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Import Youku Videos in WP Video Robot
For quite a while now, I have been reviewing the addons of the WordPress Video Robot plugin. You can check out the plugin’s review here, or the other addons here: TED Video Service, Monetizer Addon, Frontend Submissions addon.
For quite a while now, I have been reviewing the addons of the WordPress Video Robot plugin. You can check out the plugin’s review here, or the other addons here: TED Video Service, Monetizer Addon, Frontend Submissions addon.
In this final part of the series, I will be introducing you to the Youku Video Service addon for the WP Video Robot plugin.
For the uninitiated, Youku is to China what Netflix is to USA. It is an extremely popular web streaming video service for Chinese users. Apart from original content, it also features licensed movies, TV shows, as well as user generated content. With over 300 million monthly hits, Youku clearly has a very broad audience and is a popular service.
So if you wish to target audience from the Chinese demographic, the Youku Video Service addon will help you do just that. You can import and use videos from this service on your website, and if your target audience includes users from China, this is probably one of the first addons that you should buy.
So, how does one use it? As always, you upload it and then activate it, much like any other plugin in WordPress. Thereafter, just head over to the WPVR Addons section, and you will find Youku Video Service right there.
Now, in terms of settings, since this is a video importing addon, you just need to enter your Youku API client ID and password, and you are good to go.
Then, in the add new video source section, you will find Youku enlisted as a service, alongside YouTube and others.
That’s it! You can now import and use Youku videos on your website.
Much like all other addons for this plugin, Youku Video Service too is well documented, and is backed by an extensive tutorial that gives you a step by step guide regarding the setup of the addon.
Support is always at hand if you run into any trouble, and licensed users are entitled to regular updates as well as premium support.
The Youku Video Service addon is priced at $34.90 for a single site license, and $79.90 for an unlimited sites’ license.
Now, while video imports from Youku are a good thing to have, it is probably not what everyone needs. You must, by all means, have this addon if you are targeting users from China and nearby regions. Youku is popular in a given region, and as such, you cannot afford to ignore this service. So if your user base has anything to do with China, this addon is exactly what you need, and the pricing is fair on all accounts.
However, if you wish to add Youku as a video source just because you can, it is probably not worth the trouble. Youku is relatively unheard of in various parts of the world, especially in the West, so if your target audience is not Chinese, this addon and the Youku video service in general is not going to add much value to your site.
All said and done, the Youku Video Service addon does its task really well, and it gets full points for simplicity and ease of access.
Sufyan bin Uzayr is a contributor to a variety of websites and blogs about technology, open source, web design, content management systems and web development. He is a published author, coffee lover and the guy behind Learn more about his works on this page.
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