Young Sleepover Sex Stories

Young Sleepover Sex Stories


Young Sleepover Sex Stories
(Visited 601 times, 179 visits today)

Allison Waken

Post Author

3 years ago


Allison Waken from All for the Boys is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
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I wasn’t going to share my newest 12 year old’s birthday party because there wasn’t anything too exciting about it. There was no theme, no fancy invitations or gift bags (friends were invited by Skype during online game play) no cutesy food – just a run of the mill sleepover. But then I thought maybe you’d like to see that bloggers do normal too. Sometimes I take a fun idea or two from a really over the top party and sometimes I don’t.
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These were the decorations . That’s it! He didn’t care, so I didn’t care. I filled them up with my Balloon Time helium tank and called it good. In fact, they had fun posing for pictures so they were totally worth it.
We ordered pizza and had the one request the boys did make – Ecto Cooler . Yep! It’s back. There’s some in stock at Amazon right now or you can order HEB online (you can get a free shipping code on your first order).
Some of the boys brought their foam dart guns and Super Impulse had sent us some of their new launching line Precision RBS to review, that I knew the boys would all want to check out.
These are actually very cool and much better made than the rubber band launchers of my day.
The Hyperion was the favorite of the night with pinpoint accuracy 50 feet downfield! There are three different band sizes, for capacity of 26 loaded bands, plus extra side storage. But the best part is the blast feature – launches 14 bands AT ONCE! They were dying to show this to Dad when he got home. I loved that they came with cardboard targets. You can check out a video of these here .
Since there were more boys than targets, they set up a bunch of plastic cups outside and went to town for quite a while!
Once the sun went down, they jumped in the pool. We did this for one of their parties last year so they asked to do it again. We rounded up all the extra glow sticks from the house (why do I always have these lying around) and they made up pool games for quite a while.
I also set up the movie screen outside and faced it towards the pool so they could watch while they floated (though I’m not sure anyone actually watched the whole movie). We still use something like this inexpensive projector and make up a screen but we’ve been doing it enough that it might be time to get some better equipment!
That was it, we ate pizza had some chips and fruit for snack and cereal for breakfast. The boys barely played video games. They hung out and played most of the night. It really was such a fun night and no Pinterest searching needed
Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!
You’re link is for an iPhone splitter. But you have some nice ideas. Thanks.
Oh no! Thanks for letting me know, I updated it.
It worried me that it appeared that the only lights in the pool were glow sticks. At any age, a head could slip underwater and disappear until it was too late. Otherwise, great ideas! Especially taking suggestions from the boys.
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Hello! I am Allison Waken and these are my boys. I am a wife, mom, photographer, and blogger out of Phoenix, Arizona. All for the Boys blog was created "all for the boys" as a way to inspire others through our love of travel, entertainment, technology, activities, and anything to keep us interacting as a family. Read more about us here .
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If you were to ask the other kids about Timmy, you could expect an answer along the lines of “He’s ok, just a little weird,” or even “Who? Timmy? He’s alright, I have no problem with him.” See no one hated Timmy, just no one really seemed to like him. At least that was the case until the new boy showed up in town. As Isaac entered the muggy classroom on a hot summers day, he was summoned to the front of the room where Ms Darwin then introduced him. He shyly looked down at his feet, and scratched behind his ear, trying to look brave in front of the class. Isaac was 11 just like Timmy. He was extremely short for his age, and quite skinny, with light brown hair and angelic eyes, and a cute little button nose. Timmy on the other hand, was what some would refer to as chubby. He wasn’t tall himself, more of a normal height. A soft double chin existed on Timmy’s neck, and a cute bubble butt jiggled as he walked. A soft pair of boy boobs rested on his chest, floating above Timmy’s chubby belly, which stuck out as he stood and folded over the waistband of his shorts, especially when we sat down. His school shorts fit Timmy last year, though they currently cut into the fat above his knees and were tight under his spare tire. After being introduced, Isaac was then sent to an empty seat in the fourth row, which would mean Timmy was sitting next to someone for once. While walking over, Isaac tripped over a crack in the hardwood floor and everyone laughed cruelly. Isaac swallowed as though he was holding back tears. Timmy did his best to comfort him, and gave him a warm smile. As the classes went on, neither Timmy nor the new Isaac put up their hand to answer questions. Timmy was starting to get sweaty in the heat, and Isaac caught a glimpse of his chubby belly as he lifted up his shirt to wipe his face. Isaac looked away quickly. Timmy saw Isaac looking at him out of the corner of his eye, but thought nothing of it. With the final bell, no one was happier to leave then Timmy and Isaac. They both stood up and went to walk out the door, and waited politely for the other person to