Yellow card for Ani. 

Yellow card for Ani. 

We are thinking of expanding the circle of our readers of criminal historical material to the level of German chats 💬 with the not predicted effect of fallen domino chips ...

We don't like too much and we're sick of Ani's schizophrenic antics. We can add more and bring it to this state again 👇i for a long time.

Merkel: erotic dance 💃 🍄🕺🏼 

There is no waste in reconnaissance, there is personnel in reconnaissance.

 Among the numerous professions that exist in the world, the profession of a spy is the least studied, despite numerous publications, for one or another action. Political scientists and mothers-in-law, grandmothers at the entrance and pundits burst into angry tirades against those in power, supplying numerous advice and options for the development of events, not a little, not being embarrassed by their incompetence in state building. It seems to them that their life experience is significant and can be useful.

 Perhaps, perhaps, anything is possible. Here Helmut Kohl had experience, professionalism and HONOR!

 And the last two monsters went to relatives. ... ... Gerhard received a bribe from children from St. Petersburg, then you know ...

It is from this fall empires and disappear without a trace entire nations. It is impossible to rely in a difficult moment on what never existed - the hand of descendants will look in the darkness of centuries support, on which counted, but the hand slips into the void and falls into such unimaginable that it is impossible to define a strong word, except only THE LOVE.

Spies live by the legends invented for them. It is their protection and salvation, otherwise death on the scaffold. If you follow them, it is quite realistic to live to old age, if of course they do not sentence their own - secret and sues secretly.

The path to spies is different: at the call of the heart and the command of the Motherland, in the meaning of existence and material well-being. Unrequited love at last! But always, the first step into the world of secret human passions, goes through recruitment.

In this miniature we will talk about German Chancellor Angela Dorothea Merkel.

In the early 50's the vast majority of Germans tried to move from Germany east to Germany western. In the case of Merkel's father, the opposite is true - her father Horst Kasler, a Lutheran priest, runs to the Communists. Moreover, his family settled in the GDR very comfortably. Here's what Gerd Langgut, the German biographer of Mrs Merkel, wrote about it:

"At the height of the Cold War, when the GDR was partially and wary of West Germans and church officials, Horst Kasler headed the seminary and his daughter enrolled in a privileged school. The Castleers had a good house and two cars, even by the standards of the East German nomenclature. Kasler was one of the few East Germans who was never prevented from traveling to the West."

The chancellor's father was a full-time intelligence officer of the GDR, known as the Stasi, and was recruited by its agents immediately after the war, in exchange for silence on cooperation with the Nazis. We were able to establish the agent's nickname of Merkel's father - "Morel."

Merkel herself recruited stasi at the university as a secret student-monitoring officer. In the same capacity, she then moved on to science. Brilliantly graduating from The University of Lecipg, she immediately got a place in the Central Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR, where she worked until the collapse of the country. Among the possible agent's nicknames we can name two "Olga" and "Polka." However, we do not vouch for accuracy here, because, as the U.S. CIA, did a great job with its dossier. It is also known the place of recruitment - the service of the porter of one of the prestigious hotels in Leipzig, where in the bar, spent the evenings Dorothea - that's how it was known by the services engaged in morality. However, the appearance of the future Chancellor of Germany was not running, despite the adopted it uninhibited manners of the GDR-ov Komsomol, which were no different from our Soviet gatherings of the Komsomol asset of the USSR, including Brandenburg and Orduf, GSVG. 

This is a separate topic, we will personally dedicate you, at the crime scene so to speak. 

Dalia Grybauskaite, for example, is a currency prostitute at the Baltic Hotel in Leningrad. Of course, under the guise of the KGB of the USSR.

In 1978, Merkel defended her diploma work, and in 1981 she divorced her husband. The reason for the divorce is the free manners of the Merkel family. 

At the Central Institute of Physical Chemistry at the Academy of Sciences of the GDR in Berlin, where the certified physicist Merkel moved to work, in 1984 she met her future second husband Joachim Sauer, whom she married in 1998. The identity of the second husband is more than interesting. He is an employee of the secret department of the GDR AN.

