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BootyTape (BTP) is a Private Torrent Tracker for Amateur XXX Releases.

users like Request torrents in the forum
Help forum solves users’ problems
Good safety measures to incentive contributions among members
Over 22,000 SEEDED torrents
View torrents by top weekly
Lots of tags to find new torrents
Good sorting options
Torrents feature tags in torrent listings
Add torrents to bookmarks for later downloading
Minimal design that works
Donate a few bucks to fix ratio

BootyTape has been around since 2014. Log onto the torrent site, though, and it probably isn't apparent. That's because Booty Tape looks like a forum from a time of the Internet long past. This is by design, though. Because Booty Tape requires users to sign up for a free account and download/upload a certain ratio before they can see all of the torrents on the site, it cracks down on people that are not willing to contribute to this community.
By placing limits on who can download pornography, Booty Tape creates a community that is incentivized around everyone pulling their weight. It's a feat that few torrent sites ever accomplish. Pay a visit and sign up for a free account today to see if Booty Tape is worth the daily visit.
Community is the theme at Booty Tape. It's one of the key elements that keep the torrent site working as functionally and smooth as it does. One example of Booty Tape using its community to improve the torrent site is giving users the ability actually to request torrents within the forum itself.
It’s a fantastic way to start a dialogue between members and users alike. Those that go out of their way and sacrifice their time to upload the best ebony pornography always want to know what people are on the lookout for. The ability to speak directly to them and make requests is essential to ensuring that only the best and most wanted ebony porn is being put out there on Booty Tape.
For those that download torrents even a little bit, it's annoying when the service doesn't work. When this happens, it's often impossible to reach out to the site owner/administrator and ask them to fix the issue. Torrents are a bit Wild West anyway: if a person cannot get the torrent site to work, often the consensus is that the onus is on them.
If ThePornDude has taught porn aficionados anything, it's that getting good porn shouldn't be difficult. Although torrent sites are not perfect and there are a lot of things happening behind the scenes to ensure things flow smoothly, this doesn't always happen. That's why Booty Tape's help forum is so essential when things don't go a downloader's way.
If a person finds difficulties using Booty Tape in any way, all they have to do is mention it in a new thread on the help forum. From there, regular users will help them when they have a moment. Keep in mind that people should not, 'bump,' or keep nagging the users on the forum for help. They will get to users in due time: be patient and understand that solving everyone's issues takes time.
Booty Tape is an old school torrent site. To get the benefit of downloading porn and gaining access to all of its torrents, users have to contribute. The rules are listed here , and it's worth reading. It explains ratios, the ratio one must have to continue using Booty Tape, and behavior that will not be tolerated while talking in the forum.
The only thing new users have to know about ratios is simple. They must download and upload at least 1MB of content within 24-hours, or their account will be deleted. Once this prerequisite has been met, users can then access every torrent on Booty Tape.
That's right! 22,000 videos may not seem like a lot in terms of a free tube site. When factoring in that this is all full-length ebony content that's seeded though, it becomes infinitely more impressive. The users on Booty Tape are adding new content all the time, too. The ability to give registered users the latest and hottest ebony porn is only possible when people seed and contribute their fair share.
Understand now why Booty Tape is so strict with requiring its users to fair and keep a proper ratio? Booty Tape – and torrent sites like it – live and die only by the users that seed content. Sharing is the best thing a person can do on a website like this. It ensures that the community stays active and that ebony fans have a resource for acquiring hot and sexy black pornography.
Because finding the hottest and newest ebony pornography is paramount to Booty Tape's success, the torrent site must make it easy to find hot, recent content. This is accomplished thanks to Booty Tape's Top Weekly Torrents tab at the top of the homepage. Click the tab at the top, and Booty Tape will show you the most popular torrents from the past week. It's an easy way to discover what's best at the moment.
Booty Tape is all about choices. When a person knows exactly the type of black pornography, they want to view, obtaining it should be a breeze. It is on Booty Tape. Once a person finds a tag that appeals to them, all they have to do is click it.
From there, users can find torrents that match that tag. They can then download the appropriate torrent displayed in the tag list. It's an easy solution that makes finding the right torrent beyond convenient. It's a good call on Booty Tape's part and one that should be implemented in other torrent sites.
The ability to sort torrents easily and across multiple dimensions cannot be understated. Especially when dealing with so many torrents and different types of content, people need to be able to search and find the content they desire properly.
Booty Tape achieves this by allowing users to sort by the following: most downloaded, largest size, most seeds/leechers, most times completed, and most thank you’s. The last sorting factor could be useful for those looking for users that are synonymous with their quality uploads and attention to their seeding ratio. Finding these types of torrents could yield faster download speeds though nothing is ever set in stone when it comes to approximate download speeds on torrent sites.
 One of the most welcomed additions to the torrent listings on Booty Tape is the inclusion of tags within the listings themselves. It’s just one of the few good pieces of information a person will find in listings on Booty Tape. Listings feature good information such as title, number of files, uploader, number of times thanked, number of comments, size, number of files, and whether the uploader is trusted. They even have thumbnails in the torrent so people can get an idea of what the content looks like.
Whether a person is unable to download a torrent at the moment or their ratio is too low, it's annoying when one finds a good torrent but is unable to download it for whatever reason. What can a person do when this happens? Adding it to the browser's bookmark folder doesn't work because the address of the torrent could quickly move.
Booty Tape has solved this problem. The torrent site allows users to bookmark torrents directly onto the site for later downloading. When it's time to download a torrent that was previously favorited, log back in and go to the bookmarks tab at the top of the homepage. There, members will be able to download the content they were saving for a later date right away!
That’s because it is a forum! It can be tricky to use at first for those unfamiliar with using forums. Spend a few moments on Booty Tape, though, and it becomes clear that the minimal design for the site works. Everything is categorized well, reaching out for help is easy, and it's just convenient to be able to download the newest and hottest ebony porn on the planet.
Paying for bandwidth is serious business. When it comes to allowing people to meet in one place and share full ebony movies, those costs climb astronomically. To keep the community sharing, Booty Tape has placed emphasis on keeping one's ratio at an appropriate level at all times.
Now, life gets in the way. It’s impossible to share and keep one’s ratio at its best. That’s why Booty Tape allows users to donate to their bandwidth costs to fix their ratio. It's not extortion, just a quick way to fix one's ratio when they've failed to live up to their end of the bargain. Donations usually cost a few bucks, so it's not going to break the bank for most people. It fixes the issue for the user; Booty Tape is that much closer to paying for that month’s bandwidth costs, it’s a win-win for everyone.

