





As the Provider, she is a goddess of fertility and growing things, of birth and youth

Harry Potter and the Natural 20 - Sir Poley Harry Potter and the Natural 20 by Sir Poley Milo, a genre-savvy D&D Wizard and Adventurer Extraordinaire is … 悠妲菈的孩子们Yondalla's Children 【主 神】 悠妲菈Yondalla 【势力 范围】 半身人Halfling 【简 介】 诸国度the Realms 的 小个族裔The Small Folk 崇拜着一支被统称为 悠妲菈的孩子们Yondalla's Children 的神系。根据半身人神学家们纠结的推理,这个团体也包含悠妲菈她自己 . Yondalla, pronounced yon- dah -lah, created the halfling race in her own image, and it is due to her charming personality, … WOTC D&D Mini Deathknell Champion of Yondalla (R) NM .

The church is especially broad because it has various gods worshipped within it alongside Yondalla, such as Dallah Thaun

Other halflings say the blessing of Yondalla is upon you HIN FIST MONK: Hin Fist monks see their bodies and minds as gifts from Yondolla; gifts that need to be developed and utilized to the fullest potential . Sune shares the waters of the Evergold, a sacred pool, with Hanali Celanil, the elven deity of beauty, and Sharess, the lusty feline temptress … Religions: Rao, Heironeous, Moradin, Garl Glittergold, Yondolla, Zilchus, Fharlanghn .

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The Nurturing Matriarch, the Protector and Provider, the Blessed One Yondalla is the Lawful Good (LG) goddess of agriculture, food, protection and fertility Get ready to enjoy a stunning rendition of Comfortably Numb . The world needed some good clean fun, some happy-hearted mischief, and … Be mindful when sharing personal information, including your religious or political views, health, racial background, country of origin, sexual identity and/or .

So I decided to make my cleric have a split personality that …

Yondalla is the creator of the Halflings and the leader of the pantheon known as Yondalla's Children Tortles believe that night and day watch over them and other creatures . Dallah Thaun is the goddess of secrets, lies, half-truths, flattery, manipulation, and stealth 🚀 Calling all space cadets!Join Spelljammer Academy at no cost ☄️ .

So Asharra's benefit is that she can hit a bunch of enemies (who each get a debuff)

Weekly services are part of this faith, and all the gods of Yondalla’s court are honoured at these services /way tatooine -5150 -6588 Yondalla; She's the entry contact to be granted clearance for a Neutral Rescue mission aboard the Corellian Corvette dungeon . I believe that this is flawed, since you don't pick the cleric special powers, you click an entire package of powers As the goddess of protection, Yondalla fends off evil influences and .

Obsidian Portal enables you to create campaign websites for tabletop roleplaying games

Description Yondalla is represented as a strong female halfling with red-golden hair, looking determined and proud They speak elven quite well, and carry over the former language's musical qualities when speaking halfling . He held most of his barony during the Ketite invasion against unbelievable odds Kull seemed intent on ordering everyone around, Triolan seemed intent of defying him for little or no reason .

Areas of Concern: Halflings, Protection, Fertility

Download Free Men Koman Pou Fe Moun Baw Lajan Transfè Ou Ka Yondalla, pronounced yon-dah-lah, created the halfling race in her own image, and it is due to her charming personality, friendly demeanor, … . he benevolent presence of these kindly halflings, led by a soft-spoken cleric named Natalie Nettlemead If she fails a saving throw against an effect that would stun a creature, one of her unspent legendary actions is spent .

WOTC D&D Mini Dragon Queen Bonded Fire Summoner (U) NM

With her charming personality, friendly demeanor she is an example to all halflings who almost all share her curiosity, loyalty and sense of mischief Her titles include the Protector and Provider, the Nurturing Matriarch, and the Blessed One . revolution? overthrow the local nobility? uh, I THINK SO! next thing you know, im reincarnated as Yondolla … When cast, any creature or person affected by the spell was stunned and, over the course of the next minute, reverted to a state of .

Intermediate Goddess of secrets, guile, lies, half-truths, flattery, intrigue, manipulation, and all things done by stealth

As the goddess of protection, Yondalla fends off evil influences and intrusions into the homes and lives of halflings She dresses in green, yellow, and brown, and always carries a shield . Yondolla take me if I was going to help a group of barbarians callous enough to let people die, especially when they were our ticket away Post new thread What's new Latest activity Authors .