The staff of the Central Institute was about 650 people, of which about 350 were scientists. Angela Merkel worked in the theoretical chemistry department. On January 8, 1986, she defended her thesis on "Research of the mechanism of decay reactions with simple disconnection and calculation of their speed constants based on quantum-chemical and statistical methods". In the same year Angela Merkel spent a few days in Germany, which for the citizens of the GDR was associated with a preliminary test of loyalty to the state. These facts in Angela Merkel's biography later produced the effect of a red rag on the liberal majority. Now they are carefully hidden.

Merkel and KGB resident Putin met during the Chancellor's tenure at THE AN. It is known that they spoke at the Russian and the winner of school competitions all over Germany Dorothea Merkel, even quoted Pushkin's poems.

Merkel entered politics in the late 1980s. Immediately after the unification of Germany, it suddenly surfaced in the influential christian democrats party - the CDU. Merkel not only joined the leadership of the party, but became a confidant of the party leader and the federal chancellor Helmut Kohl.

In fact, Frau was instructed to infiltrate the CDU on Wednesday. She was helped in this naturally by Stasi, who had previously proposed a promising KGB worker of the USSR. The introduction of Dorothea is the result of joint efforts of two secret secret services.

The case of Merkel was so capable that the Staff of the Stasi finally handed the lady over to their colleagues from the Soviet KGB. There were very promising plans for her. However, in the autumn of 1989, Moscow realized that the GDR could no longer be contained. Then young Dorothea Merkel KGB agents brought closer to German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, exposing her as a supposedly long-standing opponent of the communist regime." From that moment Dorothea Merkel ceased to exist, and Angela Merkel was on the stage, the benefit of the documents did not have to be changed - both her names from birth.

The KGB's operation to introduce Kohl into the entourage was successful. However, after the fall of the GDR, almost all the archives of the Stasi fell into the hands of the American CIA. The case of Mrs. Merkel also got to the Americans. We do not know how consciously this was done by the KGB, but we can say something. It should be reported, to the reader, that the recruitment was led by a certain Alexander, the cia chief's internal security agent, who was involved in cultural exchange at the U.S. Embassy's cultural attache. It's like Putin in the Soviet-German friendship society in the GDR. 

The CIA and the KGB have always had contacts through the "culture". Well, that's what people out there are concerned about!!!

Merkel simply surrendered, on the terms of pre-arranged. Thus, the Chancellor became a "duke" or a double agent. The conditions of the time contributed to this. Friends Boris and Bill liberated Europe from the communist plague. However, the eternally drunk leader of Russia thought so.

Once in the network of two states, Angela began her game for freeing herself from addiction. If exposed, she would face an inevitable collapse - in today's Germany, involvement in the Stasi is worse than even cooperation with the Gestapo during World War II. But the Americans did not begin to expose Merkel, but trite recruited - from now on, the lady began to work diligently for both American intelligence and Russian.

 Moreover, the Americans even began to promote their agent along the political line. It was the CIA who organized the 1998 "corruption scandal" with Helmut Kohl, who behaved more and more independently in relation to the United States. Merkel not only overthrew her boss, but soon became the leader of all of Germany - much to the delight of Washington ... and the Kremlin.

 Merkel is said to have been very frightened when former US intelligence agent Edward Snowden came forward with his revelations that the United States was wiretapping a number of world leaders, including Merkel. Madame Chancellor was very afraid that at the same time information about her cooperation with the CIA would emerge. That is why they tried to hush up the wiretapping scandal in Germany as quickly as possible. Do not give it a go to this day.

 I hope the reader felt the atmosphere of suffocation around Angels? But she is not alone. I have already talked about the graduate of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Dala Grybauskaite, the daughter of the NKVD-ist who settled Siberia with Lithuanians. I will also dwell on the Swedish leadership.

 Swedish Foreign Minister Karl Bildt, who managed to make his country one of the most hostile states in Europe to Russia, does not even hide the fact that he has been a staff member of the CIA for several years.

