Young Niece Sex Stories

Young Niece Sex Stories


Young Niece Sex Stories



December 28, 2014

Age when it happend: 20 Where it happened: my house Langauge: English Sex: Male Rating: 3
Category: Straight

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Copyright 2019. My First Time. Site by Paradigmnext
it all started when my niece was in my room on my computer. she is only 16 and is 5,11″ wieghs 102 lbs very slim and beautiful. I went in my room where she was and started talking to her. she said that she was realy nervous about taking her drivers permit test she used my car cause her mom didnt want her to have the permit yet. her mom was out of town for 2 weeks so she came to stay with me for the 2 weeks. while she was sitting in front of the computer I walked up behind her and started giving her a shoulder message, she said not to stop cause it feels so good. i stopped doing it and she got up and walked over to me. I went behind her and started messaging her again, she started moaning and she said that she was in heaven. i said this will feel better, i moved on her and put my arms around her and started kissing her sweet smooth neck. then we started making out very deeply and we got down on the bed and kissed alot more. I kissed her neck and tits for another good halfhour then we got undressed and climbed into my bed, we kissed more and then I started sucking her whole body mostly concentrating on her small tits and her neck. I reached down and pulled her panties off and she said that she has never been this far with another guy before and wasnt sure about what to do. I ate her out for about 7 minutes and she was so wet I knew she was ready to be penetrated. she was realy hot and sweaty and I started sucking her neck and tits again while i was trying to slip into her and she started screming “it hurts -stop-“ so i stopped and kissed her somemore and I told her i love her and I wont push it in as fast. we tried again 5 times and she screamed in pain so i finaly told her I need to break her and I pushed it in realy fast. she screamed real loud and started to cry. there was alot of blood and she was so tight. she is the best virgin I have ever had being she is very small and tall i laid on top of her till the pain stoped then I started push it in and out. she stayed the weekend with me here again and we still have sex she is 17 now and better than ever. I realy am in love with her. when she is 18 she is going to move in with me and we will live together for a while and move out to the mountains of Idaho. we still have each other when we see eachother and we will be carrying out our plan to go to idaho.

I have a confession. This summer I was out to eat with my gf(I’m about 26, she’s 25) when my buddy(around 28) shows up at the restaurant with his little niece(she’s probably 15, maybe 16 at most, extremely innocent seeming, and probably a damn virgin), they both live in Canada and I’ve never met her before but she wanted to come down with him. She has these just tiny little shorts and is rail thin, and has a tiny tanktop, and not really much for boobs but she’s cute. She also has braces( which I don’t know why but something about that turns me on.) They ask if they can crash at my house for the night while they are in town, so I said yes, told them it was unlocked and just to show up whenever I’d be home after we had dinner and got some stuff. I get there, about 5 mins before my gf, and my buddy and his niece are drinking in the driveway (Canadians are almost too respectful sometimes as he won’t even go inside without me home). She looks nervous as shit, and won’t even hardly look up, so he chimes in and is like yeah so she’s 19 man, its legal for her to drink where we live. I started laughing and was like deon she’s 15, maybe 16, but I don’t care bud she can have all she wants tonight and I just grinned at her. So we go inside and the gf shows up and we all start playing cards and drinking, and me and his little cousin brush feet every now and then under the table and stop and look at each other. Its about 11pm and the girl gets up to go to the bathroom, and as an ass guy I can’t help but watch her everymotion as she walks away and my eyes just follow her. My gf totally catches me as I’m already half drunk at this point and she just smirks at me. About 15 minutes later my gf says she’s going home to go to bed, and wants me to walk her out..I get out to the car she gives me a little shit telling me to behave myself and that she’s underage and kind of winks at me, gives me a kiss and leaves. (she’s pretty awesome at not being some jealous bitch, and doesn’t care if I look, just isn’t into me really playing) We finish playing cards, and decide to go out back because deon wants to see my husky, so the niece says its chilly now so she wants to put on her hoodie and some yoga pants. She meets us outside and stands next to me, while I’m kinda drunk now so I stumble alittle and happen to catch myself against her, and this poor girl is only about 3 or so drinks in, but she can’t weigh more then 90lbs, and she’s about ¾ in the bag also. So she starts leaning on me on and off when deon isn’t watching. (he’s extremely protective btw, which I never really knew before, and he thinks she’s young and super innocent). We end up out front by his car because he’d brought me a tshirt and they wanted to show me the shit that they’d bought at Walmart and mardens, somehow we ended up sitting in the trunk of the car just talking and drinking and having fun. Well I start getting horny so I’m sitting between them in the trunk so I move my arm so I can start rubbing her lower back under her hoodie and she just kinda looks at me so I take it slow, because I don’t want her to say something and ruin this, as I know deon would run to my gf in heartbeat. Fast forward another half hourish, and we get back inside, me and her sit at the bar, and deon’s playing darts, and occasionally stops to talk to us, at this point I have my stool faced towards her acting like I’m interested in what deon’s doing but I really have my hand rubbing her back and I keep sliding it down into her yoga pants, and playing with and rubbing the top of her ass. She starts shifting alittle bit making herself more comfortable and to block deon’s view of whats really happening. I get alittle braver and slide my hand up high quick and unsnap her bra. Her eyes get big and she kind of startles for a moment and looks at me like she’s in completely shock because her boobs are now free and her uncle is right here in the room. I just smirk and keep rubbing her back, and her ass and I can tell she’s getting turned on and right pissed drunk at this point as she starts slouching and pushing her ass back against my hand everytime I rub along the crack. I finally get the break I’ve been looking for as my buddy says he needs to go take a piss, the second he gets around the corner and shuts the door I grab her and we start making out. Without any more foreplay I just take my hand and start rubbing against her clit in circular motions knowing we only have a couple minutes before he gets back. She starts and bucking back and forth against my hand, almost to much so I use my other hand to grab and play with her ass and to hold her I place as my right hand works her clit. She starts biting at my lips, and whimpering, and I feel her pussy get extremely wet and hot as she’s right on the edge of cumming when we hear the toilet flush and the bathroom door open quickly, causing us to stop abruptly. My buddy walks back in the room and we are trying to act like nothing is going on. I kept kind of rubbing her back and she kept starting at me, I noticed when I’d go to take a drink my fingers smelled like her young virgin pussy, which was driving me nuts. I offered to set her up in a bed upstairs and let my buddy have the couch (hoping if I got her ass upstairs without him I could taste that pussy and then hopefully fuck her after hours of wanting too. She said that the bed sounded like a great idea then she sat down on the couch so we could watch part of a movie, within about 10 mins she said she was tired and wanted to just sleep there on the couch, as she basically passed out. The next morning she gave me a few looks and a hug before they left, but we didn’t get any chance to be alone. Although I am debating going to see them in Canada as something about this young girl drives me crazy.
This content appeared first on new sex story .com

