Young Lesbian Stories

Young Lesbian Stories


Young Lesbian Stories
I Discovered I Was Bisexual At Girl Scout Camp
By heatherbarmore — Written on Apr 03, 2020
The first time I kissed a girl was at Girl Scout camp when I was 14 years old. Girl Scout camp, of all places! She was a short, red-haired girl named Bailey who I pecked on the lips in a moment of teenage experimentation.
I kissed her again in the parking lot in front of my rather prudish mother who stood by, ready to load me up into our minivan. In my periphery I could see her eyes widen and her face scrunch in disgust. “Let’s go,” she said curtly.
After kissing Bailey, I returned home and started my sophomore year of high school. I didn’t head through the doors of my small town school and proudly proclaim that I was contemplating my sexuality and possibly being a lesbian. A kiss was just a kiss, and a peck was my version of "we’ll see."
Although my parents were sexual beings by my estimations — I once found more condoms than any man could possibly need in a dish on my father’s dresser — they never spoke of the big "it" out loud. Since the Internet came of age, just as I did, instead of having "the talk" with my parents, I learned about sex via the World Wide Web. Thanks to Ask Jeeves (remember Ask Jeeves?), I learned about orgasms and the purpose of a clitoris.
From September to June, I admired (and attempted to approach) the boys in my grade and was quickly rebuffed. It seemed I wasn’t good enough, pretty enough, popular enough for them. I simply wasn’t enough at all.
Come July, I officially switched to the other team, so to speak. Nothing serious, mind you, just casual flirtation and a willingness to be open and affectionate with women. 
But it was Girl Scout camp where my curiosity about women, bisexuality, and sexual orientation first piqued. It wasn’t simply the place I learned to tie a rope, build a fire, kayak and sail; it was where I learned to appreciate women as leaders.
I envied these women because they were able to be themselves and — as it seemed from my teenage vantage point — had been able to forge a path of acceptance in themselves and those around them. The women I met were creative, talented, and kind. They often wore their heart on their sleeves.
These weren't the girls I was forced to be around in my high school for nine months of the year — these were women. Real women. They weren’t mean or haughty, but adventurous and clever. These were the type of women I hoped to become.
Eventually, during my junior year of high school, I moved past personality traits and truly began to notice the female form of my fellow staffers, the way a woman’s body moved with hips and curves. At the time, I was a breast girl. An enthusiast, if you will, so I admired (clandestinely) the chests of those around me to compare and contrast to what I had to offer. 
I developed a lesbian crush on my friend Lindsay, but she was dating a fellow counselor. On one of our breaks, I brought Lindsay home with me before heading back to camp. My father was courteous, but later referred to her as "that dyke." It was then I realized that crushing on a woman and holding hands in the woods was as far as it could ever go.
Eleven years later, I stood in the bathroom of my apartment. My girlfriend at the time, Heidi, was taking a bath. I knew she had been dying for one, so I surprised her with a Lush bath bomb. I swirled the water around with my hand and asked how she liked it before receiving a kiss. Not a peck, not experimentation, but a full-on plant where she grabbed my face with her wet hands.
I got up from the edge of the tub and started to undress myself and prepare for bed. We had sex the night before — some of the best sex I've ever had — and she fell asleep wrapped around me so that I could feel her chest on my back.
Three years later, long after Heidi and I broke up, I was sitting on a friend’s rooftop with a group of girlfriends. While I hadn't inherited my parents’ reluctance to discuss sex, I'd been known to keep many intimate details to myself, namely the one where I openly say that I'd had sex with women and I'd probably do it again.
After a bottle of wine or two, it came up. Amid close friends, I nonchalantly mentioned an ex who happened to also have a vagina.
One friend simply said, “Oh, so you’re bisexual? How did I not know this?” and the conversation moved on. Another friend poked me in the arm, gave me a side-eye and said, “I told you no one cares.”
I'm bisexual. I'm attracted to people , full stop. For far too long, that was something I was reluctant to admit. Once upon a time, my parents sent me off to Girl Scout camp where I was imparted with a healthy dose of independence, and, more importantly, an ability to finally find women with whom I could form a bond. 
