Young White Cocks

Young White Cocks


Young White Cocks
Young man unable to have sex because his penis has grown too big
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WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT Sorence Owiti Opiyo attempted to have an operation to reduce its size – but now it's around 10 times the scale of an average man's member
A rare disease has left this man unable to have sex – because his penis is the size of a BABY.
In what is believed to be the only case in Kenya, the man's mystery condition has left unable to make love and have babies of own due to the eye-watering size of his manhood.
Hanging well below his knees, the enormous member has left 20-year-old Sorence Owiti Opiyo miserable and he's even had to drop out of school due to relentless bullying.
Now Sorence, from Kisumu County, is struggling to work out how his incredible penis won't stop him from living a normal life.
Sorence developed the illness ten years ago and was raised by his grandma when he was orphaned at the age of just five years old.
The illness manifested itself through a swelling similar to a boil which made his reproductive organ keep growing dramatically in size.
He has had treatment for the condition, including an operation which has slightly reduced its size – but the member kept on growing and ballooned to almost 10 times the size of an average penis.
Sorence said the condition is painful and stops him from wearing shorts or trousers because the size can't fit in any clothing.
One of his family members told local news website BuzzKenya that he is scheduled for another operation at Jaramogi Oginga hospital in Kisumu.
The family is now appealing to well-wishers for financial help for the surgery.
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Coitus magazine founder and photographer Pantelis created the magazine a few years ago. It has the most streamlined of formats: simply an introduction to new talent in the male modeling pool. There is a juicy Calendar and loads of online content to make your eyes scream with delight. Relax and enjoy this. No models were harmed in the creation of these images.
Pantelis, the photographer and creator tells us:
"In 2009 I had the idea of starting something. As someone who moved away from home and got to London some years before, I needed a reason to be here, as the pressure of any artist to create was getting to me. That's when Coitus was born. In a sense its a 'zine made from my bedroom, but I knew I needed it to look and feel like much more than just a 'zine. The magazine is a celebration of youth and male sexuality featuring some of the most beautiful boys in the world. It was to be an escapism and a fantasy land for everyone who would follow my work and the magazine through the years. I didn't think it would take off enough for me to be able to make a second issue, but 9 issues and 3 calendars later, hundreds of models, and hundreds of thousands of followers on social media, Coitus seems to be a favourite for many and I'm excited to see where it can go."
Check out the magazine , blog , Instagram , Pantelis's Instagram , and calendar .

