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Young Lick Mature


Young Lick Mature
Mum wakes up daughter, 21, every day by licking her all over and pretending she's a dog
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Mum wakes up her 21-year-old daughter every day by licking her all over
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Theese mother and daughter duos have an unusually close bond - from licking each other all over every morning to taking showers together
Mothers and daughters often have an unbreakable bond - but for some it's MUCH closer than others.
From dressing in identical clothes every day to getting matching plastic surgery, these mum and daughter duos are certainly extreme.
The new series of sMothered examines these super close relationships and all the quirks that come with them.
Marcia, 68, and her 21-year-old daughter, Alena, who says her mum is "definitely my best friend", have a very bizarre routine each morning.
The pair already make sure they do absolutely everything together and that starts the moment they wake up.
"She kept pestering me for a puppy and I couldn’t get her a puppy, so I turned into the doggy. Alena tastes pretty good and all sweet, I just want to eat her all up."
And Alena, who was adopted by Marcia when she was just a toddler, says her mum's puppy antics make her feel closer to her.
The 21-year-old explained: "I love it when my Mamma licks me, it kind of makes me feel closer to her because we’re doing something funny and out of the ordinary. It’s a thing we do every single day."
Licking isn't the only unusual part of the pair's morning routine - when she's finally out of bed Alena playfully chases her mother around the house.
Marcia said: "When Alena was very little she didn’t have much stamina, so I would say ‘you can’t get me, you can’t get me'."
Alena suffers from an enzyme deficiency and the chasing started as a way of increasing her stamina and encouraging growth when she was a child.
But the routine has stuck and the pair continue to chase each other regularly.
Marcia explained: "It was really a good thing to help her grow and it just continued."
Once Alena eventually catches her mum, it’s her turn to play puppy.
She said: "When I catch my Mamma I do all my kissy-poos and I kiss her all up. She’s very kissable."
Marcia recognises that her relationship with her daughter may seem odd to some people - but nothing will stop her being so close to her daughter.
She said: "Some people don’t agree or they wonder what is wrong with her. I love the idea as she’s growing up of being able to do all those silly things.
"It’s getting a little tricky as she’s getting older, but still do all the same antics and we still play the same games and we have fun."
Another new mother and daughter who have a particularly unusual way of starting the day, are 55-year-old Mary and 19-year-old Brittani.
They start each day by by taking a shower together.
Stripped fully naked, the pair share their walk-in shower together and mum Mary even helps wash her daughter, lathering her up and getting her ready for the day.
She said: "The best way to start our day is in the shower. I love her and I don’t see anything wrong with it. I have been helping Brittani takes showers since she was five - I’m just a doting mum.”
For Brittani, it’s the perfect way of spending time with her mum.
She said: "When my mum does simple things like washing my hair or washing my body, it makes me feel comforted."
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A Bucks County, Pennsylvania woman has been arrested after police say she helped two preteens get drunk and filmed them having foreplay that included the licking of pancake syrup off the boy's chest.
Tina Mousley, a 54-year-old mother from Lower Southampton Township, was taken into custody Wednesday and charged with Corruption of Minors, a felony, as well as a misdemeanor, police said.
The alleged incident took place on May 2 in Mousley's home along the 1900 block of Clayton Avenue.
According to a police affidavit, Mousley bought alcohol for a 11-year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy. She could be heard on a video — taken by the girl — asking the boy whether he took his ADHD pill with a beer, the document stated.
Later, Mousley took over filming, police said, and told the boy to pour syrup all over his bare chest. The girl was then instructed to lick the food off the boy. They were then told to kiss, the affidavit stated.
In separate interviews, the children told police Mousley bought condoms for them to have sex, which they did, according to the documentation.
Police learned about the incident two days later after receiving a tip from a state child abuse hotline.
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Mousley sobbed as she awaited her arraignment Wednesday afternoon. She did not answer questions as she was led into court. A man at Mousley's home who would not identify himself said through the door that he was upset to hear about what allegedly happened.
The woman is being held on 10 percent of $50,000 bail, which she was unable to post. She is being taken to the Bucks County Prison. The judge said he chose the high amount because he has a responsibility to ensure the safety of other children.

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I laid in his arms till I fell asleep he was so warm and I felt safe but I shouldn’t have fallen asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a dark figure at my door. Frightened I clutched to what I thought was Sen but it was a pillow. I made a little gasp cause I was scared I got closer to the pillow to hide my face. I looked up right when the figure had a knife to my face I screamed and gripped their wrist “ahh! Somebody help me!!!” I screamed as loud as I could she flipped the body over and gripped them there the guards came in and sen behind them. “Lindo are you hurt?” the gaurds looked at the figure “who is that?” dad came in “My Princess are you hurt?” I sat on top of my assassin “no Father I am okay.” Suddenly the creature I was on got stronger stood up and made me fall it looked at me “I will get you.” Then it suddenly jumped out of my window before the guards could catch him. I ran to my dad and hugged him “thank you daddy.”