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Xxxbootytape adalah situs torrent, cara nyaman untuk mendapatkan bokep tanpa harus membayar sepeser pun. Aku tahu beberapa orang akan bilang, “di negaraku itu ilegal”, tapi hei, dukung aktor atau aktris favorit yang meluncurkan proyek baru. Tapi sekali lagi, memangnya aku bicara sama siapa? ThePornDude tidak bisa mengajari bagaimana kalian harus menjalani hidup dan karena itu, izinkan aku langsung membahas apa yang ditawarkan situs ini. Banyak orang yang suka berkirim berkas via metode peer to peer dan kalau kalian juga begitu, kalian pasti terkesan.

Hal pertama yang harus dikatakan ThePornDude adalah, situs ini membutuhkan registrasi. Hanya itu cara untuk mengakses konten. Pendaftarannya gratis dan hanya membutuhkan beberapa menit. Kalau kalian punya waktu, silakan. Registrasi dimaksudkan untuk menghentikan bot dan spam yang berakibat negatif pada situs ini. Seperti yang mereka bilang, mendaftar akan memberi akses pada jaringan privat sehingga kalian bisa mengunduh dan berbagi konten XXX.

Dan apa yang bisa kalian temukan di sini? Pertanyaan bagus. Ada gabungan konten profesional dari situs besar, tetapi fokus tertentu pada konten amatir buatan sendiri, dan intinya apa pun yang bisa membuat kalian keras dalam kenyamanan ruang tamu. Kalian bisa melihat aksi wanita dengan wanita. Pencinta hentai juga akan menemukan torrent kegemaran mereka, dan ThePornDude yakin kalian tidak sabar ingin melihat adegan remaja tentakel. Kalau begitu, Xxxbootytape sangat layak dikunjungi. Walaupun kebanyakan konten berasal dari produser terkemuka, kadang juga ada konten amatir. Secara keseluruhan, situs ini seeksotis dua cewek berkulit gelap yang bersantai di samping logo dengan struktur wajah menarik.

Xxxbootytape bisa dibilang mengkhususkan diri pada konten dewasa walaupun ada konten lain yang daya tariknya tergantung pada siapa yang membaca ulasan ini. Kalian bisa melihat pratinjau di formulir registrasi. Hal lain yang perlu diperhatikan adalah kewajiban untuk mengunggah, dan kebijakan mereka adalah: kalian harus mengunggah paling tidak setengah dari yang diunduh. Jujur, menurut ThePornDude kebijakan itu adil karena praktik itu membuat torrent terus hidup. Anggota baru harus mengunduh sedikitnya 1 MB, atau akun kalian akan dihapus dalam 24 jam. Situs ini tidak punya waktu untuk orang yang tidak berniat mengunduh. Ingat, semua materi dewasa eksklusif di Xxxbootytape disediakan untuk promosi saja, semua konten NOT FOR SALE.

Xxxbootytape relatif mudah ditelusuri, dan tautannya lumayan lancar walaupun kalian harus mendaftar untuk mengakses sebagian besar. Desainnya? Sama sekali tidak cantik. Siapa pun yang memutuskan untuk menggunakan warna latar hitam ini pantas dipuji. ThePornDude memberi nilai sedikit di atas rata-rata dalam hal ini.

Ngomong-ngomong, situs ini 100% bebas iklan. ThePornDude tidak menemukan satu iklan pun, sangat mengejutkan. Secara keseluruhan, kalau kalian tertarik dengan ide bokep gratis dan torrent, situs ini layak dikunjungi. Katakan pada semua orang bahwa ThePornDude bilang kalian harus mulai menggunakan Booty Tape. Mereka suka kalau direkomendasikan pada pengguna baru yang punya niat mengunduh dan berbagi bokep terbaik.

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