Yandex.Music Bot

Yandex.Music Bot

Yandex.Music Bot

In other languages: Русский


  1. About
  2. Available Commands
  3. Downloading a track
  4. Downloading a playlist
  5. Downloading an album
  6. Limits
  7. F. A. Q.


@yandex_music_bot — a chat bot that allows you to download tracks and playlists from Yandex.Music for FREE, without having a subscription to the service. Free access to more than 35 million tracks only here :)

Available Commands

  • /start — Start bot/download track(s)

The rest of the commands are removed from version 1.3, in connection with the transition to a more user-friendly interface.

Downloading a track

To start searching, click "Search" and select a chat room where you will send a link to the downloaded track
In the chat that you select, the bot name appears in the message field, after which you need to enter a search query
You can enter a track name
You can also enter an artist
Or you can enter a link to a specific track
After you select a track, you and your interlocutor (the interlocutors, if it's a group chat) will see this message with the "Download track" button
The track can be previewed without leaving Telegram
After clicking on "Download track" you will be redirected to the chat with the bot, where you need to press START
After that, the bot will start downloading the track
Upon termination you will receive a track
You can download and listen to it

Downloading a playlist

Downloading is possible only from PUBLIC playlists

Downloading a playlist occurs in a similar way, you only need either a link to the user's playlists
Or a link to a specific playlist
A similar message with a button
Listening to a playlist without leaving Telegram
After launching the download, the bot will send you all the tracks from the playlist
And they can also be listened

Downloading an album

Downloading an album occurs also in a similar way, you only need either a link to the artist's page
Or a link to a specific album
A similar message with a button
Listening to an album without leaving Telegram
After launching the download, the bot will send you all the tracks from the album
And they can also be listened


Starting from the Version 1.2, we add one limiting rule for downloadings. You can't download a track if its size exceeds 20 megabytes. This restriction was added due to the fact that we have little space for temporary storage of tracks on our host, and we need to deliver a lot of tracks multithreaded.

Note: if you download an album or a playlist, restriction works only on one track, not whole playlist or album.

F. A. Q.

Will appear when there are questions. You can ask any question through our support bot, except those you can find here.

Report Page