Yosuga No Sora Episode 11

Yosuga No Sora Episode 11


Yosuga No Sora Episode 11

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December 13, 2010
November 7, 2011

First Impressions / Yosuga no Sora
Home First Impressions Yosuga no Sora – 11

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December 13, 2010
November 7, 2011

First Impressions / Yosuga no Sora
Made in Abyss S2 – 09 : Wazukyan is more of antihero/hero deconstruction. Nanachi getting benched for few episodes was result of her overwhelming feelings for Mitty.… Sep 4, 00:39
Made in Abyss S2 – 09 : I feel like all eyes are in Wazukyan as if he is a villain. Not all of this is his… Sep 3, 16:02
Yofukashi no Uta – 09 : That’s one of the nicest comments I’ve received in a long time, Chaser – thank you. Sep 2, 20:39
Made in Abyss S2 – 09 : As I watched the ending scenes, I could not resist forming in my mental cinema great text crawl in obvious… Sep 2, 19:46
Yofukashi no Uta – 09 : Nazuna intervening to save Kou was quite predictable. She KNEW there would be trouble. What I have found most fun… Sep 2, 19:35
Yofukashi no Uta – 09 : Every time I watch an episode of this series I have the feeling that” this anime is for me”. I… Sep 2, 17:57
Lycoris Recoil – 09 : Hmmm… does she recharges wirelessly? Couldn’t she do it while sleeping (like a phone)? Sep 2, 07:54
Made in Abyss S2 – 09 : I knew this whole arc was going to end in tragedy but in what manner, as an anime only viewer,… Sep 2, 02:54
「ソラメクフタリ」 ( Sorameku Futari )
“Uncertain Couple”
I knew it was coming, so it didn’t come as any surprise to see this series tread into highly controversial territory by depicting an incestuous relationship. What did come as a surprise though was how none of the censoring seen at the end of the last episode was really present, meaning that Sora was out in the open for everyone to see both with and without Haru. It could have been an attempt to detract from the issue at hand, but if it was, I can’t say it was a very good one since it had the exact opposite effect. In fact, Sora’s bedroom scenes were some of the most risqué and passionate ones to date, because Haru’s was unable to resist his urge to be with her even with the moral implications looming over his head. I mentioned way back in the Fall 2010 Preview that I was hoping the nudity if any would be used in a way that’s relevant to the plot, so I didn’t mind its liberal use here one bit. I’m sure there will be a lot of people who only look at the screen captures and quickly write this entire series off as hentai , but they’d be ignoring the emotional build-up leading towards these sex scenes that would have really got them bustling. There’s no denying that this series target an audience who wants to see “naked girls” to a degree, nor would I even attempt to argue that these scenes don’t boost the series’ popularity. What I will say is that knowing what I do about Haru and Sora’s precarious relationship actually made those scenes even more scandalous than just some “naked girls” would’ve been.
I attribute that primarily to how Haru not only had to carry the burden of keeping that from all his friends as it weighed heavily on his conscience, but also ending his relationship with Nao. He never did break things off cleanly with Nao either, after thoughts of Sora masturbating filled his mind and he tried to forcibly satisfy that sexual desire. If this were some two-part fan-service-oriented OVA, I’d probably scoff off all of the above and Haru’s inability to say that he loves Nao as background noise. However in this series, there’s a much more prominent sense of emotional baggage , after three arcs where I saw the characters in different situations and got to know them better. I have no intention of getting into a moral debate on whether Haru and Sora’s forbidden love should be condoned, so I’ve more or less approached this final arc with no real expectations and just an open-mind about how the producers tackle it. Quite honestly, I find it hard to say how I would handle things if I were in the Kasugano twins’ situation, simply because I’ve never been in it. Once feelings of love somehow manifests itself, standard logic seems to go straight out the window. It’s easy enough for anyone to say that they’d stick to the social norms ( as they’ve been taught ), but they don’t exactly have the same childhood history as these two fictional characters.
