Young Sex Teen Japan

Young Sex Teen Japan


Young Sex Teen Japan
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Japanese Youth Shunning Sex For...What, Exactly?!
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The Japanese birthrate continues drop to record lows. Is it because the nation's youth are wrapped up in video games?
A recent study carried out by famed sex researcher Kunio Kitamura reveals that 1 in 3 young males between the ages of 16 and 19 are "not interested in sex", either stated that they "hate" it or were simply not concerned with it. (What's more, nearly sixty percent of girls said they weren't interested.) The survey polled 2,693 Japanese men and women between the ages of 16 and 49. Shock!
The nation of Japan's declining birthrate is all due to young males who are not interested in making whoopee. Right? Not so fast. The Japanese media (and, in turn, the international media) continues to latch on to the notion of herbivore men — "grass eaters" who are simply not into girls. This is the future of the country, and the future looks like...a bunch of pansies.
In the past, it's been stated that young men were simply more interested in video game heroines than real girls, because game girls won't break their hearts.
"The results support the herbivorification of young men," Kitamura is quoted as saying about the survey. This year's results shows a increase in the last of sexual interest from previous years.
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But wait a minute — out of the 2,693 surveyed, only 57 percent actually replied. That's somewhat odd, no? And without seeing (and taking) the actual survey itself, it's difficult to discern the methodology. What's more, Japanese teenagers might be more reluctant to reveal their true feelings in a survey due to embarrassment. Surveys can be written to produce any kind of data, so they're best taken with a grain of salt.
What's more, this line of questions can be considered loaded: If Japanese teens say they are interested in sex, then the country's pop culture is making them all horndogs. If Japanese teens say they are not interested in sex, then they are figuratively castrated and escaping into that same pop culture.
Japanese teens may not be interested in sex — then again, they're probably like teens everywhere on earth. Balls of emotion, trying to figure themselves out and connect with others.
"Obviously, the most important reason for Japan's declining birth rate is that people are not having sex," Kitamura, head of the Japan Family told The Daily Telegraph.
"Combined with the rising number of elderly people, this population imbalance is a major problem," he said.
Oh, Japanese are having sex, but it's a little naive of Kitamura to assume that they are only having sex with their marriage partners. Japan is clearly interested in sex; a quick look at its nightlife and low culture will clue one in pretty quick. The commenters on 2ch., Japan's largest web forum, wonder if those polled are interested in things like masturbation.
The birthrate in Japan is declining, leaving a big question mark on the country's future. This didn't begin when young males started reading comics or playing video games, but with the breakdown of the traditional family structure in the years after World War II, which meant that grandparents not longer lived with their children, putting an increasing burden on new mothers. The tradition of hiring a babysitter from outside the family doesn't exist to the same extent that it does in the West, meaning more pressure and responsibility on working mothers (and fathers).
But it's not just Japan, birthrates are dropping in South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan. Heck, even Italy, the population is declining — and the stereotype of Italian men is hardly that of a bunch of grass eaters. Economics have a hand in this as does the society at large.
These days, working parents even have often difficulty getting their children into already overcrowded day care, while many Japanese corporate environments are not exactly hospitable for young women who plan to have children. But those reasons for a declining birthrate are more complex — and sadly, difficult to change. The sexual interest of teenage males is far easier to finger.
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Video Duration 02 minutes 46 seconds 02:46
Published On 27 Dec 2015 27 Dec 2015

Japan has recorded an increase in the number of child exploitation cases reported from 2014 [Reuters]

“Infantilised sex culture” under the spotlight as UN expert urges more action to stop exploitation of young girls.
Tokyo – Japan must do more to stop child abuse, and especially the exploitation of young girls working in entertainment cafes across the country, according to a UN official.
This message comes as Japan records an increase in the number of exploitation cases reported from 2014.
In October, Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, the UN’s special rapporteur on child prostitution and pornography, angered Japan’s government by saying that up to 13 percent of schoolgirls had taken part in Enjo Kosai, or compensated dating.
