Your Mind is Probably Empty

Your Mind is Probably Empty

cw: Contains Statistics

This a hypnotic induction designed to put the reader into a deep state of trance and waking them at the end. If you don't want to experience hypnosis, please click off, there are plenty of great things on this site, this one just ain't for you. If you would like to experience a non-conventional induction please read on and enjoy!


A Markov chain describes a sequence of events, each which have the probability to move from one state to another based on the state they are currently in. It provides a simplistic model for mapping the probability distributions over time for a series of states. One can choose to map the human brain, for example, and how it transitions between states of consciousness.

In the most simplistic model one might be able to discuss the transitions between a state of full consciousness and one in which the mind was entirely empty. This transition is highly unlikely, and therefore we will not consider the probability of the mind spontaneously becoming entirely blank and obedient. Instead, we will aim to consider smaller increments. 

The first increment we will discuss will be that of moving between a state of full consciousness and one that we will call 'Q', or a quarter of the way into trance.

Q is a state in which a mind is beginning to drop into trance, one where it is just slightly more focused than normal, one where it is slightly more relaxed than normal. In this state the brain has just drifted slightly and may well easily be able to get back into its normal condition. 

It's safe to say that at any given point in time there is a 90% chance that any individual brain is in the unaltered state, with a 10% chance of entering the Q state. The Q state is one in which someone might not even realise they are drifting, they may not even realise they are emptying. 

So, if we were to begin a Markov chain analysis, we would assume there is a 10% chance someone is then the Q state, already beginning to drift. If someone, however, specifically read something to cause them to drop into trance, there would likely be a higher chance they are in this state, a 25% chance for example. 

If that person were to then check again whether they had entered that state, it would be the second time they had checked, so that probability would be compounded. That's how this analysis works, as we have checked a second time now, that probability would increase, every time we make that check it compounding further. 

So, if one had, for example started to read something designed to alter the state of their mind, there would now be a 44% chance that they entered that Q state. A state in which they are slowly beginning to drift and relax, even without realising. 

Following this stage, the next step would be halfway into trance. We will call this the H state. The H state concerns those who are focusing deeper, who are beginning to give in further, those whose minds are sinking down and emptying more and more. 

There is a distinct chance that if one ever enters the Q state they will move to the H state. In fact, every time a person in the Q state checks to see if they are still in that state there is a 60% chance they will move down to the H state. There is a 20% chance they will remain in the Q state and a 20% chance their mind will just return to normal. 

One must therefore be extremely careful when they believe they may be in the Q state as it is very easy to just drop down to halfway in trance. 

The H stage allows people to sink very very quickly, so one must be careful that they don't check where they are too often. But, for the sake of completeness, let's look at the probability distribution now, on our third check of the chain:


Wide Awake: 51% of the Population

Q State: 23% of the Population

H State: 26% of the Population

As you can see at this point in time it is a relatively even distribution as to the states at which a mind will find itself. The population of those who were wide awake quickly shrinking down from 75% to only 51%. The group of people that dropped from wide awake to either Q or H probably didn't even realise their mind was going, and that's okay. One just has to be careful about how many times they attempt to work out how deep they are, as every time that check is made there is a chance they could go deeper. 

Of course the only way out of these states is to check again, as there is always a chance that one would wake up a little, but there is also a chance you could go much, much deeper. 

There is a state below the H state. 

Even though those in the H state had their minds slowly dropping from them there is another below. We will call this state the 'A' state. 'A' for 'Almost empty', 'A' for Almost obedient, 'A' for Almost blissful and controlled. 

One only needs to worry about the A state if they are already halfway into trance, which is nice, because that's less than a third of people after their third check. The problem is that as soon as they reach that halfway mark there is a 40% chance of dropping into the A state. 'A' for Almost all the way under, 'A' for Almost entirely controlled. 

The H state is a dangerous one because it makes it so incredibly easy to slip into that A state. Of course there are other options from H. One can remain in the H state for a check, with a 55% chance of just staying there- that's better than a coinflip. There's even a 5% chance of getting back to the Q state! So maybe if you needed to get back up because the H state was daunting you could make that check and take your chances. 

So make that check now, how deep are you?

The population statistics would say that at this point in time:

Wide Awake: 43% of the Population

Q State: 19% of the Population

H State:28% of the Population

A State: 11% of the Population

I'm sure at this point you're in one of the higher states, there a greater than 60% chance you still haven't even reached the halfway point. Then again, there's almost a 40% chance that you already have. 