Perhaps it was finding that capacity within myself, in this world full of gray areas, that made it possible for me to eventually be able to connect to women based on friendship and acceptance. Over the years, I've found a natural lust for both women and men, and eventually a confidence to go after both sexes.
In a recent conversation with my once-prudish mother, I mentioned what camp did for me: how it turned me into a woman who loves people — all people — and I told her that she raised a woman who wanted to love (and be loved) by whomever.
I broached the topic carefully, waiting for disappointment. She smiled and said, “Good.” Nothing more, nothing less. Simple acceptance, which is really all I ever wanted.
Heather Barmore is a blogger, freelance writer and policy advocate. Visit her website or follow her on Twitter .
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To say I was shocked to my marrows is an understatement. The act itself was not what shocked me but the ages of people involved. As I was walking round in the house, I just heard some footsteps close to the window one of the rooms we don't use. Our house is the only house in the compound as our gate is always open. As I tried peeping through the window, the next thing I saw shocked me... The 7 year old girl was sucking the 10 year old's undeveloped b##bs...As I still stood there frozen, they graduated to touching each odaz womanlinz...I left and rushed to call my wife...She came and saw nothing. Later they resumed their sucking and that was when my wife saw them. The most shocking thing was that when they resumed, the 10 year old's 5 year old brother was there starring at them while they continued their ungodly act..My wife advised we come out and challenge them. We came out and they could not deny it. As we were deliberating and interviewing them, the 10 year old's father walked by and saw the two small galz kneeling. We had to tell him what they did. He gave both the beating of their parents,we have to be careful....lesbianism starts early...we have to watch our wards....May Allah help us and guide our wards.
This is serious. Dont really no wat dis world is turning into. Parents have a lot of work 2 do in the lives of their children. Not just bringing them into this world alone,but nurturing them in the fear and admonition of the lord. Parents should also be wary of the kind of friends their children keep. May God give us the grace 2 train up the children he has given us Hope the father spoke some senses into them,not just beating them but making them realise the evil that comes wit lesbianism..its well
My dear,d world is getting crazier by d day...d ones I witnessed in my compound still give d chills up until now...u talk of 7 & 10 yr olds, I talk of 2,3 & 5 yr olds, (with d 5 yr old girl bn d bad a*s,always d initiator) D first time i witnessed such evil,it was btw d 5 & 3 yr olds(both girls)d 5 yr old was d one giving d order, wen i heard her command d 3 yr old to pull down her underwear & to also put her finger in her PP,i came out of my room,both ran....later called d 3 yr old & she told me how d other asked her "to do ds & to do dat" dat passed, about a month later or so, I witness d most heartbreaking of all....ds one nearly drove me mad & probably wld hv had me kill d 5 yr old(ok may be not kill her, but wld hv given her d beating of her life) ds time, i caught her wt d 2 yr old brother of d 3 yr old(hope i hvn't confused u yet?) oh dear, I was in tears d rest of dat day....had goose bumps all over...ds particular day, ddn't go to wrk, was home but locked up everywia(so d evil girl didn't know i was around),den I heard ds funi sound,so i tiptoed to d door & gently opened it....WHaaaatttttttt?what did i c? d 2 yr old was on top of d 5 yr old....I was transfixed, too shocked to say a thing, buh, what broke my heart d most was dat d 2 yr old ran, while d 5 yr old stood & was calling on d 2 yr old to plz come back so dey cld finish up....I dazedly went back into my room,den instantly i started hearing d sound again,ds time around I came out , found them standing & "doing it" again,...they both ran on seeing me...I cldn't hold d tears, later,I went to report to d 2 yr old's mother...... God hv mercy!
