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Welcome to /y/ : PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING /y/ is for sharing 2D male homosexual NSFW content (sex full nudity etc) This is an image board so post fullsized images. When making a new thread check the catalog >>>/y/catalog to make sure a thread for that series/content doesn't already exist If you do make a thread post 5-6 images to get the thread going. Gay content that doesn't belong here Real life gay >>>/hm/ SFW gay >>>/cm/ Strange gay (cuntboys, dickgirls etc) >>>/d/ Shota (prepubescent males) >>>/b/ Furries >>>/b/
Pokemon /Pokemen Thread : Previous thread: >>2915663
BL Discussion Thread #89 : Read any good BL recently? Drop your recs and read along here! Recs: >https://controlc.com/3f481614 >https://pinboard.in/u:yrecs (NEEDS UPDATING - see below for details) BL Licensers and How to Request from Them: >https://controlc.com/e327bf9b Project JUNE Download: >https://projectjune.dreamwidth.org/473.html Tiermakers: >https://tiermaker.com/user/579020 Bonus questions: >What’s your favorite BL cover(s)? What qualities in a BL cover makes you want to read the manga inside? Previous thread >>2956422
Resident evil : I feel like I have most Leon pics that are floating around, but for the off chance that I'm missing some important ones, time for a new RE thread
/y/ - DrawThread #139 : RULES (PLEASE READ THEM): 1) Be nice to everyone especially to drawfriends. 2) Reference pics ARE MANDATORY along with specifics & details IN ONE POST. BE MINDFUL BEFORE HITTING POST. Combine them in MSPaint and compress with TinyJPG. No excuses. 3) Don't expect your request to be done straight away, or even at all - not every request is going to get done. If you think it's been overlooked, wait a while and relink or repost it. If you're repeating an overlooked request in a new thread, try to include references. 4) Stick to fictional characters. Fictional characters from live action film/television are acceptable, just not the actor themselves. ie MCU Captain America requests are fine, but no Chris Evans requests. 5) Don't be greedy - no begging for repeat or multiple fills. It's ungrateful to the drawfags who put their own time into filling for you. 6) Usual board and global rules apply - no yiff, no cuntboys or other hardcore /d/, make sure they're legal, etc. If you're worried about whether it's too extreme or not, use Imgur or /i/. 7) If you're looking to add criticism to a drawfag's work, please do so in a respectful manner. 8) Make sure your ref is clear and big enough to see. 9) NO THREAD DERAILMENT 10) When thread reaches bump limit, please wait until current thread reaches page 8 of the catalog before making a new one. >Collection of Deliveries: http://y-drawthreads.booru.org/ *use your extra energy to archive deliveries in the booru >Drawing books, tutorials, practice websites and drawing programs: http://pastebin.com/4CpXsY7a >Color thread >>>/y/color >Edit thread >>>/y/edit >Drawing books, tutorials, practice websites and drawing programs: http://pastebin.com/4CpXsY7a >Drawing tips (/ic/ sticky) >>>/ic/1579290 Previous thread: >>2955321 >Temporary discord link, incase spam gets too heated https://discord.gg/hwcKhb5rqW
Bulge/Thong/Underwear thread : old one died
Rape Thread #2 : 1) Images should be clearly identified as non-consensual. 2) Images should be of high quality, no images for ants, please. 3) Usual board and global rules apply - no yiff, no cuntboys or other hardcore /d/. If you're worried about whether it's too extreme or not, use https://catbox.moe/ or https://pomf.cat/ to upload files. Collection of past rape threads, from oldest to newest. #1 https://boards.fireden.net/y/thread/2320803/ #2 https://archived.moe/y/thread/2373364/ #3 https://archived.moe/y/thread/2717679/ #4 https://archived.moe/y/thread/2834007/ #5 https://archived.moe/y/thread/2860449/ #6 https://archived.moe/y/thread2912412/
Fromsoft Thread #2 : Last thread: >>2942101
Mabatake/Maraparte/Mabataki : Anyone have any of these to share? https://mabataki.fanbox.cc/posts?page=1
Miyamura x Ishigami? : We need to ishigami x miyamura. THe 2 best bois of all time, together. Artists of 4chan, I call upon you once again.
