You Might not be a “clean freak “, but

You Might not be a “clean freak “, but


Have you ever experienced the embarrassment that comes from having your friends’ overtime at your place when your home appears unpleasing?    

Oh no!

Is devoting 15 minutes to a day for a task is difficult for you? Or are you the one who isn’t organizing things just because you are lethargic or you are allergic to dust? If your home is messed up and you have been living like that for a while now, it might be hard to understand why you should even do something about it. If anything, it might seem consuming. But, do you know that your living space reflects your inner self. You might not be a “clean freak”, but keeping things neat and organized is a big deal. 


Have you started your journey to a clutter-free home or is it yet to begin? Decluttering is not an obsession nor it is related to clean the things every nowhere rather it is a way of keeping your belongings which adds value to your life in an organized way. It is the basic necessity for a healthy environment.  Getting started is a significant and a positive action. Following are the reasons why organizing is a big deal and why should you organise to create a home you love. 

Matter over Mind

makeup kit

  Mumm, so you buy things just because it might someday benefit you, or you buy because they looked beautiful and you couldn’t resist yourself or you are one of those who like to have a volume of things or you are the one who is not good at choosing one so you buy all the things. Whatever the case maybe when there are matter over your mind, buying decisions are generally inappropriate resulting in the creation of clutter. Habit of organizing is not inborn; one can learn by spending at least 10 minutes daily for it. 

Work- life Balance 

  Work- life balance is a cycle, it is not an achievement and when you have a poor work life balance you don’t have control over the hours you have to work, you lack enjoyment in your life, you don’t have time to organize or declutter your home and an organized clutter remains a clutter. Emotional sentiment, memories of the past, fear of a future and hope for a future change adds more clutter when they are not organized well. 



 When you are able to have spare time to live in and still you have clutter around then probably it’s your procrastination habit that is creating mess around and is making difficult for you to organize, maintain the things in your home. It is easier to organise less stuff if you find among those who procrastinates or you are the one who can spare only a day in a week for it then it is advisable to have less and quality stuffs around. 

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