To try and get a better understanding, I like to pose the hypothetical scenario about falling in love with someone and getting into a steady relationship with them for years, only to find out sometime later that they’re a sibling of yours that was separated at birth. Can you confidently say that you’d be able to turn off your emotions with a flip of a switch in light of that revelation? While I realize that Haru and Sora aren’t in that situation, it’s an interesting mental exercise to try and understand where they’re coming from on an emotional level. Most people are likely to have experienced the hypothetical scenario than the one they’re in, so it’s an easier way of wracking one’s brain over how complicated feelings can make things. There are probably tons of answers to that scenario, but what makes this arc particularly interesting is that it presents us with differing ones. Namely, Sora has decided that she’s in love with Haru and she doesn’t have a care in the world what other people think about her, whereas Haru is still wrestling with what’s socially acceptable and will undoubtedly have problems coping with Kozue and Nao learning that he has sex with his sister. Given that they live in a small town, that only compounds the problem, suggesting that if Haru intends to continue his sexual relationship with Sora, the two of them are probably better off moving elsewhere and starting anew. I can’t even imagine how hard it would be living in a place where everyone looks at you funny or overly religious people feels you should burn in hell. As such, I am really looking forward to seeing what becomes of their incestuous relationship in the finale next week, simply because I have absolutely no idea what I would do if I were in Haru’s situation. I get the feeling that Sora won’t be fazed one bit, but it’s clearly a different story with Haru.
Today’s lesson. Don’t have sex next to the front door and always lock it…
It’s just like Sora said. There’s something exhilarating about leaving it unlocked. <3
I had such an experience in college whereas we went straight to an empty classroom after our class ended. Was like something straight out of a hentai. The whole idea of possibly getting caught makes you feel more excited. Should try it sometime~ ;}
nah, the real lesson is: do it in your room and then lock it, and dont do it at the hallway or the kitchen.
Yup. The players leave the door unlocked so that whoever walks in last can join in~
Seriously though, I lol’d hard when they just barged right in. It took Sora a good 5 seconds or so to register that two others just came in too lol. Very interested to see how they wrap this up.
She had just hit her high it looked like, so you know, it takes a few secs for your brain to snap back.
Yup! That’s the main reason I lol’d. In retrospect, being interrupted at the end at least isn’t as bad as getting interrupted in the middle. It could have been like the situation where Haru was doing it with Nao and then Sora walked in. Haru just continued and kept smiling!
Everytime Haru has sex ,they should play the song “tits nd ass man”
He should make up a line to get himself out of this “sticky” situation…
Hopefully, not something along the lines of “I do this every arc!”.
In my opinion, Haru needs a day job.
In response to Divine, I doubt that Sora doesn’t feel the societal norms pushing her in the opposite direction. My contention is that her fixation on Haruka is precisely the reason she doesn’t care; her responses to any hint of Haruka leaving her show this is true. It’s not like she doesn’t have friends, but when it comes down to it only Haruka matters to her and no one else. Sort of a kind of “Screw you society, where were you when I was little?” moment.
Unlike Sora, Haruka feels the pressure mainly because he doesn’t have an outlet like Sora. There’s also the mental gender difference, but I think the outlet is the main difference in the reactions; he’s adjusted to society normalcies and such so having to turn his back toward it to act rather primal-y towards his sister is such a major shift it takes him so long to commit to it.
Hehe, today’s episode is soo hot :3
I feel like I want to play the visual novel just for Sora’s route but too bad there is no translation of it, and a VN without a story to understand is just CG hentai.
Divine the “have problems coping with (Kozue and Nao)” link is bringing up the wrong pic (1 instead of 37) just trying to help
Why people see Nice Boat everywhere they look? O.o VN doesn’t have it.
And I sure hope that it won’t happen. It would ruin the arc, if you ask me…
Divine, the 2nd picture from the top left corner is NSFW.
Morale – general attitude. “Even after the loss, the team’s morale was high.”
Moral – desirable in a social or religious context. “Most people don’t view incest as a morally acceptable activity.”
Typo. I get it. I don’t need the examples.
Now where have I seen this ? Ah! Here ! Funny how Haru and Yabecchi have the same seiyuu.
BTW I found the omake message to be pretty funny
“Sorry no porn again this episode”
I remember watching a news story several years ago about an incestuous situation that was very similar to that hypothetical scenario of yours, Divine. For anyone who’s interested here’s the video:
