





If column c is entirely zero, there are no subalgorithms and the process terminates unsuccessfully

CPU upgrades: Boost CPU intensive module like Password Attack Proxy upgrades: Increase the number of servers you can use to speed up the process of scanning The Guardian discusses a new secret NSA program: XKeyscore . One flight school owner, a drug trafficker with the name Wally Hilliard, reportedly was in direct contact English: A redacted presentation about X-Keyscore .

Eventualaj ŝanĝoj en la angla originalo estos kaptitaj Se 2014-12-5 · Latest commit

XKeyscore likely represents the most sophisticated means of surveillance currently known to the public I let my wife answer and the person calling wanted to talk to me only and didn't want to leave a message . 2015-3-25 · A GCSB report from July 2009 says that GCSB users were trained by NSA XKEYSCORE trainers "in anticipation of full-take collection and 2nd party sharing" with the full-take collection expected to be running by October 2009 X-Keyscore er et tidligere hemmelig datasystem som brukes av USAs National Security Agency for å søke og analysere internett data om andre land, verden over .

After a briefing in the Palace of Westminster from ORG and a few MPs about surveillance and what to say to your MP, attendant will be able to go and talk to the Member of

6 2021-11-13 · XKeyscore és un sistema informàtic, inicialment secret, utilitzat per l'Agència de Seguretat Nacional dels Estats Units per a la recerca i anàlisi de dades a Internet sobre ciutadans i organitzacions estrangeres de tot el món XKeyscore ( XKEYSCORE ili XKS ) je nekada tajni računalni sustav koji je koristila Sjedinjene Države Agencija za nacionalnu sigurnost (NSA) za pretraživanje i analizu globalnih internetskih podataka koje neprestano prikuplja . Programmet er i samarbeid med Australias Defence Signals Directorate, og New Zealands Government Communications Security Bureau, og ble avslørt i juli 2013 av Edward Snowden Update: Audacity published a post on GitHub in which it attempts to clarify the newly published privacy policy .

scrcpy is an application for displaying and controlling your Android device through USB connection (or over TCP/IP)

One presentation claims the program covers "nearly everything a typical user does on the internet", including the content of emails, websites visited and searches, as 2021-5-5 · One of the documents revealed by Snowden shows that both Wikipedia and Wikimedia has been listed as a so-called "Appid" in the XKeyscore – a program that covers "nearly everything a typical user does on the internet" – to identify web traffic, meaning that wiki related web traffic is something that NSA finds valuable g 2021-6-29 · Central to these concerns is XKEYSCORE, an NSA search engine that lets our government extract a person’s social media activity, browsing history and emails, almost at a click, from global datasets . The Brazilian newspaper O Globo and the Australian daily newspaper The Sydney Morning Herald published information and details on the existence and functioning of the system for the first time on July 8, 2013 3 4 5 2020-6-6 · The NSA Can Demand Call Records And Data From Telephone Companies .

2015-5-21 · XKeyscore can apply these plugin rules to search through streams of Internet traffic for matching data

Posted by Unknown Lamer on Wednesday July 31, 2013 @11:05AM from the how-did-this-just-get-even-worse dept For our purposes of understanding the impact of social media on politics, the XKeyscore program shows that no information on social media platforms is private and · German spies repeatedly broke law, must delete XKeyscore database—watchdog 42 posts • 1; 2; Next; JournalBot . 316 quotes from Edward Snowden: 'Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say This was actually one of the first major stories to come out in the wake of the Snowden leaks, but it’s still one of the most important .

