YouTube Admits Mistake, Responding & Actively Taking Action ‘Reinstating Everyone, Too Bad”

YouTube Admits Mistake, Responding & Actively Taking Action ‘Reinstating Everyone, Too Bad”

Google’s video streaming service, YouTube has restored more channels of crypto-related content after several days of non-communication from the company.

Earlier this week, a wave of YouTubers that post cryptocurrencies content received notification that their videos have been in breach of the platform’s terms of service.

Since then, the company has apologized for the mistake admitting that there was an “error” on their side and videos will be reinstated and strikes resolved.

“This was an error on our side during the review process,” reads YouTube’s response that started today on Dec. 17 after several days of silence on the company's part.

“We've seen a few similar reports, will pass yours along too and follow up as soon as we have an update,” was YouTube’s response to another victim of this “error”.

Just a “Wrong Call”

Some of the crypto-bloggers have been complaining that their videos haven't restored even now. However, YouTube has now taken it to respond to people and checking the channels by policy and let them know if they're seeing otherwise.

“There were multiple channels affected, but some of the reports are still being checked by Policy if they are affected by the issue or legitimately flagged for CG violations. We'll share an update once we have more info,” has been the video giant’s response to those channels that are still not restored.

YouTube also said in a statement that it “made the wrong call.” “With the massive volume of videos on our site, sometimes we make the wrong call,” it said.

So, overall, the company is “actively working to fix this” error made during the review process. All the videos, the company says should be now reinstated and strikes resolved.

YouTube has also promised to provide more “transparency” regarding copyright takedown, the company said on its official blog.

Not Good

The issue might be resolved for now, but the crypto community isn't exactly fine with the situation.

Jake Chervinsky, a general counsel at Compound Finance says after striking on Bitcoin-only videos “which implies the crackdown was not about touting or securities violations (unless false positives),” YouTube is now claiming “mistake” and “reinstating everyone, educational channels & paid promoters alike. Too bad.”

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