate about your behavior.
So, are you eager to know the result? Let's start the quiz then.

Only if its a very important task. 

Yes, because I'm very poor at making decisions. 

Only at the time when I've to make really big decisions. 

I'm capable of taking my own decisions always. 

Yes, I can manipulate people easily. 

No, instead I'm the one who gets manipulate easily. 

I don't know, that is why I'm taking this quiz. 
Wait! Here's an interesting quiz for you.

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  One of the most important aspects of being a good Dominant is learning how to train your submissive effectively. This can be challenging, but it’s definitely worth the effort. Here are some tips to get you started:
  Reward good behaviour. When your submissive does something that you like, be sure to reward them with positive reinforcement(the things they actually like). This will help them to continue behaving in the way you want them to.
  Use (real) punishment sparingly. It’s important to use punishment sparingly, as it can often be counterproductive. When you do need to punish your submissive, make sure that it’s appropriate and fair. (something they actually don't like). Avoid silence and avoidant behaviors, or anything passive aggressive, always make sure your sub knows what the punishment is, how long its going to last and exactly what they did to get it. Writing lines is one of my personal favorites. Second is the “time out”
  Establish rules and limits and routines. One of the best ways to train your submissive is to establish rules and limits. This will help them to know what is expected of them, and it will also make them feel safe and secure. When it comes to relationships, structured behaviour is key. Whether its work or romance, having a set routine and plan is important to keeping things on track. Having structured behaviour helps to minimize stress, confusion and misunderstandings. This is especially true in the early stages of any relationship when both parties are still getting to know each other. And the “getting to know” phase in D/s and “high tension” relationships is never really over, and that is one of the things which makes the whole thing pretty enjoyable.
  Be consistent. One of the most important things to remember when training your submissive is to be consistent. If you don’t stick to your rules, they won’t know what to expect and they’ll be less likely to follow you. As a Dom inconsistency and being wishywashy, will make you look weak, so make sure there is a solid plan in place, and everyone knows more less what that plan is, or atleast what its results should be, in my own D/s relationship I rarely reveal my whole plan, but I make sure my sub “feels” there is one. Tension with certainty and some mystery is a delicious combination.
 Be patient. It takes time and patience to train a submissive effectively. Don’t expect miracles overnight – it may take several training sessions to get good solid results. Over coming shyness and inhibitions in someone is work and there are often good reasons why those complexes are there in your partner and in all honesty, you might not be happy if they weren't there in the first place. In my own example my submissive has always been very proper, reserved, restrained,
with a sort of upper class mentality, but there are times when all that needs to go out the door, and times when it all needs to come back. So patience and understanding is key, goor or bad every part of a person can be a powerful resource.
  Now to get down to the fun and more specific things, a good place to start is with dress and appearance. A submissive should always try to look their best when in the presence of their Dominant. This may include wearing latex or velvet garments, certain colors, certain uniforms, a collar or various symbolic items, or using specific perfume. It’s important to discuss these things beforehand so that both parties are happy with the outcome. Forms of address are important in getting started as well, how do you both want to be addressed, should you be “Sir” in the house “Master” in the bedroom, and Honey in the shopping mall or at the grocery store, or shall it be “Master” all day everyday, no matter what?Every form of address has with it certain conotations, and certain colors of meaning. When you use the right form of address for the person you are speaking to at the right times, it can convey a message of respect, authority or intimacy. So you should determine what is best for you and when. Maintaining protocols is a fun game to play and brings an aier of seriousness to the relationship its many meanings.
Position Training and Establishing Routines
  This will help them to know what is expected of them, and a solid routine helps them feel comfortable, You may want to start with basic things such as when to kneel, when to stand, when to take various positions or preform certain tasks. when to speak and when to be silent. based upon words or gestures as sometimes its not easy or smooth to speak, so a gesture comes in handy as a Que. I consider position training one of the more essential things, because nothing ruins the flow more than fumbling around moving from one position or activity to the next, one idea is to make it a sort of game, moving efficiently from one position to the next as quickly as possible. With almost martial arts percision and grace. It”s not a bad idea to spend hours in training, learning the ropes and perfecting techniques. Position training is one of the most essential things you can do starting out, as it improves confidence and trust a great deal as well as body awareness and the flow of energy between the two of you.
  Remember this is a sort of fun game, and you can make up your own positions and commands and they can be anything you both want.
Attention: Arms at sides, feet together, head up and paying attention.
Wait: Stand comfortably hands behind back
Inspection: feet shoulder distance apart, fingers interlaced behind the back of the head, elbows to the side and raised.
Wall: hands on the wall, arms straight, back arched, legs double shoulder length apart. In this position the submissive cannot move away from the wall without taking a step because the center of gravity is in front of the feet and there weight is into the wall.