Yondolla's Blade Type: Short Sword Material: Alchemical Silver Properties: Enhancement Bonus: +4 Bonus Feat Weapon Focus Short Sword Bonus Feat Weapon Specialization Short Sword Only useable by: Good Text: Paladin Hin in service to Yondalla who exhibit exceptional courage are awarded these swords; sometimes post-humously

Ideals: Home - Everyone should have a safe, welcoming home Tiamat can take one reaction per turn, rather than only one per round . Yondolla, also known as 'The Blessed One', is the Halfling Goddess of Family, Happiness and Protection, and the Ruler of Music and Merryment That may not be where I go, but I'm strongly looking at having him adapt to being a Halfling and to begin taking up with Yondolla and Life would be a good fit .

You might give it a racial restriction for halfings and remove the Yondolla worship reference

Summer's End is actually a bit of misnomer; it's celebrating the end of 3 … Personality Traits: I get grumpy when I have to miss a meal . Name: Bodhi Four-Fingers Gender: Male Race: Halfling (Stout) Class: Rogue intended multi-class Arcane Trickster/Cleric (Trickery Domain) … Yondalla is the creator of the halfling race and matriarch of not only the halfling pantheon, but the whole race itself .

Dungeons & Dragons is the game that started the entire roleplaying game category

Yondalla is the chief halfling goddess and a member of the 3rd edition D&D core pantheon The goddess Yondalla, as well as being a part of the Rythian pantheon, has her own faith . The way it's worded sounds like each champ attack can only affect each enemy once But if she hits the same enemy multiple times with a single attack, it only applies one debuff .

Yondalla, also known as the Protector and Provider, the Nurturing Matriarch and the Blessed One, is a lawful good greater deity of protection, fertility, the halfling race, children, security, leadership, diplomacy, wisdom, the cycle of life, creation, family and familial Love, tradition, community, harmony and prosperity

in the 4th edition of Forgotten Realms it was revealed that Yondalla is an aspect of the Earth goddess Chauntea, however it is unclear if that is still the case for the 5th edition incarnation of Yondalla, as such they have separate profiles She wears an enssemble of green and gold, with a gold cape and brown, heeled shoes with an inch high sole . The Shield of Yondolla is an artifact in the Emeron campaign She was the matriarch of their pantheon, but also their creator .

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Watch popular content from the following creators: Shanaé Moodley(@darshaniemoodley_), yonadoll Maybe her trial can be a moral challenge where an illusory halfling poses as a lost adventurer who has been trapped in the temple for some time, and offers to help guide the party through the temple if they take a detour to help his trapped adventuring partner . Yondalla is represented as a strong female halfling with red-golden hair, looking determined and proud Yondalla (pronounced yon- dah -lah) is the creator of the halfling race and matriarch of not only the halfling pantheon, but the whole race itself .

Vanrakdoom is the name of the temple and base of operation deep in Undermountain

As the Dark God, he is described as an incorporeal wraithform, black and faceless The other thread has people voting for the best special power granted to a given cleric . Halflings may also pray to lesser gods who look after things such as their harvest, the weather, and so on, but Yondolla … Yondolla on elokuvassa isompi pääriste, jotta hän voisi katsoa lähemmäksi sarjakuvakaveriaan .

Yondolla is the chief halfling goddess Halfling deity of providing and protection

Religions: Zilchus (temple), Heironeous (temple), Boccob (chapel), Garl Glittergold (chapel), Yondolla (chapel), Moradin (chapel), Fharlanghn … Overview: Alron is a strong leader, stern but compassionate and dutiful . Yondalla instilled in her children a sense of curiousity, loyalty, and love of the whimsy of life that halflings embody at all times Yondalla had close bonds with Garl Glittergold, Corellon Larethian and Moradin .

To avoid duplication of effort, this article contains only a short overview

As the matriarch of the halfling pantheon, and, indeed, the entire race, all halflings revere the Dogma: Over the millennia, Yondalla has cultivated strong relationships with Garl Glittergold, Corellon Larethian, and Moradin, and generally can count on their support for her positions . Some people call it compulsive, I call it thorough D&D Miniatures: Deathknell 01-60 Champion of Yondolla quantity .

The moon is the eye of night that watches over them in darkness, and the sun is the

Yondolla is the goddess of plenty but she has a secret dark side personality called Dallah Thaun Due to centuries of open violence agains the city, the Church of Shar is forbidden in Waterdeep . Yondalla The Protector and Provider The Blessed: Alignment: Lawful Good Luck of Yondalla — Freely and all his allies have the Luck of Yondalla backing them up, afflicting enemies with random debuffs .

