Young Nude Public

Young Nude Public


Young Nude Public
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It was unseasonably warm last weekend, an unusual early taste of summer. There was something about this unexpected treat that made us all kick back a little.
My children were wild with the heat, giddy and candescent. Their voices rising with excitement at the unexpected day of sun, play and water. They stripped off while dripping in sweat and ran through the house chasing each other before collapsing under the cool of the fan.
At one stage I turned on the sprinkler – it was more to water my freshly planted spring garden which was sweltering in the record temperatures than for the kids. But as children do they began to play under it, drawn to the spraying water in the same way I expect that you and I were too when we were young.
Do you remember doing the same thing when you were a kid? That joyous feeling of dancing through the spray, the sun beating down on you. The shrieks of laughter as you jumped the swirls of water while dodging the bindies on the lawn. The freedom of being a kid without a concern in the world.
There was nothing quite as fun as playing in a garden sprinkler.
My youngest two upon hearing the sprinkler’s rhythmical thwack-a-thwack ran to it, stripping the last of their clothes off as they got there.
I sat smiling, caught up in the sight of the magic moment of my two children running through the water, joyous, alive. It was after a good while that I noticed a woman stopped outside my house in her car, she glared at me as I caught her eye.
We live on a corner of two suburban streets. It’s a friendly neighbourhood and our fence is low enough for passers-by to stop and chat. I have usually loved this about my home but on this occasion she didn’t want to chat.
She wanted to castigate me on my naked children.
"You should cover them up" she said. "There are perverts around. Who lets their children be seen naked in public? You don't know what could happen."
"They're kids" I stuttered in explanation taken aback. (Half from the fact that I didn’t really consider my front garden as a public space).
Was it really such a no-no to let small children run naked ? Had I missed that memo about society? Where were these prevents? Was I putting my children in danger?
Over the years I have quite often allowed my children to strip off at the beach in the late afternoon and run naked through the gentle waves. They’ve spontaneously jumped in fountains in public squares and when we’ve strayed upon a water play area, they’ve impulsively run through the bubbling jets drenching themselves right down to their nappy - that I’ve then wrenched free before its contents sagged out.
It was mainly when they were quite young – aged one and two – but I didn’t ever think it was wrong.
I’m now second-guessing myself. Was it wrong? Were they in danger ? Should I have been more careful?
It's not just kids who love sprinklers. Have a smile at these dogs sussing out where on earth that water is actually coming from. Post continues after video...

A quick straw poll (well, a quick Google search to be exact) shows that this issue has cropped up a lot lately.
The main fear from people is that a photo could be taken of their naked child and could end up being misused inappropriately by an online predator. The other fear is that their child could be targeted by a peadophile in real life.
These are very real fears, whether they are justified or not, overblown or not. It's really up to each individual family to weight up their own feelings towards the perceived (or perhaps real) chance of it happening.
For me though, the woman’s words were a blow.
I always feel safe in my community. Sheltered. Secure. I always feel like my loving, warm neighbours and friends respect our privacy, while also opening their arms to be our village when needed.
I’ve never worried much about my own children running naked in their own front yard. But, maybe sadly she’s right. Maybe, sadly they should cover up.
Maybe I’ve been unwittingly endangering my own children without even knowing it.
So the next time a day like last weekend sneaks up on us and my innocent kids throw aside their clothes to dance in the sprinkler, will I stop them?
Will I cover them with a towel and shelter them from the world?
But what I will do is remember this woman’s words and her glare and I will probably (grudgingly) limit their time running naked and encourage them to put their cossies on.
I will think of her scornful warning while I listen to my children’s joy . I will turn my eyes to the road outside my walls and watch, wary of what’s out there.
Do you think it is ever okay to let young children play naked in public or in their front gardens?
I think it's totally normal. How can so many Europeans and Russians be so wrong?... Anyway, the perverts complaining are the ones you should look out for.
Nope not in public their yards...whatever.