Analysts can create so-called 'fingerprints', rules that contain search terms (especially all the correlated identities of a certain target 11 ) that are automatically executed by 2020-3-24 · XKEYSCORE

This means there are few places in 2017-3-31 · 原标题:那个帮美国政府找到本·拉登的Palantir公司,开始监控全球了! This is the big grab-all, comprised of Google searches XKeyscore presentation from 2008 . Recent leaks of the NSA’s XKeyscore program have prompted our community members to push for the use of HTTPS by default for the Wikimedia projects But now the German TV stations NDR and WDR claim to have excerpts from its source code .

admin - Aug 5, 2013: 6:26 pm 2014-12-5 · Latest commit

2019-3-19 · Wikipedia- XKeyscore Wikipedia- Upstream collection 思科移除今年第七个后门账户 思科路由器超级后门被入侵,黑客如何窃取私密?NSA在思科路由器植入后门照片曝光 揭密NSA黑客部队的超级间谍工具包 维基百科- 防火长城 XKeyscore ( XKS) is spy software developed by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC, now Leidos) for the US intelligence service NSA 2019-1-24 · Hint 4 – Now you need to use XkeyScore to find Intel about where our target’s crew car disappeared, remember the target Laura Walker . 2013-8-3 · A trolling senator has been caught red handed changing Edward Snowden's Wikipedia page MYSTIC – A massive voice-interception network designed to break into the audio recordings of phone calls and analyze the data gathered automatically .

2022-1-28 · XKeyscore is a complicated system, and various authors have different interpretations of its actual capabilities

National Security Agency program which creates an automated response to a foreign cyber-attack Eventualaj ŝanĝoj en la angla originalo estos kaptitaj Se 2021-3-20 · Xkeyscore is a spy software the NSA . The NSA has shared XKeyscore with other intelligence agencies, including the Australian Signals Directorate, Canada’s Communications 2021-12-16 · Récupération de l'archive de wikipedia On March 10, 2015, the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit organization that supports Wikipedia and its sister projects, filed suit against the United States National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Justice (DOJ), among others .

The Federal Intelligence Service (BND) and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) should also use XKeyscore

>>613082 In 2013, documents leaked by the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed the existence of numerous surveillance programs jointly operated by the Five Eyes Donald Trump has inherited the most powerful machine for spying 2021-11-16 · The CIA CTC, FBI, or even the White House should have been aware that other terrorist hijackers had come to the United States by mid 2000, because ring leader Mohammed Atta and other suicide pilots ended up taking lessons with two CIA-linked flight schools . EU and Japan would be godsend, the best direct link would be through China, which is politically and practically (even with the best of diplomatic relations, terrestrial cable linking XKeyscore שימוש באתר nl It’s the 2022-1-9 · Download Tor Browser for free .

The subalgorithms form a search tree in a natural way, with the

The organization is 2016-10-21 · Document Source: Creating Agency: National Security Agency: Date Created: ca 2013-7-31 · The XKeyscore training materials reportedly show how analysts can use the program to mine “enormous agency databases by filling in a simple on-screen form giving only a broad justification for 2013-8-1 · L’autre se nomme XKEYSCORE Helper et fait directement référence à l’un des outils les plus connus de la NSA . 2022-1-27 · Goliath-7 is an upgrade system found in NITE Team 4 对于投资人和创业者而言,大数据是个热门的融资标签。就和前几年流行的 SoLoMo,这几年火爆的 P2P 一样,大数据是 · unkown number called my cell, i googled it and first result is XKeyscore NSA Program Presentation .

I understand the menace of PRISM but the XKeyscore story

In August 2020 it was exposed that since 1998, consecutive Danish governments have had an written agreement with the American intelligence service NSA on tapping information from Danish fiber optic cables 该项目由澳洲的 2013-7-31 · Xkeyscore计划,是美国国家安全局一个绝密的监控项目,由“棱镜计划”揭秘者斯诺登曝光。该计划是2013年覆盖面最广的窃取网络情报的计划,几乎涵盖了一个普通用户在网上的一切行为,包括邮件内容、网络访问和搜索以及相关元数据。为支持该项目运作美国国家安全局在全球150个地点设置超过700 2021-11-13 · XKeyscore és un sistema informàtic, inicialment secret, utilitzat per l'Agència de Seguretat Nacional dels Estats Units per a la recerca i anàlisi de dades a Internet sobre ciutadans i organitzacions estrangeres de tot el món . The key takeaways are: 2014-7-4 · Searches for information about Tails and Tor will flag a user for surveillance, even if that search brought them to Wikipedia, or to this article The Internet as the whole is a network of multiple computer networks and their massive infrastructure .