Forgotten Realms Deities: Chauntea, Cyrrollalee, Tymora

Yondalla was a Zabrak female working for Jabba the Hutt as a lieutenant Throughout the Realms, communities of the Small Folk are led by members of Yondalla… . Yondalla is a female Zabrak located in the Wayfar cantina, Tatooine He wears his magical crow backpack on his back, with straps that cross on his chest .

She tends the fields that grow around Mount Celesita, and blesses those seeking to protect …

Yondalla (Yon- DAH -lah) is the Protector and Provider of halflings and the chief matriarch of the halfling pantheon S Yongala - rated as one of the top 10 dives in the world !! A dive adventure with a difference, including a 4WD trip to the remote Alva Beach, a fast 30 minute express ride to the historic shipwreck (sunk over 100 years ago)and artificial reef . The Great Mother, the Grain Goddess Chief deity in the Halfling pantheon, goddess of the earth and the harvest With her charming personality and friendly demeanor she is an example to all halflings; who almost all shared her curiosity, loyalty and sense of mischief .

Worship of the Nurturing Matriarch is so ingrained into nearly every aspect of halfling society that the hin treat the idea of specific services

In the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, Yondalla … As Protector, Yondalla wards off evil influences and intrusions and gives . Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules Trade Partners: Algran & Eastern Clans, Kardam, Benin, Very limited exchange with Endaro villages International Profile: Regarded as nosy and boisterous, but respected for their skills and accomplishments, ferneah are generally seen as equals by most humans .

Yondalla has a close relationship with Garl, Corellon and Moradin

Yondalla is the creator and protector of the halfling race A small coin, worn on a cord about my neck, a memento of charity given by a nigh penniless widow shortly after my fall . and if you need a healertake a hairfoot halfling specialty priest of yondolla with the healer kit Halflings consider Tymora to be one of Yondolla's Children, and consider her widespread worship in human lands as simply the greatest of Lady Luck's … .

Yondolla is the deity of the Halflings, as well as their protector

He is short, even for a Halfling, standing at 2'6 Find out what sorts of things excite them and make sure that happens in the game . is this scandalous theory: Yondolla + Correllon = Tallfellows, Yondolla + Mordain = Stouts, and Yondolla + Garl Glittergold = Hairfoot Yondalla appears as a strong female halfling, with a proud bearing .

As the matriarch of the halfling pantheon (and indeed the entire race), all halflings revere the Blessed One

Sign in Recent Site Activity Report Abuse Print Page Powered By Google Sites 许多半身人都相信太摩拉是他们一族守护女神悠妲拉(Yondolla)的众多子嗣之一,并认为幸运女士在人类国度中的广大信仰是她对人类开的最大玩笑。 . Dangerous gods are not tolerated at all and their clerics may well be chased from the land It also adds four new Monk kits, inspired by various monastic orders throughout the Realms .

Her followers hope to lead safe, prosperous lives by following her guidance

This modest building, a refurbished guildhouse from Rhestan days, is now religious center catering to the local halfling population At the heart of this faith is also a mystery cult dedicated to Dallah Thaun, whom some consider to be an aspect of Yondalla . Yondalla has two aspects that the halflings speak of in front of others: the Provider and the Protector Monastic Orders of Faerûn (MO or MOoF) rebalances monk progression in order to provide viability at both low and high levels .

Depictions Yondalla is a short halfling woman with long flowing red hair

actually for bond I wanted a halfling priestess, who taught her the ways of Yondolla! I'll work on it now Elminster:Alusair Obarskyr, Battle Plate Marshall, Champion of Yondolla, Cleric of Yondolla, Cleric of Dol Arrah, Cleric of Lathandar, Cleric of … . Hi Redditors, In the campaign I'm designing, the PCs are going to the temples of various gods to retrieve pieces of an artifact, but before they can reach each piece, they have to complete a series of trials for each god Some otherworld roleplaying stories: bandarimuck — LiveJournal .

So, I'd like to make a counter-poll for the best overall package, when you consider all the special powers granted to a cleric of a given deity, including the domain spells that no other

Some view Yondala as a pacifist, and she has few paladins Yondalla's church espouses harmony within communities and stalwart defense against their enemies . then again specialty priests are usually more fun than clerics in 2nd What in Yondolla's cornucopia was that? Ironically, Milo was the only one in the party with any significant ranks in Spellcraft but he was far too busy being swallowed by the mysterious void to identify the unknown spell .

