Young Couple Swing

Young Couple Swing


Young Couple Swing
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It’s not just the ages that make Young Couples Party events feel more comfortable for young swingers in Illinois. It’s the parties themselves. One example of this is speed dating. At each event, we have everyone go to their pre-assigned, numbered dots, and we begin. Each couple or single female spends 3-minutes talking to another and then moving. That way even the biggest wallflower leaves the event having made several new friends. It’s only about 45-minutes of a six-hour party, but it makes all the difference, and it’s something only we can do because everyone is roughly the same age.
“There is no way I’m getting naked around a man 40 years older than me!” – A 21-year old YCP member in a thank you email.
That’s exactly it. The purpose of YCP isn’t to keep “older people out” but to get “younger people in.”
For most people, attending a swinger club for the first time is scary. That’s true for everyone when they start, and most people do not even begin the lifestyle until their 40’s! Now imagine what it’s like to be 21-30 years old and attending for the first time?
We’ve been attending events for years, and while the local clubs and parties are great, they all have an older crowd. What troubled us, however, is that they seemed to be getting older. We’d often see a young couple in their 20’s walk into a party, not see anyone who looked like them, and immediately walk out. It was heartbreaking to us because we knew if they’d stick around long enough to experience it, they’d love it. We knew we had to do something.
In other words, maybe that 21-year old YCP member would eventually be comfortable partying in front of a man 40 years older than her, but she’s not going to be comfortable doing that at her very first event.
In the “vanilla” world, we both work in public policy. We know that to get an under-represented group to an event, you have to hold an event for only that group. For example, if you want first-generation immigrants from Central America to attend a meeting about vaccinations, you don’t just open the event to the general public and expect new immigrants to attend. Instead, if you value the attendance of that group, you hold a meeting just for them, and specifically, invite them. That way they will know they won’t be sitting with a group of native English speakers and feeling like outcasts.
One of the things we’re proud of at Young Couples Party is the transparency in ticketing and attendance. People attend parties to meet other people; therefore having a realistic sense of who is coming is essential. The people, for lack of a better word, are the product.
Have you ever RSVP’d to an event and then later changed your mind? Of course, you have! Unpaid RSVPs are meaningless.
We are the only event where everyone you see on the “Who is Going” page has purchased a non-refundable ticket. So if they change their mind and don’t attend, they are walking away from anywhere between $40 to $80. Therefore our show rate is around 90%. You never have to ask us how many people are attending, and we never have to promote our events using hyperbole phrases like “this event is blowing up.”
Our goal is to get young couples in clubs. We feel that sex is a very positive thing, and that sexual freedom and sexual expression is a fundamental human right. Therefore everything we do is to help you get over the nerves of attending an event. We think your life is going to be better if you do. 
If you email, call, or text, we will respond right away. If you want to ask us dozens of questions and exchange countless emails, we will be happy to answer all of your questions thoroughly.
One quick note about that. Please do not ask us if you can attend if you’re over 42, or participate as a single male. We never waiver from our policies. We are, however, happy to make club recommendations for you. Your party options as a single male or person over 42 are plentiful in the area.
We’re not doing this for the money. YCP is something we do to “give back” to the lifestyle community, which is something we love very much. You’re going to love it too. We can’t wait to party with you.
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Tony and Diana are swingers who actively swap sexual partners and host swingers parties for their suburban neighbors.
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Married couples in this Ohio neighborhood spice it up with neighbors.
— -- Tony and Diana have been married for five years and have three kids together.
Their days spent doing craft projects with their kids or getting them ready for school makes them seem like an everyday, normal family from Cincinnati, Ohio . But Tony and Diana, who asked that their last name not be used, have a secret.
They are swingers, who actively swap sexual partners and host swingers parties for their suburban neighbors.
Watch the full story on "Nightline" tonight at 12:35 a.m. ET
Tony and Diana are such proponents of the lifestyle, they even agreed to appear on a new reality show on A &E called “Neighbors With Benefits,” which premieres on Sunday, March 22 at 10 p.m. ET.
Tony, who owns his own construction company, said he loves watching his wife have sex with another man.
“It’s an extension of myself, watching her pleased and stuff from different angles. Man, I feel awkward saying all this,” he said. “I think there definitely needs to be a healthy amount of jealousy in every relationship, especially a swinging relationship.”
The husband and wife said they are very picky when it comes to choosing partners to have sex with, and they have rules.
