Young Sibling Sex Stories

Young Sibling Sex Stories


Young Sibling Sex Stories
Brother Sister Forbidden Love · Stories
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"You can't do this!" I told him. "If you do this...we won't be sibling anymore." I tried push him away but his strong body overwhelm me.
"I have never thought you as my sibling, not even once. " He smirked at me.
38 pages November 14, 2016 EverybodyHurts 
It's a sin isn't it? But I love him! He's my other half. Screw it! Okay? I don't care what society thinks. My heart, body, mind, and soul belong to him. We found each other, and I refuse to let go. Call me insane, but love is love regardless who. If it's wrong, I don't wanna ...
55 pages January 18, 2018 hayhay 
"This is wrong," I mumbled against his lips as he bit my bottom lip. He ran his hands down my back which sent chills down my spine.
"If it's so wrong, why does it feel so right?" He asked me, pulling away from the spark igniting kiss, When I didn't answer, he walked away from...
11 pages September 18, 2016 Mims 
With my dad's remarriage, I get a new family, new brother. But we don't get along at all! We can't possibly be siblings!
And just when I thought we were finally getting along he...
39 pages March 12, 2016 LittleMo 
What if I told you that I fell in love with my teacher oh wait he's not just my teacher he's my brother yeah crazy right,
Well it all started with a little something like this... Find out more click and read.
89 pages Completed September 14, 2016 Just That Girl 
Katie Pevensie was the second eldest child of the Pevensie children. After being forced away from her home with her siblings, the youngest - Lucy - find a hidden world behind a wardrobe in the spare room.
Her world is turned upside down as she and her brothers and sisters are b...
3 pages January 28, 2013 Forever and Always 
"Wait.. so that's your sister?" he asked, apparently oblivious to the fact she could hear him.
"Yes, that's Odette. She's off-limits, am I understood?"
"Yeah, Yeah, whatever you say..."
53 pages April 23, 2016 JESSICA 
Callie Sanchez and Aiden Brellis have grown up together. They've had their ups and downs, but considering he's older and her brother's best friend, that sort of thing is expected. It's also expected that being more than friends might also prove to be a bit of a challenge
12 pages April 12, 2016 Arwen Undomiél 
Megara Jackson is Matthew Jackson's little sister, she's just one year younger than him. The two were orphans and had been for about 11 years. But since I was about 13, when I met them, I had a crush on her. The problem was that Matt was my best friend and he was not prepared to let me date ...
Sara is living a life full of lies. What happens when she meets the guy of her dreams and then have all of those secrets revealed?
55 pages August 23, 2018 The Meticulous Writer 
Ashton was a girl who grew up with a protective brother. She followed the rules, got good grades, and followed her brothers advice. Until now. Tyler, her brothers best friend, becomes attracted to her. To Ashton, this is a dream come true. But is it just another fling for the town's bad boy?
10 pages April 8, 2014 í'm thє dєmσn ínsídє чσu 
" I love you" he whispered. " But your my brother." ......
Wendy has been having a rough life. But what happens when she moves in with her dad and she finds out she has a step brother?
29 pages July 15, 2013 Emily Horan 
Arielle Anderson and Josh Ross were never meant to love each other, but they did. It was FORBIDDEN.

© 2020 George Takei. All Rights Reserved.
While there is no genetic variable dooming co-relations to incest, getting it on with a step-sibling has a visceral taboo element.
For this reason, the situation is the notorious fantasy of many. It's arouses a curiosity based on a particular tension: the taboo quality keeps it off limits while the assumed possibility that these relationships truly exist keeps people wondering.
Someone wondered enough to tap into the best place to see about that possible reality: the anonymous legions of the internet, a group that seems to have done and thought about everything ever.
"I had a friend in high school that dated this girl for like 6 months before their parents decided to randomly get married, they (the parents) only dated for like a month."
"A few months later he is trying to set me up with his sister and bragging about her prowess. It was very weird."