"Aftonbladet" leaked a secret CIA dossier on Bildt. According to the newspaper, the Swedish minister's cooperation with the United States began in 1973, when Carl Bildt was only 23 years old. He was then recruited to the American Embassy as part of a special program, the essence of which was to train young and promising Swedish politicians in confronting communism and supporting cooperation with NATO.

In the CIA dossier, young Bildt was described as a "great thinker" with a very promising future. Beginning in 1976, Bild had constant personal contact at the U.S. Embassy in Stockholm, where he passed all the information he had, where he received specific tasks, including actions against the USSR -Russia.

There are also problems with the French Oland, who was brought to his senses after the terrorist attacks in Paris . They are these problems and Emmanuel, since the moment of the Minister of Economy of France ...

"Helmut Kohl did everything for this woman when she was an unknown press secretary. He caught her among other political figures of the former GDR, made her a minister, promoted her, took her into the office. Then there is a financial scam with donations, and she publicly distances herself from his mentor, stabs him in the back. For him, this is a betrayal ", - says the author of the book" Testament. Kohl's Protocols "Heribert Schwan.

 "All opposition groups grew out of the ground in a short time: September, October, November 1989. Almost all the people with whom Angela Merkel had political contacts at that time during the changes that brought her into politics are people who used to work for The Stasi, were unofficial employees or at least had contacts with the Stasi, "- said the co-author of the book" The First Life of Angela M. " Gunther Lachman.

 Merkel's connection with the Stasi is not a fairy tale. The only thing left for the author is to explain in which department V.V. Putin.

 In the depths of the PSU of the KGB of the USSR, there was a group "LUCH", which was an outpost of this organization in the GDR, a country ready to surrender to the "free world." The main task of the "Luch" group, which operated at the end of the GDR, was to support opposition East German politicians. It was the employees of Luch who were engaged in the surrender of agents when it became clear that Germany could not be held.

 The Stasi agents' card file, the so-called Rosenholz dossier, was secretly taken to the United States in 1989. In 2003, the cards were returned with a creak. But is that all? Who can guarantee this? In any case, the Stasi data, for example, on Helmut Kohl, are still closed by court order.

 According to the latest statements of the world intelligence services, as well as my colleague from the Stasi, who now lives in South Africa (the main part of the Stasi went to South Africa) and is part of the virtual OSG, the Americans received misinformation, and not the Rosenholz dossier. These documents are in a completely different place, although European politicians believed in their security for 25 years. I think that their exposure is still ahead. And the first to fall is Kazmerchak Angelika Dorothea. This is her real name before all the events that changed her life. I will reveal another secret of Angela's father - he comes from Galicia, which belonged to Poland until 1939. Stepan Kazmerchak will become Horst Kasler at only 10 years old. By the way, Angelica's grandfather fought with the Germans in the First World War in the Polish units in Champagne. He will return to Poznan, where he moved from Western Ukraine, from Volyn, but with his German wife Margarete, and soon, he will emigrate to Berlin. I think that information about him is worth looking in the archives of Russian counterintelligence.

 All this is well known in the Kremlin, where Merkel is shone to the seventh generation. Therefore, looking at the photo where she hugs Putin, I catch myself thinking that this is perhaps the only time in history when both a resident and an agent became the presidents of large countries. But the presidency is the presidency, and the subscription of cooperation is the subscription. We somehow forgot that Putin is an excellent operative and is unlikely to give up the right to an agent game with cornered bourbon. On this occasion, I recalled a short but capacious anecdote from the times of the USSR. It seems to me that he will perfectly describe the position of Merkel:

 - How does the Central Committee differ from the Cheka?

 - The Central Committee chicks, and the Cheka chicks.

Merkel will do anything to save herself, because she was recently presented with serious papers, much more serious than the American ones. 

Bourbon is very hard to live. We are not talking about any freedom of the individual - all life under the total control of special services. Everyone chooses their way and back the way is gone. Therefore, finishing the miniature of the most famous duke-bourbon of our time, I hasten to inform that there is news 📰 ....

Colored dreams, a good childhood,

The days of happy blood have passed.