Golden Kamuy #2 : Previous Thread: >>2887545
Which male character do you want to fuck and why
What are characters everyone seems to draw porn of, but you find them ugly?
Dick Too Big : Time for what might be a neat thread - post art of dudes with giant dicks.
The last Fire Emblem thread maxed out. Starting a new one. Post whoever , just no shota. Small tops are welcome .
Let’s play a stupid game : Post an image of a character and label it such as: >twink >twunk >bara Or anything else that comes to your mind
Masked/Helmet thread : let's goo prev thread: >>2914948
James Cameron's Avatar : Avatar: The Way of Water is finally coming out at the end of the year. Time to post some hot Na'vi guys. Also, been looking all over for a couple really hot and well-drawn pics of a Na'vi fucking a blonde human that I'd love to re-add to my collection if at all possible so if anyone has those, I'd really appreciate seeing them here again after so long.
Can we have a Graeco-Roman thread? : Erotic artwork and scenes inspired by classical antiquity. Ancient Egypt and other civilizations are fine too.
Free! : The movie's coming out soon, so let's have a thread.
Chubfag thread #4 : Previous thread >>2879664 And yes, you’ve just read that in his voice.
Ace Attorney Thread : Big gay lawyer edition
Marvel Boys : Keep 'em coming (and cumming) Last thread: >>2951366
Spiderman thread : Anything related about spiderman. Preferably cumming through spandex
Sexual awakenings : Post some moment or a character that sexually awakened you. It's a free-for-all, so post sfw or nsfw if you want.
Feet Thread : Tickling,Footjobs,Sockjobs,Worshipping,Socks,etc
Countryhumans thread : Bonus points for Russia x America
Body hair contrast thread : Hairy men on smooth boys
Screenshot Edit Thread : NO FANART, NO COLORING, ONLY OFFICIAL MATERIAL 1- This thread is for editing still frames from preferably official 2D sources. It includes cartoons, anime, comics, game art and concept. 3D is also welcome as long it's official, but it's up to the editors. 2- Things that does not go in this thread: - Fanart (it includes youtube or amateur animations). - Coloring requests - Anything that goes agains the general rules of the board (like shota or furries) 3- Some quality guidelines for better results - The higher the resolution, the better result. Big screenshots make the editor’s life easy on matching the dick with the screenshot. - Try to get screenshots with fewer clothes or visible body contour. A good amount of crotch view is also recommendable. - Put the desired details for the edit on the request (like pubes, soft or hard, veiny, cut or uncut). Asking for remakes after an editor delivers is rude and unpleasant. - When you post a screenshot for editing all you can wait for is a penis. All other than this WILL BE UP FOR THE EDITOR. So, if you are polite enough, maybe you will get your average sized or floppy dick, try not to be too demanding. - It’s ok if the resolution is not that great, mainly because some shows are hard to find in decent resolution, but don’t wait for it to be edited. Also don’t ask why is you screenshot untouched if you posted shit. And don’t resize a shitty screenshot, is easy to notice. - Let’s try to have some variety, is nice to have different shows. Also, try no to ask for 9000 edits of the same animation. - Let’s all be polite and stop saying some show is ruining the thread, or focusing hate in the usual requesters, it just clutters the thread. If you think that someone is being a troll, just ignore and POST ANYTHING INTERESTING TO BE EDITED.
