Youngest Girl In Omegle Porn

Youngest Girl In Omegle Porn


BREAKING down in tears in front of me, a nine-year-old girl struggles to form words as she admits she's become addicted to porn.
The most shocking part is how utterly normal this sort of revelation has become - as an internet safety expert, it's just another day at the office.
I ensured she's referred to a paediatric sex addiction therapist, which unfortunately is now a (necessary) thing.
She started watching porn on YouTube on a suggestion from a classmate, then progressed down the bottomless rabbit hole of YouTube's increasingly horrifying suggestions and eventually started seeking out even more egregious forms of sexualised content on sites like PornHub.
It's one of the many chilling but all too common experiences I've had in recent years, while looking into the gutter world of social media.
In another haunting encounter, after I gave a student presentation on online safety, a Year 6 girl asked to speak with me privately.
A 24-year-old man had sent her nude photos of himself via TikTok and was asking her to reciprocate.
After law enforcement determined the identity and location of the man - he was 1,000 miles away - local officers were dispatched to arrest him.
He was apprehended a few days later near the little girl’s house, having driven 1,000 miles with all of the child’s personal information written on a piece of paper on the seat next to him in the car.
These are just two of many hundreds to horror stories I've heard, and it's why I support The Sun's effort to educate parents.
Video-sharing platform TikTok has become a huge hit with youngsters around the world, some as young as eight.
However, what many parents won't know is it has massive amounts of hyper-sexualised and pornographic content which is being viewed by our children, and at increasingly younger ages.
Paedophiles then use this content to both groom and prey upon potential victims.
We're just passed the three-way crossroads of ubiquitous device ownership, a wide and deep lack of parent awareness and education and the explosion of Big Tech - the sheer number of apps and money made from them.
When you consider all three of these, it should not then be a surprise that we're swimming in a cesspool of unintended consequences.
It's become a major problem and I'm pleading with you all, as parents, to act now to help stop it. Here's why:
TikTok has spread like digital wildfire, snapping up over 1.5 billion users since its global launch three years ago — including millions in the UK. 
On the surface, the world's fastest growing social media platform shows short clips of lip-syncing to songs or showing off dance moves but there’s a far more sinister side. 
It’s become a magnet for paedophiles as well as a hotbed for violent and extremist content, with TikTok predators exploiting the platform's young user base and lax security to prey on the vulnerable.
We've seen kids as young as eight being groomed on TikTok, while other creeps take advantage of young girls posting sexualised content of themselves on the platform.
And that's especially worrying on a site which is attracting millions more children every year, with 53 per cent of kids now owning a smartphone by the age of seven.
That's why we launched our TikTok Time Bomb series — to make sure parents are aware of the risks their kids are being exposed to, and what they can do to better protect them. 
Everyone agrees social media can be a force for good, but it has to be used the right way and with proper controls in place.
We want TikTok to better moderate its content so that its not being left to kids to protect themselves online. 
TikTok actively encourages, promotes, and rewards users to create outrageous and “popular” content, much of which is hyper-sexualised.
Content creators who are children unwittingly attract the attention of predators who will take every opportunity to groom, extort, and prey upon them.
For the past 10 years, I have been presenting on the topic of internet safety to school children all over the United States and gathering data on their web and app usage. Via anonymous surveys, they share the hard truth that they’re afraid to share with their parents.
Looking at the hundreds of thousands of responses I've gathered, I've discovered that the new age of onset of pornography consumption is eight years old, while the onset of full-blown addiction can start at 11 years old.
It's not just porn however, as sexting now begins in Year 5.
Essentially, nine and 10-year-olds who are sexting may end up being coerced and blackmailed by predators to provide additional sexual content, called sextortion.
I personally witnessed a case where a 13-year-old girl believed that she was "dating" a boy she met on Instagram who lived "a few towns away" from her when in fact he was a man in his 50s and lived hundreds of miles away from her.
An expert at grooming children, he convinced her to send him inappropriate photos of herself as well as piles of personal information about herself and her family.
He finally revealed his actual identity to her and explained that he would be coming to her home at a certain date and time and gave her instructions to leave the back door of the home which he had already thoroughly investigated on Google Maps.
It's not just porn - sexting now begins in Year 5
He told her that on that date and time he would be arriving to sexually assault her, giving her a detailed laundry list of what he was going to do to her.
She was to obey his instructions to the letter or risk her entire family being killed by him.
As the child relayed this story to me in the hallway of her school, I asked her when the man was meant to arrive and she said "Next Tuesday."
This is the quintessential example of the escalating progression of behaviours: sexting becomes sextortion, which becomes sexual predation and in turn becomes in-real-life sexual assault.
Luckily in this specific case, the predator never had the opportunity to make good on his threats because law enforcement intervened.
But recent analyses of online paedophile behaviour estimate that 60 per cent to 85 per cent of offenders who view online sexualised images of minors have already offended a child and will continue to do so.