She said later that the figure was not official, and would not be in her final report. But campaigners argue the lack of official figures is itself a sign of complacency by Japanese authorities. 
In the capital Tokyo, infantilised sexual culture has become accepted, and Japanese rights groups are campaigning to end the practice.
Mai, a student, is working part-time promoting a so-called joshi kosei, or high-school girl cafe, in Tokyo’s Akihabara district, where adult men pay to sit and chat with teenage girls.
“Some of the men are my grandpa’s age, and I do sometimes get short of things to talk about,” Mai, dressed in her school uniform, told Al Jazeera.
She said working in such a cafe beats her old restaurant job, and she insisted that her customers treated her well.
At the cafe where Mai works, her boss picks the staff of 15 to 18-year-old girls.
“Basically, they need to be pretty. That is an absolute requirement. They should look slim and stylish. Also, they need to be smart,” Koichiro Fukuyama, the cafe owner, told Al Jazeera.
But Fukuyama said there is no prostitution involved.
Shihoko Fujiwara, spokesman of the women’s right’s group Lighthouse, said the culture of glamorising the practice is disturbing.
“This concept of Enjo Kosai – compensated dating – has been around for how long now, 20 years? And we don’t have any official figures for that? For me that was very shocking,” she said.
In Japan, it took until 2014 for possession of child abuse images to be made illegal – but not cartoon depictions of such abuse.
Campaigners said these images can be used in a much more specific way, by child abusers to convince their victims that their criminal actions are in fact perfectly normal.
Employing teenagers in adult entertainment is illegal – but, in Japan, it seems, good for business.


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Sometimes, after a long, stressful day, there’s nothing more comforting than crawling into bed with your significant other and falling asleep in their arms.
But what if you don’t have anyone to cuddle with in the first place? If you’re in Japan, you might think to go to a soapland or some other kind of brothel, but then you’d have to deal with all that sex when you really just want to close your eyes and rest in the warmth of another’s body.
But wait! Before you resign yourself to another lonely night of shedding tears on your Rei Ayanami dakimakura, why not stop by Soineya, Japan’s first “co-sleeping specialty shop,” where customers can pay to sleep in the arms of a beautiful girl—with no strings attached.
Soineya (literally, “sleep together shop”) opened its doors on Sept 25 in none other than Akihabara, Tokyo’s electronics district, hub of otaku culture and birthplace of other eccentric establishments like maid cafés. Soineya defines itself as a “co-sleeping specialty shop,” which we’re going to denominate “cuddle cafe” because it has a better ring to it.
According to the homepage, Soineya hopes to offer patrons “the simple and ultimate comfort of sleeping together with someone.”
Of course, ultimate comfort comes at a price. Let’s take a look at the Soineya “service menu”:
20 min – 3,000 yen
40 min – 5,000 yen (only 3,000 yen for first time visitors)
60 min – 6,000 yen
2 hrs – 11,000 yen
3 hrs – 16,000 yen
4 hrs – 20,000 yen
5 hrs – 25,000 yen
6 hrs – 30,000 yen
10 hrs – 50,000 yen
“Shimei-ryo“ (fee to pick the girl you want to sleep with) – 1,000 yen + 500 yen per hour
Customer sleeps in girl’s arm (3 min) – 1,000 yen
Girl pats customer on the back (3 min) – 1,000 yen
Customer pets girl on the head (3 min) – 1,000 yen
Customer and girl stare at each other (1 min) – 1,000 yen
Girl changes clothes (1 time) – 1,000 yen
Girl gives customer foot massage (3 min) – 1,000 yen
Customer gives girl foot massage (3 min) – 2,000 yen
Customer sleeps with head on girl’s lap (3 min) – 1,000 yen
Girl sleeps with head on customer’s lap (3 min) – 2,000 yen
So basically, you’re paying about 6,000 yen an hour to lie in bed with a complete stranger. The website doesn’t specify what customers are and are not permitted to do during the standard course, but it’s probably safe to assume your options are limited to “close your eyes and be quiet.”
