Younger Older Colder Cheaper

Younger Older Colder Cheaper


Подобрать прилагательное, противоположное по
значению, и также поставить его в сравнительную степень.
1. younger - older
2. colder -
3. cheaper -
4. better -
5. nearer -
6. easier -
Другие вопросы по Английскому языку
Английский язык, 09.03.2019 20:40, nikols7
4типи запитання my victories are due not only to my character and preparation загальне спеціальне альтернативне розділове
Английский язык, 04.03.2019 07:13, LyubovR
Английский язык, 11.03.2019 10:17, hiohio
Viii. put the following into direct speech: 1. she told him that she would help him. 2. she told arnold that she was very grateful to him. 3. she said that maurice was so strange that day. 4. she asked him to come in. 5. tony told helen that she had said that previous week. 6. stella warned him if he didn’t hurry up he would be too late. 7. he asked john if that was a wig he was wearing. 8. constance told richard that it had been very nice to see him. 9. he advised her not to hesitate to say anything she wanted to say. 10. mrs. tabret said that she had known him some years before in india. 11. mrs. miller asked him what the picture was like. 12. he said that he had never met her. 13. they said that they had not expected him that day. 14. she asked him what was wrong and if he was ill. 15. she asked him why he didn’t offer to help her to cut the sandwiches. 16. she asked him if he would come back that day. 17. she told tony that she wanted to talk to him sometime. 18. maurice told stella that she was the best dancer he had ever danced with. 19. she asked him to come in and eat a sandwich before it got cold. 20. he told them that he could bring the cheese and they would have coffee there instead of in the office.
Английский язык, 11.03.2019 19:08, мамадочп4а
Family and friends 4,страница 19 описание.
Английский язык, 14.03.2019 18:00, nastyskabaterfp08pfs
Напишите небольшое сообщение о любом канале по .6-10 предложений
Английский язык, 16.03.2019 15:42, ZMelnikSasha
Read these sentences and write "have (has) gone" or "have (has) been". 1. they to the park. they have already come back. 2. jane and kate to the school yard. they have already at home. 3. our friends to the exhibition. they're still here.
Подобрать прилагательное, противоположное по значению, и также поставить его в сравнительную степень...
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Escribe el opuesto 1 younger : older
2 colder
3 cheaper
4 better
5 nearer
6 easier
lalasofialinda está esperando tu ayuda. Añade tu respuesta y gana puntos.
2. colder-holder
Texto Argumentativo de la imagen personsonal es importante porfavor necesito para ahora en ingles porfavor
what's the past participle of the verb eat? Porfa es para ahora
If he ______(not/ cook) the dinner, he__________ (not/eat) tonight.​
have and had conditional , ayuda no entiendo​
Necesito que me ayuden a encontrar los errores y mal escrito del verb pasado ​
Usamos fue y fuimos para ..... Presente simple Pasado simple Futuro simple
"NO TRADUCTOR" Think of a special movie for you and write an email about it. Remember the structure of the email (Title of the movies - Type of the mo … vie - the name of actors - main points of the plot - Recommendation) traduccion Piense en una película especial para usted y escriba un correo electrónico al respecto. Recuerde la estructura del correo electrónico (Título de las películas - Tipo de película - Nombre de los actores - Puntos principales de la trama - Recomendación)
Hacer oraciones sobre tus últimas vacaciones. Incluye 5 oraciones en pasado simple y 5 oraciones en presente perfecto. Utilizando: * ya, solo, todavía
Haz una presentación sobre tus últimas vacaciones. * Incluye 5 oraciones en pasado simple y 5 oraciones en presente perfecto. * ya, solo, todavía
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Write the opposite 1 younger-older 2 easier 3 colder 4 ...
Write the opposite 1 younger-older 2 easier 3 colder 4 ...
Подобрать прилагательное, противоположное по значени…
escribe el opuesto 1 younger : older 2 colder 3 cheaper 4 ...
O oposto de younger, colder, cheaper, better, easier ...
Test English - Prepare for your English exam
Write the opposite 1 younger-older2 easier3 colder 4 ...
COMPARATIVES -er than more. old older young younger tall ...
Companies feel that younger workers are cheaper than older ...
Is it Better to get Braces Younger or Older? | Advanced ...
Younger Older Colder Cheaper

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