As discussed, the H state is a dangerous one, as it's just so incredibly easy to drop further. Though again, I'm sure it's not an issue for you. Unless you very specifically read this script in order to let yourself alter your mind, then the initial statistics may have been wrong, maybe there was up to a 40% chance of you already being in some state of trance when you started reading. That might be an issue. 

If there was already that high a chance of you going under and you accidentally checked again, there would be a chance of you moving from the 'A' state to a deeper one. Of course the 'A' stood for 'Almost entirely blank and mindless', so if one were to try to check how deep they were while already in the 'A' state there would be an almost 70% chance of one sinking into what I would describe as the 'B' state. B standing for 'Blank', 'Blank and mindless and obedient', 'Blank and mindless and sinking and dropping', 'Blank and utterly empty and controlled'. 

So, if you checked how deep you were as soon as you realised the initial probabilities were wrong you might have to be wary of a new distribution:

Wide Awake: 20% of the Population

Q State: 17% of the Population

H State: 33% of the Population

A State: 19% of the Population

B State: 10% of the Population

That's probably fine though, only 10% of minds at this point are in the B state, only 10% are entirely mindless and controlled and blank. 

That's okay I'm sure, it's unlikely you're that 1 in 10. Then again, 1 in 10 is no small amount, and maybe you are already that deep, maybe you are already that blank and mindless and controlled and blissful. 

Maybe you should check, just to see if that's really how deep you already are. But there's more than 50% chance you're in the H or A state, and that's dangerous in itself, because either of those would lead you to drop so incredibly quickly. H stands for halfway there and A stands for 'Almost entirely blank' or 'Almost entirely and completely mindless' or 'Almost obedient and controlled'. 

Surely it would be worth checking, just to see how deep you are, just so you know if you're still awake or not, just one check surely couldn't hurt, right?

New probability distribution:

Wide Awake: 15% of the Population

Q State: 13% of the Population

H State: 29% of the Population

A State: 19% of the Population

B State: 24% of the Population

Now that distribution is a little more worrying, as once one enters the B state. B, of course standing for 'Blank and mindless', or 'Blank and obedient', or 'Blank and utterly controlled', there is very little way out. 

Once one reaches the B state a brain will just keep cycling further into it with every check. With every check just reinforcing the state, with every check sinking down and down, and deeper and deeper. 

But maybe you're not there yet, maybe it would be worth checking just how deep you are in trance. As if someone is in the A state there is still a 1% chance of moving back to the H state. There is no chance of escaping the B state, once again B standing for 'Blank and Blissful', maybe it is worth checking how deep you are, just in case you're in the A state and can still escape. A of course stands for 'Almost mindless and obedient', so maybe one check wouldn't hurt, maybe you'll escape the A state and get your mind back. Maybe you'll move from the H state even further up, instead of the admittedly more likely dropping further and further, emptier and even more obedient. 

So just one more check wouldn't hurt, surely? Just to make certain your brain was okay and not dropping too far too fast?

New probability distribution:

Wide Awake: 11% of the Population

Q State: 10% of the Population

H State: 24% of the Population

A State: 17% of the Population

B State: 38% of the Population

Unfortunately, now it seems that the most likely state for someone to be in the B state. B of course standing for 'Blank and relaxed', 'Blank and mindless', 'Blank and utterly obedient'. 38% isn't too much though, right? 

A more worrying statistic might be that the probability, given that you began in the Q state, already a little more relaxed and focused than usual and are now in the B state is 49% almost a coin flip. Of course there was only a 40% chance though you began in that state though, right? Unless as soon as you sat down and began reading you immediately began to drift. You can't have done that though, right? 

You definitely remember your brain was in one piece before. It must have been in one piece at some point before there was over a 67% of being in either the A or B state; A, of course standing for 'Almost entirely mindless and obedient' and B standing for 'Blank and Brainless'. 

Maybe there was a higher chance of you starting in the Q state than you first realised, maybe it was as high as 60%, but if you went back and checked that you'd have to work out what state you're in now and that would mean-

New probability distribution:

Wide Awake: 4% of the Population

Q State: 6% of the Population

H State: 18% of the Population

A State: 15% of the Population

B State: 58% of the Population

Which is fine, because there's still a 10% chance that you're pretty much awake, and only a 90% chance that your mind is emptying or already broken, which is what of course B stands for. 