“If we didn’t meet you in the lifestyle and we were friends before, we will not ever cross that boundary,” Tony said. “Our friendship is way, way, way more important than any sexual fantasy could ever be.”
“We have group texting,” Diana said. “We have individual texting. I’m comfortable with Tony individual texting another girl. I guess I could look at his phone any point in time if I wanted to.”
Tony and Diana’s love story begins like many young couples. Diane said Tony was a “typical 21-year-old” when they met and had a wandering eye.
“I didn’t really want to settle down, I just wanted to have fun,” Tony said. “I just wanted to party.”
Diana said she had never even heard of “swinging” until Tony introduced her to it, but once she tried it, she said she was on board. But swinging does have it downsides.
“Jealousy is always a big issue for some people, especially first getting involved in the lifestyle,” Diana said. “It’s a hurdle that you have to get used to and kind of adapt to.”
“She’s still my wife, I love her very much, I’m very protective over her,” Tony added. “We made that decision to move forward. She didn’t do it on her own, and I didn’t do it for her. We did it together. And that’s what makes the ups and downs I think easier for us, is we are trying to do it as a unit and not trying to do it as my fantasy.”
“We’ve been open and out to our communities, for our families, for five years,” Diana said. “So it’s not much different.”
To pick up potential couples to “play” with, Tony and Diana will go to bars or clubs, or they will spend a night at home with other couples into the swinging lifestyle, while their children stay at a friend’s house or with a babysitter for the night.
“We are responsible most of the time, but that doesn’t mean that, our eyes are closed to opportunities if they arise,” Diana said.
But the swinging lifestyle is drawing criticism from near and far. Mark, whose last name is also not being used, lives next door to Tony and Diana and said “I was shocked to learn what was happening next door.”
“It’s not positive for anyone,” he said. “I’m not here to judge”
A spokesman for Citizens for Community Values, an activist group against the reality show, declined “Nightline’s” requests for an on-camera interview, saying in a statement they would be staying focused on their social media campaign to get “Neighbors With Benefits” off the air.
But Diana and Tony say they have no plans to give up the swinging lifestyle anytime soon.
“We’ve been doing it since day one,” Diana said. “So we don’t have any other way to compare it to.”
And after marriage and three kids, they say swinging has brought them closer together.
“Our relationship is good because of the communication and a lot of relationships are lacking that, and we really got the tools to do that through swinging,” Tony said. “I think the reason we can be so happy is because we can communicate through everything and be honest with each other.”
Watch the full story on "Nightline" tonight at 12:35 a.m. ET
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A MUM and daughter have revealed that they both sleep with the same man - and they don’t see anything wrong with it.
Madi Brooks lives with her husband in the US, but as she explains in her TikTok videos, if she’s not in the mood, she’s quite happy for her mum to sleep with him.
This is because both Madi, her mum and her husband are swingers, meaning they are in open relationships, swapping sexual partners at swinging parties and events.
Speaking in a video, she says: “Me and my mom are both swingers and it’s great, you know why? Because when I’m not in the mood I can just let my husband have her.
“I let my husband have her a couple of times a week.”
But it isn’t just her mum that Madi shares her husband with, admitting that her sister sometimes ‘plays’ with her husband.
She says: “You wanna know how I keep my man happy? I let him play with my little sister.”
Her videos have since gone viral receiving up to seven million views each, with many left baffled by the family’s unusual dynamic.
Commenting, one said: “That’s enough TikTok for one year, I’m out!”
“How did that conversation ever initiate?” asked another, while a third wrote, “I don’t know how anybody could share but it’s your life.”
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Posted on April 11, 2019
- By
Julia Austin

Comment Disclaimer: Comments that contain profane or derogatory language, video links or exceed 200 words will require approval by a moderator before appearing in the comment section. XOXO-MN

They hide among us, they look, sound, and act just like us, and they’re nearly impossible to spot until they’re right up on you: I’m talking about swingers, of course. Swinging is an interesting lifestyle that couples turn to for a variety of reasons . I try not to judge it, but perhaps I’m a little critical of it. I guess I’ve never quite understood the appeal of it—why not just be single? If you don’t want to be with one person? Well, anyways, I’ve hypothesized about swingers in other posts, but this one is about this awkward situation: when your friends are swingers, and they want to swing with you. It’s not completely shocking that swingers would look to their friends as potential partners. There’s already obviously some form of chemistry there. I’ve also found that swingers tend to believe there are more of them out there than there are, and often think if another couple is warm and affectionate, that they’d be open to the idea. I’ve had another couple approach me about swinging and here’s what happened.