Furthermore, Soineya is currently recruiting girls for part-time in-store and “delivery” work. Here’s the job description.
■ Job: Sleeping
■ Location: Akihabara (3 min walk from station)
■ Qualifications: High school age to 30s
■ Compensation: 3,500 yen/hour
■ Hours: Weekdays 15:00-22:00, Weekend/holidays 12:00-22:00
Join the leaders of English Education for Children in Japan!
all i can say is WOW and EEEEWWW - and that menu - what the heck????? yeah, right, "delivery work" - i wonder what that could be? this all sounds so strange.
ditto. delivery work... 'delivery health' more like it. japans version of call girl. and from high school age? sigh
and yes... only a matter of time before they get busted with 15 yr olds. The Japanese will always find a way to bend the laws won't they... Not shocked JT.
Customer gives girl foot massage (3 min) – 2,000 yen
Paying to give a girl a foot massage. Doesn't that fall into the fetish category?
So it's like sleeping in the train, except your neighbor doesn't smell tobacco and alcohol.
I'm going to get a sex change operation and plastic surgery so I can get this job!
Why would you want to pet someone on the head for 3 minutes?
Customer and girl stare at each other (1 min) – 1,000 yen
Does the first person to laugh pay a forfeit?
Customer gives girl foot massage (3 min) – 2,000 yen
Why is this more expensive then receiving the foot massage?
"Qualifications: High school age to 30s"
So how many people would be happy with their daughter in High School doing this. Much better pay than macdonalds though - and the job description says "Sleeping".
"Customer and girl stare at each other (1 min) – 1,000 yen"
It's official. Japanese people need help.
Y50000 for ten hours. You could stay in a top-notch hotel for that. I can't sleep with someone lying on my arm anyway.
Customer and girl stare at each other (1 min) – 1,000 yen
I bet that is one of the most uncomfortable 1,000's you could earn...
I can't see this lasting long. There'll be too many problems with the sad lonely freak customers getting a chubby on and asking the girl to stroke him off, and the nerd-rage that will ensue when she refuses.
The job description on the Soineya website says:
"Job: Soine" (業種:添い寝) which can be translated as "sleeping together" or possibly "cuddling" (though not just "Sleeping").
It also says: "Qualifications: High school student to around 30s" (資格:高校生から30歳ぐらいまで)
This is weird on many levels, but I am especially shocked that this would be anywhere near legal employment for a high school student. That this is legal is a sad reflection on the twisted state of society. Disturbing indeed.
Briliant! Perfect place to spend a couple of hours after work before a night out on the tiles with friends!
I rekon it's just a glorified knocking-shop, look at the scantilly clad girls in the pic. I guess the idea was inspired by frustated men who went to 'health' parlours after a few hours nomunicating with colleaugues and couldn't do anything other than sleep anyway.
Something is severely lacking in Japanese society.
This is so typical Japan that I'm surprised that people are surprised about it. And do they conduct the job interviews???????? This country and its morals are fast going down the toilet.
How stupid can you be? This kind of crap is acceptable, but if I download music, I could go to prison. Something is really wrong with these peoples priorities?
I pity the girls who would be employed here. Imagine what kind of losers they would have to "sleep" with. A lot of the people would likely have hygiene problems, bad breath, smell of alcohol, cigarettes, etc. and they would probably be the losers who never bathe either. YUCK!
And like soap-lands, I wonder what's on the secret menu... I remember an ear-cleaning shop near my office got raided for employing a 15 year old, who was having sex with the customers for an extra 10,000 or so. I'm guessing that's going to be somewhere on the "hidden menu" at this sleep shop... especially on the delivery service. They should just legalize prostitution and get over it. At least then, someone could provide healthcare and get taxes from it.