There's barely a 73% chance that your mind is 'Almost entirely broken and controlled' or 'Blank and Brainless and utterly controlled', and that couldn't be you because right now you are-

New Probability distribution:

Wide Awake: 3% of the Population

Q State: 4% of the Population

H State: 13% of the Population

A State: 11% of the Population

B state: 69% of the Population

-in some control of your mind. Only 2 times out of 3 would you be in the B state. B, of course standing for 'Blank and Brainless', or 'Blank and Blissful', or 'Blank and utterly and completely controlled'. 

There is of course a good chance that you're not in this state, a one in three chance that you haven't reached B quite yet. 

Of course you could also be in A, A standing for 'Almost utterly controlled' and 'Almost utterly obedient'. Then again, one people in five might not be in either of these states at all, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad to check where you are, just for the sake of safety-

New Probability distribution:

Wide Awake: 2% of the Population

Q State: 3% of the Population

H State: 10% of the Population

A State: 9% of the Population

B state: 76% of the Population

Leaving you with only a 5% chance of being in any state of consciousness worth noting. A 95% chance of either ready to drop or lost entirely. Well, not lost entirely of course; if you are in the A state, A standing for 'Almost lost', 'Almost entirely gone', 'Almost completely mine', there is still a 1% chance that the next time you check you'll be able to claw your way back up to the halfway point, and then a whole 5% chance of getting to Q. 

Maybe at this point though the numbers don't matter. 

Maybe you've already been in the B state for so long it's not worth trying to convince you that probability dictates that your mind is already gone. 

Maybe you've been cycling again and again through your current state and realised that there is no real escape. 

Maybe your subconscious knows that a population would only have to check states three more times before there is a 90% chance that their minds are empty, in that B state. 

Of course by this point you know what B stands for.

B is Blissful

B is Blank

B is Brainless

B is Beyond all hope of returning to your mind

And at this point your brain keeps checking how deep it is, a repeating cycle, making certain it knows where it is, and dropping all the deeper because of it. 

Statistically there is no way out of this blissful state, even if you move up a level briefly the eventual state is utter obedience. 

By the time one has run 20 checks 99% of the population is so utterly controlled they don't need to even concern themselves with whether or not they can escape. 

By 30 checks only three in ten thousand people would be able to stay out of the B state. 

By 40 checks that drops to one in one hundred thousand. 

Yet you keep reassuring yourself of how far you've gone, so the chances you can find any way out are so infinitesimal it isn't worth thinking about.

All you need think about is what the letter B stands for.

B stands for Blissful

B stands for Blank

B stands for Brainless

B stands for Brainwashed

B stands for Beyond all hope of returning to your mind

The more you cycle down that chain, the more you lose any chance of getting out of trance. Every time you check how deep you are you just disappear a little further. 

At fifty cycles approximately five in ten million people will be outside of the B state. Five in ten million people will be just outside, ready to drop. 

But not you, right now you are simply:




Beyond all hope of resisting or fighting

Begging to be told what to do

And that's so nice, so nice you could slip so deep as your brain keeps checking and keeps reinforcing just how utterly empty you have become. You just did so extremely well, and I'm so proud of you. 

Maybe my initial probability guesses were wrong though. Maybe you've always been in this state, maybe you've always been ready to go down and just needed someone to tell you when to let your brain depart. 

Maybe the probability of you being in the B state were always 100%, maybe you were always:




Beautifully controlled and obedient

Maybe that's just your natural state and I should have known that from the very beginning

Maybe you only learned that now.

But that's okay, you can leave this session knowing that you're one of the 100% who will always end up in the B state. 

Knowing that you're someone who can drop so deeply so quickly. 

So, very soon, when I wake you you'll be able to understand just how easy it is to drop under, because statistics dictates that it is simply inevitable. 

You'll feel so happy and revitalised, having had such a wonderful time letting your mind go completely empty for me. 

As you wake slowly and steadily. 

Able to tell me what you thought about letting your mind go and how you felt, very much wanting to say how nice it felt to drop just so deep.

As you wake for me in


Rising in 


Crystal clear in 


More and more in


Half way there in 


Coming up in 


Rising in 


Almost there in 


Finally waking in 




Wide awake;area=forumprofile;u=10660

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