So it is beating that will solve the problem Is violence always the answer to everything. Anyway I'll be back after I charge my phone
1dafullymade : My dear,d world is getting crazier by d day...d ones I witnessed in my compound still give d chills up until now...u talk of 7 & 10 yr olds, I talk of 2,3 & 5 yr olds, (with d 5 yr old girl bn d bad a*s,always d initiator) D first time i witnessed such evil,it was btw d 5 & 3 yr olds(both girls)d 5 yr old was d one giving d order, wen i heard her command d 3 yr old to pull down her underwear & to also put her finger in her PP,i came out of my room,both ran....later called d 3 yr old & she told me how d other asked her "to do ds & to do dat" dat passed, about a month later or so, I witness d most heartbreaking of all....ds one nearly drove me mad & probably wld hv had me kill d 5 yr old(ok may be not kill her, but wld hv given her d beating of her life) ds time, i caught her wt d 2 yr old brother of d 3 yr old(hope i hvn't confused u yet?) oh dear, I was in tears d rest of dat day....had goose bumps all over...ds particular day, ddn't go to wrk, was home but locked up everywia(so d evil girl didn't know i was around),den I heard ds funi sound,so i tiptoed to d door & gently opened it....WHaaaatttttttt?what did i c? d 2 yr old was on top of d 5 yr old....I was transfixed, too shocked to say a thing, buh, what broke my heart d most was dat d 2 yr old ran, while d 5 yr old stood & was calling on d 2 yr old to plz come back so dey cld finish up....I dazedly went back into my room,den instantly i started hearing d sound again,ds time around I came out , found them standing & "doing it" again,...they both ran on seeing me...I cldn't hold d tears, later,I went to report to d 2 yr old's mother...... God hv mercy! Surely these "kids?" you talk about need deliverance!!
rhajaan : Surely these "kids?" you talk about need deliverance!! my brother, they sure need deliverance!
Abeg teach them sex education and the dangers involved in what they are doing. Illiterate parents! Always thinking cane solves all things as if when the pain of cane subsides, they won't be more discreet about their acts. Shioorr
I think the major problem with parenting in Nigeria has religious and cultural implications. So much assumptions. Truth be told, Negative influence(s) is everywhere. Parents have no excuse not to protect their children through proper education as well as being conversant with what their kids do. Shying away from some topics because they may sound "politically improper" doesn't solve the problem either. It is not all the time you employ the use of the rod. Kids must be properly educated on all subject of life from sex to marriage, from schooling to career. This is how you invest in their future.
92 percent of Nigérian girls lick puzzy. It iz a confirmation.
Kids only practice what they see and I would like to blame the parents of the 5yrs old girl @1dafullymade mentioned. It is clear her parents were having sex in front of her with so much excitement. So she too wanted to have that feeling thus, she's abusing /corrupting other younger kids. Parents should beware of what they do in front of their children because they are stylishly copying you @rhajan well to you own story, they learnt the act from their elder sister or aunty and I'm very sure one of either the 10yrs old or 7yrs old started practicing the act on one party before it became a mutual thing. Now this 10yrs old & 7yrs old will start initiating under young girls wherever they go to if care is not taking. It might have a multiplier effect. Solution, I think the parents of all of these kids needs to get to the root cause of all these by beating & questioning the kids to show them who introduce them to the ungodly act and after that, they under psychological therapy. Lastly, with what is going on now, it shows kids can be initiated/exposed into all this sexual jargons going on now. They might be initiated/abused from their school by their class mates or teacher or by a next door neighbor. Bottomline is, everyone should start teaching his or her child sexual education in a coded way right from when they start to talk.