"My older brother dated our older step sister. He was 15-16 she was 30-32. My mum was LIVID about it; her dad pretended it wasn't happening."
"She was a bit of a sugar mama; bought him lots of nice stuff; flew him places. She took him to parties."
"My mum thinks she dated my brother just to spite her."
"Mom dated a guy. Guy had a son same age as me. We hated our parents and slept together. Had a fun time. Broke up due to him using drugs and me not dealing with it."
"Both are married(to other people) and happy. We don't talk even through we see each other at family gatherings after our parents got married."
"I accidentally boned my half sister while we were in high school. Basically we had never known each other before hand and when we met in high school she confessed that she had feelings for me, so we started dating."
"About 1 year in we started having sex."
"Then she introduces me to her parents and there I meet my father who I had only known from photos, since he and my mum got divorced when I was born."
"Our families had recently been blended and we were living together for the first time. We just slowly grew closer together and eventually kissed. I'd often sneak into her bedroom late at night."
"We cooled off because I went away to school and got a serious girlfriend. We ended up hooking up and having sex on the regular for a few years when we lived in the same city and we were both single. We stopped when we both got partners."
"I don't regret it at all. It was an act of lust between horny teenagers that deepened to acts of loving affection between consenting adults."
"I slept with my step-sister. She came in town for visit her dad and when I went outside to help bring luggage in she gave me the "eyes" as soon as she saw me and instantly I knew I was in trouble."
"For a week and a half I kept being polite and trying to remain distant...but I had never had anyone want me that badly and I gave in and we secretly got together for the remainder of the month she spent in town."
"We were both young and dumb and fell in love, and thought we hid it well. But when my step-dad found out after she left I got my a** beat."
"For a few years they wouldn't let her visit and we kept in touch, then after college I moved to where she lived, and we have been together ever since. 11 years now and we have a 5 year old daughter and 3 year old son. Everyone is completely fine with it now and we make jokes about it all the time."
"My Mom had a best friend. She died; adopted her son who is older than me. I was 8? He was 18? And I idolized him. He took me shopping, out to eat, and just hung w me like a brother. I lived with my father, my mom died, we both grew up."
"Ran into him when I was 19 and THAT was a fun weekend. Now I'm much older, we still talk but we never talk about it."
"I slept with two of my step sisters."
"One day I'm stuck in a part of town real late after the trains stop running. No way to get home I remember my moms boyfriend lives around there. I walk to his house, only his daughter is home. Mind you were both about 21 now, she lets me in and we start hanging out and drinking."
"One thing leads to another and we do the deed. At some point her father came home but he didn't say anything and just went to bed."
"Second story is about the sister of the girl mentioned above. We're at a house party at the sister #1 apartment. After a night of drinking it winds down and everyone leaves. Sister #1 goes into her room with her boyfriend. So sister #2 and me are alone in the living room talking."
"The drunk me starts asking about her old friends and the conversation turns sexual somehow. Then we start kissing and make our way to a spare bedroom."
"Yes. I think I may have had a drinking problem."
"She and I had a one night stand. Didn't know she was my step-sister until I found out that my father secretly got married to her mother. We never mentioned it again."
"My parents are actually step siblings. They began dating when they were teenagers and when their parents met they fell in love and got married, making my mom and dad step siblings."
"They ended up moving in together since they were both still living with their parents and my grandparents just let them share a room. It's always been a joke in our family that my mom is my aunt, my dad is my uncle, and my brothers are my cousins."
"My dad's brother married my mom's sister. My parents somehow didn't really meet until several months after the wedding."
"My cousins and I are as close to incest as it gets without actually crossing blood relatives."
"Just for fun, my siblings have a different dad than me so I actually look more related to those cousins than I do my own siblings. I just try to not explain that to people but it definitely is weird when it gets out."
"Rumor has it her and her brother are 'oddly close.' I just found this out from somebody who grew up in her town."
"Apparently they always seemed more like a couple than siblings. She describes her brother as her 'best friend' but his meddling and overall nosiness about our relationship has more of an ex bf feel to it than protective brother."