I believe there was also an episode of House where a couple who were in a relationship were both sick and the cause was that they were blood related.
i think it’s possible for siblings who AREN’T raised together to fall in love, potentially. but i think it’s less plausible for siblings who were raised together like haru and sora to experience mutual sexual attraction, because of things like the westermarck effect and the innate biological incest-avoidance mechanisms shown by almost every mammalian species. however, anime is anime…it rarely has too much basis in reality anyway. ;]
well at the beginning of sora’s arc, it showed sora finally freed from the hospital(it was in haru’s dream but probably true), and haru did say he was making up to sora cause she was stuck at the hospital before(again could just be haru making up an excuse but I think its probably true)
That’s not particularly true, inbreeding is only avoided in animals which chase off their offspring once they mature.
Those that live in packs and groups are prone to inbreeding if the dominant male dies and the offspring takes over.
To be honest I don’t watch this show and I don’t think I’ll ever watch this show.
I’m here because you put NSFW and I want to check out some boobies like everyone else here LOL
So, the whole idea that I’ve been through something like this before brings me to the thought, how the HELL will he get out of this one. ME? I got my ass tow up. lol Tis the perks of growing up with a mother who grew up in a black family. ;D
omg Sora was so hot. I wouldn’t be able to get her out of my mind either the way she handled Haru. It was as if she was the pimp!
I’m so watching this again.. Just because.. >>”
Seems no mather the way he proceeds, Haru is destined to be caught in the act…
I really wonder how will Nao react now – and possibly rest of the friends circle.
Happy Ending – They both join, foursome fun!
Bad Ending – Nao goes berserk grabs a knife battles on with Sora then “Kill Em All” ( Spartacus style)
No… No, no, no, NO!!! I don’t wanna see any nice boat in this anime!
NO BOATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ohohoho now I have to catch up on this series. Ooohhh boy, how the hell will he get out of this?
I enjoyed the non-brooding Sora in this episode. It was nice to see her genuinely happy. Although, Haru has mentioned that people were questioning their relationship and Sora just sort of said she didn’t care what people thought. Don’t get me wrong I really think this mentality is very admirable, but it’s not what Haru needed to hear in order to be comforted. Despite it being Sora’s way of doing things, she could have at least comforted him a little. Haru looks like he could break down at any second. Haru also made it painfully obvious to Kozue what was going on.
Also what’s up with Nao? I know if she didn’t reject him the story would probably turn out differently, but she was all over him throughout all stages of life and now when he pushes back she says she doesn’t want this.
She didn’t want to have sex with him in the way he was wanting it. She wanted it to be for love and not to satisfy his comfort sex. Have to remember she didn’t felt right after having sex with him when they were much younger. If she had allowed him to have sex with him back at that hotel. He wouldn’t be thinking of Nao he would be thinking of his sister.
It is true that Haru came off like a terrible person there, and the setting was … gah. But I don’t think Nao is aware at that point that Haru has more than brotherly interest in his sister, does she?
this is kinda like what was happening in the manga.
in the manga, sora was starting to help him by cooking food in one chap, then she collapsed in her room because of her sickness(and no, haru didnt go to her room when that happened so he didnt take care of her and he didnt push her button “on”).
im now very interested on how this will end, from the preview I can guess that they will go to the lake to be “reborn”.
The best ending for this should be the same as the ending in Basilisk.
I never seen Basilisk before. How is it?
I hope he doesn’t come this far half-assed. If someone will break the norms, he should do it with no regrets.
ohmy GAWD If this ain’t good drama, I don’t know what is. I can’t get the excitement off of me! x]
This just gives another reason for the government officials to justify the ban, though I must admit, this episode did get me by surprise. How the heck did AT-X air it without getting themselves in a mess?
Actually, i think it should, but probably wont, have the opposite effect. Theres ACTUAL story drama here , depicting situations that have occurred in different ways, and not just ‘thumpthumpthumpthumpthumpthumpthumpthump’ every episode with no emotion outside of sexsexsexsex. I think it should mean more than just ‘harmful’ material when its something that is this well designed. However, many people cant seem to handle it and go ‘omg sex! its so horrible! We totally do not reproduce like this. zomg! I never want my kids to do that!’ (not referring to incest here).
