Your Guide to Seasonal Spring Beers

Your Guide to Seasonal Spring Beers


Spring is the opening of life after a long season of cold and hibernation. The first moment your senses are tickled with the fresh aromas of spring air, you are jolted. It's an intense experience for me every year. Spring is a time of excitement--of paroxysm, and I think spring beers reflect that eagerness.. the perfect compliment. Winter ales always strike me as spicy and heavy, like a thick blanket, but spring beers are a step outside, if you will. They are crisp, floral, like citrus--so lightly alive like the scent of new leaves on the trees or flowers in bloom. Here's a list of beer styles perfect for spring:


There are many styles of bock beer, but this beer, the Maibock, is made specifically for the transition between the cold winter and warm summer. Mai means "May" in German. The German Beer Institute describes this beer perfectly:

"While most Bockbiers are dark-amber to hazelnut brown in color and exceedingly malt-accented, the Maibock is brewed entirely with pale malts for a warm golden hue. It is also more aggressively hopped than others bocks for a refreshing finish. Thus Maibock, like the lusty month of May, is a transitional brew. It still has some 6 to 7% alcohol as do its wintry cousins, but its brightness and bitterness already foretell the perpetually blues skies of summer when the straw-blond Helles and the pale and spritzy Weissbier predominate."

For this style, after much consideration (because I can't wait to find a good maibock to enjoy this year), I think I want to try Hofbräu München Maibock. rates this beer pretty high relative to the amount of people rating it. It has everything we want: a little malt and fruitiness upfront with a toasted malt finish and a smidge of hoppiness? Sounds delicious manikaran hot springs india.


Here we have a beer that is medium bodied, with a malty flavor and a light hops profile. You can find a lighter (Helles) Märzen and a darker (Dunkles) Märzen. It is served in a pint glass, mug, or stein, and should be cold.

Märzenbier is as the name suggests: March beer, but the history is pretty interesting. Märzenbier use to be (1500's) the beer used for Oktoberfest. During summer in Bavaria, the temperature was too warm for successfully brewing without air contaminants ruining a batch. To circumvent this dilemma, the Bavarian brewers made extra batches of Märzenbier in the winter for March, before summer. The stored the extra beer in cellars or ice caves to keep cold during the summer. At the end of summer, in October, when the new grains and hops are harvested, the Bavarians had to consume all the leftover Märzenbier so they could put their new batches of beer in the casks. Tada! Oktoberfest!

Since the times don't require the avoidance of summer heat, Märzenbier made in March isn't used in Oktoberfest celebrations. Most Oktoberfest beers are brewed for 6-8 weeks. This doesn't mean we can't enjoy the brew, though! Take this opportunity to celebrate Spring with this beer and its history.

Most labels will read Märzen-oktoberfest, but if that feels uncomfortable, Gordon Biersch Märzen is an excellent option. The Beer Advocate has an excellent list of rated Märzenbiers to try out, too.


What better to celebrate the coming of summer, than with a spontaneously fermented, fruit beer. Most beer we imbibe has yeast strains specifically crafted and carefully transported for the production of beer. Lambic beer, however, is fermented by wild yeasts and bacteria in the air. The wort (the non-alcoholic, grain/malt/barley-steeped liquid prior to the addition of yeast in brewing beer) is left exposed--inviting anything. This often creates a sour, funky, and unique taste. Hops are used, but not for flavor. The hops help protect the brew from spoiling. Lambic brewers use stale hops which don't have much taste.

Lambic fruit beers are a derivative of the original Lambic style. The fruit is added during the primary or secondary fermentation. This is exactly how fruit beers are defined here in the US when breweries add fruit as a predominant flavor to a base beer other than a Lambic.

This is my favorite style of beer to enjoy when the air is starting to warm, but the crispness of spring still lingers. Whew. The first fruit beer I ever tasted was a (raspberry) Lambic Framboise by Lindemans. Tart. Sweet. I love it. It went beautifully when made as a half and half (half one beer on top with a different beer floating on top--like a black and tan). I liked to float Samuel Smith's Organic Chocolate Stout over Lindeman's Framboise. SPEAKING OF SAMUEL SMITH, they also have a delicious Strawberry Ale which could make an excellent ale to taste during late spring.

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