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Babysitting my niece (babysitter,inc,sexo)

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It all started with my 14 year old niece

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Jul 22, 2011

In the beginning, there was my niece Kristin. 14 years old, naïve, and curious as it turned out. We were on a family camp out at a lake, hot as hell and really nothing to do but lay around. I fell asleep on the boat dock while the kids were splashing around on the beach and floating on air mattresses. I had sunglasses on, and when I woke up, I saw Kristin on her air mattress treading water, and it seemed like she was staring up my loose shorts. I moved my leg slightly, pretending I was still asleep, and she moved to get a better view. I had had no experience whatsoever with voyeurism and exhibitionism at that point, so this was a first for me, and damn was it hot. A full-on erection was on its way, so I bent my knee to block her view, stretched and pretended to wake up. She gave me a cheery “Hi Uncle Dave”, we talked for a bit, and that ended my first voyeur/exhibitionist experience.

The next morning, I was sleeping in late in my tent – my wife had already gotten up. Kristin woke me up with a cup of hot coffee, something she had been doing for years. But this time I was alone, naked under a thin blanket, and had a morning woody to wake up to. I had my back to her, blanket covering me from the waist down. Well, what could I do? I rolled onto my back, stretched, which highlighted my tent pole under the blanket, then sat up and faced her with the blanket over my lap. I crossed my legs Indian style. The only way she could see under the blanket was for her to lower her head to the ground. We talked for a few minutes, then sure enough, she laid down with her hands behind her head, staring up at the trees. When she talked to me, she turned her head and had a perfect view. We talked some more, then I told her she needed to leave while I put some clothes on. “Uncle Dave, I see my brother naked all the time”. She had no idea what a turn on it would have been for me…

This was the start of my lifelong quest to find curious women who want to check out my stuff. I’ve worked hard at it, and have had many successes (along with many more failures). I’ve posted several such stories on DF over the past couple of years. Several of the posts come with videos (posted on Dailymotion under the User Name Trashman49). Check them out and let me know what you think.
You show me yours and I'll show you mine
Excellent stuff.
I can just imagine it.
Any more tales to tell about her?
very hot. i remember whem i caught my daughters 13 yr friend peeking into my bathroom when i was in the shower. i left the door to my bedroom and bathroom cracked open and i new she was there because it was light in the hallway and she blocked the light. i made sure to give her a good view as i dryed off my cock

Let me show you something. Please.