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When you're in your 20s, a lot of people have a lot of advice about all the formative dating experiences you'll have, and the impact they'll have on your romantic future. You know — the people you'll date in your 20s , the totally questionable people you'll date in your 20s , the Game of Thrones characters you'll date in your 20s . All these articles are great, but to me, they dodge the most important question: What about the wild and varied array of genitals that you'll meet in your 20s? What can you learn from the penises and vulvas you encounter in the wild during your untethered, formative years? And how can you put that knowledge to use for the rest of your life?
I believe that we stand to gain a lot knowledge about sex, dating, and life by thinking closely about the specific sets of genitals that swing into our lives and groins when we're in our 20s. And although I can't personally weigh in on the vulva issue, I am enough of a lay expert (ahem) in penises to pull together a definitive listing of the nine penises you'll meet (if you're into dicks and kinda casual about premarital sex) in your 20s.
In the same way that the American Film Institute lays out 100 films that you need to see to truly have a film education, here are nine penises that you need to see in order to truly learn about life and love (and also penises).
Defining Characteristics : Foreskin, a certain je ne sais quoi.
Most Common Reaction : "Je ne ai jamais vu un ceux d'avant!" ("I've never seen one of those before!")
Most Often Found Attached To : Someone who was born outside the U.S., or someone who was born in the U.S. whose parents are into reiki and hemp-based shampoos.
How It Will Enrich Your Life : There's a lot of needless fear of foreskins out there, usually from people who have never seen one in real life and thus speak of them in strange, hushed tones, as if they were an urban legend like the Chupacabra. But once you tangle with the Continental, you'll learn that all the schoolyard myths about uncircumcised penises are a lie. They're not unclean, they look exactly the same as circumcised penises once they're erect, and frankly, they're way more sensitive to handjobs, et al . With U.S. circumcision rates falling each decade, you might as well learn to get comfy with our perma-turtlenecked friends. And hey, with the Continental, even if you've never been abroad, at least you can bone like you have!
Defining Characteristics : A lack of stature, accompanied by a real chip on the shoulder/dick.
Most Common Reaction : "Please stop asking me about the penis size of every other guy I have dated."
Most Often Found Attached To : Someone who has been bragging to you about the size of their penis. How It Will Enrich Your Life : The Napoleon isn't just about a small penis — it's about a lifestyle, one built around aggressively overcompensating for a small penis in every way possible. Going a few rounds with a Napoleon will teach you that, despite the bad buzz, small penises are actually fine. What truly determines a sexual experience is the partner attached to them. And the guy attached to the Napoleon has dedicated his whole life to trying to make up for his diminutive junk, from his rad car to his attempts to push your legs behind your ears in bed just to let you know that he is a sophisticated lover. The Napoleon sucks in bed, and banging one will teach you that this has little to do with the equipment, and everything to do with the operator.
Defining Characteristics : A slight list to the left or right when erect, like a Leaning Tower of Boner.
Most Common Reaction : "Huh! Does that hurt at all?"
Most Often Found Attached To : Any penis-haver around. How It Will Enrich Your Life : Though a serious curve (called Peyronie's Disease ) can be painful for the penis-haver, a small curve is a fun reminder that penises vary in all sorts of interesting ways, just like vulvas. As a friend once told me, "Curved penises just make you a little more interesting, like having a faint British accent." I have also heard some unconfirmed reports that certain types of penile curves can be especially sexually stimulating. If you have personal experience, let me know, and possibly send a detailed drawing.
Defining Characteristics : Confusion. It is about to have an orgasm, or does it need about 15 more minutes of banging? Does it want to have intercourse, or does it just want to lie down and call it an early night?
Most Common Reaction : "We could, you know, just cuddle if you want."
Most Often Found Attached to : Guys who are feeling nervous, guys who are on some medication (or "medication") that delays ejaculation as a side effect . How It Will Enrich Your Life : If the Undecided Voter in your life is attached to someone you really care about, time spent with this lil' flip-flopper can help you remember that sex isn't a super serious life-or-death situation during which everything has to go perfectly. Sometimes, it's OK to call for a recess, go eat some corn chips, and try again in an hour. If the Undecided Voter is part of a random hookup, it's a good opportunity to practice asserting yourself. Not game to keep trying over and over and over again? Tired of having your vag pounded for the 45th straight minute because he's "almost there"? Speak up! Don't beat around the bush, and don't let the Undecided Voter beat around your bush, either.
Defining Characteristics : A gorgeously even tone. A smooth, almost silken texture. A form so beautiful, you'll swear you saw this penis carved in marble on your 8th grade class field trip to the art museum.
Most Common Reaction : "Are you sure you want to have sex with me? Shouldn't you be having sex with a princess or Penelope Cruz or something?"
Most Often Found Attached To : Anyone! There's no way to tell just by looking at someone, which is part of what makes life such a thrilling adventure! How It Will Enrich Your Life : For one brief moment, when you first touch your partner's David, you will be convinced that everything that has ever happened to you in life was all a part of God's plan, which was to bring this amazing penis into your life. The David will bring a smile into your heart on days when you get splashed by a bus and everyone at the bank was rude to you and you accidentally got a grande decaf. The world's not such a terrible place after all, is it?
Defining Characteristics : Enough girth and length that it could feasibly be used in place of a rolling pin, doorstop, or medium-sized paperweight.
Most Common Reaction : "Is this a prank? Are you filming me?" Most Often Found Attached To : A guy who acts like it is totally normal to ask you to shove this monster into one of your orifices, like you're about to play some kind of sexual version of Chubby Bunny . How It Will Enrich Your Life : People talk a big game about huge dicks. Oh, "the bigger the better" this! Oh, "size of a Chipotle burrito" that! Well, a few hours with the Kraken will help you make up your own mind. Put your money where your vag is! Do you believe the big dick hype? Or does the prospect of trying to shove this fleshy bowling pin into a hole remind you of some kind of unsolvable high school math equation? Either way, now you know!
Defining Characteristics : A mole, a growth, a weird thing that looks like a cut, but maybe it could be a birth mark and I'm just being paranoid?
Most Common Reaction : "That can't be a ... I mean, should I stop and ask? No, that would be rude ... but ... is that really supposed to be there? Oh my god, did that mole just move?!"
Most Often Found Attached To : Anyone! Double-Takes are hiding in the pants of all your friends and neighbors, people. Stay ever-vigilant! How It Will Enrich Your Life : Dealing with a Double-Take helps you break the ice on one of the most difficult sexual tasks in the world: Asking an awkward question about your new partner's genitals. Yes, yes, I know. It is unilaterally awful. But it is also necessary to protect your sexual health. Maybe that thing that looks like an open sore is actual just a smudge of spilled Nutella. But you need to ask. Riding a Double-Take and not asking is also a lesson in how important it is to ask your partner. Because if you don't ask about that weird bump, you'll spend the following weeks obsessively Google Image searching "genital warts" — which, trust me, is 10,000 times worse than 30 awkward seconds discussing a skin tag.
Defining Characteristics: The ability to grow massively in size in seconds, like those little pellets they used to make that would turn into big foam dinosaurs after you dropped them in water.
Most Common Reaction : "Oh ... great!"
Most Often Found Attached To : Someone who is really opposed to letting you take off his pants until he is fully erect. How It Will Enrich Your Life : The Grower doesn't teach any specific life lesson. He's just a classic early adulthood experience — like decorating your first apartment, or watching a friend get married for the first time. You are now part of the coven of Fully Sexual Adulthood! We'll have to get you a commemorative plaque.
Defining Characteristics : The ability to give consistent vaginal orgasms to everyone who comes near it.
Most Common Reaction : "OooooooooOOOOOOOOoooooooOOOOOOOoooooooooo!"
Most Often Found Attached To : Two AA batteries. How It Will Enrich Your Life : Like the Loch Ness Monster, the Vaginal Orgasm-Giver is probably a beautiful myth. But, also like the Loch Ness Monster, some of us still hold out a shred of hope. Because wouldn't it just be so cool if it was real? The odds are against it, and it's foolish to build your life around hoping to see one. But keeping your eyes peeled can't hurt, right? And, like the Loch Ness Monster, if you have any compelling footage proving that this creature is real, you have a solemn duty to create a SyFy channel special about it. But also, if you've actually found one of these, what the hell are you doing sitting around reading about dicks on the Internet, you maniac?!
Want more of Bustle's Sex and Relationships coverage? Check out our new podcast, I Want It That Way , which delves into the difficult and downright dirty parts of a relationship, and find more on our SoundCloud page .