First, the other man in the relationship was blatantly flirtatious with me. He’d say things to me that I certainly hoped my boyfriend would never say to another woman. I started to fear he wanted to cheat on his girlfriend with me, which I talked to my boyfriend about in private.
While I was originally worried the guy was trying to cheat with me, that fear subsided when he flirted with me in front of his partner. She didn’t seem to mind at all. So then I was just thinking, “Is this poor woman oblivious? Or does she just tolerate this?”
It became clear that the other woman wasn’t a victim or an innocent bystander in anyway when she participated in the flirting. She’d agree with the things her partner said to me, and she’d also touch me in a flirtatious manner. Okay, so, these two want a threesome—is what I thought—but how can they think my man would be okay with that?
What I have learned about many swingers is that they approach the female in the other relationship, first. If the swinging woman had just started hitting on my man I would have, obviously, had my claws come out and felt like this was so disrespectful. People can generally get away with being a little more affectionate with women without it coming off as totally disrespectful to her male partner. So, they were feeling me out first.
If we’d be at events with them that were clearly winding down, they wanted to keep the party going. We had been at a wedding all day with them, the reception hall had closed, everyone had gone home, and they kept encouraging the four of us to find an after-hours place and keep drinking. I kind of felt like, “What’s the point? The party is clearly over. We did what we came here to do—to attend a wedding.”
I won’t say which ones, but I will say that this couple kept asking my boyfriend and I if we’d ever tried certain illicit substances. We hadn’t, so then they started pretty much selling us on them, telling us it’s the best experience ever, and how they really make you open up and feel very comfortable in your body. I started to realize, “Ooooh. Those are orgy drugs.”
Eventually my boyfriend and I figured out that this couple was trying to swing with us. In fact, a friend confirmed that they are swingers. Now, we were in a predicament. They are actually our friends—we’d had many dinners with them and spent a lot of time with them platonically. So, we couldn’t just seamlessly phase them out—nor did we necessarily want to.
If you think it’s tough, as a single woman, telling your male friend you don’t have the same feelings for him that he has for you, try telling another couple, as a couple, that you just want to remain friends.
Naturally, my man’s biological male jealousy instinct was triggered. He couldn’t help but think, “Am I supposed to be mad? Is my buddy hitting on my girlfriend?” It’s funny to not be sure if you’re supposed to be mad. But he wasn’t because, well, his buddy was also offering his girlfriend in return. But we aren’t swingers—we don’t necessarily abide by their laws. My boyfriend was a little mad.
My boyfriend and I had a really funny argument in which we were trying to sniff out if either of us would swing. In an attempt to sound totally cool with my friends’ lifestyle, I accidentally sounded like I wanted to participate. “I don’t see anything wrong with it. It works for some people!” is what I said. But what my partner heard was, “I want to swing!”
So, my partner, thinking I was may be game, didn’t want to fall behind, and said, “Yeah, swinging works for some people. I guess you never know until you try.” He was totally just trying to be “cool” if it’s what I wanted to do, but he didn’t want to do it at all. I also didn’t want to do it, but then it sounded like he did so I got upset. It was quite a comedy of errors, but we eventually both discovered we do not want to swing. So that was that.
Eventually, we decided to be cool. We shouldn’t be judgmental. Whatever works for them, works for them. We also shouldn’t give them the cold shoulder, just because we don’t have the same agenda. And, we didn’t want to come off as uptight or closed-minded, so we decided not to behave any differently.
Just like a man who wants to sleep with you won’t take no for an answer unless he hears the word, “NO,” a swinging couple kind of doesn’t give up unless you make things very clear. Continuing to be warm and friendly, after the realization they were trying to swing, seemed to make the other couple think we were more receptive than ever to swinging.
It made me sad, since we did like this couple, but we had to keep our distance for a while. They’d never straight up asked, “Will you sleep with us?” but, in so many ways, they had tried. Being nice wasn’t sending the message, so we had to turn down their invites to hang out for a long time, and keep our distance if they were at the same parties as us.
The other couple seems to have gotten the hint, since we turned down so many invitations to hang out. Honestly, it kind of went the way it goes when one of your male buddies tries subtly to sleep with you, you turn him down, and then you take some space. Eventually, enough time passes that, next time you run into each other at a party, they’ve found someone new to sleep with, and you actually just miss the friendship so you start hanging out again.
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