That poor child! You probably made her wet her panties. Can you imagine?

Who among us, while never initiating an exhibition for a young teen or child, hasn't "let" it happen to satisfy their curiosity. It happens without our knowledge as well, I can confirm. Apparently, both of my daughters spied on me and I never knew until my wife informed me. Their common reaction? It's so big! This was about my flaccid state, too. She had to explain for them that most penises double their size and get fatter when erect. She also informed them I was only an average 6"

I knew just about every niece and daughters of cousins snuck a peek at me plus half a dozen friends of my daughters. In light of my own daughters' stealth, how many more did? I even awoke one morning to a nine-year-old niece fondling my morning wood. I didn't want to scare her. It took me ten seconds to think to 'roll over in my sleep'.

The worst child voyeur that I dealt with was the daughter of a single mother my wife befriended at work. We helped provide child care from infancy through age 8 in our home. This child used extreme tactics to continually spy on me. Locked doors did not deter her from walking into my bathroom. Reprimanding her didn't stop her. After a while, I didn't react to her presence.

I do not consider my actions deviant or reprehensible.
Later in the year, Kirstin came along with my wife and I on a ski trip to babysit the kids while we were out skiing. We stayed in a condo near the ski area. The kids loved the pool and hot tub and spent much of their time there, watched over by Kirstin. A few days into our stay, we finished skiing early and returned to the condo. The kids and Kirstin were swimming, so my wife said she would head down to the pool while I showered. I dumped my clothes on the bathroom floor and jumped into the shower. When I finished showering, I noticed that my clothes had been pushed a few inches along the floor, apparently by the swing of the door. I figured my wife had come back to pee or to pick up some toiletries. I wrapped up in a towel, stepped out of the bathroom, and there in the living room, was Kirstin wiggling out of her single piece swimming suit. I just caught a glimpse of her blond, peach fuzz covered snatch before she pulled the suit up to about her belly button. Later it occurred to me that she didn’t seem shocked or embarrassed. She simply asked if I could give her a towel, and I swear she was starring at the towel around my waist when she asked. I went back into the bathroom and got her a towel, and when I delivered it to her, she still had her suit down to her belly button, but she was covering her nipples with one arm as she reached for the towel with the other.

This was a dream come true for a voyeur/exhibitionist, but I was inexperienced and really didn’t know how to handle the situation. And I wasn’t really sure if she wanted to be watched, so I played it safe. I returned to my bedroom, slipped into some clothes and returned to the living room. Kirstin was dressed, which was odd since she had consistently used the bathroom to change clothes in private. Apparently she had gotten out of her swim suit, dried off and dressed in the living room.

To this day I don’t know if this was a set up or entirely innocent. I didn’t have the nerve to ask my wife if she had come back to the room and opened the bathroom door, but I’m pretty sure she didn’t. In fact, based on my next encounter with Kirstin, I’m almost certain that she had peeked in while I was showering. Stay tuned.
You show me yours and I'll show you mine

I knew just about every niece and daughters of cousins snuck a peek at me plus half a dozen friends of my daughters. In light of my own daughters' stealth, how many more did? I even awoke one morning to a nine-year-old niece fondling my morning wood.

I knew just about every niece and daughters of cousins snuck a peek at me plus half a dozen friends of my daughters. In light of my own daughters' stealth, how many more did? I even awoke one morning to a nine-year-old niece fondling my morning wood.

Let me show you something. Please.

You sound conflicted. Both abhorred and...interested.

It was indeed complete innocence on my part. I took no chances. How can I be responsible in my sleep, clothed (it stuck out my boxers), and unaware of the predator? Her action awoke me. My brain took several seconds to register the reality. She was so intently looking at me, she didn't see my eyes open. Like I said, I figured out the safe escape to turn over and feign sleep. She left. It wasn't the only time she perv'ed me but was the only time she touched me.

I do NOT flash children. Children, however, are voyeurs and naturally curious. I was making a point that it has happened all my life (a lot as I'm now nearly 63). I fear my own granddaughters will follow in the footsteps of their parents. Yes FEAR. I will not facilitate it but I cannot guarantee it won't happen.

As to the mother of that niece? She saw me when she was 15, 17, 18,... that I know of. Oh, and she touched it...twice. Like mother like daughter I guess.

You sound conflicted. Both abhorred and...interested.

Let me show you something. Please.

I bet you want to know about the two times with the mother....

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