Young Girl Xxx Japan Top

Young Girl Xxx Japan Top


Young Girl Xxx Japan Top


Japan Today










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Join the leaders of English Education for Children in Japan!
Gross and should be illegal like most other 1st world countries. If Japan wants to up their image for 2020 they need to set an example and stamp this pedo stuff out.
How on earth can a parent stand by knowing that gross elderly guys are sexually objectifying their child? There isn't enough money on earth that would convince me to sell out my daughters!
There was a very good BBC documentary on this recently - very revealing but ultimately disturbing.
Explain it away all you want. At the end of the day Japan has a nasty problem that is shamefully promoted. I don’t need it wrapped up and 11th century literature stuck in to make it “cultural”.
11th century sexual culture wasn’t any good.
I can't believe this insight into modern Japanese culture is finally here...
Said by gogogo lol, with a naked pict and a gross name. How convincing. and where’s the picture of the 6 year old girl performing? that picture blurry AF. no picture? Then this Article didn’t happen.
I am truly shocked by the casual attitude of the society as a whole. This is so destructive especially the child!
The future of the Japanese people is at stake.
How can people think sexualising children is an alright thing to do.
"Psychiatrist Hiroki Fukui, who also treats pedophiles, says the awareness in Japan that children need to be protected from potential sexual predators is "so low."
As the father of a girl i hope this man child part of j mens is addressed soon and leaves say with the olympics and smoking in public to boot.
Ooooh, and here I thought by young girls in the title they meant girls in their mid teens and thought, "yeah, it's quite pervy". Now, I read further and find out that they are into six year olds, BEYOND CREEPY AND WRONG!!!
This is the part of Japan that really makes me feel quite sad for it. When will they ever grow up?!
Japan's battle against paedophilia is well documented. The number of minors abused in child pornography has risen five-fold in the past decade, according to official figures.
"Official" figures are sadly just the tip of the surface, and if they say that Japan's "battle" is well documented, I would strongly suggest that they are loosing the war!
It's crap like this that promotes it!
"Police have failed to stamp out so-called JK ( joshi kosei , or high school girls) businesses, which offer men services such as going for a walk with a teenage girl so the customers have a chance to negotiate for sex."
I lived and worked in Japan for 3 years, and I love the culture. But it is a completely different culture from ours, especially in matters sexual, as far as I could tell as an outsider.  
The age of consent is 13, and there seems to be little shame attached to sex - they seem to have a much more matter of fact view of it as a physical need that is satisfied in various ways, all of which would cause considerable social approbation in ours. So, it is a little hard to judge them this particular sexual subculture from so far away.  
Standard Western feminist theory or traditional Judaeo-Christian morality don't seem to fit very well and have limited explanatory power. The nuances and tensions, and so the power equations and exploitation, if any, is quite different from what we understand.
Gotta take a shower after reading this. 40 year olds into 6 year olds...repulsive. And yet some will say her parents support the girl’s idol career like parents of Olympic aspiring figure skaters or gymnasts.
BTW, AOG n Japan is 13 but prefectures can set it above and most set it to 16-18.
Back home AOG is 14(all types of sex), quirk of the law 2 13yr olds can legally share a bed but no touching. Huh?
Not really. There isn’t anywhere in the country where you can legally sleep with a 13 year old.
Yeah I've always found the pageant thing for children to be beyond creepy. This is worse with the sheer number of grown men idolizing kids they have no relationship with at all... Whether in an innocent way (I'm not sure any would be) or fetishist way... It's creepy. I don't understand why parents would stand by and let it happen either. Really weird.
AOC refers to the age that 2 minors can have sex (accidently wrote AOG).
This does NOT mean that a minor can have legally sex with an Adult.
Seen many stories where teens had a relationship but the one to gain majority got jailed.
"On television, you see kids acting in dramas and commercials. In magazines, children are modelling clothes. What Ai is doing is not much different," she says, despite the audience for idol shows being mainly adult males.
The normalization / indoctrination / grooming starts early
Given what is happening in US gymnastics where over 100 girls were sexual abused and the ongoing Harvey Harvey Weinstein case, and let us not forget the catholic church child abuse case were thousands of child were sexual abused, I don't think anyone has the right to point the finger at Japan.
Here is another story from the the west:
Rotherham(UK) child abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited, report finds
Children as young as 11 were raped by multiple perpetrators, abducted, trafficked to other cities in England, beaten and intimidated, it said.
Do you feel sad for the Children in the West? After reading the above?
Six year old girl leered at by middle aged men? What sort of sicko fantasies are these guys thinking? The reality is that six year old children throw tantrums in public places while their parents assume a state of catatonic indifference. What is the least bit alluring in that?
I don't think anyone has the right to point the finger at Japan.
Yes. Anyone who isn’t a pedophile has the right to point all they want. Pedophilia criticism should not be stifled due to some perceived yet non-existent hypocrisy.