bennyrazz : Kids only practice what they see and I would like to blame the parents of the 5yrs old girl @1dafullymade mentioned. It is clear her parents were having sex in front of her with so much excitement. So she too wanted to have that feeling thus, she's abusing /corrupting other younger kids. Parents should beware of what they do in front of their children because they are stylishly copying you @rhajan well to you own story, they learnt the act from their elder sister or aunty and I'm very sure one of either the 10yrs old or 7yrs old started practicing the act on one party before it became a mutual thing. Now this 10yrs old & 7yrs old will start initiating under young girls wherever they go to if care is not taking. It might have a multiplier effect. Solution, I think the parents of all of these kids needs to get to the root cause of all these by beating & questioning the kids to show them who introduce them to the ungodly act and after that, they under psychological therapy. Lastly, with what is going on now, it shows kids can be initiated/exposed into all this sexual jargons going on now. They might be initiated/abused from their school by their class mates or teacher or by a next door neighbor. Bottomline is, everyone should start teaching his or her child sexual education in a coded way right from when they start to talk. u ar spot on dear
1dafullymade : My dear,d world is getting crazier by d day...d ones I witnessed in my compound still give d chills up until now...u talk of 7 & 10 yr olds, I talk of 2,3 & 5 yr olds, (with d 5 yr old girl bn d bad a*s,always d initiator) D first time i witnessed such evil,it was btw d 5 & 3 yr olds(both girls)d 5 yr old was d one giving d order, wen i heard her command d 3 yr old to pull down her underwear & to also put her finger in her PP,i came out of my room,both ran....later called d 3 yr old & she told me how d other asked her "to do ds & to do dat" dat passed, about a month later or so, I witness d most heartbreaking of all....ds one nearly drove me mad & probably wld hv had me kill d 5 yr old(ok may be not kill her, but wld hv given her d beating of her life) ds time, i caught her wt d 2 yr old brother of d 3 yr old(hope i hvn't confused u yet?) oh dear, I was in tears d rest of dat day....had goose bumps all over...ds particular day, ddn't go to wrk, was home but locked up everywia(so d evil girl didn't know i was around),den I heard ds funi sound,so i tiptoed to d door & gently opened it....WHaaaatttttttt?what did i c? d 2 yr old was on top of d 5 yr old....I was transfixed, too shocked to say a thing, buh, what broke my heart d most was dat d 2 yr old ran, while d 5 yr old stood & was calling on d 2 yr old to plz come back so dey cld finish up....I dazedly went back into my room,den instantly i started hearing d sound again,ds time around I came out , found them standing & "doing it" again,...they both ran on seeing me...I cldn't hold d tears, later,I went to report to d 2 yr old's mother...... God hv mercy! ...Those litu ones? Whr did dey learn d act frm?
These kids might be oblivious of what lesbianism means. It's obvious that older one might have seen an uncle sucking a lady bréast or/and fingeríng her. She is probably thinking since a man is doing it, let her also venture and know what it seems like. No two grown up lesbians would do that shìt infront of kids or anybody. They learnt it through heterosexual couples/adults but doing it in a homosexual way, and would turn lesbian if they weren't born that way -- hormone distorted by environment.
Gbam hence sex education is necessary FrancisTony : These kids might be oblivious of what lesbianism means. It's obvious that older one might have seen an uncle sucking a lady bréast or/and fingeríng her. She is probably thinking since a man is doing it, let her also venture and know what it seems like. No two grown up lesbians would do that shìt infront of kids or anybody. They learnt it through heterosexual couples/adults but doing it in a homosexual way, and would turn lesbian if they weren't born that way -- hormone distorted by environment.
SAMBARRY : Gbam hence sex education is necessary Yeah! It's high time people started pressing bøobs, ass and kissing in their house or only a place there are no kids.
I used to window peep and have seen the same sort of thing from kids as young as 6 -7. Peeped for 16 years so there's not much I haven't seen. Never came close to getting caught and haven't done it for over 20 years. I never came across a fence I couldn't get over or around, dogs were not a problem, and I even knew if the cops had been called on me! I could write one book on how to peep without getting caught and another book on how to prevent it from happening at your house.
What kind of sexual culture will this coming generation have. This is so sad. What kind of children are this. Am starting to suspect some of this young children will be trying to seduce even adult , especially the young girls,
It's like there is something wrong with the op brain what's wrong with children exploring and enjoying themselves. same sex are the best kind of love to feel. it is utterly evil for any to beat a child because of who he or she loves
It's like there is something wrong with the op brain what's wrong with children exploring and enjoying themselves. same sex are the best kind of love to feel. it is utterly evil for any to beat a child because of who he or she loves or fuvks
this things happen and will continue to, parents and older siblings just need to watch what they do or watch in front of this kids cus they will always want to try it out. we were once kids and some of us can relate to it, if not the beating or advice we received, who knows what would have become of us.
dinachi : 92 percent of Nigérian girls lick puzzy. It iz a confirmation. yez sir. statistician general of the federation.
Evaberry : It's like there is something wrong with the op brain what's wrong with children exploring and enjoying themselves. same sex are the best kind of love to feel. it is utterly evil for any to beat a child because of who he or she loves or fuvks come to Nigeria and say that.
You all should relax, they are exploring but things need to be explained to them. I am sure they have no idea what lesbianism is and it may not be anything sexual... I am sure you guys all played mum daddy an
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