Young Nudist Families

Young Nudist Families


Young Nudist Families
My wife and I enjoy taking showers with our two sons. Courtesy of Laura Leigh Abby
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My wife and I are parents to two boys ages 2 and 5.
We were raised with very different views and approaches to nudity.
We want to encourage our sons to ask questions and not feel shamed about nakedness.
I grew up in a heteronormative house where the rules of nudity were simple and unspoken: Mom could be nude in front of me and my sister. Mom could be nude in front of dad. Mom could never be nude in front of all of us at the same time, and mom could never, ever be nude in front of my brother. Period.
To be clear, we weren't taught to be ashamed of our bodies. I can recall watching in horror on more than one occasion as my mom walked naked through a women's locker room. But there was a clear gender distinction that existed for as long as I can remember, and I followed those rules for most of my adolescence.
My wife, Sam, grew up in a house where anyone could — and would — walk around naked . The first time I stayed with Sam's family, her brother, a teen at the time, came running naked into her bedroom with his penis flopping around. "Oh my God," I squealed as I yanked the covers over my head. I hadn't seen my own brother naked since we were in diapers, and I preferred it that way.
Now we are raising our two sons to love their bodies, and that includes running around naked in the house.
Sam and I were raised on opposite sides of the nudity spectrum and, oddly, after meeting in college, I became the one more likely to disrobe in front of others. After I gave birth to our first son, Sam bonded by taking showers with him. Skin to skin, she would wrap her slippery arms around his little body as the water rained gently on their heads. I would be perched on top of the toilet in a panic that he might slide through her arms as she lathered them both.
Now our boys are 5 and 2. The little one is constantly being reminded to get his hands out of his diaper. "Bye-bye penis," we say. He lifts up our shirts and says "boobies," any chance he gets.
At their age, we're focused on teaching them that bodies have boundaries and that you need permission to touch someone else, but we also let them run around free — and naked — in our home. Sam and I do the same. Well, we don't usually run around naked, but we do change and bathe in front of them. Our home is our comfort zone. It's a place where none of the outside rules of the world apply.
I'm not so naive as to think there won't ever come a time when our boys won't want to see their mom's nude bodies, or that they won't want us to see theirs. For now, we want to encourage curiosity and questions instead of embarrassment and shame. There's no shortage of shame waiting for them in the future, especially in our society of stigma, where we're taught to cover up and hide our bodies and their imperfections.
For as long as I am able, I want to provide a haven for my children, a place where they can be the wild little creatures that they are, where they will be told that their bodies are beautiful, and taught to exhibit body positivity rather than shame.
In our home, penis and vagina are not bad words. They are parts of who we are.
Sometimes we lament that they're growing up too fast, but when our boys no longer want to hop in the shower with moms, we'll be there to respect and celebrate their autonomy.
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Diane Arbus

Family beauty contest at a nudist camp , 1965
36.5 x 38 cm. (14.4 x 15 in.)

Diane Arbus

(American, 1923–1971)

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Jock Sturges #Photographe #Artiste #Charme #Incontournable

Jock Sturges, né en 1947 à New York, est un photographe américain. Il est connu surtout pour ses nus pris dans des environnements naturistes.

Jock Sturges vit actuellement à Seattle. La magie du travail de Jock Sturges réside dans sa vision épurée d'une beauté simple, sans astuce ni trucage.

Sturges ne cherche ni à choquer ni à provoquer. Il retranscrit la beauté de ses modÚles dans leur entité, tels qu'ils sont en réalité. La nudité de Jock Sturges révÚle une authenticité originelle en faisant réellement tomber les masques.

DiplĂŽmĂ© d’Etudes Secondaires en 1966, Jock Sturges s’engage dans la US Navy pour quatre ans. BasĂ© au Japon, il travaille au Chiffre en tant qu’Agent spĂ©cialisĂ© dans les transmissions Russes. En 1970, il part Ă©tudier au Malboro College (sud du Vermont) oĂč il collabore avec deux psychologues et le photographe Richard Benson sur une discipline hybride mĂ©lant psychologie sensorielle et photographie. Sturges passe un Master Degree (MFA) au San Francisco Art Institute en 1985 et rĂ©sidera dans cette ville pendant vingt et un ans.