"So, it is a little hard to judge them this particular sexual subculture from so far away. " Are you saying its ok to sexualise 6 year old girls??? I'm in japan and ill judge them as messed up man children who need a good slap in the chops!
@econstats - different situations. The situations you mention are all valid reasons for outrage but none of them are situations which put the children on display, rather crimes happening in private or secretive situations. Still no less disgusting... Not saying the situation in Japan is worse... but it does seem there may be less protection for children in some ways at least.
Granted this stuff does happen elsewhere BUT for it to be socially "acceptable" and these creatures having no shame about it take it to a whole nother level and with such prevalence. Personally i think its a side effect of being squeezed into cookie pigeon holes and independence being squashed from such a young age.
It is the innocents they crave. Straight up pedos!!!!! Someone ought to take a camera of the customers and post their picture on an online bullitin board as a WARNING of a sexual predator!!!
I don't think anyone has the right to point the finger at Japan.
Yes. Anyone who isn’t a pedophile has the right to point all they want. Pedophilia criticism should not be stifled due to some perceived yet non-existent hypocrisy.
Happens in both West and Japan. The common wisecrack about these West vs. Japan is: in the West, it's illegal and abnormal - in Japan, it's legal and normal. Lol
It is nothing short of a mental illness! Many Japanese men seem to never get older than 13 (mentally and emotionally). I guess you could call them, morally retarded. However, you also have to consider the girls. They are just as responsible for this illness with all this idol crap. I'm sure some of them are duped into performing, but the majority enjoy their 15 minutes of fame and exploitation. This 'illness' started in Japan, but it has spread to many other Asian countries as well, Taiwan, S/Korea, Thailand and more. Next time you are on a train watch the J-men when a group of school girls get on the train. They will always check them out from head to toe and you can see their twisted little minds making up sexual scenarios with these little girls. It makes me want to smack them in the back of the head! They are sick!
Here we go Foreigners lecturing the Japanese about Sexuality when in America they have beauty pageants for six years.
The age of consent is 13, and there seems to be little shame attached to sex - they seem to have a much more matter of fact view of it as a physical need that is satisfied in various ways, all of which would cause considerable social approbation in ours. So, it is a little hard to judge them this particular sexual subculture from so far away.  
Standard Western feminist theory or traditional Judaeo-Christian morality don't seem to fit very well and have limited explanatory power. The nuances and tensions, and so the power equations and exploitation, if any, is quite different from what we understand.
My last trip to Japan I attended a free concert of one of these so called "girl groups" the guys were all singing along I never witnessed anything negative happening every one was having a great time.
Given what is happening in US gymnastics where over 100 girls were sexual abused and the ongoing Harvey Harvey Weinstein case, and let us not forget the catholic church child abuse case were thousands of child were sexual abused, I don't think anyone has the right to point the finger at Japan.
Really? So these JAPANESE activists, lawyers, NGOs, psychiatrists cited in the article - and elsewhere - have "no right to point the finger" at this sexualisation of little girls in their OWN country? Because child abuse has also happened abroad? No logic whatsoever there.
Any culture that does not fight the sexualisation of children is a failed culture. I wish these good Japanese activists all the best in their fight .
"We need to realise this situation in Japan is not normal." - Psychiatrist Hiroki Fukui. Couldnt put it any better.
The age of consent is 13, and there seems to be little shame attached to sex - they seem to have a much more matter of fact view of it as a physical need that is satisfied in various ways, all of which would cause considerable social approbation in ours. So, it is a little hard to judge them this particular sexual subculture from so far away.  
Standard Western feminist theory or traditional Judaeo-Christian morality don't seem to fit very well and have limited explanatory power. The nuances and tensions, and so the power equations and exploitation, if any, is quite different from what we understand.
"I enjoyed the sexualization of children when I lived in Japan and continue to enjoy the sexualization of Japanese children on the internet. Please stop making me feel guilty"
As weird as it is for me, is it not better to have it out in the open rather than driving it underground?
Andrew Crisp, after over 20 years of living here personally I can say you weren't looking to hard if you aren't seeing girls sexualized here its everywhere you look.
Yes, it is true the age of consent was 13 up until quite recently in a few prefectures, but it is no longer the case. This sexualisation of teenage girls goes back hundreds of years in Japan. It really became prevalent with the advent of TV. If you have search around on YouTube you'll find many Japanese TV clips from the 60' and 70's sexually exploiting young girls. It is a deep seated moral illness in Japanese culture.
The first paragraph makes me want to vomit!
As a man I really find nothing exciting or attractive about a young girl under the age of 20+. Is it me or I'm missing something. But in our overly permissive world, people find their own niche, whatever it might be, to get thrilled by. Men as a whole are "visual" animals who become excited sexually through their eyes, what they see or picture in their head. Women thankfully are not like that. But it's a shame that young girls might be exploited in this way. The phenomenon id not limited to Japan.
"It must be a bizarre sight" for foreigners, admits Himeno but she stresses any sexual advances are an absolute "no-no."