7 Heroism, Greater: Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, Deities: Bralm, Fharlanghn, Yondolla skill checks; immunity to fear; temporary hp

He has spent much of his life ruling this region and defending its borders She is said to have created the halfling race in her own image . Malis siw vlé mwen ka fè kalkil ékonomik la pouwou wi a 5 gou pou yon dolla ak 'Montant 7 Millia sou 9 milliards' actualisé en dollars US $ 2008 (avec Clerics of Tymora often called luckbringers, pray for their spells in the morning .

As a Rogue, Wellby had far more important things to do with his Skill Ranks, plentiful as they were

The church of Yondalla, goddess of agriculture and food Throughout the Realms, communities of the Small Folk are led by members of Yondalla's clergy, and they are widely credited for their efforts in ensuring the safety and prosperity of halflings across . All of the following are class features of the kendimachist: Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A kendimachist is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (but not tower shields) After some help from my co-creator, Thornbrier, Averagedog and his friends, I managed to get an approved downgraded version of my race for 4 .

Despite her widespread worship among tinigens and her central role in their society, temples of Yondalla …

What in Yondolla's cornucopia was that? Ironically, Milo was the only one in the party with any significant ranks in Spellcraft but he was far too busy … Of the nonhuman races, a few elves and half-elves have decided to become Tymoran clergy even in the face of the chilly reception such a calling receives in elven society . These are just some stories and thoughts about some fun I've been having roleplaying there Yondalla, pronounced yon- dah -lah, created the halfling race in her own image, and it is due to her charming personality, friendly demeanor, curiosity, loyalty, and sense of mischief that halflings are among the best-tempered of the goodly races .

We beat the owlbear in a brawl, then we ride it into a royal ball

vinn konnen ak reset sa,Pou yo baw lajan sanw pa mande,ak yon dolla,yon fey blan,yon ve dlo · Wap sezi wè koman pou fe yon moun baw lajan,li Pap ka refizew There is no other gameplay implication depending on the Deity chosen . Rapture (): A kendimachist can invoke the power of their deity to fight with more grace, style and flair Dallah Thaun is the goddess of secrets, lies, half-truths, flattery .

Relationships: - Arvoreen: Son - Cyrrollalee: Daughter - Brandobaris: Son - Sheela Peryroyl: Daughter - Urogalan: Husband

Religions: Zilchus (temple), Heironeous (temple), Boccob (chapel), Garl Glittergold (chapel), Yondolla (chapel), Moradin (chapel), Fharlanghn (shrine), Rao (shrine), Delleb (shrine) Overview: Sareden was originally established as a sanctuary for arcane magic wielders, a place where they could practice and learn their craft in peace I live to celebrate another one May God continue to form me into a strong and unstoppable women . The Goddess of Fertility and Agriculture is the patron of halflings Yondalla is the goddess of Protection, Fertility, the Halfling Race, Children, Security, Leadership, Diplomacy, Wisdom, the Cycle of Life, Creation, Family and Familial Love, Tradition, Community, Harmony, and Prosperity .

Yondalla; Game background; Title(s) The Protector and Provider, the Nurturing Matriarch, the Blessed One: Home plane

According to the Great Wheel cosmology model, Yondalla's Children resided in Venya, the third layer of the Seven Heavens, which they named the Green Fields Forum list *Dungeons & Dragons Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition D&D Older Editions *TTRPGs General *Pathfinder & Starfinder EN Publishing *Geek Talk & Media . Przemocy należy się wystrzegać, lecz Yandalla obroni tych, którzy On introduction, he wears a leather tunic with a belt .

The mother goddess and creator of the halflings Yondalla sees that everything is in its place and everyone is able to live a life of happiness

Creatures (Individuals • Subtypes) • Pantheon • Locations • Organizations She is the creator of halfling race and matriarch of its pantheon . Better manage your group and your campaign, and have a better game She espouses harmony within the halfling race and stalwart defense against their enemies .

The faithful typically greet each other by touching holy symbols, often embracing to do so

She teaches that violence is a fool’s last resort and that … She urges people to cooperate across national and racial . 许多半身人都相信太摩拉是他们一族守护女神悠妲拉( Yondolla ) 的众多子嗣之 一,并认为幸运女士在人类国度中的广大信仰是她对人类开的最大玩笑。 … She resided in Wayfar, Tatooine, near Jabba's Palace .

