
About Xircus

Xircus is the world’s first multi-chain gamified DAO platform that allows users to create and deploy custom NFT marketplaces. In a few easy steps, Xircus users can create and launch a personalised NFT trading platform absolutely free of cost. A powerful, unique, and automated tool that empowers artists, influencers, content creators, collectors, and brands by allowing them to create a personalised NFT marketplace, Xircus is a pan-dimensional gateway to the world of non-fungible digital assets. Our decentralized software as a service (DSaaS) model makes the platform accessible to all. It is the easy, secure, time-efficient, and cost-less way to develop a personal market for your NFTs.


A Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is perhaps the most potent use case of blockchain technology. NFTs are unique because they offer the unbreachable leak-proof security layer to confirm the originality of digital assets they represent. Though the market for NFTs is nascent, the demand has been growing exponentially. Top NFT marketplaces have witnessed billions in trade. As the market grows so does the competition. Traditional or first-generation NFT marketplaces are a facilitator and not a full-proof solution. The idea behind Xircus has been to create an ultimate solution that empowers individual artists, influencers and collectors, by giving them the control that comes with the power to create their own NFT marketplaces.

The Philosophy

Decentralization has been a recurrent theme in blockchain’s journey so far. The promise to take the power from centralized institutions and give it back to the people is the single most influential proposition that drives the entire value system of the decentralized digital currencies. NFTs are a promising product in line. Traditional NFT marketplaces that provide access to this new class of digital assets solve many problems but one — providing the power and control to individuals, content creators, artists, and influencers amongst others. This is where Xircus steps in. It eliminates the role of intermediary platforms by allowing users to easily create custom NFT marketplaces without writing a single code.

Who is it for?

Our accomplishments

Here’s what it took to make Xircus live testing a success!

Q1 2021

Smart contracts ✔️

Wallet integration ✔️

DeFi features ✔️

Stablecoin integrated ✔️

DAO governance ✔️

Decentralized marketplaces ✔️

Prototype functional ✔️

Q2 2021

Xircus DeFi token ✔️

XMT tokens for marketplaces ✔️

Cross-chain integrations ✔️

Marketplace deployers ✔️

Statistic deployer ✔️

ERC721 collection deployer ✔️

ERC1155 collection deployer ✔️

Subdomain provisions via xircusnft.com ✔️

Core platform completed ✔️

Testnet launch ✔️

Launchpad creation ✔️

Because we are transparent

We are a community-driven transparent platform. We love to challenge ourselves. Here’s the list of goals we have set for ourselves which we are partly already unfolding in reality!:

Q3 2021 — Phase 1.0 (public soft launch)

Xircus 1.0 (Binance Smart Chain)

Onboarding first users

3 token sale stages

Mainnet launch

Music features for music-related marketplaces

Features for influencers

Initial Dex Offering (IDO)

The Graph protocol integration for faster graph queries

Onboarding 500 ringmasters and dApps

Complete EVM compatible-blockchain integrations

Complete special collection deployer and contracts

Upgradeable Music UI and Sport UI Marketplace themes

Q4 2021 — Phase 2.0

WASM contract creation for Solana, Flow, and Near

Xircus mobile app (iOS + Android) release V1 with a crypto wallet and AR features

Xircus NFT TV App

Onboarding 2500 ringmasters

Cross-promote marketplaces

More marketplaces themes

Visit official website on XIRCUS

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Written by: Ninsel

Bitcointalk profil link https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2322006

BEP20 address: 0xaf3c0777A7EdB53331F58EeedFF72fc5967de068

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