Jock Sturges gagne sa vie l’étĂ© en photographiant les yachts et les enfants « de bonne famille » Ă  Newport, Rhode Island. Il travaille pendant un an pour Richard Benson en tant qu’imprimeur et imprimera quelques travaux de Atget, Paul Strand, Gary Winogrand et Lisette Model en autres
 C’est en 1972 qu’il commence Ă  perfectionner son art Ă  la chambre et dĂ©couvre les techniques artistiques qui deviendront l’oeuvre de sa vie. Aujourd’hui Sturges effectue la majeure partie de ses productions en France (Montalivet). RĂ©cemment entrĂ© dans le monde de la mode, il reste nĂ©anmoins fidĂšle aux techniques du fine art qui lui sont propres; une expĂ©rience qu’il considĂšre comme « engageante ». Ce travail aboutit Ă  des parutions dans l’Uomo Vogue, Japan Vogue, Rebel, POP, Arena Homme Plus...


The Last Day of Summer. Aperture, New York, 1992. Préface by Jayne Ann Phillips. 7Úme édition Américaine, 2Úme Allemande et 1Úre Japonaise.

Radiant Identities. Aperture, New York, 1994. PrĂ©face by Elisabeth Beverly; Ă©pilogue by A.D. Coleman. 6Ăšme Ă©dition AmĆœricaine.

Evolution of Grace. Gakken Books, Tokyo, Japon, 1994.

Jock Sturges. Scalo, Zurich, Switzerland en collaboration avec le Frankfurt Museum of Modern Art, 1996. 1Úres éditions Anglaises, Allemande et Française.

Jock Sturges : New York 1996-2000. Scalo, Zurich, 2000


La magie du travail de Jock Sturges rĂ©side dans sa vision Ă©purĂ©e d’une beautĂ© simple, sans astuce ni trucage. Sturges ne cherche ni Ă  choquer ni Ă  provoquer. Il retranscrit la beautĂ© de ses modĂšles dans leur entitĂ©, tels qu’ils sont en rĂ©alitĂ©.


L’oeuvre de Sturges est centrĂ©e autour de deux Ă©lĂ©ments fondamentaux : la nuditĂ© et l’adolescence. C’est avec une rare sensibilitĂ© et la maĂźtrise d’une technique Ă©poustouflante qu’il parvient Ă  faire jaillir de ces jeunes modĂšles leur sexualitĂ© naissante tout en Ă©vitant le voyeurisme et la perversitĂ© qu’on lui attribuera par erreur. En effet, en 1990 le FBI jugeant le travail de Sturges comme une atteinte Ă  la pudeur accuse l’artiste de pornographie infantile et saisit son atelier de San Francisco. La Justice classera le dossier sans suite aprĂšs plus d’un an d’investigations. Puis dans le milieu des annĂ©es 90 une association puritaine amĂ©ricaine bloque la distribution de ses livres. MalgrĂ© tout Sturges recevra le plus grand soutien du monde artistique et de nombreux citoyens amĂ©ricains dans ces moments houleux de sa carriĂšre.


La nuditĂ© chez Sturges rĂ©vĂšle une authenticitĂ© originelle en faisant rĂ©ellement tomber les masques, contrairement Ă  certaines oeuvres oĂč elle n’est que rajoutĂ©e en vue d’un effet de mise en scĂšne. Ici le naturel prĂ©vaut sur le fabriquĂ© : pas de maquillage ni de comĂ©die. Ses cinq livres, The Last Day of Summer (1991), Radiant Idantities (1994), Evolutions of Grace (1994), Jock Sturges (1996) et Jock Sturges : New York 1996-2000 (2000), ont Ă©tĂ© de grands succĂšs car ils sont tous empreints d’une sincĂ©ritĂ© poignante.

Au delà des tabous et de la perversion des regards sur son oeuvre, Jock Sturges nous montre la Beauté Vraie, la Beauté Pure, la Beauté Nue

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