(Races of the Wild) Karura, intermediate god of the sands, and goddess of the burning wastelands

Where Yondalla the Provider creates fertility and plenty, Dallah Thaun urges the halflings to seek wealth The Temple of Yondalla and Alvanhendar's Fine Wines is located in the Gullykin area, in the northwest corner of both the area and the village . A few days ago I bought Neverwinter Nights Platinum to play with a friend of mine on a persistent-world roleplaying served called Haze (www Where Yondalla nurtures the survivors of a tragedy, Dallah Thaun seeks vengeance .

Because a part of what made Yondolla able to mirror Cerilia initially also prevented the intrusion of her, or any other offworld God from fully entering the world of Cerilia

Perhaps surprisingly, Yondalla's clerics build few temples Languages: Lalin learn both Elven and Halfling as children . Other: Note that this profile only covers the Forgotten Realms version of Yondalla She dresses in green, yellow, and brown, and carries a shield .

HEROES OF BALDUR’S GATE Credits Foreword Writing and Design: James Ohlen

Language: Ehelah Pantheon: Yondolla (and extended) Social Structure: small communities with regional counsels -21  knowledge on that  temple yondolla thing . YondollaShe is responsible for the race's creation and for blessing them with peace, comfort, and plenty Probably due to an oversight, he will not identify bolts, but will .

Halflings may also pray to lesser gods who look after things such as their harvest, the weather, and so on, but Yondolla is their main deity

The best general mod is Ease of Use, but read each component carefully before installing (personally, I really like the Armor and Shields Provide Damage Resistance component) Yondalla (pronounced: /jɒnˈdɑːlɑː/ yon-DAH-lah) was the creator of the halfling race and matriarch of not only the halfling pantheon, but the whole race . Label: Model: Texture: Icon: Hide Wing: Hide Tail: Hide Shoulder-L: Hide Shoulder-R: Env Map: 0 **** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 **** 1 Plain 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 default 2 … With the passion with which she loved and admired her fellow halfling deities, sometimes known as 'Yondalla's Children', she scorned certain evil deities, such as Bane, Cyric, Talona, Talos, and the Deities of Fury .

许多半身人都相信太摩拉是他们一族守护女神悠妲拉(Yondolla)的众多子嗣之一,并认为幸运女士在人类国度中的广大信仰是她对人类开的最大玩笑。 太 …

Yongala Dive operates the fastest dive trip to the wreck of the world famous S It revises the three existing monks in an attempt to make them all balanced at all levels of play . Le nou finn mete 20000 gdes men dolla a monte 200 gdes pou yon dolla nou pral di mete plus augmenter le salaire ne veut rien dire si on Yondalla has two aspects: the Provider and the Protector .

Yondalla’s clerics officiate at weddings and funerals, bless crops and new ventures, and lay plans for community defense

TikTok video from Queen_Siphokazi (@queen_siphokazi): Happy Birthday to me🎂 I am finally 13 years old Discover short videos related to yondolla on TikTok . Many also give homage to Yondolla and the other halfling gods; others worship the deities Fharlanghn, Olidammara, or Pelor Read AD&D Legends & lore by mfrances73 on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our … .

许多半身人都相信太摩拉是他 们一族守护女神悠妲拉(Yondolla)的众多子嗣之一,并认为幸运女士在人类国度中的广大信仰是她对人类开的最大玩笑。 太摩拉的牧师 …

Yondala created the halfling race not to fight on behalf of law or good, but to simply manifest it and tend to her domains on Keren All of the following are class features of the kendimachist: Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A kendimachist is proficient with all … . Yondalla (yon-dah-lah) created the halfling race in her own image, and it is due to her charming personality, friendly demeanor, curiosity, loyalty, and sense … She is responsible for the race’s creation and for blessing them with peace, comfort, and plenty .

Every halfling descends from their mother goddess, who in turn blesses them with bountiful fields and surprising luck

been a long time since I've looked over them, but use to get a real kick out of bhaal, selune, and tempus In the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, Yondalla is also allied with Chauntea, Helm, Torm, and Tyr . She is widely worshipped, however, in agricultural communities of a number of races, often in a simplistic but sincere fashion WOTC D&D Mini Giants of Legend Inspiring Marshal (R) NM .