As for the incest, we can get into a long debate for eternity about this. Its like slamming a revolving door, you get no where. I will say one thing though, if you simply siding with the ‘its horrible’ because of either social norms or because of so called ‘mutation’ that is possible.
1) So your saying if the world were to suddenly flip upside down on this issue and the social norm was to breed with your own family and breeding outside was considered to be ‘against your family and society’ that you’d be perfectly fine with it?
2) There is no direct scientific results to support the theory. Going back in time, how do you think Native Indians in North America survived so many years in such small tribes? Nobles used to inbreed in order to keep bloodlines pure. While some claim nobles were weak, i think ANYONE who has so much money that they pay other people to move them around and do work for them will naturally be weak. It also doesnt help that Nobles didnt exercise much so they always appeared in poor health as a result. There really is not enough evidence to support either side, and as a result this has turned into the debate it is today.
Society should learn to just stop caring what other people do when they are alone. This long debate has taken up far too much time and energy… I dont even know why I bothered with this… (I guess im just that bored )
Also, Sora Smiling, for like the first time the entire series, makes this entire Arc WORTH IT.
Wow, the thing that really needed for Sora to stop being so cold, distant and spoiled, and became cheerful, playful and useful was for Haru to acknowledge her, and it extended greatly after both of them confessed to each other…Oh yeah, with hot twin sex on the side.
Speaking of a scenario about 2 people in love but later find out that they’re siblings, a certain shoujo manga come into mind which addresses the issue quite well:
Tsumi ni nureta futari (Kitagawa Miyuki) << is really deep but too soapy sometimes
Plot includes Show Spoiler ▼
Sora and Haru’s situation in a small village without parents and Nao easily backing off almost pales in comparison to above manga but is interesting nonetheless. (Because Sora is cuter lol) I hope there’s a lot of drama next episode. Somehow the OP already sort of spoiled it all but I’ll be looking forward to it.
Class president surprised me by barging in instead of going OMGWTF to Nao and leave the cellphone in front of the door or peek into the doorhole or something. Who goes barging straight into H scenes? (except well, parents and love rivals?) Every arc someone has to do something irrational.
Who goes barging straight into H scenes? (except well, parents and love rivals?) Every arc someone has to do something irrational.
Agree. I thought it was a bit weird that Kozue’s train of thought would be, “I must go inside! …Even though I know there’ll be a huge awkward moment if “it” turns out to be true.” Well I guess curiosity got the better of her/she felt she had to do something about it, it might have been better for ALL of them if she had just left well enough alone though.
True true. Barging in just puts everyone into a weird undesirable situation. She should’ve left them alone and talked behind their backs if she was opposed to the idea. Come to think of it, Kozue has been being nosy earlier in the episode too. She looks like the type that thinks incest is immoral. Maybe she’s thinking “No! It’s forbidden! They must be exposed if they are really doing it! They mustn’t get away with it! They must go to hell! I must destroy their happiness just because!”
Had Nao been the one to barge in, it might be a different because she’s considered a love rival. Maybe the writers are trying to redeem Nao by making her act decently.
Why doesn’t anyone in anime lock their door? And actually I bet that she just rushed in cuz deep down she’s jealous and wants some Haru loving as well, hell all the other girls get an arc!!!
Have you guys heard of the Tokyo Manga and Anime ban? Tokyo’s ban on anime, manga and games featuring “virtual crimes” or which are “likely to interfere with the healthy development of youth” has passed after the DPJ agreed to support it.
The revised law now demands a restriction on sales of anime, manga or games which “improperly glorify or emphasise” illegal sexual acts, such as rape, groping, BDSM, voyeurism, exhibitionism, etc., by extension including underage sexual activity as well.

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Blonde salope vous rendra fou et dur en quelques secondes
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