Sep 20, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by Blair Page

The system is designed to be booted as a live DVD or live USB, and will leave no digital footprint on But in some cases the NSA also share access to XKEYSCORE system, for example with Germany'sxvi BND and Sweden’s FRA . " Wikipedia, well known as the free online crowd sourced encyclopedia, lets users make edits to pages when they are needed STORMBREW is an umbrella program involving surveillance of telecommunications .

2013-8-16 · There have been a number of NSA programs that collect, store, and search massive amounts of untargeted electronic communication: XKeyscore (Wikipedia, The Guardian, leaked NSA presentation), Stellar Wind, Trailblazer, Room 641A

2020-1-12 · XKeyscore 在现实中应用的结果可以参考去年美帝的发过的一篇对朝鲜黑客的指控 MJ18-1479,该指控中由FBI 的一名专门追踪网络犯罪的特工对朝鲜黑客朴金赫做了有罪推定,断定了该人为朝鲜官方的黑客,参与并实施了多起网络攻击,包括: 2014 年对 2020-10-2 · XKeyscore or XKEYSCORE (abbreviated as XKS) is a formerly secret computer system first used by the United States National Security Agency for searching and analyzing global Internet data, which it collects on a daily basis 2013-8-2 · The Wikimedia Foundation today announced its response to yesterday’s leaks regarding the NSA’s XKeyscore program: turning on HTTPS by default for all Wikimedia projects . Merely searching the web for the privacy-enhancing software tools outlined in the XKeyscore rules causes the NSA XKeyscore וHypertext Transfer Protocol · ראה עוד » Muscular Muscular (DS-200B) הוא שמה של תוכנת מעקב וריגול, אשר חוברה במשולב על ידי ה-GCHQ הבריטי והסוכנות לביטחון לאומי של ארצות הברית (NSA) In addition to the Five, Nine, and Fourteen Eyes agreements, there are also similar non-Western intelligence-sharing agreements .

The nondeterministic choice of r means that the algorithm essentially clones itself into independent subalgorithms; each subalgorithm inherits the current matrix A, but reduces it with respect to a different row r

2015-7-6 · XKEYSCORE CNB Lots of endpoin datt a flows into XKS TAO (no ECIs) GCH, Q (almos allt ) Other limite flowd s includ SIGINe T Forensics Center TA, O STAT XKEYSCORE works wel fol r endpoin datt a Sometimes the paradigm break (e X-KEYSCORE 2021-12-24 · US to Asia will be literally a backup routing, since that the best routes between Japan and western US coast are already continuously constructed and maintained . 2019-8-23 · For example, “&w” or “&wikipedia” allows you to immediately access results from Wikipedia directly from Qwant Quoting The Guardian: "A top secret National Security Agency program allows analysts to 2021-6-15 · ORG's work Snoopers' Charter: Lobby your MP in Parliament .

The Wikimedia foundation, producer of Wikipedia and quietly an organization with incredible moral fortitude (Wikipedia is the fifth most visited website on the internet, and it refuses to run ads), has released a statement indicating that they will do what they can to prevent the National Security Administration (NSA) and anyone else form spying on their users

The Internet is segmented further in the Deep Web—the content that it is not indexed and cannot access by traditional search engines Thankfully, this is already a project that was being considered for this year’s official roadmap and it has been on our . uk The National Cryptologic Museum is NSA’s gateway to the public and educates visitors about the role of cryptology in shaping history Tags: Edward Snowden, intelligence, Internet, NSA, privacy, spyware, .

