Xiaomi Mi 11 | Changelog (27th of June 2022 Build)

Xiaomi Mi 11 | Changelog (27th of June 2022 Build)

  • Etude kernel: Op.12 Op.2 bringup :
  • This build may have Bluetooth Audio issues! Look up for latest
The kernel source has been rebased and cleaned up!
Merged LA.UM.9.14.r1-19800-LAHAINA.QSSI13.0
Has been built with Prelude Clang based on the latest LLVM Clang 15 source.
Enabled ThinLTO, CFI, and Shadow Call Stack.
Fixed lots of warnings from Clang 15.
Introduced a page_alloc fix from upstream that may help alleviate memory pressure.
Imported Wireguard kernel driver 1.0.20211208.
Backported lz4’s fast decompress loop from upstream lz4 1.9.3, which offers more than 10% throughput incrUpdated vendor blobs from MIUI Stable V13.0.12.0 for Mi 11 Ultra/Pro and MIUI Stable V13.0.8.0 for Mi 11ease in zram decompression
Fixed a potential lz4 out-of-bound read.
Imported the latest exFAT kernel driver backport from mainline kernel. OTG USB drive with exFAT filesystem should work now.

  • Vendor changes :
Removed included firmware, to minimize a maximum EDL bricking chances.
Updated display blobs from LA.UM.9.14.r1-19300.01-LAHAINA.QSSI12.0
Updated the display HAL from LA.UM.9.14.r1-19200-LAHAINA.QSSI12.0

  • Other fixes/improvements :
Device Tree Cleanup + fixing typos.
Optimized native executables for Cortex-A55
Synced some telephony packages and properties with QSSI

  • GNSS improvements :
Updated GNSS HAL to LA.UM.9.14.r1-19800-LAHAINA.QSSI13.0
Synced some GPS configs with stock
Picked a few NTP servers that can respond closer to your location, so your time synchronization takes less time which leads to faster location fix.
  • LZ4 :
Switched zram compression algorithm from lzo-rle to lz4lz4 with my fast decompress loop backport offers higher throughput and lower latency than lzo-rle does
lz4’s compression ratio is slightly less than lzo-rle, but Mi 11’s 8GB/12GB RAM does not encounter memory pressure very frequently, so memory bandwidth and latency is more preferable than compression ratio (quotes from jjpprrrr)

Most changes made to this CherishOS build wouldn't have been possible without jjpprrrr's work!

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