"Obviously I can't ask her if she used to f*ck her brother, but after hearing that it was a pretty widespread rumor, it's definitely concerning."
"It was years of sexual abuse & it literally f*cked up my life. I don't talk to him & have made it clear to my entire family that I don't even want to hear his name in conversation. Huge family drama ongoing years later."
"I hope he does an awful death & burns in hell."
"Sucked my brother's d*ck once, we just pretend it never happened." -- bubba_y
"I can't imagine how awkward that would be. I'm glad you guys didn't linger on it or try something else." -- TheAmazingDisgrace
"So my mom was dating this guy she met on around the time that I was 15 years old. His name was Stan, and his daughter was f*cking hot."
"Stan lived about 2 hours away so he usually came up on the weekends to visit."
"He would bring his kids to our house for the weekend and we would all sleep in my room. Her brother on the floor and her in the bed with me. Often. Nobody questioned this. We started messing around pretty regularly at this point. Making out and hand stuff mostly."
"One night we were awake really late watching music videos, her brother was asleep on the floor, and it just happened. She looked at me, I looked at her and then I pulled my teenage piece out and she stuck it in. It was dope."
"I did my thing, and then instantly leaned over the bed to make sure Stan jr was still sleeping only to see his traumatized eyes wide open staring at the TV."
"This carried on for about 3 more weeks until Stan jr told his Dad what me and his sister had been up to. He broke up with my mom the next day and asked for the ring back."
Friendship is not something that can be forced.
As with any kind of relationship, it all depends on compatibility and chemistry, and thus must happen organically.
On the flip side though, it can be pretty clear when people will not end up being your friends, owing to a fundamental difference in personality or beliefs.
Redditor Chola_Bhatora was curious to hear the type of people the Reddit community would never become chummy with, leading them to ask:
We all hope to stay sexy until the end.
And even when we don't feel sexy, maybe there will be people who still think we are.
Reddito r Debonair-Redditor21 wanted to hear about famous crushes that enter into the "Harold & Maude" territory. They asked:
We all have our likes and dislikes when it comes to food.
While some people might not be able to stop eating certain foods, the very thought of that same food is enough to make others gag.
Then there are the foods which are universally considered to be delicious delicacies, the foods so revered that it is assumed that everyone must find them delicious.
Redditor jamboamericano was curious to hear which foods the Reddit community couldn't quite grasp the appeal of, leading them to ask:
Happiness is one of those abstract and amorphous things that nobody can quite pinpoint, but everyone knows when they feel it.
It can be triggered by lots of things - a great meal, an old friend, your favorite episode of your favorite show...

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Here Are The Best Underage Stories You Submitted
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Penn State's student blog
Last week, we asked for your best stories from getting cited with underage drinking , and you did not let us down. We received dozens of stories, including some from alumni, ranging from sad coincidences that landed students in trouble, to raucous nights that clearly went awry. We picked our favorites, and we are happy to be able to share them with you.
I don’t know how I got there, but I was woken up by the University Park Police as I was sitting in the second row of 100 Thomas. The best part was that I had gone back to Pennypacker to get my backpack and class materials.
The real question here is, did you get attendance points?
I was tailgating two years ago at the UMass game. I only had a few drinks because others had told me stories about how many cops are out during football games. As the morning turned to afternoon, I still hadn’t seen a cop so I decided to grab a beer. I had no problems, finished a few beers, and after, my friends and I were about to walk to the stadium. On our way over, my friend had a beer in her hand and she saw a puppy, so she gave the beer to me. Within 30 seconds I heard “can I see your ID,” and almost died inside. I tried to explain to the cop that it was my friend’s beer (who was 21) and that she was having me hold it while she was petting a puppy. My friend tried pleading to the cop as well, but long story short, I received an underage, and was told by the cop that if I want to lie to get out of something, I need to come up with a more believable story. As he walked away he stepped in a pile of crap the puppy left behind.
