Yeast-free pizza dough!

Yeast-free pizza dough!

Tea made with yeast requires time-consuming preparation and some skill. However, not everyone has the time to wait 30-60 minutes for the dough to come up. You want to enjoy delicious pizza deals in Islamabad here and now. Yeast-free dough in plates can be purchased ready-made in a store or bakery, or you can make it yourself.

Chefs from the country's leading pizzerias prepare both traditional yeast pizza dough and non-yeast dough. Pizza not dough without yeast is much more loved by customers than pizza with traditional dough.


Can you quickly cook pizza in a pan without using yeast?

This recipe for pizza dough is a lifesaver for many when you need to cook something beautiful, tasty, and satisfying in record time.

In a deep bowl, you need to mix 1 cup of kefir or yogurt, 1.5 flour, a chicken egg, and a spoonful of vegetable oil. Also, baking powder and 1 pinch of salt must be added to the dough. Tisto is thoroughly mixed with a whisk or fork, laid out in a pan. The filling can be anything.


Non-yeast dough for pizza with milk

This dough is an excellent base for pizza with absolutely any filling. Even a novice culinary specialist can handle it. Tisto turns out to be soft and tender, and the pizza cooked on it is crispy and aromatic.

To prepare this dough, you need to mix a glass of milk and 2 and a half glasses of flour. Also, 2 chicken eggs, a pinch of salt, and 2-3 tablespoons of oil are added to the dough. The ingredients are mixed first with a fork, and then with greased hands until thickened. For 10-15 minutes, the dough is put to "rest". During this time, you can prepare the filling.


Attention! Milk can be replaced with kefir, yogurt, or medium-fat sour cream.


Tisto for pizza with vegetable oil

If you want to make pizza dough without yeast and milk, then this recipe is perfect. To prepare such dough, you need to sift the flour in the amount of 3 full glasses in advance. Baking powder and salt are added to the flour, as well as 4 tablespoons of olive or any other oil.

Water is added to the dough last (half a glass). Tisto needs to be needed for about 10 minutes until it becomes as soft, elastic, and pliable as possible.

To prepare the pizza base, the dough or part of it must be rolled into a ball, and then transferred to a mold or baking sheet. So that the dough without yeast does not lose its elasticity and airiness, it does not need to be rolled out with a rolling pin. The pizza base is formed by hand by stretching.


Plate for pizza with mineral water

To prepare this type of dough, you should use table mineral water, not medicinal. In the second case, a characteristic taste may appear in the Pizza Delivery base.

Tisto in this version can be needed directly on the kitchen table without using any special dishes. A slide is made of flour on the surface of the table. In this slide, you need to make a small depression and carefully place 2 chicken eggs, salt, and half a glass of sparkling mineral water in it.

Tisto is easy to mix with your hands. It turns out to be quite elastic and does not lose its shape, so you can safely roll it out on the table, and only then place a layer of dough on a baking sheet or in a baking dish.


Tisto for pizza without yeast and eggs

This yeast- and egg-free pizza dough is also quick and easy to prepare. First, you need to combine a glass of kefir with a spoonful of soda and leave it on the table for about 10 minutes. When the specified time is up, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, a spoonful of salt, and 2-2.5 tablespoons of olive or some other vegetable oil to the mixture. Sift flour in small portions into the dough. When the flour in the amount of one and a half glasses is added, then the dough must be needed with your hands, until it stops sticking to them. Such dough should “rest” under cling film for about 30 minutes. It is advisable to put it in the refrigerator.


Tisto for pizza and using beer

If there is neither kefir, nor eggs, nor sour cream in the refrigerator, but there is a can of beer and a little flour, then you can make pizza dough from these ingredients. You will also need a teaspoon of salt. Of course, this dough will not turn out to be completely yeast-free, since the beer contains yeast.

To knead the dough, you need to shift 1.5 glasses of beer with 1.5 glasses of flour, add salt.

The finished dough should be wrapped in a dry towel and left to rise in a warm place for 30-40 minutes. Tisto turns out to be not very thick; you do not need to be afraid of this. The finished pizza will have a delicate taste and, literally, melt in your mouth.


What else do you need to know about yeast-free dough?

Few people know that:

1. There are several types of yeast-free dough. This includes shortbread dough, puff pastry, butter, unleavened, and many others.

2. Any dough contains a large number of vitamins and microelements, which is why a person who has eaten something flour does not feel hunger for a long time.

3. Baking from yeast-free dough in moderation can be consumed even by those on a strict diet.



Thus, if guests unexpectedly found themselves on the doorstep, then for them you can cook pizza on the yeast-free dough. Yeast-free pizza is loved by both adults and children.


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