Yondolla - Goddess of the Halflings Garl GlitterGold - God of the Gnomes Corellon Larethian - God of the Elves

She also has advantage on saving throws against being knocked unconscious A goddess of fertility and fields, as well as hearth and home . He later swaps this tunic out for more regal-looking leather armour and a crow-shaped hood Realm Yondalla lives in the halfling realm of the Green Fields on the plane of Mount Celestia .

许多半身人都相信太摩拉是他 们一族守护女神悠妲拉(Yondolla)的众多子嗣之一,并认为幸运女士在人类国度中的广大信仰是她对人类开的最大玩笑。 太 …

She is the goddess of Protection, Fertility, the Halfling Race, Children, Arrah Eberron Helm Forgotten Realms Ilmater Forgotten Realms Mishakal Dragonlance Selûne Forgotten Realms Yondalla Halfling Tortle . Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb on a harp/guitar combo Many Other Godsare tolerated and are, perhaps, worshipped occasionally or by small groups of people .

Since the clergy of the shrine spend much of their time aiding Brindol’s indigents and poor, the human citizens of town view the place as a welcome addition

/way tatooine -5150 -6588 Yondalla; She's the entry contact to be granted clearance … I want to balance the change is traumatic aspect of the Resurrection with I made you guys suffer long enough with me on this . Encyclopedia Greyhawkania Index ; Yondalla Yondolla (The Provider) (The Protector), Deity, The Protector and Provider, Worshipped by: Halfling, Add in the effect of the coming of the Shadow, and her memory was entirely lost .

Yondolla's champions also tend to be cleric Halflings

--Music by Travis Savoie--Artwork and music in this video is used … Yondalla’s Children is the collective name for the halfling pantheon, which is led by Yondalla, known as the Protector and Provider, the Nurturing Matriarch, and the Blessed One . Yondolla is a deity worshiped mostly by Halflings on the world of Goric in the Emeron campaign The condition of the item you will receive is NM- no stat card .

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Yondalla (jon-da-la) stworzyła rasę niziołków na własne podobieństwo i to dzięki jej czarującej osobowości, przyjaznemu nastawieniu do świata, ciekawości, lojalności i poczuciu humoru niziołki są najbardziej przyjacielską i sympatyczną z dobrych ras She teaches that violence is a fool's last resort and that it is better to try and talk with a clear escape route than to stand fast and fight . The Gods of D&D are immense and powerful, but one prefers a good meal to pious worship Rooker selitti, että jatkoa varten Gunn halusi ihmisten … .

Yondalla is also known as the Protector and the Provider, the Nurturing Matriarch, and the Blessed One

The curse of Yondalla was an especially powerful abjuration/alteration spell, granted only to followers of the hin deity Yondalla and reserved only for use against creatures guilty of destroying a halfling community or slaying innocent and defenseless halflings She teaches that violence is a fool’s last resort and that it is better to try and talk with a clear escape route than to stand fast and fight . As the Provider, she is a goddess of fertility and growing things, of - Opportunity (Cornucopia): The target takes 100% more damage per application (stacks multiplicitively) .

- Requisition (Fruit): The target drops 20% more gold per application (stacks multiplicitively)

The Provider and Protector is most commonly worshipped in small shrines and in the home, and her formal houses of worship are usually little more than the home of the local priest or priestess Worse, their ability to get along was negligable at best . That may not be where I go, but I'm strongly looking at having him adapt to being a Halfling and to begin taking up with Yondolla and Life would … Deities are worshiped all along Faerûn, and one must be selected once you create a Cleric .

The church of Yondalla is a broad church that is very liberal

The halfling whistler was interesting, since instead of learning spells (they can't cast mage spells), they learned the counter spells, and as they … Temples of Yondalla are remarkably rare despite the goddess' widespread veneration by halflings . Preface: As Aurelis is intended to be campaign setting for the game Dungeons and Dragons, many of the names and characterizations of the deities listed here are directly inspired from deities published by Wizards of the Coast in their game manuals and affiliated fantasy novels For a complete article, see Yondalla at the Greyhawk Wiki .

Yondalla knows that her race represents a truly good creation, and does anything within the boundaries of honour to nurture and protect it

The church of the Protector and Provider, under all the guises by which she is known, plays a central role in halfling society Bonds: I won't harm those weaker or less fortunate than myself . Label: Model: Texture: Icon: Hide Wing: Hide Tail: Hide Shoulder-L: Hide Shoulder-R: Env Map: 0 **** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 **** 1 Plain 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 default 2 Arcane 1 10 it's kinda insane how many hit points you can get back .

A majority of these deities are largely unchanged from their source material

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