Was the poop there on purpose as some cool form of pet justice? Probably not. Am I going to believe that anyway? Absolutely.
It was late August 2003 and my parents had dropped me off as a freshman two days prior. We were out drinking Carlo Rossi jug wine with an older friend of mine from home who was in a frat. As we stopped at College Pizza for my first late night drunken slice as a 17-year old college student, I realized I really had to use the bathroom. Seeing how long the line was, I decided to take some back stairwell up to what I thought was the safety of the back of the building. Without a care in the world, I unleash the contents of my bladder on the side of the building (which I now realize is just an empty lot that opens up right onto Locust). I turned around when I was all finished and there were two cop cars boxing me in. I did not realize the gravity of the situation, or the seriousness with which the State College Police took underage drinking/public urination, until the cops called my parents at 3:30 a.m. since I was only 17. I still have the summons stowed away for safe keeping — and my family still makes public urination jokes to this day. God bless that town.
I guess you could say he really “pissed” off the police.
I went home for the weekend and came back Saturday night to go to this big party. I got back to State College around 10:30 and realized I needed to catch up before I went to the party so I took three shots (background info: I’m a lightweight who used to black out at four shots). When I finally got to the party, my friend made the whole party all take three shots together. That’s when the night got blurry. I know I had some more jungle juice and then the next thing I know, I wake up in the hospital. I woke up in a hospital bed, naked, with an IV in my arm. I was still completely hammered and had no idea what was going on. I thought the fact that I was in the hospital was the funniest thing ever and the thought of an underage didn’t even cross my mind. I took a cab ride home and later received a call from the campus police. I had to go down to the station and the cop told me all about my night. Apparently I was wandering around near Blue Course Drive and ended up hanging out in some field. The cop saw me and asked me where I lived and I told him West Halls (even though I lived off-campus) so he graciously took me there. When we got to West he asked me where we were and I responded “in the middle of Pugh Street” and then he called an ambulance for me. With a BAC of 0.28 it’s really great I survived with only an underage and more than $1000 in fees.
The saddest part of this, for me at least, is that all this person had to do to avoid an underage was know his/her own address. So close, yet so far.
I was walking back after a night of getting totally wasted at the frats on campus, when this a**hole cop wrote me up for no reason. At least that’s what I thought. As it turns out, I had stopped a traffic cop, stolen his vest and baton, and was directing traffic in the middle of College Ave at 2 a.m. There was an underage and a ticket that said ‘directing traffic while intoxicated.’
And they say college doesn’t adequately prepare you for your future job.
1) Got absolutely sloshed at my fraternity before the Ohio State football game in 2014.
2) Left the house around noon to go to my parents’ tailgate.
3) Kept slamming fireball until about 1 p.m. 
4) Apparently, I went to the porta potty to let my innards loose and a cop saw me and approached me to make sure everything was alright.
5) I told him I was “f***** fine” and stumbled away. 
6) He came back with his assistant cops and they cuffed my sorry ass. 
7) Parents hated me for about two months because I threw up on Grandma Josephine apparently when she told me I needed to take a nap.
8) Here we are today!!
Freshman year I had a biology lab and my friends wanted to drink after. It was a Tuesday, but I was trying to live college to the fullest. I went from my lab to drink with my friends, and the next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital with my brother and roommate by my side. I was unconscious for about seven hours. I later found out I was hypoglycemic and my body was shutting down because I didn’t eat. An officer gave me an underage when the ambulance was called. My mom thought I had a drinking problem for a while because this all happened on a Tuesday, but I learned my lesson. Now I always eat before drinking because I never want to wake up in a diaper again.
There are so many bad jokes I could make about the irony of having a medical condition you don’t know about, and only finding out because of non-biology related events after a biology class, but I can’t seem to find the right one.
Early freshman year, I made it all the way from the frats to East by myself, very drunk. I got so excited that I navigated my way home that I physically jumped for joy, straight into a stop sign. As in, I literally smacked my head into a stop sign and fell down directly next to a cop. Ninety days later, with my license ban com
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