exit first. Neither did, so they both moved forward at the same time, Timmy’s belly lightly bouncing into Isaac’s chest. They giggled. “Sorry about that!” Isaac laughed nervously. He seemed to be acting especially nervous whenever he was near Timmy for some reason. As they were walking out of the front gate of the school, Timmy noticed Isaac looking around, lost. “Isaac, are you ok? Do you know where to go?” Isaac dipped his head slightly and blushed. “Don’t worry, I’ll show you the way to the bus stop.” Timmy grabbed Isaac by his tiny wrist to lead the way. As Isaac pulled out his bus-pass to step onto the bus, Timmy noticed the house address at the bottom. It seemed Isaac was the new neighbor that had spent all weekend moving in. The moving vans had woken up Timmy early the previous morning. “Isaac, you live next door to me!” Isaac’s cute little face lit up, as though he realized that moving in might not be so bad after all now that he knew someone. And that someone was his new neighbor! On the bus, Isaac spoke up for the first time since he had arrived. “Timmy. That’s your name, isn’t it?” “Yeah. Timmy.” “Ah, Timmy… Do you think that… Well…” Isaac looked like he was swallowing back tears again. “Listen Isaac, do you want to come over to my place this afternoon?” Apparently Isaac was trying to ask that very question, because he nodded his head quickly when Timmy suggested it. Once Isaac had dropped off his bags and gotten changed into some comfortable clothes, there was a knock at Timmy’s door. Timmy trotted to the front door, his belly bouncing up and down as he jogged. He let Isaac in, and Isaac entered, looking around at the interior. The house was quite large. The floor was soft carpet, and the walls were a soft yellow. Isaac relaxed when he realized it was such a welcoming, homely atmosphere. Timmy and Isaac quickly scurried up the stairs. Timmy’s bottom was sticking out, right in Isaac’s face as Timmy was right above him leading up the staircase, and Isaac blushed once again. “Mom, I’ve got a friend over.” Timmy’s Mom poked her head out of her bedroom, with an expression that was somewhat shocked, proving that this had never ever really happened before. “Ok darling, who is this?” “Isaac, he’s our new neighbor! He sits next to me at school.” “Hi Isaac, it’s very nice to meet you. I’ll go downstairs and grab some snacks for you two. Do you want to watch a movie?” The boys nodded. As the boys headed into Timmy’s room, they flicked through the DVD case until they decided on just turning on Nickelodeon. By this stage, Timmy’s Mom entered the bedroom with a tray of food, and suddenly it became clear to Isaac why Timmy was on the porkier side. On the tray was an entire bowl of chocolate chip cookies, four bags of potato chips, two giant milkshakes, and two delicious looking homemade hamburgers. “Let me know if you boys get hungry, and I’ll bring up some more food.” “Ok, thanks Mom.” “Yeah, thanks-...” “Call me Stacey.” “Thanks Stacey.” Timmy flopped onto the bed, causing the mattress (and his belly) to bounce a little. He sat the tray between himself and Isaac, and began munching on his burger. Isaac lightly nibbled on a cookie, and was only halfway through it when he realized Timmy’s burger was already gone, and he was halfway through his milkshake. In between gulps Timmy was digging his hand into one of the potato chip bags, and chomping loudly. The boys giggled as sponge bob played on the TV. Even funnier than sponge bob though was when Timmy let out a monster belch by accident, sending the two of them into a laughing fit. Before long, all four chip packets had been eaten by Timmy, as well as the bowl of cookies, his shake, and his burger of course. Isaac was only about five bites into his burger, and was already feeling full. “Timmy, do you want the rest of this?” He nodded, and gobbled up the rest of Isaac’s burger. Isaac continued to sip his milkshake. “MOM!!!!!” Stacey peeped her head in the door to see what Timmy wanted. “Mom, could we please have some more food?” Isaac was somewhat shocked at this, Could Timmy possibly eat even more? Timmy suddenly had a cheeky smirk which he tried to hide a he talked to his mother. “Isaac here was so hungry! He ate both of the burgers, and nearly all of the chips and cookies too! He needs more food please!” This was too much for young Isaac. Milkshake spurted through his nostrils as he burst into uncontrollable laughter. Stacey smiled unknowingly, and started to head downstairs. “Of course, kids! Good to see you’re having fun! I won’t be too long Isaac, try not to get too hungry while you wait!” This set the two boys off into another laughing attack, and they clutched their chests and they struggled to breathe, both with red faces and teary eyes. By this stage Timmy was starting to get sweaty from all the laughing. “Wow, it’s getting hot in here.” With that, Timmy ripped off his shirt revealing his chubby girth to Isaac. His belly stuck out even further then in class earlier in the day, with all the food Timmy just packed into his belly. His belly button was also quite deep, to the side of which sat his chunky love handles. Timmy patted his belly softly a few times, before letting out another burp. Isaac giggled yet again. Isaac was starting to look nervous again. Timmy noticed this straight away. “Sorry, do you want me to put my shirt back on? I know- I’m not exactly thin.” Isaac quickly shook his head back and forth. “Actually Timmy, do you think that maybe…” He looked back at the TV again for a second, looking uncomfortable. “That I could maybe, touch your belly?” There was silence between the two boys for an awkward few seconds. “Sure! I mean, of course. Yeah, no problem.” With that Isaac reached his hand over and let it land on Timmy’s belly. As he rubbed slightly, it sloshed back and forth, slightly wobbly from all the food. It felt soft and fleshy, yet heavy at the same time. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. The two boys immediately sat up straight, trying to look like nothing was happening. Stacey entered with another tray. There were three hamburgers this time. What caught Isaac’s eye though was the tub of strawberry ice cream sitting on the tray. “I brought you an extra hamburger this time, Isaac. Don’t want my guest to be hungry!” “Thanks, Stacey!” “Thanks Mom!” “Alright, you keep having fun boys! Actually, before I forget, Isaac, your Mom quickly popped over to say hi, and was delighted that you two are here playing together! She said you are welcome to stay the night if you like.” Almost immediately, Isaac replied. “Yes please!” With that, Stacey closed the door again, and the two boys smiled at each other. Both Isaac and Timmy were super excited to be having a sleepover. Before they could get hyped up for a long night of fun though, they had to deal with a more immediate problem. Sitting on a tray on Timmy’s bed was a full two-liter tub of strawberry ice cream that was melting by the second in the hot weather. Eleven-year-old Timmy groaned as he shuffled over, his full belly heaving along the way. He looked extremely bloated. Isaac, still flustered from briefly getting to touch Timmy’s chunky belly, stepped in to help. “Timmy, you lie down here. I’ll help you with the ice cream and the burgers.” To Timmy’s surprise, Isaac guided Timmy down to lie so that his head and shoulders were on his own lap, and popped open the ice-cream tub, digging a large tablespoon in and scooping out a large chunk. With Timmy lying comfortably on his skinny legs, he guided the mouthful into Timmy’s mouth, feeding him like he was a young child. Timmy let out a soft moan as he felt the delicious ice cream hit his tongue. He buckled at the knees as it flowed down his throat, causing cute little rolls to bunch up around his knees. It wasn’t long before Timmy was completely done with the ice-cream. Still lying on Isaac, he let out a soft groan of pain and he felt his stomach with his hands. “Here, let me help.” Isaac placed the empty ice cream tub on the tray, and started to use his right hand to massage Timmy’s belly. It was quite tight and full from all of the food Timmy had consumed, though there was still a wobbly fleshiness to the fat. Isaac made sure to let his hand go to the under section of Timmy’s belly, and sensually circled around the bottom with his fingers, helping relieve the pressure from the stuffing. Once it looked as though some of the pressure was starting to ease off, Isaac reached back to the tray to pick up the first burger. “Umm… Isaac… I’m pretty full... I don’t think… I don’t think I can eat any more…” Timmy looked exhausted, with a red face and sweat droplets forming under his hair. “Don’t be silly, Timmy! After all, it was you who asked your Mom to bring up more food, remember? Here, I’ll help you finish these burgers.” Timmy wondered why Isaac was insisting he finish all of the food. Meanwhile, Isaac was asking himself the same question. Secretly however, Timmy did want more food. He wanted to see how much he could pack into his belly, and actually loved the feeling of being so full that he could barely move. Isaac also wanted to see how far Timmy could go, not to mention the feeling of Timmy’s full, bloated, chubby belly as he ran his fingers through it, and the look of his soft little boy boobs that stuck out of his chest… Isaac popped the first burger up to Timmy’s mouth, and Timmy opened up ready to start chewing. Meanwhile, Isaac’s right hand was still making soft circles on Timmy’s belly. By the end of the second burger, it became clear to Isaac that Timmy was struggling with every single swallow. He started panting heavily in between every bite. “Shorts… My shorts… Too tight… Cutting under my belly…” Timmy, still with his head and shoulders on Isaac’s little legs, used his hands to sluggishly undo the button of his school shorts. As his belly expanded and settled, he let out a moan of comfort. He then wriggled the shorts down to his ankles, before using his feet to flick them off. They landed caught on the corner of the television. “The last burger…” Isaac picked up the final burger and started to feed it softly into Timmy’s mouth. It looked as though without his shorts, Timmy was having an easier time finishing his food. Isaac blushed for what seemed like the hundredth time that day as he caught sight of Timmy. No longer confined to the tight grasp of the shorts, Timmy’s butt flopped out, looking full and heavy, making the perfect in-built cushion for Timmy as he lay back on Isaac’s lap. Isaac also couldn’t help but notice how thick and fleshy his thighs were, making his legs look super chunky as he lay back. Now that all the food was gone however, Timmy’s most impressive feature was more prominent then ever. The now colossal belly rose up and down gently with every breath Timmy took. His underwear was tighter than usual, as all the food had swelled up his form. This caused the waistband to almost be completely hidden under the hang of Timmy’s belly. As Timmy began to sit up, his belly sat gently on his lap. “Thanks for the help, Isaac. I think I’m full now.” “Are you sure? I can ask your Mom to bring another three burgers if you like!” Next came an awkward few seconds where Timmy sat there, looking completely stunned. Then he realized Isaac was kidding. The two found themselves suddenly in another giggling fit, which Timmy had to quickly cut short as laughing made his belly ache. “What should we do now?” “I have no idea.” They were both excited for the fun night ahead, but most of all, they were both happy to each have a friend.