How to find such a remedy,

To go back to my childhood?

What money, power, ranks and glory,

When was you happy without them?

Empty glass

Their stupid, useless verse.

Hey, man, where you're going,

In a windy way of life?

The deadline will come - you will calm down

And the soul will be weighed.

Don't believe what to take to the grave,

Nothing from life is given.

Only knowledge is the layer and faith of strength,

They're going to put you in the same place.

Descendants will be edifying

Your experience and last hour.

Among the tombstones:

"Born, lived, alas faded."

The world will see it when

Your way in a jubilant dawn!

From Christmas to the mournful date,

Through a faceless dash...———

The fact that the future German chancellor in his youth speculated blueberries, while being an activist of the Union of Free German Youth, characterizes it quite a lot. East German "Comrade for the trade in vegetables and fruits" bought berries from the population at 4 marks per kilogram. And immediately sold adopted blueberries on 2 brands - the trade in berries was supported by state products, in retail blueberries sold cheaper than the purchase price. Early after the laws of life, Merkel handed over a kilo of blueberries, received her 4 stamps, and an hour later came back and bought the same blueberries, but already half the price. And so again and again. At the same time, she easily bonfired at the "Komsomol" meetings of her classmates, who came in exactly the same way as she did herself.

You didn't notice the young Anya as similar to today's specimen. There is even in forensic psychiatry such a concept, when a person in a certain angle and lighting, especially at the moment of grimace or smile becomes like not that of Johnny Depp or Gautam Shakya-Mooni. Here as the light will fall...

The magazine 📓 'Murzilka' for Swedish naturalists posted this photo in the 1950s, our Angelica, born in 1954, was not so many years old, so that breasts in scrap with rags on her bodies could affect the souls of monochrome ony.

There are three things you can look at endlessly: how the water flows 🚿, how the fire burns 🔥 🔥 and on Michelle 🥂

Michelle is worth it to watch Frau....

And suddenly - a scandal! De Maiziere was accused of collaborating with the Stasi, East German intelligence. And what about Angela Merkel's protege de Maiziere? She is... made a public condemnation of her patron and immediately took up the post of deputy chairman of the party.

Online photos from the German branch of the international hacker organization Anonymous, Mrs. Merkel - in the society of outspoken skinheads. The images are dated in 1993. The scene is the neo-Nazi Elbterrassen Youth Centre in the German city of Magdeburg. A good city and the landfill there was great ...

Confusion in actions, repetition of the same phrases, recently missing a look reminiscent of Hitler's view at the end of the war. Merkel has never learned to keep her finger on the pulse of public opinion ... 

I do not know what part of it managed to say our Slavic clown, but he had something from us, not much, about the pope of the priest and agent STASI, about Komsomolskaya Pravda and the speculation of blueberries 🫐, about studying at the University of Donetsk, about Putin's dictation in German demands to Peta Poroshenko (Anya then in Paris acted as an interpreter of Putin in communication with Powder). The Frenchman was in the role of an extra. Trips of Ani to Gori (The birthplace of Stalin) , rest in the Green Grove of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Sochi) at Stalin's cottage, she loved to rest there and take courses .... she rested there several times, as I too a few later there rested .... staff always knows a lot more than journalists, especially drivers who attach. Apparently Anya and could not withstand such news from the Clown and does not want to have any more meetings with him . We didn't give it all to him then, we were afraid he wouldn't be able to understand.... 

Start, without photos and videos. 

Angela Dorothea Merkel, born Kasner on July 17, 1954, Hamburg, is a German politician and leader of the Christian Democratic Union party since April 10, 2000. Since November 21, 2005, Angela Merkel has been the Federal Chancellor of Germany after the victory of the CDU party she led in the early elections to the Bundestag in 2005. The first female chancellor in the history of Germany."

Anya Merkel was born from the frozen sperm of Adolf Hitler, introduced by the method of in vitro fertilization in the uterus of the younger sister of Hitler's mistress Eva Braun - Gretl. The operation was carried out by one of the founders of artificial insemination, one of the most ruthless war criminals German doctor Karl Klauberg. 