In the morning I ate breakfast with my family then I went out with Sen. “why do I have to come with you princess?” I egested the dress I was in it was white with a mix of yellow. I walked to the bakery “hello sir.” “Princess welcome to our shop.” “Oh no formality pleases im just here for some bread.” “Sure here are finest, that would be free.” I handed the money it would cost “Princess there is no need for this.” I took Sen’s arm and walked out carrying the bread. “We need to go to the forest Lindo.” “Alright Sen I will go, lead the way.” He nodded. We got to the forest edge then he grabbed my hand and we ran deeper in the woods “Sen where are you taking me?” “im taking you deeper in the forest.” We finally stopped. “Where are we Sen?” he pinned me agents a tree “shut up Lindo.” I blushed his face was two inches away from mine, his breath was warm and hot agents my cheek I looked away he breathed on my neck “I love you.” He whispered I shuttered “Sen…I don’t know.” “yes you do believe me Dante lies he lied to you.” I scratched the tree “your wrong Sen.” I went to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and pinned them to the tree he kissed me deeply I closed my eyes shut and I soundly relaxed and kissed him back. His grip on my wrist stopped he rubbed my waistline and reach around my back untying the dress slowly. I shuttered again as the dress fell onto the ground he kissed me deeper and he slid his tongue in and started licking my tongue. his hand slid to my panties pulling them off then to my breasts and messaging them gently. I gasped loudly and my knees started shaking his tongue licked from neck down to my other breast and started licking my rock hard nipple he bit my nipple a little. I felt his lips on mine again they were hot and steamed he traced his tongue down my stomach to my woman hood and started licking deeply and more fast I moaned loudly and tried to stay calm but that chance was falling threw pretty fast. I loved ever feeling of his tongue going deeper into me. Dante came to mind I got angry I slapped Sen “that’s enough Sen. Im not going to do this with you not here, not ever!” he stood up “but you want to if not why would your pussy be so wet?” “Don’t call it that!” “fine why are you so wet then Princess.” I slapped him again this time with more bitch he held his cheek for awhile I grabbed my dress and tied it back in place “you should be ashamed of yourself Sen.” I pulled my panties back up and walked away back to the castle I reached the stairs and saw Sen behind me. “Guards.” I called the walked to me “Yes princess?” “Keep that man out of the royal castle at all cost if you see him anywhere near the castle arrests him.” “Under what crime Princess?” “Harassment” Sen’s face got very angry “you shouldn’t do this to me!” “too late I gave the orders now my men should fallow them. “ I walked up the steps and saw my father “Your highness.” I bowed Eric stood straight “what did he do to my daughter?” “Tried to get me to sleep with him father.” “Keep that man out of the castle guards.”
I sat in the bathroom bathing looking at the mirror my mother came in “oh mom!” I tried covering myself. “would it be shameful to join you my dear? We are both women after all.” I blushed embarrassed only Dante has seen my body so naked. “Of course mom it would be fine.” She took her robe off. She was curvy and about three sizes bigger than me this woman did not even need a corset “my daughter has grown so much look at your breasts dear.” I blushed “MOTHER!” I cover my breasts with my hands “oh Hun don’t worry you will have my breasts in your twenties all men will want you.” She winked “mother please im embarrassed enough.” “darling look at my breasts they are big too.” She ran warm water down my back I smiled at the warmth then I felt her breasts agents my back “mother please don’t lean on me.” She stood up “well that was a fast bath darling I have to go see your father.” I thought in my head which one she slipped her robe on and left. I sat in the bath in peace, so I thought.
I heard a crash from the window I looked to see who it was and it was the person from before. “shit! Who are you!?” “Hmm some person who wants to kill you goes why ask so many questions.
Another longish RP I thought I'd share, just for the watchability of the scene I felt!
It starts off with Kamy teasing Serafina (Fin) that *she* got a key /and/ a book from the Ranger cabin.. and Fin has neither of these things. Fin quickly turns the tables on her, and her aggression and jealousy amuses Kamy so much that she does the same... with Fin's boyfriend.
The first few posts are a touch edited to protect the not-so-innocent (other rp'ers ;) ).
Thanks to Phoebe for patiently teaching me how to split-screen!
Kamy was beyond the flirtations and deviant looks at this point, at least alone when the girls could just be girls. She leaned in then and kissed her full on the lips, far more sensual then anyone would expect from the outrider, letting it pull but linger before popping happily back. "I got a fucking key to the cabin..." she snickered with the very intention of making her jealous and started off then, wiggling her hips as she silently began them on a walk through the park.
Fin kissed back, but while it started off with a sensual little lapping growl, it quickly *did* turn jealous, and she sought to *bite* her lip. Hard. Before she slipped away. Her eyes glittered and quite literally turned greener. ".. Oh yeah? How nice for you," she shoots back and falls into step to follow her through the trees, pushing limbs gently out of the way.
Kamy sunk an arm into hers so they might walk like school girls, licking where her lip had bruised from that chomp and pulling her to the bridge. Most tended to use this one sparingly, a careful step here and there. Kamy walks upon it full force, naturally taking to its bouncing sways and creaking protests without hesitation.