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It was about 2 a.m. when Sam and I walked down the empty hallway, passing by the painted murals and the bedrooms of my snoring housemates.
We had been eye fucking each other all night, and the sexual tension had built to a point where neither of us could contain our cheeky smiles.
As we turned the corner, we met face to face. Already knowing the answer, I put my arms around his neck and bluntly asked, “Could I kiss you?”
What happened next was an instant exchange of sexual desire — without a thought, our lips and pelvises pressed up against each other as we made out against the thin co-op walls.
I led the way to my bedroom as we quietly snuck past the room he was supposed to be staying in, past the housemate he was supposed to be fucking. Was it luck that she had conveniently left him alone for a couple hours, or had I really mastered the art of seduction?
It didn’t matter because on my flowery bedspread, under the twinkly string lights, it was a race to get naked. I untied my white blouse as he helped unbutton it. We pulled off his sweater, and as I sat on top of him, feeling his stiff, denim jeans, I relished in the success of my sexual pursuit. It wasn’t until I began to unbuckle his belt that I noticed the hesitancy in his big blue eyes.
He revealed to me that he had been hooking up with my housemate, and while they hadn’t talked about labels, he supposedly didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.
Exasperated by his timing, I removed myself from his lap, taking a moment to formulate my response.
Several weeks before, I confronted my housemate after I found out that we had both slept with Sam. In our rather casual conversation, we marveled at how his fuckboy reputation didn’t seem to match his quiet, passive demeanor. Although we were both warned by our friends that he had a history of being shitty to girls, we were, after all, cooperative and sex-positive housemates. We encouraged the other person to “go for it” — even though I knew her “quirky” Wes Anderson aesthetic meant she was more likely seen as girlfriend material.
Obviously, I knew about everything, so I was a little confused as to why he was telling me all of this; was it my responsibility to stop him from hurting my housemate?
I decided that it wasn’t, and I simply told him, “I really don’t fucking care.” I’ve seen my fair share of assholes, and if he was going to be a fuckboy, I wasn’t going to be the one to comfort his guilt.
Maybe this turned him on because despite his earlier hesitation, we promptly continued hooking up. My fixation with pleasing him turned into this endless cycle where Sam would stop and tell me that he “felt bad” even though we would continue to touch each other anyway.
I eventually grew bored of dry humping, and as I became increasingly aware of his faulty understanding of loyalty — and his blue balls — the whole situation became kind of humorous to me. I cynically told him that I didn’t know he had feelings, to which he responded he was trying to have fewer of them. I told him he had such a great moral conscience.
I didn’t waste my time trying to be nice anymore because I was aware of what I had become: the irrelevant Asian girl in a budding Scott Pilgrim-esque romance. From the countless times that I’ve been rejected for a white girl, I’ve been taught that my desirability was only a fleeting moment whereas a white girl was the one worth getting to know, the one worth bringing home to parents and the one worth being treated as a human. I was the sexual object, whereas my housemate was the one who had feelings worth considering.
Eventually, I showed Sam out the door, and he asked for my number, suggesting that maybe we could “hang out” next semester when our lives were a little bit different.
Fuck that. I’m wise enough — or have been fooled enough times — to recognize that this “maybe one day” trope was a fuckboy specialty. To objectify women like they’re library books, pulling them on and off the shelf whenever it’s convenient — and for women to be OK with that — is a clear example of male privilege.
It’s depressing to realize how much women of color compromise in their relationships with white men. I recall the number of times that my non-white girlfriends and I have praised a white guy for having listened to us, for having genuine interest in us, for seeing us as a real people instead of objects. It’s fucked up that these are exceptions and not expectations.
When society has made the white person the ultimate pursuit, it teaches non-white women to be OK with feeling inferior, to be OK with being submissive and to be OK with being treated like shit.
Until white boys prove to me they’re worth more than a faded fuck, I refuse to take these fuckboys seriously anymore.

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