Karl Klauberg (September 28, 1898 - August 9, 1957) was a German physician who conducted medical experiments on people in concentration camps during World War II. He worked with Horst Schumann and conducted X-ray sterilization experiments at Auschwitz. Born on September 28, 1898 in Sollinger, in a family of artisans. He served as an infantryman during World War I. After the war, he studied medicine and eventually rose to the rank of chief physician at the Clinic of Koenigsberg University. In 1933, Kluberg joined the NSDAP and the SS, and later became a professor of gynecology and received the title of obergroupenfuhrer of the SS. In 1942, he asked Heinrich Himmler to give him permission to mass sterilization of women for his experiences. Himmler approved the proposal, and Klauberg was transferred to Auschwitz in December 1942. The doctor was looking for a mild and cheap method of sterilization: he injected liquid acid into the uterus without anesthesia. Most of the subjects were Jewish or roma who suffered from serious injuries or infection. The ovaries were then removed and sent to Berlin for research. Sometimes sterilization was used with X-rays, which often ended in death. When the Red Army approached Auschwitz, it was transferred to Ravensbruck to continue its experiments there. In Ravensbruck he was captured by the Soviet. In 1948, he was sentenced in the Soviet Union to twenty-three years' imprisonment. Seven years later, under the terms of the agreement between the USSR and Germany on the exchange of prisoners of war was returned to Germany, where he boasted about his scientific achievements. After protests and complaints from victims of the Nazis and concentration camp prisoners, Klauberg was arrested again in 1955. He died in Kiel prison on August 9, 1957. 

There is nothing fantastic about the hypothesis that Angela Merkel is the daughter of Adolf Hitler from a medical point of view.

Everyone knows about this who was interested.

 But we have another ‘’ hypothesis ‘’ -

 Angela Merkel is the granddaughter of Adolf Hitler.

 Adolf Hitler is the 6th son of Joachim (born December 17, 1890 - died July 18, 1920) of the German Emperor Wilhelm II (born January 27, 1859 - died June 4, 1941) and his wife Augusta Victoria (born 22.10.1858 - died 11.04.1921)

 Joachim from marriage with Maria Augusta, Princess of Anhalt (married 11.03.1916), had a son Karl Franz Joseph (born 1916 - died 1975)

 Given the ten-year shift, I think Hitler's son was born in 1926.

 Nice dad Ani, a priest who moved to a better life "himself" from the Federal Republic of Germany to the German Democratic Republic

 the Protestant pastor and director of the theological college died on September 2, 2011 at the age of 85, i.e. he was born in 1926.

 "Biographer Cornelius clarifies that the Chancellor's father, Horst Kasner, who was born on August 6, 1926 in Berlin, was given the surname Kazmirchek at birth." He is considered a Polish Jew, but there is not much difference between Germans and Jews.

 Of course, you can tell us there are symbols everywhere, but other people are sitting in the chat and you know how inquisitive they are .... Pope Merkel's surnames: Kasner and kaiser - the German monarch.

 Kazmirchek and Kazimir - Saint Kazimir - the patron saint of Poland.

 The deceased Horst Kasner was the son of Joachim (Adolf Hitler) - Karl Franz Joseph, and Angela Merkel is the granddaughter of Adolf Hitler.

 Merkel is Hitler's great-granddaughter.

 Hitler [1882-1950] (eldest son of Wilhelm II [1860-1940]) - son [1904-2008] - grandson [1936-2016] (father Merkel, 1926-2011) - Merkel b.1956 (1954)

 And the Pope was holding a candle.

Our historical past smears us with the need for peace. But at the same time, we use the entire arsenal of means that would put in a barrel of shit this Komsomol fucking and mix it with the shit cutting from the shovel, in order to avoid civil conflict in Germany, as a consequence of the possible imposition of martial law and the cancellation of elections. We know what they do with the curator. And if we are not heard, our radical pacifism will not know the limits of the possible, and also, we will not choose decent expressions and just mix this shit 💩 in flour. 

How veterans of Putin's special services dragged Deutsche bank and Merkel into a mega laundry.