Fin delights in their raping of the bridge. So what if they pingponged off and flew into the river? She was filled with this dangerous rush of adrenaline and unconcern, driving her steps onto the planks all punk rock style. Hipbumps and rowdy hollers. ".. Yeah.. well.. ain't that somethin'. I don't know, man," her tune changing some. ".. I just wish they were all -around- more. I got shit to ask! You know? Th'fuck am I supposed to do?" She hopped to the other side and stretched her arms high above her head, then cracking neck to either shoulder. ".. Build a doghouse next to the cabin and be all, 'Bark Bark lemme in'?"
Kamy laughed when Fina bounced upon the bridge recklessly. She had just been walking like normal but it didn't mean she didn't appreciate the recklessness of it. She laughed when her foot nearly lost it but the book she held was clutched tight, quick to run free from its swaying surface. Would probably collapse on the next person who crossed it carefully. She reached out and took Fina by the belt, dragging her back to hook a knee between her thighs. "talk to one of the others then," she ran a nose along her jaw line, oblivious to anyone else's approach.
Serafina spun back towards Kamy by her own momentum and the Dreg's own tug of Fin's belt. Bare, dark skin *smacked* against her suspenders and covered-for-damn-good-reason skin. While that nose ran along her jawline, it drew out a loose growl, like something had just broken and was crashing down over their heads. ".. Fuck /talking/," she hissed, and yes, her legs parted, but they did so to square off, and grab Kamy by the shoulders to shove her down. Hard. Harder than she'd pulled on the woman before. Her hand would try to pin her throat, her hips, Kamy's pelvis, while her free would skate over her clothing, into bindings and straps, sensually fast. ".. I'm /taking/ ..that key."
Dylon sent his boots into the dirt to stop on the sudden appearance of the girls, it was still a chocolatey-clustery-headfuck for the guy to process. Shit, every time he thought he got a handle on the situation there it was, the diagram. The scissoring of fingers that explained how the two girls ended up, that enough was a struggle, what did you do? What the fuck were you meant to do?! Jack off? Raise that questioning brow to your girlfriend? The answer like all things in life were sometimes obvious, maybe it was Kamy's nose into Fin's face. That image alone made him think of their bed, they were going to need a bigger boat. Chin up and spark up. When he was about to raise his head to speak he stopped, why ruin the moment with a hello. Instead, the man just stood there enjoying the remains of that cigarette held between his fingers.
Kamy squealed when she went down, a very unusual noise for a Dreg to make but she was unraveling fast in the private company of Finn, her dark predatory facade that kept her fat and alive in the outpost abandoned for something far more girly. She couldn't stop laughing when Fina pinned her, hips lifting the girl off the ground with a thrust of her core, enjoying the site of those freckled swells bouncing. Kamy sighed when the girl's hands easily parted the handmade top from her chest, knuckled persed beneath leather and feathers. She nodded at the assessment. "yes good idea...I am tired of sharing you with him anyway" she stated rather boldly, unusual since she'd always liked Dylon from afar. She unbuckled Fina's pants and shimmied them down. "MY fucking key why don't you ever wear skirts..."
Fin squeezed her thighs so her pants could only unzip *enough*, the belt having gone unbuckled by Kamy's swift fingers. ".. I do," she snarked. "just for the men.. for you.. I make it hard." But green-eyedness wins over her again, the jealousy of Kamy having that key, and a book. Since talking hadn't gotten her far, she'd scythe through with force. ".. MINE!" she hurls at her, real anger dominating her voice, or perhaps, she's simply trying to /dominate/ her. ".. Hi Dylon.. " she singsongs between her next *firmly* growled statement. ".. MY. Fucking. ...Key." She'd try to grab Kamy's wrists, probably a battle of sorts while they scurried at her own pants. Her aim to drive them over the woman's head so she could use her free to keep searching.
Dylon sent those arms of his to fold across that chest of his, as that weight of his frame shifted from one foot to another. Just like that, something got that back of his up, a instinctual reaction to double taking on hearing Kamy's words, were they about him? and what was this fucking key?!. That figure of his turned side on then, yanking the cigarette from his lips harshly as his eyes bored down upon the air while that smoke wielding hand rested up against his chest. Maybe it was the twitch of his left cheek and the billow of smoke that was the sign of a vented thought. When that hello came from Fin that head jerked in a greeting nod before stilling.
The book was off to the side, Kamy's hand had carefully set it aside even in the collapse, perhaps indicating she had more control then she'd let on. It was her error to think Fina was only playing however, the surprise obvious when the girl snatched her wrists and pinned them to the earth. She'd lost her chance to truly resist, arms flexing with the push but only coming an inch off the grass. She snarled when the girl started searching her for real, pleased at least that Fina would have a hard time finding it considering the position. Hips popped her up again. "FINA...she gave it to me!" she looked over in surprise at Dylon, laughing despite herself. "Hey clit kicker! Mind holding her down for me?" spoken as if she hadn't even made mention of him before.
Fin let out a victorious "... HA!" when she pinned her wrists overhead. Serious, she was, was Kamy's own fault for digging at her jealousy. ".. I -know- she gave them to you that's th'fucking point," she growled, a touch smoother. As
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