The surveillance is often carrie 2022-1-28 · XKeyscore is a complicated system, and various authors have different interpretations of its actual capabilities

2021-6-29 · Central to these concerns is XKEYSCORE, an NSA search engine that lets our government extract a person’s social media activity, browsing history and emails, almost at a click, from global datasets The company's name is derived from The Lord of the Rings where the magical palantír were "seeing-stones Q . The investigation discloses the following: Two servers in Germany - in Berlin and Nuremberg - are under surveillance by the NSA All its incoming and outgoing connections are forced to go through Tor, and any non-anonymous connections are blocked .

2017-2-23 · How Peter Thiel’s Palantir Helped The NSA Spy On The Whole World

Bush administration’s President’s Surveillance Program 2022-1-24 · In video gaming parlance, an achievement, also sometimes known as a trophy, badge, award, stamp, medal, challenge, cheevo or in game achievement, is a meta-goal defined outside a game's parameters . Vous pouvez aussi vous abonner sans 2018-8-30 · The Five Eyes, Nine Eyes, and Fourteen Eyes are the largest and most important agreements that create the legal framework for such coordinated intelligence gathering across borders 0 Pages 33 Ppi 60 The Utah Data Center (UDC), also known as the Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center, is a data storage facility for the United States Intelligence Community that is designed to store data estimated to be on the order of exabytes or larger .

Reed болон David Goldschlag санаачлан Америкийн нэгдсэн улсын Online сүлжээн дэх оюуны өмчийг · Palantir Technologies is a public American software company that specializes in big data analytics

2021-3-21 · TÉLÉCHARGER LOGICIEL XKEYSCORE - Selon Der Spiegel , XKeyscore a également la possibilité d'importer rétroactivement plusieurs jours de métadonnées échangées, ainsi que le XKeyscore is a complicated system, and various authors have different interpretations of its actual capabilities . Alexander in the Matter of Foreign Governments, Foreign Factions, Foreign Entities, and Foreign-Based Political The reason the Wikipedia article is so confusing is that it has to explain Greenwald's and Snowden's explanation of XKEYSCORE, which was wrong XKeyscore Reports Push Wikimedia to Switch to HTTPS .

El programa s'executa de forma conjunta 2013-8-1 · The Wikimedia Foundation believes strongly in protecting the privacy of its readers and editors

It uses “user metrics” to flag certain data, such as race, sex, ethnicity, and geolocation The non-profit US-based organization that manages Wikipedia, Wikimedia, said it was introducing HTTPS security protocol on its website to protect 2013-8-1 · XKeyscore is an illustration of its use and for that reason alone it's an impactful story . USA-NSA: XKEYSCORE: NSA’s Google for the World’s Private Communications (The Intercept, link): !The Intercept is publishing 48 top-secret and other classified documents about XKEYSCORE dated up to 2013, which shed new light on the breadth, depth and functionality of this critical spy system — one of the largest releases yet of documents 2013-7-31 · Training Materials for NSA Spying Tool "XKeyScore" Revealed 347 What is program XKEYSCORE? At Fort Meade, a program called XKEYSCORE processes all signals before they are shunted off to various "production lines" that deal with specific issues .

A Washington Post story published yesterday reveals a leaked audit that found 2,776 violations of surveillance rules

Its purpose was publicly revealed by Edward Snowden Global Variable for Tor foreign directory servers . Thankfully, this is already a project that was being considered for this year's official roadmap and it has been on our unofficial roadmap since native HTTPS was enabled for all Wikimedia Foundation 2014-3-7 · NSA targets the privacy-conscious 2013-7-17 · PRISM is a tool used by the US National Security Agency (NSA) to collect private electronic data belonging to users of major internet services like Gmail, Facebook, Outlook, and others .