Robot Thread 3 : Previous thread: >>2865616
Star Wars : Let's see some Kenobi cock
Color thread : Remember to: 1. Use high quality images 2. No begging or spamming, go jack off to something else in the meantime. This is a slow board as is 3. Have fun :D You're coloring after all! Feel free to even color already fulfilled requests! Previous thread: >>2929394 https://boards.fireden.net/y/thread/2929394/
/y/ Writethread : RULES (PLEASE READ THEM): 1) Be nice friendly to the writefags - they're drawing for you, after all. Also, be nice and friendly to non-writefags as well. 2) Specifics, details, and character reference pics are always appreciated, and increase the likelihood of your request being fulfilled. 3) Don't expect your request to be done straight away, or even at all - not every request is going to get done. If you think it's been overlooked, wait a while and relink or repost it. If you're repeating an overlooked request in a new thread, try to include everything contained in the original request. Don't just link back to your post in the last thread since chances are it will have already become a dead link. 4) Stick to fictional characters. Fictional characters from live action film/television are acceptable, just not the actor themselves. ie MCU Captain America requests are fine, but no Chris Evans requests. 5) Don't be greedy - no begging for repeat or multiple fills. It's ungrateful to the writefags who put their own time into filling for you. 6) Usual board and global rules apply - no yiff, no cuntboys or other hardcore /d/, make sure they're legal, etc. 7) If you're looking to add criticism to a writefag's work, please do so in a respectful manner.
Uncut cock thread : Previous thread died so here it is again! As usual, no shitty arguments in the cut vs. uncut debacle. Everyone's tired of it.
Miraculous Ladybug Thread : Haven‘t seen one in a while. So lets do that!
Sniffing / Smelling / Musk : Guys getting sniffed or generally musky scenarios. Pits, balls, asses, whatever.
Ass Thread : Post pictures of well drawn asses
Evangelion : 'Cause the old one's gone.
ART/Y/ST thread #1 : >Why this thread? We already have drawthreads! Considering fujos are chased away from /aco/, /h/, and /ic/'s salt thread, /cm/ (due to board rules), that /trash/ and /d/ are a bit hardcore and that our current drawthreads are full of greedy beggars and crabs that should go back to /ic/, I've noticed our brother board /cm/ encourages to post work that isn't just from requests. Rules : Draw dicks but don't be a dick, SFW can go to /cm/'s drawthread instead. Put your art here if you wouldn't want people to open it at work. Not posting your work make any of your negative comment not worth anything. Critique ≠ Crabbing. Critique is encouraged, especially if OP asked for it >Misc Posting any kind of drawing challenge be it with outfit or r63 originally female characters is encouraged, and posting writing as well is appreciated >Ressources to draw the male body : Constructive Anatomy - Bridgman https://fr1lib.org/book/614638/19074e line of action : any male category https://line-of-action.com/ Study from your favorite BL artists >Discord invite : https://discord.gg/y4T7SY7Qwr
Video Game / Vidya Thread : Post guys from roleplaying, dating, fighting, shooter, mobile, gacha, etc. games. You name it! Have guys from lesser known games to shine as well.
Haven't seen a decensor thread in a while. : If anyone with the skills are up to make this some anons happy, please fell free to
Catboy thread : Bonus if they don't have the 4 ears cursed combo
/k/ : Guns, knives, all kinds of weapons. Bonus points for uniforms.
Monster thread #13 : Any monster welcome (not furry ofc)
Jojo thread 6 : Last thread got archived, keep it going. For Jojo Degeneracy related discussions, add Pizano#6160 on discord to gain access for the main server.
NU: carnival Thread : Previous thread: >>2949121 Reddit Q&A/resources thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/ufgfj0/megathread_qa_welcome_to_nucarnival_may_2022/ H-scene collection spreadsheet: >>2947978 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sQskUhJNvS_I410xPG5e8torcNZc6knlo3Avgd5f2Kw/edit?usp=sharing
Taint/Underbutt Appreciation? : Anyone else have an undying love for this area? The bottom view of the butt cheeks, the taint leading to the backsack... I just want to stick my face in there! <3
Nipples : Anything nipple related. Big nipples, nipple play, etc. Sauce: https://twitter.com/takezamurai/status/1481915347997396995?cxt=HHwWhsCsiYqK6ZApAAAA
Killing Stalking : I'm about to finish my third reread after finishing it for the first time late last year. How about you guys? And tell me, is it worthy of either the praise of the vitriol it receives?
Mobile Suit Gundam [Any] : Can we get a Gundam thread going? Will take anything I can get and I think its about time people share.