“Alright, Joshua. Why don’t you go ahead and step on the scale?” Dr Patel’s office was quite welcoming. Joshua stepped onto the electronic scale, and the cold metal on his bare feet gave him a chill. His Mom sat and watched from a comfortable leather chair. The number danced around, before landing on 45.2 pounds. “Good job, Joshua. You’re all done,” Dr Patel said. “You can come and sit down next to Mom, or if you would like to play, there are some toys in the box.” The box was full of figurines and blocks. “Those are for little kids,” Joshua said. His Mom chimed in. “Don’t be rude, Joshua. Dr Patel was just being kind,” she said. She turned to Dr Patel. “He gets a bit touchy whenever he thinks he’s being treated young.” “I understand. How old is he now?” Dr Patel skimmed Joshua’s file, finding his age. “Ah, yes. Joshua turned nine a month ago. He does look very young indeed.” Joshua sighed. It was true. Everyone always thought he was years younger than he actually was. It was
    As usual for thanksgiving dinner, Cody’s family had insisted that he have third and fourth helpings of everything. Turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn, dinner rolls, green bean casserole (among other things), and on top of all of that, dessert! By the time he finally heaved himself up the stairs to go to bed he felt like he was close to exploding. But thanksgiving was a big event for his family and it was something he always looked forward to every year. As Cody flopped into bed and groaned from fullness he thought to himse
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