Think about this for a moment… this means that adults who actively seek out content on TikTok featuring children have likely already offended a child.
Take control of TikTok – change these settings now
Parents should do the following immediately...
However, from the very beginning, TikTok has had serious issues.
It was initially banned in India due to concerns that the app was effectively exposing children to pornography and sexual predators.
While there is a 13-year-old age limit, it only takes a minute or two of surfing TikTok videos to easily find accounts owned by children who are clearly well below the 13-year-old minimum.
TikTok doesn’t need to care about our children - their job is to make money, and they do that job exceedingly well.
From the beginning, TikTok has displayed an almost intentional disregard for their users.
From security concerns to facial recognition privacy, TikTok does whatever it wants until its banned or sued.
Granted, this corporate behaviour is not all that different from almost every other social media site.
But the big difference here is that we have a track record of security concerns, of privacy issues specific to children, of massive amounts of paedophile engagement, and piles of evidence and data of children who have been offended - both on the screen and in real life.
As parents, it’s our job to protect our children - whether that be through cutting down phone usage, locking the app store with a password, or even a device shut-down period for the whole family.
Most of the time this job feels like I’m trying to drain the ocean with a teacup.
And I’m here to tell you, on behalf of law enforcement, school administrators, and mental health professionals that we need your help.
We need parents to engage so that we can prevent these problems instead of trying to heal the aftermath.
For my part, tomorrow I will get up, pack my teacup and get to work. Will you join me?
Jesse Weinberger is the author of The Boogeyman Exists: And He’s In Your Child’s Back Pocket
Last week, TikTok announced a new feature to allow parents to control what their kids view.
A spokesperson said: "Promoting a positive and safe app environment for our users is a top priority for TikTok.
"We use both technologies and human moderation teams to identify, review and remove dangerous or abusive content.
"We have a number of protective measures in place to reduce the opportunity for misuse and we're constantly evolving our measures to further strengthen safety on TikTok.
"While our protections won't catch every instance of inappropriate content, we continue to rapidly expand our content moderation teams and improve our technologies and policies so that TikTok can remain a place for positive creative expression."
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Video of girl in school uniform performing various sex acts with man circulated online
Posted on 18 February 2019 | 298,342 views | 20 comments
The three-minute video, which appears to have been taken at a staircase landing, shows her performing various sex acts with an unidentified man.
The girl, whose face can be seen, appears to be a minor. She was wearing the uniform of an all-girls school.
The New Paper understands a police report has been made.
A Ministry of Education (MOE) spokesman told TNP the school had found the girl is not a current student.
She said it would not be appropriate to make further comments as the police may be investigating the matter.
Ms Frances Yeo, a consultant psychologist at Thomson Medical Centre, said she has counselled teens whose intimate pictures were shared online by people they trusted.
"It becomes quite a big thing for a young person," she told TNP. "For girls who had been trusting, betrayal in the form of revenge porn can lead to a lot of anger and trauma."
Those close to the victim are also affected, she added. "Parents can be more traumatised than their children after seeing the material, and may take punitive action. It may lead to depression or suicidal thoughts."
The video surfaced last Monday, the day the Criminal Law Reform Bill was read in Parliament for the first time.
It seeks to amend the Penal Code to tackle emerging crime trends such as revenge porn and child pornography.
If it is passed, revenge porn, where one distributes or threatens to distribute an intimate image, will become a crime.
Offenders can be jailed for up to five years, fined or caned.
Revenge porn culprits are currently prosecuted for offences such as extortion and criminal intimidation.
The Penal Code Review Committee, which produced a report leading to the Bill, previously said: "Technology has not just facilitated the distribution of child pornography but the demand for it as well.
"The current law was not designed for, and is inadequate to address, the serious problems that the rise of the Internet has created for offences such as child pornography."
Lawyer Gloria James-Civetta said the man in the video could also be jailed for up to 10 years for his sexual acts if the girl was under 16, and up to 20 years if she was under 14.
If she is between 16 and 18, he would need to prove in court she had consented to the acts in order to be found not guilty.
Noting the proposed changes are a step in the right direction, she added: "Persons can no longer use social media to get revenge without being dealt with by the law, given that something posted online is difficult to remove and can leave indelible scars on victims," she said.
"The changes will protect victims in abusive relationships and give them legal recourse."
Lawyer James Ow Yong of Kalco Law said anyone caught sharing the video could be prosecuted for transmission of an obscene video.
The MOE spokesman said schools have measures such as sexuality education lessons.
She said: "(Students) are taught to seek help from trusted adults, such as their parents, teachers and school counsellors, should they require additional support or when they suspect their friends are being exposed to harmful influences."
"Parents, too, play a key role in their children's sexuality education," she added.
Asked what can be done by victims of revenge pornography, and how one can avoid becoming a victim, a police spokesman said: "Do not share or let anyone take intimate or compromising photos or videos of you. Once they are leaked, it is almost impossible to remove the content from the Internet."
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