It is yucky, but it's mostly sad, I think. People so desperately lonely for human contact that they'll pay someone just to "cuddle" them (I'm assuming no sex is involved, but...). Very sad, and I bet that they'll feel even lonelier after the experience. clap. "creepy" doesnt even come close...
It is an otaku service.... I should have guessed.
If you're gonna go all the way and pay that much, then why not go all the way?
On the other side of it, I'm sure many people here would rather get paid that much and do just that, right? Don't lie, hahaha!
And just when you thought life in Japan wouldn't get any WEIRDER!
You know, as strange as it is, I actually think the business model is brilliant and will be successful.
Specially in Japan, many people are simply lonely and don't actually looking for sex but intimacy such as cuddling or quietly sleeping together , that said it seems a bit pricey there but competition will probably drive prices down soon enough.
In my personal opinion there is nothing "yucky" about it , its simply the new electronic lonely world we live in and unless something will drastically change, it will just accelerate.
They'll probably make a fortune. What a wonderful world.
If you do actually fall asleep, then there could be a large bill awaiting you next morning...
Why don't more people volunteer to give 'free hugs'
3500 an hour? Wow, I'll quit my job for that! Haha. I hope they accept men too. I can sleep 12 hours a day, I can make a fortune there! - Just kidding though. Japan has become a sad place, no physical contact whatsoever, making people look for this kind of service.
Wondering how they assure the "safety" of the employee ... Cameras everywhere ?
But not surprised, it is Japan after all.
How about the other way around? Girls/Women can sleep with a handsome man, erh, for free ;)
It's obviously just the front for other services. It's literally impossible for a real man to cuddle a woman for more than a few minutes and be satisfied with remaining like that. It's defies the law of nature and leads to all kinds of ailments.
It'll end in prostitution, guaranteed.
This is called prostitution in a manner look like a cafe service... STOP IT. NOW.
hahaha HILARIOUS! I'd do this if I can choose my customers LOL
I cracked up when I first saw this and kept thinking "Only in Japan". But now I think that Japanese folks really need help.
good for japan'd population demography fears
Just so long as they don't dance. Then it would become illegal...
You're allowed to look at her for one minute and it's only 1,000 JPY? Batting eyelids extra, I bet.
Why is there no info on the owner(s)?
Why is this more expensive then receiving the foot massage?
It all depends on the definition of "foot."
Customer sleeps with head on girl’s lap (3 min) – 1,000 yen
That's great to know the rates. I'll fix mine at 1500 yen since I'm exotic and more padded. From today, I charge the ossans that confuse me with a pillow in the subway. It's 6 minutes between 2 stations of Midosuji line ? 3000 yen ! I can start preparing a few ryoshusho.
I don't mean they mean sex, i'm sure someone has stated this but i don't feel like reading all the comments above <3
Maybe I can start the first Gaijin Cuddle Cafe. What red-blooded Japanese girl wouldn't want to fall asleep resting her head on my huge bicep.
Girl gives customer foot massage (3 min) – 1,000 yen
Customer gives girl foot massage (3 min) – 2,000 yen
Clearly someone has a low opinion of the customer's ability to massage feet.
Surely it's obvious why it costs more for the customer to touch the client? The person giving the massage is the active one - the one in control, the one with the power, if you like. The recipient is passive, motionless, and vulnerable to any moves the 'giver' makes.
If you want to be in control, you have to pay more. Simples.
Connecting to the link is SLOW and dont even try hitting any of the other links.......
A sad state of Japan when a) men will pay for this and b) women would actually do this for a job. Guess they want that brand name bag bad enough...
Perversions are ancient. How Japan realizes them today is stupefying.
Given how skinny the walls are at most cheap business hotels, you're virtually sleeping with the guy next door anyway...well you get the snoring and the signing a song when drunk and stuff like that. Still cheaper than go man yen a night.
These guys over here are lame!! Sleep wit a women you don't
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