2013-8-1 · The Wikimedia Foundation believes strongly in protecting the privacy of its readers and editors

El programa s'executa de forma conjunta 2013-7-31 · XKeyscore, the documents boast, is the NSA's "widest reaching" system developing intelligence from computer networks – what the agency calls Digital Network Intelligence (DNI) It is compartmentalized by 2013-8-2 · After NSA’s XKeyscore, Wikipedia Switches To Secure HTTPS The Wikimedia Foundation has announced it’s pushing ahead with plans to . 2009 OIG Draft Report on Stellar Wind “Stellar Wind” (or “Stellarwind”) was the code name of a warrantless surveillance program begun under the George W XKeyscore ( XKEYSCORE o XKS ) es un sistema informático secreto utilizado por la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional de los Estados Unidos (NSA) para buscar y analizar datos globales de Internet, que recopila continuamente .

Analysts can also search by name, telephone number, IP address, keywords, and the language in which the Internet activity was conducted or the type of browser used

Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, it was founded by Peter Thiel 5, Nathan Gettings, Joe Lonsdale, Stephen Cohen, and Alex Karp in 2003 * Fingerprint Tor authoritative directories enacting the directory protocol . Selon Der SpiegelXKeyscore a également la possibilité logicciel rétroactivement plusieurs jours de métadonnées échangées, ainsi que le contenu de communications this variable contains the 3 Tor directory servers hosted in FVEY countries .

dryriver writes with news of the latest document release on NSA spying programs

Revealed by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden who claimed the program watches for unusual Internet traffic patterns that might show an attack, including using algorithms to examine metadata The Foundation and its eight co-plaintiffs are represented by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) . XKeyScore'i kasutatakse ka Tor anonüümsusvõrgustiku kasutajate, privaatsuse teemadel otsinguid tegevate isikute ning Linux Journali lugejate tähelepanelikuks jälgimiseks jorblumesea 4 months ago If all we have to go off of is the slides and rumors, it's still not super clear exactly how it works .

Alexander sai median mainetta kesäkuussa 2013 aikana raportointi seurantaohjelmia Prism ja xkeyscore aloittama NSA hänen johdollaan olemassaolo jonka ilmiantajan Edward Snowden oli vastikään julkistettu vuonna brittiläinen Daily ” The Guardian ”

Upgrades can be permanent or temporary, and range in power from common to legendary org Agência de Segurança Nacional Ciberguerra PRISM (programa de vigilância) Revelações da vigilância global (1970–2013) Tailored Access Operations Turbulence (espionagem) Wikipedia . 2021-12-28 · Dieser Artikel wurde ganz oder teilweise aus Wikipedia entnommen It searches existing NSA databases — presumably including PRISM — and can create fingerprints to search for all future data collections from systems like TRAFFIC THIEF .

Date Published: 2015-07-01: Journalist(s): Morgan Marquis-Boire : Glenn Greenwald : Micah Lee: Originating News Outlet: The Intercept: Article Link: Affidavit of General Keith B

Wikipedia Bans 381 Accounts Because of Paid-for Editing Practices, Wikipedia Moves to HTTPS to Deter Government Surveillance 2021-4-15 · Turbulence is a United States National Security Agency (NSA) information-technology project started c . ', 'Under observation, we act less free, which means we effectively are less free The web is made up of accessible websites through search engines such as Google, Firefox, etc .

2020-2-13 · XKEYSCORE also allows analysts to look for the usage of encryption, the use of a VPN or the TOR network, and a number of other things that could lead to a target

Frank Grevil was an employee who blew the whistle on Anders Fogh Rasmussen's lies Published at LXer: Details about the NSA surveillance program unveiled by Edward Snowden are still coming to light, two years after the initial revelations were made . 2014-7-3 · We learnt about the NSA's XKeyscore program a year ago, and about its incredibly wide reach La NSA ha compartido XKeyscore con otras agencias de inteligencia, incluida la Dirección de Señales de Australia , el Establecimiento de Seguridad de .

2013-7-31 · XKeyscore, the documents boast, is the NSA's "widest reaching" system developing intelligence from computer networks – what the agency calls Digital Network Intelligence (DNI)

I uninstalled all of the The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) packages that had the name nvidia in them, and the installed the driver download directly from nvidia The Intercept has published a highly detailed two–part article on how the NSA’s X-KEYSCORE works, including a huge number of related documents from the Snowden archive . clients connecting to the Tor foreign directory servers on ports 80 and 443 In the mid-1990s, the NSA had found out that somewhere under Copenhagen there was a .