It sure is. Imo it's some sort of moral insanity i.e. subjects know what they're doing but their values/morals/ethics are just 'wrong' (for our standards, that is). For them, it's perfectly ok to watch & worship 6yo kids on a stage, find them 'cute' and be attracted to them (in a non sexual way, I guess).
I actually believe Himeno when she says 'most fans are pure'. Thing is they're also (again imo) deviant as loving/worshipping kids that aren't yours is morally/socially unacceptable in most societies hence a few 'tolerated' slip-ups i.e. "but a bloke asked for my undies once".
As an aside, I find us-types children beauty pageants pretty creepy too.
it is true the age of consent was 13 up until quite recently in a few prefectures, 
Which prefectures and how recently?
Nothing new to anyone who lives here -- or has even visited a city for just a few minutes. Anyone who denies it just has their heads in the sand. Nothing much can be done about it from outside, though, as the locals just get defensive and say "You're not from here, you can't understand, and you're wrong!" then go on doing what they do. It's gotta come from inside, and fortunately women like the one in this article are helping.
Even if worse things aren't happening in private, it still results in generations of girls being raised with the idea that their only value is in their youthful cuteness,
Only value? Aren't you getting carried away with this?
@Strangerland - Which prefectures and how recently?
Can't be too recent as it existed 21yrs ago when I came here. :P
There are still two Japanese territories with the age of consent at 13 years old.
Now they (male fans) say they prefer primary school girls, without hesitation.
japan still allows child porn if it is manga.
i was told a while back that 13yo age of consent was for arranged marriages only.
So what? Each prefecture can raise the age as they see fit above 13.
Take your beef up with the prefectures that don't raise it.
Personally don't see a problem, my own country is 14 for sex between minors, 18+ and minor is an offense.
Reading posts here many admitted to sex before 18, pretty common IME.
totally agree but there is a double standard here. While we are bashing Japan for sexualization of children. We seem to forget that in the USA they seem to be rampant with something similar, but we will call them beauty pageants for children as young as 6, and that's before they even mention,Toddlers and Tiaras and Little Miss Perfect, in the US, but it's a billion dollar industry in the US. The US really need look at itself too.
It was only in 2016 that Miss TEEN USA removed swimwear from its events and replaced it with sportswear. Seriously what is all that about then?
Parents will of course say its about building confidence, and skill, etc etc.
But Japan certainly isn't the only country to do this.
Personally singing and dancing seems nothing compared to what we see in the US with its CHILD BEAUTY PAGENTS. Is one worse than then other.... I'm not so sure Japan is in any a worse situation than say the US.
How often do you meet a young Japanese girl who wants to be an idol?
How often do you meet a young Japanese girl who wants to be a scientist/corporate president/Prime Minister?
Fair enough. I don't meet young girls at all. My wife's coworkers children maybe once or twice a year. My two in law nieces; one is in college studying to be a nurse, the other finished college and works in a daycare.
Still, I think this has more to do with cramped living conditions and too much TV. Kids will be kids.
In my early 20's I worked at a huge banquet hall and every year they would have kids beauty pagents. I thought it was sick then and still do today. But, the driving force were the mothers. I get what your saying. It's in the extremes in this country. I guess I don't have an answer other than I'd rather have these sickos out in the open rather than in their "basements".
A bit of a concern, unless he is an immediate or other family member attending for support and encouragement then I would be worried about why a grown man who is a stranger to the child would be in attendance.
Can one assume no photography is allowed except by parents?
The rate of rape per 100,000 population is of 30 in the US and 1 in Japan.
You might see people sexually objectifing children in Japan, but in the US where that is a taboo of the highest order you see more sexual abuse.
Just for those talking that the age of consent is no longer 13, let me remond you that the 条例 jourei are not laws, but administrative regulations by localities.
You need to understand that in Japan most of the powe is centralized and localities have very limited power, it is not like in a Federation were each state can create their own laws.
In case of a jourei, if there is a law already covering such thing, the law trumps the jourei. There are many jourei about things that if they were laws would be unconstitutional, but since they are not laws, cannot be enforced as such and their power is limited, it really doesn't matter.
A pedophile’s candy store. Something strange about an adult over 35 being a fan of child performers. Sorry this is not patronage for patronage sake.
There are still two Japanese territories with the age of consent at 13 years old.
What "territories" are you referring to? Japan no longer has any colonies so I wonder where these territories are located?
Fine, go find a 13 yr old to have sex with, consensual and see yourself get slammed or worse, for statutory rape
You folks who keep spouting this BS are going to get some fool hurt or worse. Don't just look at national "law", prefectural laws take precedence, and it is commonly accepted that 16 is the age of consent, as most prefectures laws have that law, however there are prefectures that have different laws.
Again the prefectural law, takes precedence in these cases!
You are correct about the under 18 rules.
Trying to keep an open mind about this, "when in Rome" and all. But, at the end of the day what you have is predators and victims, a bunch of perverted middle-aged men and desperate young girls, and it is the culture that grooms these young girls for exploitation.
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