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This is only a test. I am using swype which is cool.

Menstrual: (Menstruation) is the periodic discharge of blood and mucousal tissue from the endometrium lining of the uterus. Doula: A trained and experienced professional who provides continuous…
“ In fact, although you can watch buckets of fake blood merrily sploodging out of heads and torsos because of fists, bullets, knives, car accidents, grenades, bombs, breaking glass, garrotes, machetes, falling buildings, swords, laser beams, airline crashes, or hungry mutant zombies, rarely will you ever see a single drop as a result of menstruation.
When you read that in the late 19th century some female murderers were granted mercy in trial when they were on their period at the time of the murder
Reproductive Fact of the Day #4: Which hormones are involved in the menstrual cycle and what do they do?
New York Times recommends MUM, which has exhibits about the world cultural history of menstruation and women’s health
Raspberry Leaf: A Lady’s Best Friend
New York City wants to provide free tampons to address menstruation stigma. NY City Council is discussing the benefits of providing free menstrual products to women and girls at schools, shelters, prisons
How long have you had it? How often do you replace it? 
DivaCup.com recommends once a year, on average, depending on how well it’s been cleaned and such, but says it’s ultimately up to the user.
A very interesting idea. Menstruation education is definitely important!
one of the many things we’ll be discussing at A-Camp ’s period workshop, Bloody Hell: A Menstruation Feelings Atrium
but seriously, that`s just ridiculous and not ok.
There are four main players when it comes to hormones involved in the menstrual cycle:
They all have different effects. Estrogen is responsible for stimulating the growth of the endometrium while progesterone maintains it. LH surges and induces ovulation and FSH stimulates the follicles to grow until ovulation.
The day you start your period is considered day 1 of the cycle. Ovulation occurs about 14 days before you start your period, this is the approximate half-way point if your cycle is 28 days long.
At day one, estrogen and progesterone levels are low (because the lining is being shed). LH is also low at day one, but FSH is in the process of stimulating the ovaries to grow a mature follicle (there is a feedback mechanism from the maturing follicle that prevents other follicles from being ovulated and this happens in only one ovary). 
A few days prior to ovulation (day 14 on the above chart) estrogen peaks. This induces progesterone to be released to maintain the endometrial lining. LH and FSH both surge at ovulation and the mature follicle (containing the ovum) ruptures, releasing the ovum into the abdominal cavity.
The follicle remnants left behind turn into the corpus luteum which produces progesterone, estrogen, and a substance that inhibits FSH (this makes sense because if we’ve released an egg, we don’t want our follicles to continue to mature in case of pregnancy). The progesterone makes the lining of the uterus thicker for implantation in case of pregnancy.
If no pregnancy occurs, eventually the progesterone stops being produced by the corpus luteum (which atrophies and dies after awhile if pregnancy does not occur), the lining is shed, and the cycle begins again.
This is a fabulous site…I’ve spent nearly two hours perusing it. Such interesting topics and insight! It’s refreshing to see such open discussion on the menstrual cycle. ( For the sake of being inclusive, please note that not all women menstruate or have the organs which do so. Some men menstruate, because they have the organs which do so .)
reblogging for awesome message of inclusion! and y'all should definitely check out mum if you haven’t already xoxo
Raspberry leaf , especially as a tea, is an excellent herb to balance hormones during menstruation and pregnancy. It is naturally high in magnesium , potassium , iron and B-vitamins , which helps with cramping and aches, as well as nausea. It also contains a high concentration of vitamin C , which makes it a good tea to drink when you’re ill, as well. —- Source
Idk why but I keep imagining changing my cup in space and the mess but also the great photo potential.
I would never go into space though!
Menstruation, masturbation, and meditation.
Im 14 and i just got my period today but of couse my mom and sister only use tampons… im now wearing a baby diaper… it feel like im peeing… this is not pleasent…
I always, always know when my period is going to start, because of the dreams I have the night before. They’re extremely erotic, lesbian dreams (I identify as a 2.5 on the Kinsey scale, so this isn’t totally out of the realm of sexual fantasy, but still a nice little surprise). The dreams are quite vivid and graphic, and I remember all of them the next morning. I got my first period at 10, but this didn’t start happening until I was 13 (embarrassingly enough, I remember the first one being about none other than Britney Spears). That was before I was comfortable with my sexual preference, though, so it used to make me really uncomfortable. I’m 18 now and to a point where I quite enjoy the dreams. I like to think of them as a really, REALLY good metaphor for my womanhood :)
So I was on a school trip to Washington DC this weekend. 15 hour bus trip, no biggie. Planned for my period to come on the last day, no biggie. It didn’t come, which was a good thing.
Then it decided to come on the bus ride home. 7 hours left. I swear to god I was about to cry. Can Mother Nature have worse timing? I bled through my sweatpants and possibly onto the seat of the bus, but thank god the seats were a dark color. I would have died.

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.
Sounds perfect
Wahhhh, I don’t wanna




diareha Russian girl is in the toilet

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