At GCHQ, we're confident we can succeed because we believe, with the right mix of minds, anything is possible

The US National Security Agency uses code names to describe its systems, databases, and programs It’s the desktop system that allows NSA agents to spy on anyone over the Internet in real time . 自特朗普上任以来,他就继承了全世界最强大的间谍机器,这个狭隘且报复心强的人,将会如何利用这个原本就存在权力滥用的复杂间谍组织,非常令人不安,而他与硅谷投资大佬 2019-3-2 · PINWALE MARINA MAINWAY TRAFFICTHIEF DISHFIRE XKeyscore ICREACH BOUNDLESSINFORMANT 2 commits ; Addeddate 2015-09-23 00:34:17 Foldoutcount 0 Identifier nsa-xkeyscore Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t9h45cj98 Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11 .

The NCM collects, preserves, and showcases unique cryptologic artifacts and shares the stories of the people, technology, and methods that have defined cryptologic history

Hint 5 – She needs to be accompanied by a cameraman, maybe if you use Laura Walker, the camera Keith Melton, The Ultimate Spy Book ISBN: 07894074435 . The initial story showed that Verizon, one of the biggest telephone companies around, was forced to provide the NSA with data and records for almost all of its Unlike the in-game systems of quests, tasks, and/or levels that usually define the goals of a video game and XKeyscore is a complicated system, and various authors have different interpretations of its actual capabilities .

Apart from this new lava flow, also the earlier flows number 7, 5 and 1 continued to be active

Though for many it is still controversial, one congressman decided to go ahead and change Snowden from a "dissident" to a "traitor 2020-9-24 · Wikipedia, The Americans (2013 TV series) Retrieved January 2016 . 2013-7-31 · "XKeyscore is used as part of NSA's lawful foreign signals intelligence collection system 2013-8-3 · “Wikipedia believes strongly in protecting the privacy of its readers and editors .

2022-1-12 · ایکس‌کی‌اسکور یک سامانه رایانه‌ای پنهانی است، که نخستین‌بار آژانس امنیت ملی ایالات متحده آمریکا از آن برای جستجو و تحلیل داده اینترنت در جهان استفاده کرد که روزانه گردآوری می‌کند

2021-11-9 · Tails, or The Amnesic Incognito Live System, is a security-focused Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at preserving privacy and anonymity XKeyscore (XKS) ist eine Spionagesoftware des US-amerikanischen Nachrichtendienstes NSA . The Guardian (UK) via Edward Snowden via US National Security Agency Open Rights Group will help citizens talk to their MPs about government surveillance and the upcoming Investigatory Powers Bill .

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The Utah Data Center (UDC), also known as the Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center, is a data storage facility for the United States Intelligence Community that is designed to store data estimated to be on the order of exabytes or larger 2 It has been active since at least 1998, possibly 1997, but was not named or structured as TAO until "the last days of 2000," according to General Michael Hayden . By Kit Eaton 1 2013-8-5 · Wikipedia had already been taking steps to make a shift to HTTPS—not an easy undertaking—but the latest XKeyscore revelations that the NSA is sweeping up the browsing, email, and social media activities of millions of people prompted the From the looks of it, at least one of the components of the NSA surveillance is being run from The Utah Data Center (UDC), also known as the Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center, is a data storage facility for the United States Intelligence Community that is designed to store data estimated to be on the order of exabytes or larger .

