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Security guard’s sick act to young girl at Sydney DFO
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Sunday 10am High powered cars. The call to ban P-plate drivers.
Sunday 10am High powered cars. The call to ban P-plate drivers.
The family of a three-year-old girl say they are struggling to recover and will “never be the same again” after a vile security guard exposed his penis to her during a Christmas shopping trip in Sydney.
Mohammad Hassan Al Bayati, 33, was sentenced in Sydney’s Downing Centre District Court on Friday afternoon, bringing an end to the long-running case that which once got the attention of former prime minister Scott Morrison.
The Iraqi man was earlier this year found guilty by a jury of take/detain a person to obtain advantage and committing an act of decency on a victim under 10 years.
The court was told he led the girl into a stairwell at the Direct Factory Outlet at Homebush after she was found in the centre’s play area along with a sibling in December 2016.
CCTV played to the jury showed Al Bayati taking the girl by the hand and leading her into a stairwell.
He and the child disappeared from the view of CCTV cameras for 11 minutes when he exposed himself to her.
“He took and detained the victim for his sexual gratification,” Judge Christopher Robinson said in a judgment handed down on Friday afternoon.
“When one carefully views all the evidence, it is clear to me that he had a sexual interest in the victim.
“I am mindful of the victim’s age as well as that of the offender, who would have been trusted to find her mother.”
The court was told that after the incident, the girl was returned to her mother who had arrived at the play area after completing her Christmas shopping.
Al Bayati has faced three trials over the allegations.
Following his second trial, he was in 2019 jailed for up to 4½ years after a jury found him guilty of indecent assault, committing an act of indecency and taking a child to obtain advantage.
He was jailed by NSW District Court Judge John Pickering with a 2½ year non-parole period.
However, earlier this year, Al Bayati had his convictions overturned by the state’s highest court, the Court of Criminal Appeal.
The Court of Criminal Appeal found that his indecent assault conviction was not supported by the evidence and ordered that he be acquitted.
It also ordered that his convictions for the other two lesser counts be quashed and that he face a retrial on those charges.
He faced trial earlier this year and pleaded not guilty; however, a jury took just two hours to return a guilty verdict on one count of take/detain a person to obtain advantage and committing an act of decency on a victim under 10 years.
The court was told he exposed his penis to the young girl, who later told her parents that Al Bayati was “touching his needle”.
Crown prosecutor John Sfinas conceded it could not be established if Al Bayati was masturbating or whether his penis was erect or flaccid at the time.
Judge Robinson said Al Bayati prioritised “his own sexual interests over and above” his duty to return the girl to her family.
In a victim impact statement, the victim’s parents said their “peaceful family life had been destroyed and will never be the same again.”
“It will take time, most likely years, to recover from this,” Judge Robinson said.
The court heard Al Bayati had a tormented life before he came to Australia by boat as a refugee from Iraq which included seeing a headless corpse.
However Judge Robinson said he found it difficult to find a connection between a “deprived background” and his crimes.
“It’s important to bear in mind the young child, at least initially, felt somewhat comfortable with the offender escorting her to where count two was committed behind closed doors.”
As a result of his conviction, Al Bayati risks languishing indefinitely in immigration detention.
Following Al Bayati’s first 2019 conviction, the Australian government cancelled his permanent protection visa.
Three years ago, then-prime minister Scott Morrison threatened to deport Al Bayati following his conviction.
“It doesn’t matter if you are on a permanent protection visa or any other, this is a sickening crime and this person has no business being in this country,” Mr Morrison said at the time.
However, according to Al Bayati’s barrister Morgan Hunter, the government’s position is it would not send him back to Iraq because of the risk of persecution.
His lawyers are also doubtful of him being given a visa by a third country because of the sexual nature of his offending.
And unless the Australian government decides to rescind the cancellation of his visa, he would languish in immigration detention indefinitely.
The court heard that he has already been in custody for three years, seven months and 16 days.
Judge Robinson on Friday sentenced Al Bayati to four years in jail with a non-parole period of two years and three months.
It means that he was first eligible to be released in April 2021.

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Q: What To Do When Your Little Girl Is Playing With Her Brother's Penis?
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A: Teach her the triumphant "Vagina Song!"
The problem arises when three-year-old Jessi begins bath time-grabbing William's six-year-old member. Presumably fearing both antisocial tendencies and a Flowers in the Attic dynamic, Mom is alarmed. Writes Katherine Ozment in Salon ,
But knowing William didn't really mind his sister's incursions, I had to come up with a reason for him to stop making himself so readily accessible. I crafted the half-baked explanation that he should discourage her from touching him, or she might start grabbing the penises of all the boys in her preschool class and then she wouldn't have any friends.
While this succeeds in forestalling the grabbing issue - although I'm really surprised it didn't just result in a flurry of 'Whys,' which I'd sort of like to hear the answer to - it prompts a wicked case of penis envy, as the eminently-grabbable appendage begins to loom as forbidden fruit. So mom decided to let the three-year-old in on a secret.
At that she smiled wide and proud, as if shocked by her good fortune, though I don't think she had any idea what I was talking about. But it didn't seem to matter.
The next moment, Jessie walked over to William, put her hands on her hips and, swaying back and forth, sang to the tune of nana-nana-boo-boo: "I have a vagina! I have a vagina!"
While it seems late to learn the term - or isn't "vagina" among every little girl's first words? - this is one of the most heartening distillations ever committed to paper or screen. We applaud this little girl for grasping early the essential pride in her femininity we'd like to see in every baby, girl and woman. May she never lose it! After she, you know, realizes what it means.

7 Photos Of The Most Adorable Penis You've Ever Seen
7 Photos Of The Most Adorable Penis You've Ever Seen
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What does a penis do while the rest of his body is asleep? That's what the anonymous photographer behind the Tumblr site Things My Dick Does wondered. The San Francisco-based photographer decided that his penis probably did whatever he could for fun, as penises are always up for a good time.
Calling his penis Little Dude (or LD), Big Dude (for lack of a real name) started taking pictures of his penis in all kinds of hilarious costumes and situations. Since you can't have funny penis pictures and NOT share them, Things My D*ck Does was born.
Little Dude has been featured on The Huffington Post , Buzzfeed , and Metro.UK to name just a few, and is currently burning up the internet. It seems pretty obvious that there will be a book at some point such as Sh*t My Dad Says , or maybe even an animated show. I don't think there's a dream that too big for Little Dude. 
While these are technically penis pics, they're much more adorable and charming than something you'd send while sexting . Little Dude is a good-natured Everyman who seems more than ready to dress up as a superhero, or dive head first into a cake. 
Here are some hilarious and somewhat charming pictures from the viral sensation, showcasing some of Little Dude's adventures and the comical situations he gets himself into.
It's my d**k in a cup! (Instead of a box, get it?) With all this craziness about which Starbucks holiday cup is better, here's how he decided to handle the situation.
Hello, my baby; hello, my honey! He's happy to see his gal.
Little Dude is having a dough-ball.
The future's so bright that he's gotta wear shades.
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