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Plot twist: I DO! Cause I'm 5"2' , 100 pounds, and skinny.
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Home > Other > What race had the tightest vagina?
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What race was the girl with the tightest vagina you've felt?
Do certain races have bigger vaginas?
How to spot a girl with a small vagina?
Guys, are women of different races more or less tight?
Is it true black girls are tighter down there?
Race/ethnicity and vagina size: Is there a correlation?
When I stick a Qtip in my vagina and stand up it doesn't fall out? Is that normal?
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um it doesn't really work that way you can be a smaller girl but that isn't how the vagina works
I agree, it's like saying Estonians have large navals,
Haha I bet hundreds came to see if there was an answer.
Yeah... its the height only. It is not like if you lose weight your vagina gets tighter.
I have noticed girls who are taller have longer vagina's. But I also notice girls who are thicker than me have different vaginas too. We're the same height, but their bodies are different.
How do you know how long their vaginas are? Especially compared to youEveryone can have a different vagina. You can have a shorter girl with a loose vagina or a larger girl with a tighter one. It is only speaking in general terms that a petite girl is going to usually have a smaller everything. How do you know how long their vaginas are? Especially compared to yours?
Cause I see it when they wear their bathing suits. Their vagina's look weird. If they were tight, their vagina's would look neater and I both like it could fit a train up there. Some girls also have wide vagina's.
How do you know this information. I finding this very hard to beleive.
I've seen some studies that seem to suggest black women do.
I'm black so that's a double win I guess. I just was joking and saying it's cause I'm a virgin and never masturbated. Also cause I'm short and petite. But I wouldn't know, I'm not a man and I've never did anything to myself. But yay! I'm almost 20!!
Well, then you have it all to look forward to. It's like your Christmas presents still being unopened while everyone else has opened theirs, lol.
I have been with a multitude of different sizes and races, and I will tell you that I am not sure it's that simple.
I’ve seen scientific studies saying black women on average.
I haven't actually seen the studies, just the reported results.
Ah the humble vagina has so many variables as individual as a fingerprint.
What race. Did someone actually conduct a servey on this?
Yep, not all races. Black, white, hispanic.
Good to know. I bet you have smaller breasts too huh. Awesome
Actually I was the skinniest girl in my class, but I was also one of the girls who developed breasts. I didn't like the unwanted attention so I learned to cover up. My breasts are huge but they're bigger than most.
What size if you don't mind my asking?
I'm 10 inches and I fucked a bitch who was 5'1 95 pounds and she took it with ease. She screamed like fuck but she kept taking for about an hour or so.
That's physically impossible unless she is a t... h... o... t.
i actually had a girl that 4'9" take my whole big guy
@vald9inches that's not biologically possible
@vald9inches if you're a slut, even race and height can't maintain a tight vagina.
Vaginas don't really work that way.
I'm short, petite, and skinny and my vagina isn't loose. It would make sense for someone with small features to have small vagina.
Winterbreak, it doesn't work that way either. I get it, it would make sense. I have been with petite women who have been tight, and some how have been far from it.
Plot twist: it doesn't work that way.
I don't think that's a race thing...
Im feeling like i want to be identified as a... Candy bar today. I identify as a candy bar because I feel like candy bar. So identify me by my correct gender pronoun, kit Kat.
You're not you when your hungry, eat a Snickers.
You're obviously mad. I know you're a female.
I don't require much from the catfish, but I just wish they'd try a little harder to make it believable. lol
@ChetAtkins I was homeschooled from middle school to highschool. I'm going back to finish my degree online. I don't go outside much because I'm a homebody. It's possible for a girl to be a virgin and not exposed to sexual things. Especially if she avoids the stereotypical highschool/college scene.
Had you not been home schooled and gone out more, would you know what race has the tightest vagina?

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