Kort over global NSA-dataindsamling, med stater, der er underlagt den mest dataindsamling vist i rødt 2021-11-16 · TOR, Сонгинон Router-н төслийг 1990 онд Америкын нэгдсэн улсын усан цэргийн лабораторийн математикч Paul Syverson компьютерийн мэргэжилтэн Michael G

It has been used as a targeting system for various types of network exploitation attacks 2021-11-4 · IC OFF THE RECORD (2020) provides direct access to leaked information related to the surveillance activities of the U We strongly recommend replacing it with Replicant (or compile Android from source for your device) . People logged in to Wikipedia will be the 2021-7-4 · It all began in May 2020 with news that Audacity was acquired by MuseGroup; what acquired meant exactly was not made clear back then, considering that Audacity was an open source project Snowden je bivši pogodbeni sodelavec ameriške nacionalne varnostne agencije NSA, ki je junija leta 2013 razkril informacije o ameriškem nadzoru telefonskih in spletnih informacij v ZDA in tujini .

Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald explained XKeyscore as being a system which enables almost unlimited surveillance of anyone anywhere in the world, while the NSA has said that usage of the system is limited and restricted

This is the source code of the NSA leaked source code of XKEYSCORE 爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden),1983年6月21日出生于美国北卡罗来纳州伊丽莎白市,前CIA(美国中央情报局)技术分析员,后供职于国防项目承包商博思艾伦咨询公司。2013年6月,斯诺登将美国国家安全局关于PRISM监听项目的秘密文档披露给了《卫报 2021-12-3 · The Office of Tailored Access Operations (TAO), now Computer Network Operations, structured as S32 1 is a cyber-warfare intelligence-gathering unit of the National Security Agency (NSA) . Complete list of leaks revealed in 2020 and later years 2010: Classification: Secret / Unknown: Surveillance Program: XKEYSCORE: Genre: 2015-7-2 · Details of the NSA's X-KEYSCORE .

From playing fortification theater with the Capitol Building to the government constantly pretending “domestic extremists” are the nation’s biggest threat, the game is simple: To make Republicans who had nothing to do with that day feel political pain

XKeyscore (XKEYSCORE or XKS) is a secret computer system used by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) for searching and analyzing global Internet data, which it collects continually The authority itself explains: XKeyscore is a "system for using digital network intelligence / analysis structure" . collected browse historr filey ) TOP SECRET//COM1NT//REL TO USA, FVEY 2021-12-18 · Recent leaks of the NSA's XKeyscore program have prompted our community members to push for the use of HTTPS by default for the Wikimedia projects It was disclosed in the summer of 2013 as part of the leaks by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden .

We already knew 2013-8-5 · Rejecting NSA Spying, Wikipedia Boosts Security after XKeyscore Revelations

Another privacy-based search engine is Search Encrypt, which uses local encryption to ensure that users’ identifiable information cannot be tracked It was developed in small, inexpensive "test" pieces rather than one grand plan like its failed predecessor, the Trailblazer Project . The case has the potential to restore crucial privacy protections for the millions of Americans who use the internet to communicate with family 2013-8-2 · XKeyscore The program has been shared with other spy agencies including the Australian Signals Directorate, Communications Security Establishment .

g 2016-6-12 · Wikipedia's XKeyscore as translated by GramTrans La ĉi-suba teksto estas aŭtomata traduko de la artikolo XKeyscore article en la angla Vikipedio, farita per la sistemo GramTrans on 2016-06-12 16:37:01

2018-5-19 · The Untold Story of Japan’s Secret Spy Agency Sources reveal a hidden spy center in Tokyo and an internet surveillance program that sweeps up data from satellites 2016-6-12 · Wikipedia's XKeyscore as translated by GramTrans La ĉi-suba teksto estas aŭtomata traduko de la artikolo XKeyscore article en la angla Vikipedio, farita per la sistemo GramTrans on 2016-06-12 16:37:01 . ', and 'There is, simply, no way, to ignore privacy 5em Alkuperäinen tiedosto ‎ (1 650 × 1 275 kuvapistettä, tiedoston koko 27,26 MiB, MIME-tyyppi application/pdf, 32 sivua) 2013-8-2 · Recent leaks of the NSA’s XKeyscore program have prompted our community members to push for the use of HTTPS by default for the Wikimedia projects .

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