Kneeling: sitting on feet knees shoulder distance apart folded under.
Kneeling at attention: palms down head up
Kneeling inspection: fingers interlaced behind the back of the head, elbows to the side and raised.
Kneeling contemplative: palms up head down slightly.
  I could add a long and extensive list here, but I am sure by now you get the idea, you can also add from the yoga poses some of which are very useful such as “child pose”, “downward dog” alittle research goes along way, Which I highly recommend. Using some of the more difficult positions can also be challenging and make for some interesting and also beneficial games, in my own world fitness, posture and body awareness is a very high priority.
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Every man dreams of having a submissive girlfriend.
It’s in our nature to look for a loving and supportive woman who is willing to add to our relationship rather than getting stuck in a connection filled with friction, arguments, and negativity.
But just because we want a certain type of woman, doesn’t mean we necessarily deserve to have that.
What most men want and what they end up having are completely different.
Most men can’t have the feminine and submissive girlfriends they want simply because they aren’t what feminine and submissive women also want: masculine and strong men.
But when we say “submissive” women, we don’t mean weak, insecure, or damaged. We stay far away from that.
Submissive women are simply women who have had strong masculine figures in the form of competent fathers and older brothers, growing up.
These influential figures have always provided security, love, and happiness to their families.
Women who were fortunate enough to experience family members who truly knew their role and provided great leadership tend to want to replicate that in their own relationships.
They understand the value of being with a masculine man who knows how to lead.
This is where you, the man, come in.
If you’re looking for a submissive girlfriend or already have someone but want to change the direction of your relationship to what you want it to be, you need to read this.
Please note that this post contains affiliate links. I only recommend products and services that can add value to you at no additional cost.
Submissive women find purpose in giving to the men they love.
These great women make it a point to nurture the relationships they have by showing care and affection regularly to keep their men happy.
As long as they get their affection and attention rewarded, making time for men they appreciate will feel natural and meaningful to them. 
A smart man with good Game , a mature person who knows what he wants, will fully understand the value of a woman making time for him by never taking it for granted or letting her dedication go unnoticed.
He will recognize that because his submissive girlfriend enjoys investing in the relationship, it’s in his best interest to nurture the relationship by elevating her as a woman and a partner. 
Women who make time for you do so because they want to stand out, especially if you’re a man who’s on point.
They will take the time to support you when you’re on an uncomfortable endeavor, celebrate your achievements, and try to make your routines easier and more enjoyable for you.
Learn to recognize these kinds of women. They don’t always stand out compared to the high-energy, flashy, and sassy women, but if you know what you want, you’ll know better.
A submissive girlfriend will respect you, privately and publicly.
She will value what you think, respect what you say, and support what you do.
If you’re being a masculine man who knows what he needs to do for himself and your girl with consistency, she’ll trust you enough to respect you at all times.
Because it’s easier for a woman to be submissive to her man when he is the Man, not because she just has to.
So if you don’t have a submissive girlfriend who respects you — if you’re with someone who is always giving you a hard time or a bad attitude, then you’ve got work (or breaking up) to do.
And it’s not her fault. Remember that.
A man’s relationship is always a reflection of him.
For her to be submissive towards you, she must respect you.
For her to be attracted to you, she must respect you.
In fact, the most important thing in a relationship isn’t love; it’s respect.
Most men forget about or don’t even know that, and that’s why they get stuck in dead relationships that don’t make them happy but choose to settle for them anyway under the name of “love.”
Put respect above all, and you’ll get only the highest quality connections that have you enjoying life to the fullest. 
A submissive girlfriend enjoys pleasing her man knowing it’s also her pleasure.
Feminine women, who are well taken care of, make sure their men are satisfied, in and out of bed.
They pay close attention to what their men like and what their preferences are.
They understand that by making their men happy on a regular basis, the men can commit even further to the relationships and feel appreciated for investing.
But that only works if you’re always guiding your girl to grow as a woman.
It’s only when she trusts your leadership is when she finds pleasure in your pleasure. 
She can’t prioritize your needs if you’re not prioritizing her.
A submissive girlfriend won’t get in your way of accomplishing what you want.
Assuming that she doesn’t have to compromise too much, of course.
She’ll know that by contributing to your goals, she’ll make you happier.
By making you happier, she also believes that will make your relationship stronger.
So if you share your success with her by rewarding her support, she becomes even more dedicated to your mission and vision.
That’s why you must always pick the right woman.
A loving submissive woman will want to help you build and make your road to success easier for you, if you show her how.
But a woman who doesn’t care about you will either downplay your attempts at becoming better or get in your way, claiming that your “impractical” aspirations won’t serve her.
Always pick either the one who wants what you want. Otherwise, what’s the point?
Obviously, not all women out there
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