Hilariously Bad Art : Post some of the worst yaoi art you can find.
Wuxia/Chinese High Fantasy : TGCF, MDZS, SVSSS, 2HA, etc, and all other ancient Asian gays.
Smaller Tops : Old thread maxed out. Have a new one! No shota obviously. Doesn't matter if the smaller top is submissive or dominant.
Expressive Tops : Tops going wild and feral with a stupid smile and tongue out, rutting like an affectionate idiot, Sweaty brutes putting their weight onto their bottom while their eyes roll back with pleasure, Evil tops with a cocky victory grin pumping themselves into the hero, Fratboys being overstimulated from a blowjob and wincing, or in other words: Top Ahegao Thread. Focus on the top's face looking pleasured. Smaller tops are welcome. Solo pics are fine too if it's penetrative pleasure (jerking off, humping etc.)
Patrick Fillion : The old thread was deleted i guess, does anyone have the file link?
Ahegao threat : Lets gooooooooooooooooooo
Bleach thread : Soul Reaper time. No small tops. If you post them, Aizen will show up.
Bondage thread : Here we go again, have fun!
Yakuza/Ryū ga Gotoku thread : Previous: >>2841003
Mermen : Hello /y/ I am here to dump "The Last Merman", probably the only installment of this series from Class Comics. Please support this thread with any and all merman yaoi. Thank you.
Orctober : a tad early but its time for a good old fashioned Orc thread
ID thread : for finding source materials does anyone know what this is an edit of?
Scooby-Doo thread 2 : Old one got archived so here is a new one with different pics from the old one!
Hypnosis | Mind Control | Brainwashing #4 : Spiralling eyes, swinging pendulums, brainwashing visors... Bring it all here!~
Tan/brown guys : Post delicious dark guys
Jack-O Pose Thread : Twitter loving the new trend so I'll just dump some photos here.
Size Difference : It's cliche but its a favorite for a reason
mouth kink : mouth kink stuff as central focus- saliva, cum, pointy teeth, drooling, too large tongues, etc. no emeto please. small tops welcome, i am a small top and i love that shit.
Flaccid Dicks : Old thread reached image limit so here's a new one, anything goes as long as it features a flaccid dick somewhere, hopefully somewhat prominently Please keep Patrick Fillion art in its own containment thread, it's there for a reason
Gay Hentai is Shit : To preface, I'm male and bisexual. Not a butthurt straight dude. With that said, why is it that yaoi is dominated by disgusting niche fetishes? Literally 95% of it is bestiality, rape, cum guzzling, pained expressions, and oversized, giga muscle, train engine penis bullshit. Is it so hard to ask for a hentai of a simple cute guy, average weight, normal penis, having normal human-on-human action who's actually enjoying himself? And don't even come at me with that twink shit telling me there's plenty of vanilla stuff. Literally 99% of vanilla yaoi is dominated by twinks. I love twinks, but it's not my entire pallet. I'm just gonna share what little decent yaoi I have.
Male Nudity : Male nudity in official anime/manga/comics thread. >No fan art/edit >Please use image searching, checking the previous thread, or looking in the archives first before asking for the source Last thread: >>2904038
Venom : IT'S CANON!! Congratulations monsterfuckers, we did it. Oh and knowing Venom will be in the new Spiderman is pretty cool too.
Muscle Growth : Anything of massive muscles and growth
The Divine Speaker : Anyone here played this gem? if so what did you guys think?
My Hero Academia thread : You know the rules: No chicks, No Mineta and NO SMALL FUCKING TOPS!!!!!
Genshin Impact thread : Anything genshin
Who is the worst artist? : And why is it Supay
BlackIce : Yes I know its 2022. I have a delayed brainrot. Pls help me.
Encanto : It's a bit late since the movie came out last year, but still.
Dead by Daylight : Post and discuss dead by daylight.
Nipple tweaking : Boys getting their nipples tweaked.
Visual Novels/Games Thread #3 : Rules > Both Visual Novels and Games allowed > Do
Sweden Shemale
Bong Webcam
Brazilian Mother Daughter Porn

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