According to FinCEN documents, U.S. financial intelligence found that the organizers of the money laundering channel through Deutsche Bank are shadow bankers Alexei Kulikov, Oleg Belousov, Andrey Gorbatov. According to operational data, the latter two live in Cyprus, where they purchased a local bank CDB.

The lion's share in this bank is the convicted shadow banker Ivan Myazin. Whitebeard is the custodian of part of myazin's capital. During the investigation of ivan Myazin's laundering channel through Deutsche Bank, interesting points come out. It turns out that the relations between the "partners" were not cloudless: as the investigation established, Alexey Kulikov simply embezzled money, which allegedly went to bribe officials of Deutsche Bank. At the same time, Kulikov's only attempt to bribe an employee of the internal control department of Deutsche Bank ended in a scandal and an internal investigation, as a result of which the structures of Myazin, Kulikov, Belousov and Ko were deprived of the opportunity to launder money through Deutsche Bank. Even Kulikov's personal acquaintance with the now former head of Deutsche Bank's Moscow office, Yerg Bongarz, did not help, and he brought him to the bank. Thus, the whole laundering system, which was created by Belousov and Gorbatov for more than one year, was put at risk: instead of inventing how to bypass control for newly created sites, it was easier to buy existing financial companies with a history and everything else already admitted to work as clients of Deutsche Bank. For example, one of these companies was The Financial Bridge or Rye, Man and Gor Securities, which was overseen by Andrey Gorbatov. A special role was given to Gorbatov's assistant Oleg Shevelev, whose responsibilities included the selection of nominal executives of these companies. The truth and here was not without scandal: according to Ivan Myazin, Gorbatov owed him 1.5 million dollars, and then went on an independent voyage.

We read the testimony of a witness in the case of the theft of funds of Promsberbank, the accused of which are all the organizers of the laundering channel through Deutsche Bank- Myazin, Kulikov, Belousov. The witness describes in detail all the mechanisms of this laundry. "Lantana Trade, ErgoInvest, like many other campaigns, was the "centre" of fundraising, was one of the knees of the complex scheme. Accounts of such campaigns were opened only in the audited banks, which managed to establish personal contact with the management, obtain guarantees of the safety of funds and the timeliness of their further dispatch. Danske Bank and banks in Cyprus (e.g. Trust Bank, CDB) were also involved in the withdrawal. There were payments through UK banks.

Lantana Trade, ErgoInvest were fully controlled by Myazin, Kulikov, Belousov.

These persons, going from simple to complex, constantly improved their criminal activities, involving specialists, including former secret service officers who investigated criminal cases, on the basis of their knowledge and with their participation introduced elements in their criminal schemes to let law enforcement agencies on the wrong track, confuse and hinder the investigation of criminal activity. So there is confusion. What is called "Landromat" and "Mirror Deals" are different ways of reaching foreign accounts with money. Several criminal schemes were combined in Landromat.

Myazin, Kulikov, Belousov and Gorbatov are involved in the development, implementation and use of other persons criminal schemes to conceal criminal sources of origin of money (for remuneration). They produced and provided fictitious documents, made fake transactions aimed at legalizing criminal proceeds, usually outside the Russian Federation....Myazin, Kulikov and Belousov knew how the system of control in Western banks works, as they have long worked with them. Kulikov had connections in Frankfurt, where he received recommendations and advice, so he could agree to work with Deutsche Bank, as he knew the head of the Moscow office, and then it was a matter of technology. Myazin, Kulikov and Belousov knew how to prepare such documents, which no one could verify, especially since Deutsche Bank and Dansk Bank did not have such a security service as Russian banks, which have ties with the Interior Ministry and the FSB. The company's company or Kei Vaisi service in Russia does not work, we can deceive anyone. And when the scheme opened, the traders were made extreme. Do you really think that traders made their own decision, with whom and in what volumes to work? Of course, Deutsche Bank's greed played a role. The deals were beneficial to the bank. With a turnover of 10 billion dollars, the bank received at least half a percent of the commission."

       Continuation follows ...

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