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Once upon a time (read: the '80s), movie fans could count on the fact that at some point, someone in the movie would randomly drop trou or rip off their shirt for no apparent reason whatsoever. And frankly, it was great. After all, why worry about things like plot or character development when you can have some good old-fashioned gratuitous nudity instead?
Nowadays, of course, such moments are rare, usually happening only for comic relief or in grade-Z, video on demand dreck. Thanks to Internet porn, there's kind of no reason for movies to bother, right?
Once in a while, though, there's still a shining light — or shining headlights, if you will — such as Rosario Dawson's turn in the new Danny Boyle thriller "Trance," which already has people buzzing and whipping out their iPhones to grab a quick screenshot. So with that in mind, we thought we'd take a look back at some of the most infamous moments of gratuitous nudity in film history. Because, honestly, we'd all feel a little more comfortable with this shirt off, don't you agree?
Whether or not the nudity in the opening sequence of the classic horror film "Carrie" is gratuitous or necessary to the plot is a question that has been debated since the movie came out. There's no question that it's shocking, as a naive Sissy Spacek experiences her first period right in the middle of a crowded high school locker room. On the other hand, to some viewers, this kind of seemed like a sneaky way to open your film with a bunch of girls naked in the shower. Pretty clever of director Brian De Palma, if you ask us. One note: Spacek was actually 27 at the time, so it's not quite as pervy as it sounds.
Speaking of nude scenes that some people don't consider gratuitous, the mega-hit "Titanic" featured one of the most famous — and tastefully executed — nude scenes in film history. Leonardo DiCaprio's budding artist talks his uber-crush Kate Winslet into reclining in the buff on a couch so he can draw her. Of course, every art major in the history of higher education has tried this exact same line at one point or another with no success, so some serious suspension of disbelief is needed. Along with a pause button for your Blu-ray player.
We're not sure this is the most gratuitous nudity ever seen — actually, given that it's number eleven on our list, we're sure it isn't — but it sure is the most surprising. When the Wolf Pack hears something banging around in their trunk in "The Hangover," they pop it open, only to have a completely nude Ken Jeong leap out and assault them both physically and psychologically. The scene proved so popular (?) that they made Jeong's junk into a running joke, bringing it back for a sequence in "The Hangover Part II."
At least the shower scene in "Carrie" actually sets the tone for the whole film with its creepy high school horror vibe. "Starship Troopers," on the other hand, has a co-ed shower sequence that's basically just a bunch of people chatting. Which they could have done, you know, clothed. But why stage a conversation around a table or in a living room when you can use it as an excuse to show beautiful young people lathering up and washing each other? Why, indeed.
Harvey Keitel is a bit of a repeat offender when it comes to gratuitous nudity. In fact, he's so well known for it, urban legends have even grown up around his habit of going buck wild on movie sets (go ahead, google Keitel in "Eyes Wide Shut" if you're really daring). So it was hard to pick just one of his films, especially since his nude scene in "Bad Lieutenant" is so well-known. But we'll go with "The Piano" just for pure shock factor. After all, how many Best Picture nominees give you male full frontal? Now we know what "Lincoln" needed to put it over the top.
If you haven't seen "Wild Things," here's an overview of the plot: Denise Richards and Neve Campbell have a crazy three-way with Matt Dillon. And ... actually, we're not even joking, that's a major part of the plot. So it's safe to say that we find the entire movie gratuitous, not just the part where Richards takes her top off and everybody goes to town on her. And as a side note, "Wild Things" also gets bonus points for having a completely random shot of Kevin Bacon's junk as well. Equality!
In "Trading Places," Jamie Lee Curtis plays a tough-minded hooker who helps Dan Aykroyd gain revenge on the rich jerks who destroyed his life. Naturally, in the process she randomly rips her shirt off right in the middle of a speech about how she's just another businesswoman. It just happens that her breasts are her business — and business is very, very good. We do wonder if this scene was also intended to refute the long-running urban legend that Curtis was a hermaphrodite. If so, well, it worked.
Once upon a time, actress Erika Eleniak was best known as one of the lifeguards on the cheesetastic hit TV series "Baywatch." That abruptly changed forever when she appeared in probably the most memorable scene in the Steven Seagal flick "Under Siege." The film starts with Seagal's cook preparing a big birthday bash for his ship's captain. After the ship is taken over by terrorists, he's wandering the halls when he comes across a giant fake birthday cake — and Eleniak suddenly pops out, topless, and begins dancing around, apparently unaware of anything except the music in her head. Surreal? You bet. But still not quite as bizarre as ...
In the zombie flick "Return of the Living Dead," Linnea Quigley plays a punk chick named Trash. And when zombies go on a rampage and start killing everyone, what does a girl named Trash do? Well, obviously she heads to the cemetery, strips naked and does a bizarre, suggestive dance for no apparent reason. We'd put it higher on the list if it weren't for the fact that we do the same thing after watching each episode of "The Walking Dead."
The man who played Obi-Wan Kenobi has developed quite a reputation over the course of his career for whipping out his lightsaber, so it was hard to pick just one example. We'd say he's basically the modern day Harvey Keitel, except Keitel is still doing it, too. But even Keitel had to be impressed (if that's the right word) with Ewan McGregor's performance in "Velvet Goldmine," where his glam rocker character goes completely nuts on stage and swaps the guitar for the skin flute, if you know what we mean. Hey, Michael Fassbender: This is how it's really done.
Back in 1982, the thought of Phoebe Cates emerging from a swimming pool all glistening wet and then taking off her swimsuit was the stuff of fantasy for boys everywhere. Literally: The sequence in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" where she does exactly that is framed as a figment of Judge Reinhold's overactive imagination. And naturally, he ... how do we put this ... takes full advantage of his powers of fantasy with some serious alone time. So there are two mental images you'll never be able to get out of your head.
Technically speaking, Sam Raimi's supernatural thriller was a vehicle for Cate Blanchett, who starred as a psychic trying to figure out who killed Katie Holmes. In reality, the only thing anyone remembers about "The Gift" is Holmes whipping off her clothes. Holmes, of course, was still starring in "Dawson's Creek" at the time, so the sight of her nekkid was a major coming-of-age moment for millions of teen fans around the world. It was also a calculated attempt to shed her girl next door image ... and yep, it worked, as Tom Cruise can attest. Talk about a plan backfiring.
Just how infamous is Halle Berry's topless scene in "Swordfish" ? Fans and industry insiders alike were already buzzing about it months before the movie even came out. That's because when the studio approached Berry about the possibility of appearing nude in the movie, she agreed on one condition: They had to pay her an extra half-million dollars up front. Naturally, they paid up, with the result that the marketing for the movie basically became "See Halle Berry's breasts!" Of course, there was no reason in the story for this, so they simply had her randomly reading a book topless while Hugh Jackman stares with the same WTF look on his face everyone in the audience had. Classic.
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Amy Willis Thursday 31 Dec 2015 2:31 pm
Woman filmed losing her trousers on a fairground ride
Woman filmed losing her trousers on a fairground ride 1253618
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Why? Well, you might find yourself in this poor girl’s position.
Footage caught on a mobile phone shows the moment the girl’s trousers started lowering as she struggled to cling on to a particularly vigorous ride.
Not only that, but she wasn’t wearing any knickers.
Her boyfriend desperately tried to protect her modesty as they bounced around the La Tagada ride at Costa Rica’s Zapote Festival but to no avail.
Around them hundreds of spectators could be heard cheering, while the dirty pervert guy sitting next to them seemed to cop a good look.
Eventually the ride stopped and the girl was able to pull her trousers back up.

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